Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1953, p. 2

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MP 53 Several Thousand Woven Friday nitbt BegI mm to music by Man with must meow co Baxter Frldoy Much3 of to the music of 9mm 1mm Hoylott Party Dancing from 930 to 130 DIUW Bingo Strand Thursdiy March 15 Eutem Star Hull 830 pm lwo cords 35c Jackpot prize Everybody welcome Coronation tea and homemade bake sale Friday May 22 Allans dole Orange Hall 343 pm Ans pica Golden Star LOBA 33 Dance at Guthrie Community Hall Friday March 20 Music by Tom Pottcndens Orchestra Ari3 mission 50c Lunch counter 33 Old tyros1nd modern donclng In Allandlle Orlnxe Hall every Friday night curling at pm Admission 50 cents Refreshmentsl carved 108th Central United Church GleeI Club presents musical comedy The Ministers Aunton March 13 19 20 815 pm in school room Admission 50c 2833 Rummage Solo Ladlcs Auxiliary Canadian Legion at Legion Hall Gwen St Friday March 27 pm Afternoon tea bake sale Satur doy April 18 pm 333637 Special services in Free Metho dist Church 200 Baylxcld Stllur tlg March 18 to 29 Each cvcnmg cxccpl Saturday at ll pm Sunday 1130 am and 730 pm Evangelist Rev Reese sound Bible cxpositor Come and hear this fiery oldtlmc Methodist preacher Bright Pastor phone 4572 OLD HOME WEEK AUG TO During the past few months its been brought to the attention of Barrie Chamber of Commerce that number of the towns retail mer chants are desirous of keeping their stores open on Friday evening un tll Doclock and closing them at pm on Saturdays This mum regarding closing hours will be brought up for dis cussion this coming Thursday ev ening when the Chamber of Com mercesponsored merchants mcct ing will be held at Community House Sold Chmhcr of Commerce Pros zdent Sandy Coutts Its been long time since Barries rc tall merchants had the opportunity of getting together and expressing lheir opinions Thursday evenings meeting chauld prove very Interest ing Its up to the merchants stated Mr Coutts to come out and take part in this open meeting Also at Thursday evonings meet lng Barrie merchants will so sample of the official centennial flag which will be on display for the first time JSpukln about Barrics Centen nial41315 afternoon the mans Auxiliary of Collier Street United Church will hold their centennial tea in the church recreation room beginning at pm The ladies W1 be in olddime costumes the set tings will be old time and the food will be similar to that sorved 100 years ago HOU SERVICE cssd AND CARRY Inn 11 our or NO CHARGE CLEANERS mm Delivery Service 14531 St Barrio Phone 2471 amounss outcrops Jrs coon To Coronation wwywmmammmw 95 Peeple Crowd BDCI lCcntlnued from out snot sophonc the audience was given previcw of the 131931 in stylcsl 1m tonnage girls through all four seasons of the coming your If MORIUXTK of XLCIIIIVL editor of Boy Scout lubr llcutluns uul former advertising manager of The Ilurtlt Exotnluci tIJllllt who wsll bc on 11gt stunt It Stuultlmultr Ilkly ult of zlwuugun LRIIIN Qucbrc who will lczttl tho ztzzzultuu lloy Scout cun tzrgcnt to th Coronation lltlrk Murdock wt 1w ttllillltllllilsltla Ihc Collilllg3lll lcuvm Ini lincltuul May Ill ttztwa but Report Cordial Reception lown Chairman Rev James Ferguson and Donald umcronhospital business lllltllllgll reported to members of the bourtl of the Royal Victoria Hospital yesterday that LIH haul uppronchcd town council Monday night to ask for one mill grant in 1053 The two dclcgntcs fclt that they had bccn tcty wcll received by council in the interview which last tl almost an hour bcfore council wcnt into committee of the whole Following 21 tcqucst from the Nulscs Alumnch of the hospital the board dccldcd ill the March mcctlng to invitc the president of tho alumnae to attend board meet ings us visitor and observer With the coming of warm vcuth cr furthcr landscaping of theipro pcrly around the new addition to the hospital buildings was discuss cd and the special landscaping committee was asked to look into the matter and report back the approximate estimated cost to the board Miss Hclcn Shanahon hospital superintendent reported that cap ping ceremony had taken place in the nurses residence on Monday afternoon and that thoncw stud cuts would now be available to some extent for duty on the floors The hospital hopes as result to be able to get wards six and seven on the first floor of the old building into operation Aceounts payable in the amount of $12750 were recommended for payment by the finance and pro pcdy committee in report pre sented by the chairman Par sons The committee considered that insurance coverage was adequate except for the general liability po Icyfthe limits on which it was recommended should be increased from $2000040000 to $20000100 000 now or cost of fifty dollars more for three years The cost to increase these limits to $20000200 000 is being obtained and may be recommended later if not too ex pensive The board granted request from the fire insurance agent that commissions be distllbutedJthe District Agcnts Association as they see fit The other two agents par ticippting in the insurance business are being invited to treat their commissions likcyvisc The board decided subject to loft superintendents approval that the board continue to meet In the liv lngroom of the Ross St nprscs residence There was some dis cussion about the facilities avail able to the Womens Hospital Aux iliary in the basement of the old hospital building and it was sug gested that the auxiliary also use the room In the basement set aside for the board or TRY AN EXAMINER WANT You llnow That VIII 1952 745 chlldrendn their homes came to the Booler KNOW Mls rto provluau wlthln materially ts more tilts attention of your Barrie Branch of the Childrens pol to hell childron iuL THAT thts Spelcty to help uitrdyonlumtemm or the Child Sodom by sending $100 to Mrs Barbara kDonnelllmmnlttoe Treasurer Toronto St Initbolr own homes mmmtito 16 Toronto 8t Barrie no It Wounan IN THE urns gcrticld Itcu Marilyn Sosa provmcd suitable Diall music as background and the models with poise and modal we llclcn Nicholson Morton PHILIPS Dower Spearo Ruth Dam Shclla Hersey Nancyl Jean Cznncron Joan Sorjeanti Juan Bloke Yvonne Lamont Mani Walls John MALI lac Iln Dymcnt Suc rr litll Shanks and Mary Donald Glee lub Undvr the direction of Archici Rozs thc Barrie DIstIIvl Collegiate Gicc lub presented 30 minutes qu dtllghtful upcrcttzt Trial By July by Ellbcrl and Sullivan This was worked up in two vceltxz of practicc and zcltcnlsul Ind lhcg lltttllllcls tvcrc in costume Soloistt were Judge John Wm lluinttff Margaret Aycltllc sllcfcntlnnt Leslie Gillcsplc Couu cl Jim Lamont Usher Kcn Prutth Funmun of Jury Vcrrol Whitmotr Alxo In tho cost were 12 Brides molds mcmbcts of the Glcc Club whusc llowcts Wtlt made by Sltlr lc lclltins ttlIcrinc Coleman provided the plutltl uctompunimenl Lighthth lS by Don MtKlnnon makeup by Mr ockburn and Miss lul llltntlllull singing by Whitmorc lnd lrult Various Displays Tlurc was no luck of things to 5w or places to visit In fucl tlwrc was too much to sce and not enough time to do it More wcrc the main features In the bascmcnt the projection room with slides and movies on tho first floor Overtones the school munzlnc in Room 101 French Club In Rooms 103104 typing dcmonstrotitm in the commercial department sowing in Room 108 Current Events Club in Room 109 woodworking and metle working in the now shop rooms scicncc and agriculture in Rooms 115116 Cum 121 Club work in Room 116 On the second floor Room 203 had demonstration by the lntcr School Christian Fellowship Thch were excellent displays of Ileathcr work by the night class In two rooms home economics in Room 215 science and agriculture in Rooms 209 and 216 three more classes of sewing by the night group and the Library Club Display of Art Of special interest were art showings in the Library and Rooms 204 and 207 one display was by Dcllmnrion Thumb of Surnla She is Mrs Sinclair wife of the principal of Sarnia Vocational School and C011 cglatc Mr and Mrs Sinclair were present for the BDCI Open House on Friday and cxpresscd much pleasure at the exhibition Collcglatc Staff Principal Bowman Bingham Brydgcs Buck land Chisholm Cock burn Miss Coleridge 11 Cutler Fisher Heath Miss Hughes Miss Kelso DJ Kettle Mrs Kettle Miss Kidd Miss Kiss ick Miss Metcalfe Mc Intyre Miss Rickard Knox Mitchell Mor row Nesbitt Powell Miss Ronald Archie Ross Sheppard Synnott Miss Taylor Miss Young Night School Staff Principal Bowman Mrs Bellhw Bell Mrs Bowman Mrs KWMIS chkburn Miss Enid Coler idge Miss Louise Collcy Fisher Mrs Gillen Miss Hughes Mrs Kettle Knox Miss Loth Nes bitt Mrs Page Powell Scruton Miss Simpson Mrs Welham School Board to ConSider New Post Continued from page one cipnl not as an individual but as the principal of that particular school and would be applicable ir respective of who occtEid the principan position there When Mr quson raised question of an assistant principal for the junior grades Mrs Ivan Clemmens said she felt this would give more incentive to the women teachers and She was sure that the by Motorists to Collegiate Lawns SIIAMEFUL DAMAGE to the fin sloping lawns of the Barrie istrlct Collegiate In stitute on the Dunlop Street the photos above and beslde Wide ruts in some places 11 most foot deep have been gouged in the grass and the infringe is extensive and al most irreparable This was done by thoughtless or delib crate motorists after theskat lug carnival of last Saturday night Two or three cars only did the damage and it will probably result in the Collegi atc Board blocking off the clr cular driveway for any furth er arena parking Similar damage was done last November after one of the junior hockey matches and the caretaking staff of the collegiate worked hard to fix the lawn before winter solidity set in Top photo was taken from window of the school Photo garden where much work and care had been given by the Barrie Horticultural Society to make the place one of beauty Wm Mrs Cochranc Bayfleld Pctcrsburg Florida West slde ls well illustrated In long and at left is closeup by the rock Speakers Discuss Legal Financial Side of Marriage Continued from page one Sweet Barrie has returned home be an observant one but the effort from Spending the Vinlel at St is well paid AIvays look for the labels she said for reliable manu Pleasant Again March Continues Lamblike Still March Ins shown nothing YOUTHFUL SW38 SMOOTH ROCK FAME Ont tCll Scnzcr Scouts Boy Se and Girl Colds ire Includeti zinc new ltCAF Obscrvcr 023 Icstabllshcd non The corp me every Friday evening for trammg wtl slrczci dtztfldlt fcctzgzim LA the facturers stand behind their pro duct However she added the best values are not neccssarily the na tlonally advertised brands Miss Shaver referred briefly and lhumorously toways of throwing money outpof the window Gam bltng was odesuch way which she fined as donation of suckers to swindlers Giving to unworthy charities was another way Another was buying things you do not real ly need There are many ways in which money can be spent needless ly and unwisely in entertaining ex travagantly in costly recreations in dining outtoo often in keepingr up with the Joneses Money matters said Miss Shav or affect marriage profoundly and whether for good or ill depds on the good sense with which the in come is handled Discuss it before marriage Plan your spending in telligently after marriage Live happily within your income Mr and Mrs George Pouchcr and two children Willowdale and Pouchcr Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Pouchcr Burton Avc Mrs Beatrice Lucas and Miss Mabel Richards returnetF Monday from two weeks trip to Okla homa and Texas They flew to Oklahoma City to visit relatives there and drove into Texas last Friday passing through the towns which were devastated by the re cent cyclone In Texas the temper ature reached 81 degrees while they Were there and hyacinths and daf fodils had already bloomed The two Barrie travellers were ground ed by fog on their flight back and had to travel to Chicago by bus to wait until flights were resumed VENGAGEMENTS Mr andMrs Gordon Bateman Doncaster Ontario announce the engagement of theiLeldest daugh ter Shirley Margaiehfo William Allan Oster son of Mr and Mrs Allan Oster Concord the marriage by makingawm The terms th to take place on Saturday April simplest WILl would beta leove all Mr Wilson spoke of legal ques tions which sometimes arise in marriage The husband takes on new responsibilities by marriage he said and he should protect his wife In every way possible One way is school principals would favor the idea of morosupervision in those grades Thergeneral plan is that the assistant principal would be responsible for seeing that so far as is practicable the work carried out in thedifferent schools in these grades would be similar so that it the event of child bcing transfer red to one or other of the boards schools it would have the same work to do as in its previous school It was finally agreed that the management committee look into this question and bring in sbpple mentary report on it WM CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PIIONE 2414 IFfdfhhtllyfamServic RIPAIliFHomo outtroctor born machinery etc iAIMNv House form bulld lngs lmplomonts W11 to make loansito fannen Cosh promptly bonkoblo entity not required Ortphono rst for Ivlolt loan in Thornhill United Church at pm 33 We 1m Town food County DISCONTINUE FOX BOUNTY At the March meeting Tellmsetlr Council decided to discontinue the fox bounty aftr March31 1953 Eagleson township engineer was instructed to advertise for tenders for the construction of three bridges GL smno PLANTINGSprays fertilizer seed LIVESTOCKPoultry cottlo horses sheep etc As ILLUSTRATED Write for loanrentiroly by mail or come in today Jpn 50 to moo on 81mm Wot Plano OPEN two Ho HATURDAWQIO 12 toll WI chm of ill formula tom tutorial fluoroth II com mounting on 15 BAYIIELD 5n slams III um um 3m FINANCE Yap CPD 14 only St Itch YES Mom Mcl=ARLANEGENDRON to his wife and make her the ex cotItrixN However if as happenstoo frequently nowadays both husband and wife were killed in an auto accident the law assumes that the older of the two dies first In cases where the husband is older than the wife this would mcan that his estate would go to his wifes family So there should be clause in the will leaving all to his wife provid ed she survives him 15 days trus tee should also be named for the children with power to use the in come and capital of the estate for their maintenance and education Mr Wilson explained also the procedure of buying and holding property and spoke of the advan tages and disadvantages of holding it in one name or by both husband and wife jointly The need for insurance of var ious kinds was another point dealt with Most families he said are underinsured It is surprising how thevalue of the furnishings of home can mount in few years yet often there is no insurance carried on it cruwmng Elizabeth at London It is planned to make this day events of the your coeds will be donated to the Cum mm STREET WEST ton Place Hospital Carletoffllucc tOntl Canadian RIPE BANANAS HELPS TAX RAT The towns greatest financial weakness since its inc01poration has been the large proportion of its assessment representedby tax exempt crown property This weakness now has been largely although not completely correct The amount estimated to be received this year from two gov ernments in lieu of taxes Isover $11000of which only fraction was being receiyedpp to three ears ago Cochrane Ont Northland Post Babvcarriages953 Completely new style han dle which is delightfully different andpleaslng to the eye The FoldOMatio Is new carriage which can be foldodoulckly and conveniently by fingertip control This earring has the all new combination hand and foot brake With antitip features for babys added protection In at jrootlve new colors other new Gondron moII eld at Iowor autumn prices 5WD to date but there is still the home stretch to go Lost Thursdsy and Friday April train in profusion and mil weather no follow until last night with 19 and while tract showing this morning Todsy guinea promise of warmer presagcd by pair of VISIBLE PLANETS Mrrcury Jiid Mars are lhi plancts wtttzsc truc Llcl only DNANIIEADE 0c GLASS LUNCH AT Temperatures were lllglx Low 38 35 38 so 19 March 15 Match 16 Monh VA ysswg CORONATION PLANS Carleton Floor planning blgt 17 community cclcbratton ful Colonn tIun Day Jtmc in honor of the of licr AuljtSi Queen ICE CREAM CANDY ouc of tbs bull Iht entire pro and District hicmorial PHONE 4562 TERRI FIC VALUE HEINZFANCY REAL VALUE HABITANTFRENCHCANADIAN STYLE SPECIAL PEA SO 21ter29 OUTSTANDING VALUE TILLYS BRAND SPECiAL PEANUT BUTTER ctr29 REAL SAVING SERVES FOUREASY TO PREPARE SPECIAL KRAFT DINNER Im25 Jul prorure 20JJ FRESH To APPLES ti 356 nED CRISP swnnr EATING 19c DELICIOUS FOR 296 LGE BCH HEINZIN TSCOOKED SPAGHETTI 1655 UNCLEBENSLONG GRAIN 113 TENDER JUICY DELICIOUS PRIME lllll llIlASl Irv55 BonolessVPlote Brisket 1b IDEAL Fort Mun LOAF Millennial 75 lbqpkg DAIsY BRAND RIND 0N 49c ronrsouetuosb otrtxrtoe CHOICE PIEAS unt Filliii COCKTAIL gggggks INFANT FOODS ts23r APPIEFORD r000 sAvEtttssIg FIRM FLORIDA BLACK DIAMOND LNO GRAPEFIIIIIT SNALLIIIS CLARKSWITH CHILI SAUCE BEANS IAIN ltl 25 CLOVERVALLEYProcessed Slices CHEESE chair RICE mod 15 FACIAL TISSUES swtngatopuk TAILSWEET Andrus grVglroo7ltoctivo Thursday Frlda DNGWED EGGS wmuot poy highosl niorlrol onus for Ungmdod Ens Sn mono or for smalls nd ngStollon 029

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