Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1953, p. 16

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been Damn 59W Week family Mr and Mrs Charles in Sunnybrook Hospital Itturnedl Lcwlhwaitc and fitmll mil MIS wmlw home on Tuesday mini anlhwznte Toronto Ml Mm Marshall Ilipwell Bond and Mrs Little and family and QUAKE among 93 page in Royal Vim My wtugum pump The EVERY CAN MUST GO FINE RANGE OF COLOURS underwent major operation gory Miss Frances Iettlltvzlitrj Recent weekend guests or Mm Churchill1 Myrifimd Mir lilpyd Wml PAINTS VARMSHES ENAMELS WWWMW $129 late but in Illll angler on 13mm $11113 Cifdrggd 3mm 1mm Coukmwnl were SPEED FLAT SPEED SATIN SALE OF CORN BROOIS WW maria Mm Be and so Dm ilfo pltbtllc Mi hill itllgflllusfth EEGigriiifigrabhEVEw THEIR BREED WE NEED mm ms Tommo Were gamma gum mu wumd mm Mm 13 HOSE ONEEBS 0i YESTERDAY iBACK from the family also many nlcss WEbTwAR to tal of congruttllilion and mod UNDAUNTED PUSHED Miss historidsvgblflwus it guest fishes Curtis IlllISlCgillllCS Lillld WAY TO MEET THE PROBLEM DAYS at the recital of the blllllllll Cin dancth tvere enjovtd Inter HERE IS THE BIRTHDAY CAKE 1159a to my Skamrs Chm preSXdem Harms Redmond mm adlan lanlst Jordon Hilllelt uh omit the Baltic Skating Clubs second an assisted by Gloria and Marilyn Watson cut Manda evening at Am and 05 01 Iql lrnlvul In the hoto it looks tiny but up the big cake and out came flock of Gliddens Grammg compound AMBOREE GLASSWARE Ilosss Social Group spent on tll nu mm Ch Tr skat to start roceodlnr on hap TO MATCI wmkend gum of Mn wluwm joyrlble evening on Frlduy Mulcll actually it With OVOI eight fCCl 11g 111 pm you REGULAR 500 Fun for YERRF Spindloe wore Fred lMchllun 13 55 Semi mm MW portionately Wide The lettering HLIPDY Dy DOW JAMBORLE DlNi Toronto and Mrs Lulllc McLaughI dim 0g 10IlilllltlilllitlbfonlcS Birthday wnshsmcrundour camera did The cake itself was constructed 0f WOOd Dries Half an our OZ JUICE WIMBLERS for 23 en ermine wt es MW llnmindaggllilllrr501221 88331 with MR ViHMD were MrsAnot pick it up due to light reflection Note by some of the men offthc club who worked 10 oz TUMBLERS for 20 and hudwn loam 3M we me Fildcy and Fred Apperlcy Con the two CRIIOICS on top mghtb and Saturday LEI00115 on propel weekend vlth lll laitcrs parents 501mm lullFS Em The show Golden Days opened with lies at the Slmcoe County garage on Tltflh PAIN Johnson and Izdwmd Marquis St CAGES UARTS ONLONS mm what Toronto mwaiekmd guests of Mrs Eye creation Jum Dim 35 in To visits of friends during the day out hospital where she wrll on in eye operation Mrs Vivian Beauty is Spending weeka holidays at Fergus visiting John Mrs Allen Mcharlf llll will wedding glnnltlrsury on her daughter and Mr McLean Mrs William Scruton and child2 ten Barrie were weekend guests ll ll of her father William Baker fowl dinner Among the members has Out OI Hospital William Goodfellow who torla Hospital Barrie where the of Mrs Miller and Miss Barbara Miller Mr and Mrs Herbert Nixon Mrs Reed is spending week visiting friends at Bramp ton Mr and Mrs Albert Woorllll Malton were recent guests of Mrs Woodills mother Mrs Gollop and Mr and Mrs Eldon Neilly Recent Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs McFadden wcrc Mr and Mrs Freeman French Mr the ladies on the congregation are invited mama macs 18185333 tutu day on March when relatives 11 were Mrs Webb and honored her with birthday her at the home of it nephew Leon ard Corbett family Mr and Mrs Doyle and son James Lewthtvalte IS in Cali of silver china and linen din Mrs Corbett received any cards of congratulations and 49th Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lcwthwuite who Ccltlllitsttl aturduy March ill their home Cookstown by having the lamf and few friends In for the faintly who ttele present crc Mr llnd Mrs liolbrook and Amongl he gifts was bliVCl tea 1CIVlCil Lunch was served by the losingfb1 side and the remainder of the evening was spent in ll singsongl The ltosss Social Group Vlll meet at Mrs Fildcys on March ID for their usual work meeting Teacher Ill Mrs lvrln Wright Ls supply tcu the illness of the regular teuchcrzl Save Row of Cottages WMNMNMWWVV cller at the Ross School due to able comments from the judges Birthday Cake For Opening maumwwww Ca rthdtty party number featuring the prim WRVIWWWWWWVIW ll N10 ll lllMBlE NEWS OF INIERES 70 conducted the recreation Refresh ments were served and the meet mival Number EBENEZER WMS Meeting Ebenezer WMS met March 11 at Mrs Ernest Knccshaws with ll membqrs and one visitor present The president Mrs William Pat chett opened the meeting with chctt It wasdccided to ask Rev II Sanders to give the chapter on book THE GREEN non STORES nmwm ennui ms TOYS Where You Buy More for Less SALE OF DINNERWARE SYLVESTER Cream Ground with Silver and Edge Trim 32 Piece Set $895 CELESTE An All Blue Dinnerware 32 Piece Set $950 PRICES SLASHED DEEPLY WHO THROUGH THE WILDERNESS WAST ES Green JUST AROUND THE CORNER SPRING FRESHEN ur warn Mm PAINT LINE IS TOPS srsnnsr SATIN WASBABLE READY TO USE EASY TO APPLY COVERS SOLIDLY DRIES QUICKLY WE NEED THEM TO SCOEN THE SOFINESS OF OUR WAYS ACK TO TEACH LS OW 450 650695 BIRD CAGE STANDS 450 REVERE STAINLESS COOKWARE ONE PIECE MONTH SOON MAKES 525 550 House Paint Colours and White FLOOR ENAMEL COLOURS VELVET FINISH COLOURS WHITE WHITE All at the some prlc SUPER HEALTH COOKWARE QUICK DRY ENAMELS COLOURS AND CLOWES INDICATE BARRIE balance at the end of the year of $145 and Mrs Edgar Beardcau Mr lnd MISS LOIS Ramsay hymn all followed by the Lords Mrs Charles McFadden James TO JUNIOR FARMER prayer Minutes were mad and MFFaddcn an Elmvalc and AND 4H CLUBS adopted and roll cull answered by SET MISS Beatrice MCFaddm and Mm verse containing the word Faith L013 Sgcgggginggmgtbm was WWWWWWWW Buslncss was dlsmlssed vani ltlwa recent guest of Mm Obn Ncy Pamphlets WCIgMn out COHCCW cvlvctcrlgcidntgnhfgldj having Loy and Mr mumps may in mm Ingtllllet llllli ber sttgnc cfoll or August Mrs Mn Knecsmw South Simcoe Seed Fair held Em 10 CU 01 91F 10 Presbyemn MS read the SCllptum lesson and Mrs performance ChUIClllll on Fl The Presbyterian WMS will meet bin xiiizzntiidujilllnllccllg Thelc was discussion coLu Jsiglnblc thlgrfhlghsgx EMriiagh Digogf 5M0 Tau there being 57 exhibitors The Selnglg the Patricks Ilive game ibnscrugartfe the last chapter on the Dunlap St Phone Dunlop Sf Phone IUllilV 0f Celelmd small seeds Com ma are 16 studv book assisted bv Mrs Doug Hughes amng 35 Comm was excellent gaining many fuvor Marlon Watson and Marie Morrow Kneeghaw and Mrs William Pat $460 Sundry expenses leavmg Miss Patricia Evans Toronto in aleUFnOd cducatlon from the study spent the weekend With her par Ivy Jumors Award tponed Dcccmbex ents Mr and When the Innlslll the brigade leCh 15 p05 Fraser on the Honorary members of the Butte Mr and Mrs rlsolgxldwfglg arrived at Bcllemrc Beach Sunday In the prize list of the seed fair Alliston JUIIIOIS lrnh favlmpf 10 Calldlgllghl wxfgndgtegmyner the pgucst Di branch of the Victorian Order are morning cottage Owned by ther is section for Junio Farm cosmg an was ngdlwgfgimigcnfargugdr Sum of Toronto was practically 015fm Wilson Cookstow 5pm By EDYIHE SOLOMONkll ed by the benediction The M155 Hendrickbeell gjrgrf EnrgllsirfriigbfKggg destroyed and 11 second One owned sorc the oat class whil th Sim Our March meeting was he meeting will be held at Mrs Mrs Sam ert an tlree Mgwslisolllglogalrlsii by Mr Shapiro had got beyond me imstrict Coopcmuvg SSWices Hume Hall on March To Hus red Kneeshaws and 101 an an drcn of peterbom spent last week Continued from page mug and Mrs Jack McCatvr Miss Hg amsay spent mcetlng members brought samples swercd by verse containing the with Mr and Mrs Harold Ras Miss Somervine thanked the val Shanahzln Royatl 1305121 pltal supermtcnden an the saving The fire which had been through the roof of the rst cot tage and soon caught the second ious organizations who donated di apers baby clothes etc to tb VON in 1952 She also thanked Barrie sponsored the barIcy class musscn Frank Hunter Fort William IS word Hope weeken at her home of cleaned grain grass or clover l0 10 itsth for Purity by the CW Laurie are associate members Jennett offered special Lions Club News to the Junior Farmer Club The Cookstown and district which was only 12 feet away Pl Improvement Assocmtlon Visitin his daugmer Mg Joyce Lions Club is making plans for 35 seen by lad passmg hivmg thc iieat lumbar 0f Herb Dunn South Simcoe wqu SOlgnfml too Chrsagfeacgriul Huntef relief nurses Mrs Koran Mrs Ned Hanlan Torrhlto oarsmiln Willan en lies In 650 WO Cwus me Cunningham and Mrs Anderson who held the worldsscullmg tnle Wallace Keyes returned home af ter spending the winter in Hunts ville Jack Beardsall spent the week end in Toronto inspector who spoke to us and results should be back in couple of weeks Mr Dunn also told us about noxious weeds and methods of weed eradication by who had run nearly mile to inform Constable Farrier who in turn put in the call for the brigade The brigade was on the scene in 20 minutes from 1889 to 1884 died in 1908 all Debating its annual Carnival and street dance to be held this year on Wed ncsday July Proceeds from the project are to be used for community work es Ivy club were winners of this having six prizewinning entries Other clubs that had entries in this class were Nottawasaga Alliston BecTot and chWcGwill vote of appreciation was moved to the nurse whose report on the contribution of the branch to the health and welfare of the com FOR EXPERT The third round of Junior Farln Mr and Mrs Ross Bidwell Were DEALER would be in the best interests of from the annual mg day and $76 soon in action and although the Frank Stone assistant agricultural Some difficulty was experienced der th hi Qumlng in ettin water throuh the hi Alhsmn Jumm Emmas ale debates completed and on Mr and Mrs Marvin Christensen Jumy was cons The annual Red Cross quilting pregsumgcquipmem aid it gs Beeflof Junios taken ontanothcr proycct The club Wednesday evening March and son returned from mp to light of the annual meeting bee is to be held on Thursday ascertained on later ins ection that Obtamlng one hundred 005 for Halton County contested South Grand Falls New Brunswick on Re March 26 in the Town Hall The the clutch control had become dis MARG HOOVER 97chh member vho wants them Simcoe at the Community Hall Fr pot rb 1031 bran executive members connected preventing the equip On Tuesday evening March 33 0f Charge to that member we 301101 Head llllrypnd Mrs Philip Larsen and 832533 or us ggsigripagnemr 75 an 133 1053 hell ment from being driven at suffi BeeTot Junior Farmers held their discussedhwt Proms the iland The resolution was RESOIVCd children and Kenneth Schmidt funds which raised $2453 Your as rrle uggggnglgelgeggsgtance cicnt speed However the portable monthly meeting of the council f0r$agfgiihgptgszgrins that reduction in the number of were the supper guests of Mir and Total receipts were $4584 includ DODGE um carried on the truck was to The eakc vas anizations in Ontario ekin on Sun ay am or cc in am of the Holland F100 Relief arm MTS Alfred mg $169 from Fallen 95 $364 the old home tow enjoy the 10 at Mrs Old B0 Hum The annual Nd Boy dinner third cottage of row 01 adoze representative His topic was on gum anggrgegalgwmit913 the Ontario Farmer the weekend guests of Mr and sundry amounts Disbursemems dance is to be held in the Oak $035831 22126 SOWing Clean seeds and means or beliig dilstributed to membersxto The south Simcoe 0f Earl MTS Bidwen tvere $4439 including $3152 in Ross Sf Borne 300111 Toronto Union Station on Th rpm ICducmg the weeds yrfarm senior admission and ISO to qual Gllloy Cookstown and Jlm Henry Mum nurses salaries $186 rent $503car PHONE 5135 may Mamh 20 It is hoped It calls lre ls un new The members brought the Clgan In tickets Thornton had the negative Side hl of Clowes expense $78 telephone and telc large crowd will be resent fr mg was beieved mat somc seed or th0590d Wthh they antic 13 eac pe so and lost 10 the affirmative by The mom meemg allowance and 0m one had been usmg the cottage door prizes New members were hem Tuesday March grap $6 on orm lLbyllmg for SEBdmg 1953 about two pomts Inglue Partridg Eleven These will be tested for purity welcomed during the weekend After the business portion of the The debate was very close1nd members were present and three evening and renew old friendships On Sunday afternoon the bri This proect is in cooperation with 90th Blrthday gade took practice run to Min the C10 Improvement Association meeting Ruth Ireland and Edytne g3115$6tfgagagagltgosugilg visitors Eight members we Mrs William Corbett who has ets Point and gave the big pres ll ed to attend ACWW Conventmn presentation of their material the Ilalton team had the edge on the material itself This was particularly good de bate Over 100 Junior Farmer par ents and friends from South Sim Toronto Aug 21 Thirteen penny roundup bags were collected amounting to $676 Two members put money in the bighday DOX Mrs Bidwell gave the motto Dont worry about people not but strive to be sure pump real workout Fire Chief Roy Ferguson art nounces that George Young will be deputy chlef and Ken Wright lst lieutenant While Monty Sher ing truck operator was conned to fsided inCookstown for the past 50 years celebrated her 90Wblrth SIEELESVIVCORNERS Miss Jean Cochranc of Essa near Thornton were among the class of nursesintraining who received their caps at ceremony held in the nurses residence of the Royal Victoria Hospitalj Monday alter noon MIDHURsf Red Cross Drive Midhurst community is organized for the Red Cross vcanvass One of the following canvassers will be calling on you this week The RodCross will appreciate your donation Mrs Adamson Mrs Marshall Mrs Hugh Andross SpencevMIss MWattie Lynn Rus sell and Stan Walt flortlcultural Meeting Vespra Horticultural meeting will be in the Reforestry Hall March 20 at pm Cock friends hope she will soon be up rid about again SMITH TRADEIll sronl Goon USEo FURNITURE AND svovtis saint Clcanlilledsind rounded auxfaces of the trunk lid accentuate the lltype rear fenders of the 1953 Studebakci Commander coupe Bumpers are Yeahnped and the mar bumper is 10 protect the rear license plate Moldingo extend from the leadrng edge of the run window to the top othc mar fender and angling the back tingle rake of vertical 9i lights hunter Inca trunk lldifueropgnod by awiugctype colon At Ice Cainlval Mrs Porritt and Fredattended ice carnival in Barrie Saturday swelling Congratulations igngratulations to Mr and Mrs xneeshaw on the arrival of glrl Sunday morning in glCoumy Hospital Newmarket Out of Hospital we glad to see Mrs Gerald Martshnd Miss lsobel Kneeshaw from Newmarket hospitah underwent appendix Sheila and Christine James bf his bed during the Sunday run coe ottcnded Earl and Jim are knowing you Bradford are the truck was Operated by Deputy certainly to be congratulated 0n known current events were glv with their unjgeggangtmayeg Chief Young Twelve of the vol doing an exceptionally good job en by MrS Keri McLean Mrs Mrs Ema Dales while mg mp unteer crew wcrLonhand at the and they certainly did great deal anser convene of citizenship and ems are vacationing in California me gym the we educatiog gag amfeadlgign Sggg ju ges were ichoas Is at am an Euchre Two lnnlsflll one Essa of me Banting Memorial High Patchwork Quilt by Edna numbermm hm attended Girl School William Bracken Hal Jaques Hostesses were MIS the HOUOWS W1 eucmei Friday ev ass arses ton Coimt farmer and Norm Ga Peacock and Mrs Larsen Next emng capped Al RVH riock CBJC farm comment for meeting is at Mrs Frank Madden Mts Gordon Knecshaw and Mrs Ontar ll Ernest Dales called on Mrs Edith Miss Shirley Hickey 0f the 9m to an no ac pr Mg Bog last Wednesday Mrs Roe is line of Innistil Miss Noreen Pad still on the sick list and her many dison of the Holly district and yr IlinSe olllFl0tltS= nil tilllllllll Pinon SAND EQUIPMENT PCE LCllEISTERFllllin SUIQE withgocdrepp up holsterlng two pieces wingand one green pawns mile Dam mend KITCHEN sum green enamel olden wedding anniversary Mrs William Hounsomo table andhulfet Mrs William Edney Wednesday afternoon and No from South of tho burd willingly misses chance to see the fmdu Maplo Leafs in action But all over Ontario You can do it professional tiefinishingjob with our complete Week Mrs Dales was bum BDCI stuff will allow col page at Mr and mad slides Come and bring the easytouso Clarko 119nm Equipment Save time and money bind vlaAlltGE d0AlKllAlrlDACK with Willi PW them is chock be give your floors new beauty and Iustie we furnish oil can to an pap If mm Each can be Imadvin attraction to tourists wh ycontnbuto so much to the prosperity our prownce Let all of usclo all family merit materials and cgmplete inoculations PC KENSUITE4 hunk flandexl lensloEn ae at can t9make the an to 1113ka mm anneal renowned rt oni CIIESTEREIELD punts mm $306 mgYOURSERYATONS BUDGETTERMS FREEDELIVERY BRSWERS mice that St

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