Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1953, p. 13

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intcndcnth til ospltal ul UOdhiUCk Ncw Bruin Miss lngham ls Superintendent Midland Hospital Mas Muz rl ate oi t2 drcn Tonal TiliIfsdd Lilly St gnaw Sick Cliil vLl Midlandi on he lier cut of purgingl lilxzpilul BoilJ who liai tilltdl 94 year Will lJ tor Tillsonburg wlzcrc shc in occupied post as supcrlnlrlidcn the hospital lhcrc Born and educated ll Toronto Mia logharn annulled Bishop Stra cnan School for grls and trained as the Hospital Hr Sick drcn She took post grdduaic Silliilts oil limpnal supen vision ollowlng iirr graduation at McGill University in Montreal coiilplclioli of hcr studies at McGlll aha llcld tcaching and sup ervisory thiser it the llOSplllll tor Sick Children and at Toronto Gen eral Hospital Midland Mus lngiizlm was Super tnrlctoli Memorial Vick Lighld Lamps Devotional Theme Central Church WA The March meeting of the Scri ior Womans Assocmtion of Central Unitcd Church was lltll at this home of MrsGEJalrictil Donald St large attcndzlnCc of mem bcrx was rccordcd Mrs Jury the president was in charge 01 the meeting which opened Will the repeating of the theme songLct the Beautv 01 Jesus be Sccn in Me followed by praycr by the president The devotional period lcd by Mrs 13 Allcn was on the text We are thc Lights and Telling the story of the lighted lamps Scripture reading was from the Ephesians Clmptcr Verses to 13 and Matthew Chapter Ver ses 14 to 16 The devotional otresscd the moral of the story that the ancient church each one was IZCSdCdlO add more light If one was fibscrlt one was missed and in this missed the blessing needed toTtrilde one over the week WA has decided Daffodil tea in April to huld The next mccting on April is to be held at the home of Mrs Simmons 18 Perry St Hostcsges tor the evening were Mrs Pearl Parr Mrs Part ridge Mrs lcnso William Butler and UK Policeonnen Thorough Patient LONDON March CPMctr0 politan London has ncarly 500 wo rncn police serving its 500 square IlllICSlllld there are morc thar 1000 in othor parts of Britain Bul wherever they serve they have the same standards of training discip line and res ponsrbllitics as men p011 They specialize of course in the ind of work for which womel are articularly suitedwork with chil ren and young people and other women But they are always police officers not welfare workers and have the same powers of arrest as policemen But unlike policemen they do not carry wooden trunch con Only when taking into cus tody person known to be intract able do they carry handcuffs These policewomen whose mini mum age of entry is 20 are recruit ed from all walks of life Among them are errteachers nurses mid wivesclerks shop assistants and univerSlty graduates All enter on the same footing as constables with 13week initial training course followed by twoyear probation ary period At the eight recruit training cen trcs set up in various parts of Bri tain men and women are trained together in mixed classes they cover the same syllabus take the same examinations but the wo men have additional instruction in thelr own specialist tasks Women also work in the criminal investigation departments and have shownthemselves to be well equip With the patience and thor iignness essential to the investiga tion of crime CALL THE EriAMlNim FOR PRINT1NG mono2m Prior to coming to CREPE COAT SETH SIZCS to 3SlstCT brother slim Pastel shndc prcttllv Cosy tlliiiliclcttc lm ll chlcranuc Goods SATISFACTUBY or Money Reloaded CELANESE styles ii trillirlicrl COAT SET sizes to 6x Style as shown of hounds tooth check coating in brown or navy trimmed with vel veteen Also featured coat sets of rayonwool cord in beige blue gold At 1298 Shop NOW for Spring and Easter TravelBaund fOr Easter GOOD wriGAGEls known fchNal label your gdaraiitee of excptlonol value nggage that will lastlvfor years Choose 7min Case or me et in motchlrig color Leatherett wallowing binding Su erlor hality Po ular PriceSt l4by8$byllns ll Ulilil KUY UAT SETS liimlly Alton uicc hcquts 35th Zrlters SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE vlallt oi 1iri l5 il IISSIES IS sizcs to ill or Itlllllllt woolk rilyori coating 2n popular solid colors and checks Trilli lllcd with rayon tuf tctli or icltctccll Rayon lining chlcr Valuc oi 1398 St SlART GT1 SLIPUN billlnl Sluts Izlillvnwk GLOVES of Slzuptux mime blur Wm 19m with illic kip llooc VllllC pink blue or from lltl 2mm vli swirls 1111 Sims in Szimll medium largo sizes in stylc shown chlcl billil JV3 v22 Vuluci ll chliiVllli Busy Beaver Shoes for Little Girls MENS slim from US ZELLEBS Exclusive to Zellers these sturdy leather Shoes that are really two styles in one Can be worn with the kiltie tongue as shown above or without it as plain twostrap Shoes 50 good looking too in cherry red Sizes 912 to SEE THIS Zilivn LUGGAGE Wardrobe 1345 WHITE HALFLSLIP of suede laffeta with lavishly embroid ered sheer ourice in generous Unainch width Flat elastic waist to keep waistlines trim looking Smallmedium large Dressing Case morocco ZELVAL LABEL good investment Choose your luggage with the well 21LiiyiciiVWardrobe case in 18 inch Dressing Case or 14 My by his Nickelfinish Hardware Blue wine green lined to match GREAT VARIETY lillllll5 lri 90ft Liv Klllt co nun JuniorSIZE SUITCASES IMPORTED rlinM swamm 103 by by n5 12 by by Ins DAINTY NYLON BLOUSE trimmcd with tucking Swiss cmbroidcry glassrhinestonc buttons In white pink pastel blue yellow Sizes 12 to 20 HUBTi Ec3lllr1 LADIES FASHION T014 TEEN FASKIOHS MENS FURNISHINGS SMART NEW LUGGAGE SHOPPING HOURS Daily 910 am 555 910 am 12 noon Sat nonri tltl xci 45 hollows 79c in Shirt 41 unt High Style Low Cost many others and cliousc Ticon Vcils 39c 59c lElncil Ticon Vclls silky and tillcirlcsllcd Some with chenille dots or tr is of rhlncslonc mcsn Others pILllll Dark colors lllLthEllSlll RT on Low PRICE ALlrWOOL PULLOVER in white with widening stripes of red kelly green navy grey or purple Smart to team with Skirts Slacks Sizes 14 to 20 in style shown 9J0 LLm 855 pm 398 HOUNDSLTOOTH CHECK SKIRT of goodwearing ob tractive Alpine fabrlC checked in grey Slide fastener Sizes 12 to 18 PDT0N CORSAGES made of icebox flowers that look so real you ll love them Rose gardenias fleurettes with LilyoftheValley Spray At 398 KRlNliLY CREPE PYJAM AS in shortsleeve Tom Girl styles as shmvn Pastel print patterns trimmed with piping Small medium large Butcher Boy Pyjamas solid colour Krinkly Crepe teamed with print patterns Sriiall me dium large $298 Sturdy goodlooking Suitcases for weekend trips and some of size thats handy for carrying books to school Grand later OILfor camping and picnic trips too Of durable Swedish fibre that can take lots of roughtreatmeni Assorted colors NvLoN for your KRlNKLY CREPE NIGHT GOWN in pretty patterns on pink pastel blu or maize Trimmed with eyelet mbroid cry and ribbon Tiebelt short sleeve otyle Medium and large sizes Zellers is animus for Wonderful values in Ladies Hosiery of Dependable Quality Shop at Zellers Springtime supply the shades Ellilotion damn nd lSdenler Nylon inmate nigh bbmedvdtlz Frolic Dawn 5i cam ignition lar Rendezvous slvgtoZeuers

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