humour mun Sowing mu town of mm AND com or silicon Since 1864 89th YeormNO 33 new in Cu ammonia lad hm FIRE COMPLETELY DESTROYS TRAILER FIRE LAST NIGHT gutted trailer at 23 Ann Street occupied by Cliff Robinson and damage has been estimated at over $1000 Robinson had gone to bed earlier and aground 845 pm he was awake and flames He rushed out of the trailer and tried unsuccessfully to put tire blaze out ncd by Smoke legal Financial Side of Marriage happy family life is at the top of the list of satisfaction which most people want said Miss Ruth Shav cr home economist of the Ontario Department of Agriculture speak ing on the third evening Of the course on Successful Marriage at the library hall bn Monday even mg Miss Shaver spoke on the mam agement of the family income while Charles Wilson of the law Mw gt using pails of water He then called the fire department but by that time the fire had gained good hold and firemen were unable to save the trailer At 1245 pm yesterday firemen were called to 112 Bradford Street whereisomc stovepipes had overheated No damage was caused speakers Discuss SEVERAL THOUSAND MPEOPLE CROWD BDCl OPEN HOUSE AS EXHIBITION OF WORK SHOWN Several thousand people crowded the rooms and corridors of Barrie District Collegiate last Friday evening for the Open House which featured an exhibition of work by the Day and Night Classes This year for the first time the night classes were added totbe program instead of having as in the past separgtc evening ekhibition This was unquestionably the rm of Madmen amifsbn dean largest attendance ever held for with legal matters of special inter 031 to married coupler Miss Mar garet MacLachlan introduced both spcakcrs Rev John Morilis was in the chair Miss Shavcrs Address was very practical and full of useful tips People planning to gel married she said should discuss money mattcrs before the wedding Two can live as cheaply as two and the girl in most casos must make up her mind to spend less than when she had her own income Furnishingthc home can be rcal adventure if the planning and buying are shared Make list of the furnishings that you must have and let the rest wait Wayscf mak ing money go farthest she said were to yiudy magazines and books to buy the best you canafford to buy slowly hunting for the things you really want to know the months of the sales and to buy for cash she said One should learn how to judge quality in furniture and fabrics To be an intelligent buyer you have to Turn to pagctwo please is Monday off the exhibition of work From 730 until 10 oclock interested groups of adults toured the halls abdomi picd every seat and allpoSsiblc standing room in the auditorium and gymnasium Continuous Demonstrations Both gymnasiums and held continuous demonstrations This included the regular athletic work by the studentstumbling barxtrickscbasketball jumping etc The new gym found ready audi ence as the night classesin square and folk dancing demonstrated with enthusiasm their newfound skill under the calling of Miss Louise Colley instructress with Mrs Stewart Page at the piano Musical Education The Collegiate Concert Band had the auditorium from730 to oclock under the ectigm of Allen Fisher Here was presenled demonstration of musical edu cation in which various classes showed what they had learned For instance group from Grade the probationaryclass music LARGEsrciAsSuN HISTORY STUDENT NURSES OI= RVH RECEIVE lIE 6herlargestcloocin pf lib byalctorialtlospiiul straining school whOrc pclnatruditionuiceremony Inch front row from left rte Miss NRMFW Gloria Jacks in the recreation manic Birth dispel rouxlett to right are played three choralcs to illustrate the music program in the first year of high school Grade 10 pupils played group of South American airs to show what progress had been made into the second year Grades 111213 being the more advanced musicians pegformed three pieces Ode To Freedom La Cumparsita and Vincent Youmans Fantasy inthe mod crn idiom Leslie Gillespie of the Glee Club sang with band accompaniment Without Song from The Rakes of Mallo Andersons lrish Suite This clearly indicated the ne job the band could do in accompany ing singer or any soloist by its tonal qualitysbading and pianis simo when required Fashion Show Something unique and thorough Iy enjoyed was Fashion Show staged by group of collegiate girlsunder the direction of staff members Miss Kelso Miss Taylor and Mrs Kettle With commentators Ann Harris and Audrey Halfyard at the mic Turn to page two please Barrie McKiy eexi mum Birdie Miss Rell Miss MarlonPerrier Halibut Miss Mona McConnell Barrie nerend1dlss$blly Hickey Thornton The preliminary students marked the BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDN SDAY MARCH Blitz Figure Is Over $5000 On First Count By pm bur night the local branch of the Red rum in noumcb that It had just crossed the $5009 mull while complctc figures had still to cum from All of the town mulls Just undrr 300 caravansch opA ennui Mondays blitz but it will be some time before the final figure is likely to be avail able Returns bust night amounted lo 94375150 when word was re cclved from lllsluu that MA though not complcu they had raised $1015 The town figures available wen Irudc up an fol lows wan one 3589 ward two 5742 ward three $43360 ward four $111 ward five $20175 ward six $20500 bmimss 3f Lion $122010 schools $16150 industrirtl 3179 Stroud $21130 Edgar and Clowcs $112 Eden vaic $0585 Mmeta Point 525 The blitx in Edgar and Clowcs was arrangcdthrougb Keith Lees Federation of AgrL culture in Stroud and Edcnvulc by the Womens Institute kmpzign headquarters 111 pounced also that an omission had been made in the list of names of the lady Kiwanle in Barric who were to cuxwuss that of Mrs Henry Vundcrbcck Victoria School Bell Might Be Placed on Cairn There is every possibility that inc bull from the Old Victoria School will find its last restingplace on top of cairn at COdrington School At last nights meeting of Public School Board John Dobsou moved that the property committh consider the erection of cairn at Cudrington and that the bell from the Victoria School be attached to 1110 top of it as historic reminder of Barries centennial year Mr Dobson said that it was fitting time to commemorate an historic occasion in the educational life of the town The cairn would be similar to those used for historic sites Leading Pro Commands Barrie Skating Club Osborne Colson one in the leading figure grkatlng instruc lors of North Americu was spectator at Barrie Arena Sut unlay night for the second an nual carnival of the Barrie Skating Club Mr Colson on departure left the following message Enjoyed my evening in Bar rie again Most encouraging to see figure skating progressing in leaps and bounds in Barrie and feel tremendous credit is due the club and its instruc tress Muriel Whytc It is ap parent that the Barrie club has grentdeal of potential talent and the nucleus of strong club Itsecmed incredible to see so many primary intermed iate and junior skaters with such apparent know how Congratulations wishing you all continued success Many thanks for your kindness look forward to seeing next years show Mr Colson ran two summer skating schools in Barrie Arena ton Miss end the firdlpmse of their nurscls training with thevffcappmg ceremony performed in the presence of their parents and friends 1953 cm CIJLA and Audit lam 61mm 1152 liiarru Examincr Royal Victoria Hospital Asks iOneMill Grant For This Year Town Council Says No Grant Following full discussion between Lllc llcv Each chulmmu of the Royal Jic James Fergu powc and new Tor iicw buildiuggt Owl Hmmwl Board and 3560110 bliiilllL of cxtm boilerroom 41191251300 IF Cameron accrctdry of the board regarding inc request for mg gt ii oncmul gran approximately $13300 for 1951 Barrie gTowu Council approved committee of llic whole rccommeng iddllull on Monday night That we mdkc no grant to Royal VlCltlllil Hospital iliv illtlll1 ilutl blur tIlrd by cwuixzi for 12w lilillhla 11 flit illl tlzc dintent Icncii lit 11115110115 and Night for grunt ticn variant burlap for 121 sink rm vii Lll new iuugci Iiugt1 in hill 1111 II xi lllllllllliLl 17 till c1111 Ul LilllllLll ilundnj iiZlIillnlililil Lualc it met 111 wine cullir luv1 AlainImin Kinxin wort prvsi tut fur the mutating which was pIei Sliit rll by Mayor James Wi liar ginr 12 Siiitli thri council SilSlltlliii all bunnan down In vicpututimri Eiud luziz the huspitnl dcieuzilmu li tuiIIIIIltlw of lhc whole The mi lion was approved and Mr Furyin run and Mr Cameron hilllllllllCii lht hospiluls brief Mr Ferguson siznlcd that it was for the purpose of ICduciug lhcirr minliquidating balance in order lOl picscrvc their crcdit Willi bunk which at Dccembcr 31 way curryng their overdrziil amount Of 535406 that lllcy applying for grunt of one mill for 1953 comparison Of the Operating lined Thc deficit not including dc the deficits for 1951 and 1952 was out pitrmzmzi IlllllliiliLxl liclitil 780 lhv Sillll itiun ill 1932 SLIZliiii Apprrixuiizciy it pcz ccn of the lbficu fir iIid III llltlilLLlll qu Iiizince wa cd mu hungch 13 but 21113 patients 110 rcvcuuc for wzici Wm TOT cl 10111 law and W1 Iiui cun Inc lltmplliii indigent AHV 11 no miiIia Uliiltl LXL pi gulf iIi rcnuI for uLIL $177um follow public wurrl cos prz day Icstimutcdi $1175 Stulutory rule 53 umcrnrruul giant $147 county Li moxid IiLLVL llc Lrunl 011 10ml Of $11 lht WWMC nut of 180 and 1m 1035 pit IIriiliIIl dziy worked out on 1111 bush $220 lOlul llllilili lays WLII 1716 which 11 1055 of $3110 pr day crvcs lulu low of $13011 111 llltSC pziiicnis Mr Ferguson cxpluincd The bziizincc of Lic 1952 deficit was in the Opinion of fhc b0 and subject to detailed unzilyuis of the auditor5 report brought about by inCcth llil the new hospital year although rcvcuuc was not re ccivcd from the new building until September 1952 The approxunuic cost while un occupied worked out Iii heating NEW POST TO GIVE GREATER INCENTIVE WOMEN TEACHERS Thc View that unless more incentive was given to Bartlejs Senior women teachers so that the Public School Board would have more chance of retaining their services was expressed by John Dobson at last nights meeting of the board when he suggested that from theranks of the women teachers an assistant principal for the junior grades should be appointed Mr Dubson mode this point when speaking to recommendation made in the report of the manage ment committee 10 the effect that IL Machan beappointcd for probationary period of one year as viceprincipal of Hillcrcst School Oneof the points made by Mr Dobbpnwas that he could not see why man slipuld be appointed 10 such position when there were so many senior women teachers In reply Dr Johnston chairman of the committee said that this par ticular teacher was being groomed for the position and that when inc post had been discussed with cer tain senior women teachers lhey had noisignificd any great dcsirc to acceptf it The committees report was pre ccded by paragraph to the effect that as one of their recommenda tions would mean change in the boards salary schedule notice of motion was given that fire com mittee would move or cause to be CAPS cocbraheflhomton Miss McConiicll Midland Miss Nob aVuir Barrie Miss Louise Walker Audrey Murray vicious Norma Curacaddcn Stay Exsmlncr Photo bullRcd tailoro moved at thc next regular mceling of the board the following motion that the maximum salary for prin cipals be changed from $4100 to $4400 and lhat lh principal of Hill crcst School received maximum of 34500 The committee also moved that the increment for the 195354 school year for principals be raised from $200 to $300 and that the principal of Hillcrcst School receive an addi tional $100 in view of the two extra vocational rooms at the school Approval was later given to the report which also included the rec ommendation that for the 195354 school year teachers who have had 20 or more years teaching expat icnce five of which must have been with the Barrie Public School Board shall receive an additional $100 to the regular increment of $200 Seventeen teachers are at fcted by this Referring to the additional $100 which it was proposed to give the principal of Hillcrest SchoolrF Newton said he felt that this might cause some discontent with the other principals in town Jack Gable chairman of the board pointed out however that the principals committee had pro posed suggestion along similar lines some time ago Ralpli Snclgrove member of the iriauagemcnt committee ex plaiucd that the additional $100 was purely in respect of the additional rooms at Hillcresl School This in crease was to be paid to the prin Turn to page two please Emery EngCo Asked lieTender Hillcrsl Woik Emery Engineering lb Con tracking Co Ltd are to be given 1111 contract for the six room addition to Hillelest School provide they tittender on certain sub contracting unsc jThis was agrecdlov by the Barrie Public ISchoiIl Board at its meeting last night when tcndeijs for the work were opened Seven rms submitted tenders gt TheEmery gure was $96870 All 41thququ two prices one for using concrete and the othprf for using probaa slabs The sum of $99745 was quotid by Emery for precabt slab The lowest tender howover was main James Kemp Con struetiom Hamilton at $98818 $101748 prooust This rm however didgnot 5th de tailsor how the subcontracting work would carried out other tenderc were Denial Shawl rulnswlck $39335 $101905 lite80 Conducting Col $10k 433 SWIM mrmu out fW $1001 SW proM lgulh Mt twat viii lllL tours Of cxpcnscs dirccliy conm Izuucc on new bulli 0i llltllh for ncw buildings $3000 total of $108001 in Idduiun was pointed out from Suptcmbcr will the yearsl at Old building one 2mm were mi producng rvcniu xincc ilicy had to be vac Ited for Iiltczatmns in port of tlic luLi iii blilitillfg plan Mr FiYgJoUl won on to my 11111 yvur they reported to council lm it the end of 195 Elm hospital mil bulimcc of 511379 of iccunn Ironliquidating items Thix adjusted during 1952 Is iuiluws 11355 vmi grant $3000 cur rent Iiccutilll donations $351 three quarter Of special prnvmcial grant total of $712100 which subtracted from the Ironii lllldilllllil buizmcc of Sll379 icil 38 To this was added the 19521 illilutl 1002 equipment cxpcnditurcs $l 7231 ll tOlIl Of $15583 which uddd to flu $4258 lnllC total of $10 761 Is the nunliquidating balance ihc committee of the whole rc pori turning down thc request was adopted by council on the motiuul of Deputy chvc Grccr secl undcd by Recvc Smith The committee also movcd th the services of Mcllwain be retainE ed as building inspector of $1800i V1 is Vickie Ellllegililhgx Rigging lemn and that the salary Of Campbell EL own engineer be increased to 34 16 Pages Two NineYearde Victim of With Violette Follcwzng an attack on ping ycamld Menard Myem 103 Dug lop on Monday night and it thch Of $575 which way in at boys gmsscusion m4 35 Kirkland Lake wm with robbery wuh violate by fuwzz Uiltt During the curly evening the youngszcr hail been on the mall slrcrl selling litltiits on draw for car which was being sponsored local organization The boy was approached by mm who bought ticket and lm stigvslcd but he would accompny the buy as he knew several 1th whczc he might be able to sell more of his iickctzs Calls were made to number of rcsmurants and urea lin rtrauguj suggested illt tilt should walk over to Allandulc While on the way over by inc CNN imcks the boy was truck by Lin main and had his purse am away short time afterwards man hmde 1hr youngster his purse buck VVlIcrl Luouuid was making his way home he opened his purl b0 find that the money had been It mmcd and paper had bren put back in its place The matter was reported in the town police office and shortly afterwards MacPnemn was found in 21 local restaurant WW WAKBLE FLY CONTRACT Nottziwasoga Township has wardcd the contract for warble 1y spraying to James Wright of iCOllingwuod who submitted the aEmily tcndcr at 15c per spray per head Of cattle received for supplying the powder and it was awarded to Bros Five tenders were of Glen Huron Donald 800 lBrown was appointed inspecfpr Engineer SimCompleles Last Run SCHOOL BOARD TO CONSIDER way duties andrim 1917zwas Ola ENGINEER ALEX SIMcompleted his final run from Eco ford on Monday night March 16and high up in tbccab had just become aware of the crovrd awaiting his appearance beside the Allandale station including Divisional officials irelatives friends and railway associates and neighborsyvsoti by had been for 41 years in thc railway service including me customary last tWo weeks vacation which expires on day March 31 Tues ALEXANDER IscOfIrr SIM MAKES FINAL RUN wqucNR COMPLETES 41 YEARS Monday March 16 marked the retirement of another CNR engin eer Alexander Sim who complain 41 years service on March 31 and is now on last vacation of two weeks ScOtty claims Auld Scolia as his birthplace and firstmsaw tbc light of day in Alva Bpnffsliire North Scotland in 1888 Hg was raised thereaudn in 1911 came to Canada worked for while in Montreal and then Toronto gt In April1912 he statled withtie Grand Trunk Railway in Allamlalc When the ellng east end of the Stallion sold thought tubuld slip await home as usual but looked out an there was thccrowii so he just Walked out salutedhisrwife and failiin and shookhands all withAssistaptSupe nlcndcntj Gleason Master Mechanic Queutf BoydC and with fallow workerc and friends fronurneacapd far Al their cheery humc Carolina Sim wercxhardlyf as wfireman but witlitlbe om rg break ofwar enlisted mBiiudltOn with the Mounted Rifles About one year later the unit was dim mod and asiScotty puts it as dis mounted so be returned to rail ashan cngmeer Looking back he notes that the ycars cfservice have regrets 412 1111an clear record audio flick