Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1953, p. 4

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mm moms flotation unpainted furni mm the drawers and stand than with linear fronts up This the possibility of ensmel IMPERIIIL case on BURNERS sums and sconce Wellwin Electric Shop at 54 Sophia East 14 Perry St mono 3230 FIRE and FLOATER ll 2443 VIIIE BABRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 13 1953 Up to 80 of Agreed Costs May Be Financed by NHIt loan Contemplating building it hDUSc financial old under the NRA They can be akin to living in dream world until the moment the pro spective homeowner is faced With the problem of financing the pro ject It is then that hopes und pluns euro put on at business busts Many homeowners huve found the facilities or the National lions ing Act useful at this time An NBA luau provides financial assistance which may be us high as 80 of the estlmnted cost of the house rind lnnd llowcvcr if you are proposing to borrow money if is well to rev member that annual mortgage pay ments plus taxes und insurance should not exceed 23 of your gross annual income system of joint loans entered into by the Crown company Cen tral Mortgage and Housing Corpor ation and approved lending institu lions is the method used to provide CONTRACT BONDS FIYIIII GtNtttllttlitdict Dunlop St East Barrie ItlllLEY MANAGER LIABILITY 2448 AUTOMOBILE NOWII Not into in the season when everybody wants it and often cannot get it in time for summer recreation place your order for Cottage Garage or Home With BART BUILDERS SUPPLY Cookstown 86 By placing your order in March you are entitled to discount of 2513 Simcoa District Repr SThompson Creemorc 65W All types rough and finished lumber carried in stock Quiciglivery anywhere in Barrie district MODERN MILL WORKSHOP FOR CUSTOM MILL WORK hrlve out of town for quicker service llhone been IIEIIIS SHEAIIII 818001 561 Poinswick Miles South Of Barrie on Highway No 11 if Oll IOIIEIS htuporqtiag ivory Mmluhulmul hulo hunting4 Micki will no of Spucoluiii4 CHOOSE THE PHI utJRNElT multimillion Immune inmllnion can are called oxnt loans because 75 of the money is fumshcd by at lend mg institution tapproved life insur trnce and trust and loan companiesl and the remaining 25 of CMth ligtl of approved lending institu tions is swollsblc from any office of Child However you are not required to deal with two organizations to ob tain 1min You apply for loan through the lending company you select and they forward the neces sary forms to CMIIC for approval Completion of preliminary questionnaire forn rs the first step and three copies of this form are required It gives the lending corn pnny general information an out line of your proposed building plans and the amount of loan requested if your proposal seems satisfac tory you will receive Borrowers Application for Loan form which when completed should beacturn ed to the lendin institution Full details of your lot the plans and specifications of the house and breakdown of the cost of construc tion must be submitted If your loan application is approv ed you will be informed in writing by the lending institution and the way is then clear for you to start construction You must own the lot before construction is started and building operations must be under way not inter than three months af ter the date of loan approval No application for loan can be approved where work has proceed ed beyond the bare excavation stage If the total estimated cost to the homeowner does not exceed the Corporations lending value the loan will be made on an 80 basis with maximums of 0000 for one family dwelling and $13200 for duplex If the totcl eatlrr 1th cost exceeds the Corporations lending value the loan is made on 6626 percent basis with maximums of $8500 for onefamily dwelling and SILGOO for duplex Loans are repayable in equal CHIC 113 monthly instalments covertn prin cipal interest and onetwelfth cf the estimated annual municipal tax es They are usually made for period of 20 years and the interest rate of Mas per rtnnurn calculated semiannually Monthly payrmnts of principal and interest for each H000 of loan are approximately $671 for 20 years 596 for 25 years tnd 549 for years Certain standards of construction are required for houses financed under the NBA and inspections of the house are made from time to time by the lending institution to ensure that these standards are ob served While these inspections of ford you some meusure protcc tton they are not full architectural inspections Your house may be ac ceptable to the lending institution for mortgage purposes but not ac ceptable to you in that the builder IS not fulfilling the terms of his contract with you For this reason you should make your own nrrnngtu ments for supervision of construc tion SELECTIN lOCATION The location of vltlr home is of paramount importance An under standing of the things to be taken into consideration in choosing your land is imperative to happy home ownership Your MW location is good if it is neu stumble schools churches recreationer und shop ping centres if it has conven ient transportation and adequate fire and police protection Avoid proximity to ponds dumps rail roads and fire hazards Make Sure your lot is accessible to water elec tricity telephone and sanitary ser vices If locating in rural area check costs of good well water lfainnge sewage disposal etc In selecting home site bear in mind the size and type of dwelling you intend to build This will help you to keep the proper relationship between house and lot as well as to plan the remaining areas Check the soil lot of low grOund may be wet and hard to drain need an expensive earth fill If already filled be sure it does not contain rubbish clay or sand Planning The individual Home Building home is one of the greatest adventures of your life lllllt It is fresh exhilarating ex perience from its very conception its dream or idea through the monthspf happy anticipation to the construction and the superlative thrill of actual residence You are among thousands who are now dreaming of building new home and your home will be different from other homes just as your personality is different from that of any other individual Although the house you have in mind may be similar to that chosen by others in decoration size and number of rooms your house will soon take on personality of its own expressing that of you and your family This is the Canadian way of life it cannot be lettered or standardized Everyone cannot be an architect and in planning borne it is wise to follow the advice and take ad vantage of the skill of home dc signing specialists This series of fers you many suggestions Choose those that coincide most closely with your own ideals They should save you time and money in cry stullizing your ideas and prefer ences yet they will inspire rather than limit the personal touches that will tru make it your individual home which will make gardening difficult and will be poor base for the foundation Modern planningI takes full ad vantage of sunlight Sunlight is best obtained and controlled through southern exposure Remember that large windows and glassedAin areas should face the sun and summer breezes knowledge of prevail inp winds in winter and summer should also be on important factor in your planning LAYING AIIIC FLOOR When laying an attic floor saw the boards so the ends overlap only half the thickness of joist allowing support for nailing the end of the next board Stagger the ends of floor boards so that too many of them will not end on the same joist menu mu swm GED ROOM ITOIT The eomer window has been used to advantage by architect Dixon of Ottawa in this new threebedroom bungalow The kit chen and two of the bedrooms de rive extra light and fresh air through this particular arrange ment while the living room has large area window with fixed fcr sash flanked by doublehung orbm Ian sash The front entrance is well pro tected by spacious porch which alsrL provides sitting out space breakfast nook in the kitchen handy trades entrance and base ment stair arrangement and good separation of the living and sleep ing areas are other features The exterior dimensions of the house are 36 ft in by 28 ft and the area is 942 square feet The cubic measure is 18885 cubic feet Work ing drawings maybe obtained from Central Mortgage and Housing Cor poration at amutimum cost it Painting your new home or your present borne MAE IlNSENOUB PAINTS are your assurance of profes sional looking job Bring your painting problems toyMr Sullivan in our paint department he will advise you on the proper color scheme the proper Mortin Senor paint for certain jobTTi Enamel par tinSQnour paint that is spec fatty Dro uucd Him Greatest Threat ls Communism Kiwanis Speaker Continued from page one sible by tomentiog trouble in the democracies by creating discon tent and disloyalty among citizens of the western world rst of all they tried this through the trade unions but am glad to say the unions would not swallow their plan On the other hand lam disturbed by the present spread of Communism among white collar workers Actually there are schools of training for Red workers in operation through Canada today There were several rays of hope Mr Lock pointed out First of all President Dwight the United States had declared for policy of no appeasement of the aggressors Secondly the Babson economic report had found ominous rumblings from the satellite states because of the threat of pogroms and there were signs that dissen sion was beginning to show in the Russian regime Third had been the death of Joseph Stalin the worlds most powerful dictator who had gained his position by ruthlessly wiping out all opposition to himself He had been responsible for the fam ine of 193132 which eradicated millions of small form owners in Russia Questions to be asked were what of the immediate future under Georgi Malenkov the new Rus sian premier How long would the people human beings like our selves submlt to tyranny such as they had experienced for so long If the United Nations can pre vent the war in Korea from spread ing and resist the cold war another five years declared Mr Lock then believe there will be great uprising among the satellite states and finally in Russia itself Kiwanis International as ser vice club can play its part by fight ing Communism wherever it rears its ugly head Our Kiwanis creed is challenge to oppose Commun ism We should pray for blood less revolution in Russia We must back up the United Nations We should urge our government tone cept Korean peace only on Just terms We must be tolerant about taxes for defence We must bewaire of Communist fronts We must 1n ruthenium Asphalt Rubber Mbrboleum 135W Rubber Matting Stair Treads Plastic Wolllile Plain colors or pearlized Estimates Free Fix it yourself or let us do complete installation IIHIIBY YIIIIIIli 29 Park St Phone no concurm CONDITIONING Systems on BUINEBS 34 Dunlop St WJh 3710 gt FOR YOUR 39 timer Hiatus 1ruu to gases accommo Eisenhower of Miscellaneous Shower miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr and Mrs DArcy ONeill on Tuesday evening in non or of their daughter Beth who was married recently For the many lovely gifts receiVed Bill and Beth made fitting replies We join erh the neighbors in wishing them much happiness few tables of terest the church in taking more active part in defeating Communv ism And we must teach our chil dren in the ways of democracy We must resolve to maintain our creed Freedom Our Sacred Trust Its worth fighting for the speaker said in conclusion FINANC cards were enjoyed and later an abundant lunch his Mcradccn Doreen Richardson and Mary Car son were converters for the even mg Ladies of the community had pleasant afternoon together last week when Mrs Lois McFadden was hostess with Mrs Walton rie demonstrating the Stanley home products Each lady received favor for being present and Mrs Helen Priest was winner in con test delicious lunch was served at the close Mr and Mrs Darmos Brian Willowdale and Mr Mrs Thornton Langstafl were cent visitors at Carsons Ross Richardson visited in To romo on Sunday Moderate cash requirements for your new home Balance on Mortgage payments less than monthly rent Information obtained without obligation ll COIIITS TH Real Estate Broker PrimesBARBIE 2377 BUILDING mm FlilEll IIIIMESI Make sure of full satisfaction in that Home you are going to build Construct it of our Spe cified Quality Building Mater ials Know that every item from cellarto roof will serve and stand dependably Get our esti mate We can help arrange loom for financing repairs additions ule tendons From $100 $2000 49 Essa Road tournament so vlltlllSlZ HEPle smut Commercial Residential Renovations and Repairs Roomic cARrruer CABINET wakKi Nonier Payment odibfost Jobs For FAST EFFICIENT GU PHONE COLLECT sTROUo 4713 In newibeaufy EnrollltefrrislordEminent RANTEEDSERVIQE it unused rendition gtvesBqthmom omLJtltcliens spbrklinyr lieuowe slur muss Hume for was work ham and hitch to ances 4381 Slower icheoktb oneah Pto oosr or TrundsmNpAftp NOWWNPAYMENT grits 911 YOUONQIINRS

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