Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1953, p. 3

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John Van Brucken will have new series of programs started yraterday on CKBB Conceptual Chronicle Arranged in cmopetu tron With the Contextual Conunlttee of the Barrie Chamber of Com zncrcc the program yesterday Edl lured the mountain of the com mittcc Charlie Griffin and Burl Cox the Centennial tirganizecnt Krltl it 205 lhe many of the schools in town were listening if and the evening at 1015 the some broadcast was heard by many at thc adults who couldnt make It to their radtos for the of ternoon session These programs have been planned to give the Cen tennial committee an opportunity of advising llslcflrrs of the pro gross made for the celebrations and look into the past when Barrth was newly incorporated more news and music from llollaml this cvenmg at 805 when CKBB presents Holland Culling The 23 minutes designed primarily for Dutch listcnors is also good listen mg for those of us who dont speak the language Some one once said The language of Music is interna tmnal in flavor and Holland Call ing proves that point The Dutch folk tunes and other music JohnI plays are catchy cnough to milk you want morn Tomorrow afternoon at CKBB takes you to Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto for the fourth game in the big Junior series between Barrie Flycrs and Toronto Marl boros Dave Wright will be at the mike to bring the play by play description of the game and dandy it promises to bc Saturday evening at CKBB this week is big night indeed Theres brand new car to be given away onMother Parkers Musical Mys teries This plus $200 in cash urty takes over till 10 pm Dusty Wayne und his Ranch Boys front 830900 The IiiMountain boys with Larry Rudy and Kenny till 930 The Lazy Valley Ranch Boys till 10 CV lA 592 8t BARRIE MOIOR SALES IrIrncn at 305 the CKBB Hayloft THE OLDFASHIONED GIRL usso To TAKE COUPLE DRINKS AND 60 our LIKE lA LIGHT THE MODERN afternoon sentativcs Tutat cm 430 Sunday Afteb noon on CKEB bring you this week complete Straw program By Johann Strauss therell be Vol es of Spring and Tales From Th Vienna Woods and by Richasl Strauss Waltm From Dc Rosen kavalicr Wednesdays Claude Hm tut 930 on CKBB will be St Pat ricks Day special day late but near though Included in the pro gram will be Leroy Andersons lr ush Suite and Petcr Yorks Hills of Home These two works will bring you melodies like The Minstrel Boy Were Blackbird The Wearin of the Gwen and many more Tomorrow afternoon at 115 fol lowum the Report On Agriculture with one of the agricultural repro CKBB brings you an address by Carroll Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario as he spoke to the dele gates and guests at the annual North Simcoe Junior Farmer Con ferencc at Guthrie Community Hall Commando this week Massey Harris dealers in Ontario and in the western tip of Quebec will broadcast 15minute program called HOOK LINE 8L SINC LAIR The program will feature an analysis of events and situa tions affecting the Ontariofarmcr and Canadians in general Massey Harris dealers considered that too many broadcasts on farm opera tions were done from swivel chairs and that their program would be good cntcrtainment and provide controversy over the personal opinions of Gordon Sinclair Report From Townhall Fashion Show By Soroptimists Has Centennial Touch Continued from page one vim that tapered to plunging neckline Cum West in twoaitccc casual wear was skirt and matching stole of mushv room beige wool bands of tangerine and black worn With slccveiess top of black wool jersey The skirt and stole ensemble were also toamedm handwoven turquoise wool in motheranddaughtcr outt the Tartans appeared briefly as pop ular fashions for Coronutton your in small boys tailored casual womans Still With trutii tional pleated skirt and in brill iant Royal Stewart tartan shown with soft bloc twin sweat or set knittcd suit in was learned with navy soft white navy milan straw Ior golfing or bowling casual fourgored twced skirt witha matching blouse of pale yellow voile was worn with contrasting wide red leather belt Another striking skirt style was in two shades of grey wool flannel light grey main handwoven gunmctal shade In the ver woven through the border Summer Fashions The summer fashion parade was denim seen in charcoal sheath dress with matching jacket and powder blue twopiece suit with boat neckline nippcddn waist and slender slim skirt with kick 1th at the back Fur the beach toreador slacks in red and white polka dot broadcloth were topped with sleeveless sun blouse the three piece costume completed with royalblue broadcloth reversible skirt lined with matching mater ial Another short slack suit was in cinnamon brown and green The popular toreador trou scrs were seen again in red white and blue Coronation suit with smoke pearl button trim twopiece summer dress in lime English broadcloth had con trasting brown trim the sleeveless blouse featuring tailored collar and brown tie Black for summer was forecast in an American broadcloth dress with grey and white embroidery trim about the flattering scoop neckline The popular Coronation year navy red and white color scheme reappear ed in twopiece linen costume styled with sleeveless blouse and sailor collar trtznmed with daughter wearing matching skirti wit klll bciuclc stole of wool and plateau hat of highlighted by the new jewelled paddy straplecs tops were covcrcd with natchurg tulle scold Their bouquets were worth not lug nut bridesmaid carryan an arrangement of daffodils turned inside out for spacial effect and the bride with beauttful cascade My houqucl TIE brides mother shown on Still model on Soft Chflh grecti velveteen while 3319 coat rimmed with dark on Flyers Trounced ll 2i lelflxdlllef giinfhafielmx mg For the older child light blue hoot check was forecast as favl form with royal blue velvet pagnc tone with beaded neckE piece and the grwzn mother was waning navy crepe dress trim med watt pleated taffeta bands oter the hipitnc and at the neck Hat Stylus The plateau hat was shown as popular throughout the spring into the summer months appearing in navy Stctson and navy mllan gand Wllfli polka dot feather second navy milun plateau style coded with navy flbkblltlb and bJLk becoming white handmade ulzslc cltll shade appeared in fussy lilalttl AJIWJI straw will velvet brim and red tr binding and buttons lurge beautiful navy rose at lllQshU uncut drew Wm small f1 LHynplaguglg lZlL season with om in spring coats the collar 11332 Barrie Fiyem deft316d Matland fish wool twtu appeared WyiAlltars llvi last night if an exl old navy model mm mmuvwlelllblliutl game at Midland Arcnzz ulute collar and cuffs Tilt Firm writ illmut Bull Party wear was prgdmnjnam that ilarrllglun who handed tho the childrens fashion Show 815 WV 1d awrgvlir George Cucl dell sun dress of organdy with culture and retired to the couchiltgl dermis of fine lace was cloud otipuiulmft lcfcnceman Ralph thllsl on one young model and officzatcldnd folsome strange rea Swzgj gaudy was tn muff sun tltr Kym rccelvml the bulk ant nipped dress delicate or of lltc pulldllxs The team alsoI Orin Carver orI dress with thrmetm Johnny Mortar woo remained at and puffed siceve home to ECCUCI from injuries Now for childrens LireSSy wear lolvklrd 110 the homo 101131 nus smart ltttln striped taffeta Will Chi138k WW Len Kirk imili dress in black and while with vcl iuul Emma Rosa Butch Stalum brown who rcimzlttl to the llyers foldl coccit and plain bolero was shown Wlmistlr Spitfires took regular flr the older child wool chicine COnlblllttl with grey xllanncl smt for and vtntc SptLllll cffcLI nulun straw with brillmnt rcd qulll brightened suit3 of grey French worstcd Red sz5 hantlbags and gloves were shown in nylon and even taffeta for drlsv sy occasions Formal Wear In formal wrar uppcurcdm semiI whammy 3fttzlrtul gown of orchid nct made1 insets mumng Wm my of small stitched ruchings with Egold decorative thread throughout Skirt slynngs was Will romantic matching stoic dressy gored whim skin with 51H very practical short formal was gin navy taffeta with an inset of gwlntc accordion plczitcd tulle and lwit ball fringe and lined with iwhile taffeta short formal in lblack and white checked taffeta Iliad full skirt overlaid with 3crisscross bands of black velvet Lingerie housccoat in coachtnan style of stiffened lime green embossed cotton was striking among the few litems of lingerie shown Also gprnctical model for the housewife or working girl was duster coat cqunlly at home on the beach lshopping or at party cotton pctticout shown could be used as skirt with it blouse and cinch belt Nightgowns were in white nylon tricot featuring drawstring neckline and waistline and in printed nylon Childrens Styles Childrcns styles were outstand ing in the Soroptimist show widc variety of colors are avail able for both little boys and little cnnial sailor suit remained 21 fav orite for both sexes For the small boy tailored coat sct in new burnt sugar shade was most attractive while for later summer wear white annel trou 5ch combined with smart navy girls this Spring although the pcr= Emu parade presented by the Sor popular shade in nnll bright colors for 1953 matching rcverstblc stole trimmch bum lmk Slyle Im patch pock Eurn and poured the nub Wlllt two Mcus Styles Spring topcoats in several mat highltghtcd the mens lush selor Prim Winners optimists variety of sports Jackets suits and dress and truv lli lmtlllanLttlir lfYIIIG lllg vem Termini and Mrs ONmu tnxt credits Mrs Steven Osachuck for the afternoon mrlcltunts and Mrs Charles Gilmore chicken gdddrdlhiggig dinners Mn wass toaster Mrs If Baynes and Mrs Lloyd box style bllll popular In con wt gt McNutt cup and saucer Mrs tmnt coat in raglan style was in Merrick mum maker Mm brown Harris twccd With Window Vain nylon huseIVMFSI III wauwmI pane chuck nylon lingerie Mrs Gil 590 ma llllorm gm more bed lump Mrs Fred Ellis grey Saxony cloth featured onc radiu lamp Miss MI Card gyms shelf Miss Ilcwson vase Mrs Dick chderson toilet soup Mrs David Garrick cosmetic kit Mrs Clcmmcns shampoo and finger wave Mrs Gibbons cologne and atomizer Mrs Fred Johnston glass and silver cake plate Misc Agnes Flynn merchandise vouch or Mrs Jack Gable gloves Mrs OConnor air freshener and cls and side vents The medium size chch was forecast as popular for spring grey model with small ovcrchcck featuring centre vent Another sports coal was in hounds tooth pattern the model twobutton single breasted stylc with three patch pockets Trousers mainly blended with jackets rath 01 than offering sharp contrast Spray Suits were trimmer shown in twobutton styles materials vary ing from English worsted to the popular grey annel The semi lounge style featured natural shoulders and extra case across the chest Lapcls were slightly narrower 1n shirts the men favored neat small slightly rounded c011 ur while the allover pattern lie was popular Lowcrowned hats were shown for every type of wear Exhibiting Merchants Exhibiting merchants included Graham and Fleming Stephens The Store for Men Lcnas Lin gcric Frans Strunsmans Ladies Wear The Stork Shop Simmons and C0 Zellcrs Ltd Town Talk Shop Sally Shops Harry Twiss Bernitas Wool Shop Ardelc Silks Ltd The Kiddies Shop Brass and Glenn Ltd Reeves Jewellers Winners of prizes donated by 10 land Evening showings were Missl THEM our now one gan as it 2213mm other discovery The town of mm no My of coal deposits there in l7 as you CANADIAN CHEESE UME iii COME SAVE Al As BMW DEPARTMENIS Yes folks heres chance to make some little boys girls cycs sparkle with joy Simply fill in the claim check with your cleaning order from Wright Cleaners and deposit at our store or with the driv or Wright CIezln FOR BETTER KIND OF DRY CLEANING Phone 5531 Illicit PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY MARCH 14th 1963 couPIE blazer Webbs Jewellery Kays Beauty our be THE practical style for the little Salon Cusdens Pharmacy and girl was it gubardine trench coatl Fendley Flowers to be worn either loose or with Hats were by Marion Wallace matching bolt the collar and and shoes were by Mahcrs and slcevm lined with checked taffeta Walkwels Makeup was by Eliz to match an umbrella Aline wool abeth Arden and Beauty Coun cram to Give your home new life for Spring choose your new DRAPERY from the largest range we have ever shown in years of business CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS Barrie Tent lit Running to 34 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 ine Tangy Old amen DIAMOND Kraft Cheese Roll Bordens Cllu Burdont OLD VINIKGII Clover Valley Slices Skim MilkCheon mum mar cms Sultana bulath noun AIPFancyV Red sockeye SINK Spmoutlfiki Fancy Cohce SALMON Inna lOIITOIIS Habitant PM SOUP AP Special Blend 1502 tins 19c In lb 55c Clarks Tomato or Vegohble 16 BANANAS so 02 1529 Mums Hind hideout No Christio II 8ozplt919c cellopkg Florida Whltq Sobacos Nor1 Now Crop EdenwsnII zpkgs33L tated Javol 33 lie 63 frgmzsI nger Crdllilod 1535c BAKERY SEENW cmsco Buhivoar Crown naucmpmca 33 gave I4 California cotton dress had attering halter neckline with fitted midriff and wide flared skirt made distinctive by re movable stolc threepiece sum mer costume in red linen featured checked blouse and skirt appro priate for street wear over match ing shorts Bridal Party PARKS BOARD Finale of the fashion Show was the bridzfl party the bride in bouffant gdwn of several tiers of pm stiffened silk tulle over taffeta with strapless bodice of chan Establish Record filly lace extending onto the skirt in large scallops bordered with Anondme Wed tulle ruching The demure lace my night mum broke jacket had long sleeves ending in points over the wrists LLdglai $31 mixing At The maid of honors gown was mum wasqu in nile green tulle over taffeta fen 71 and the two bridesmaids were Rpm womyeipg gownod alike in spring orchid when the Flycrs opposod Que the attendants gowns styled with bee names he in um my tted bodices of French lace end ern Canada playoffs ukhmabNMoous Skim Milk Cheese Ib 59c IllN40 2lbfamily loal15c KraftPineapple Cream alb roll 25c 40 glass Kraft Cream Cheese lzlb pkg 31c 402 glass 33c Precursor by Trappist MonkuI in Qucbeo 402 pkg 2362 085 14ft pkg Bordens Cream Cheese do 296 330m Ialb pkg 22 Slurp Cheese lb 39C faIb box Ontario coloured 41 mu ems to mower SPECIALS hsvtin 33c lzs tin 23 2802 tin 19c Wantanew car but cant af ford it Say take tip and see theLnew HEIIIIY Canadas lowest priced stand am size automobile ing in points on the skirt The Cor Dunlop St Maple Ave Ttrcstone STORE Phone 3195 All makes re paired prompt service Good selection used washers guaranteed WALTER ADAIR Phone 4852 Firm rillh Ylllva com SHOP on us VITAMIN canadai Aplllovedlor VGMW WINE REGULAR 114 WHOLE WHEAT or anckED WHEAT INTERIOR cantrut VI VI Wuhan Mldem C010 Advantage of our Bar Ircgsnn It lane II II PaimIIII manor GlFT gt It Thltlow attend kilmlmltdmltcldiolnundnpqm my Thom uttoclimnumblo youIto pol 59mm all um cardrill huladunno Imle huff mix paint IR Ilti mull rip and arm cut Hod and is dimMb Ivomh yup It Short link MAItltlslotool ummmsr to REGULAR 33m lot Vgurlfodays Ago Prion Jilgoosot 11396 $1

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