mgmmmm In 1357 xwmmr min then mt mare med Bismark Street mm It was the and 1th road that connected Lake Ohmic and Lake Huron wu dotted with vmphmoofiuboumseliu your oven in the dry sewn with null met running across the Iribe of may The presenl highway be motioned more car was corduroy road and rho ow noticing Ilia travellers Im sunken logs of which if an bulb pom Thom are lmposabl may still be found Imbeddcd four re Id 36 hammer an under me presem pawmem lo be nearly LWO feet above the and Humane so you mm This is historical 0m and we id m1 Each 5lhclpful bridge in conurcling up record Vincent Road which angles of Wm preach sulislical 83 when IN me nd concerning the walrr level pits about SIX miles up the road trail to the northeast distance of nearly lificen miles when it should be less than eight as the crow flies was the only way to reach Huronl Iario Village now L11idward curve as shorcowncrs know from Dunlroon II is no seasonal change An Icording to all graphs or diagrams vt 1c mm en my iI should be going down sTbirfysix lnchcsra womans yard wmmthmormdfhh fuming In previously favored fish ing grooms are disappointed and But who is to blame You might be Inclined to blink 1th In high level of ruched in we was an all time hlgb Them is evidence to Show lbll the geologic Lake Algonquin which cumprfscd all our Gm Lakes in orehistoric limes ms 073 feel above the sea Slill higher are the beaches that may be seen In Mr dome llllls Upper Fla and the Dry Hills of On which are found wadcvel These of course were the shores of Ibal vast Inland like when all the areal Lakes were one Duflng those ages Lhe Noltawasaa From 0w WWW ODWTVB River Valley was tongue from vcer to the out until you machmws me mm Gem R13 Inc Eror Ian Bay and reached and PW WV The mun Kl Bay has flucIualcd three feet in covered Morning Flam Mlnesing This rlhe last fourteen years 119384952I ms was Island in vast land wafer The Indian word Mln II I836 his is no small variation This Clln9i951ng means 15mm and Is an lwas between 578 and 11W 10 during description of lime within Isca It Is now on sustaincd Ipmdmn civilizauom Excllln an or mum To rclurn In more modern times lllcll again Lake us back to early In this my or lake web c3 However Canadian governmculllildlin days an excllln return again lo Ibo scvcxitccnllii rccords show that flucluallonrJ history was unearthed just north enIury In 1649 cedar swnmpjgmm than mu ML got lllC Collingwood Golf Course as reached from Silver Crock lwoE miles east of lllf Bluc Mountain Ski camp along me Gemgm Bay bclwccn I860 and 19301hc variation Shore 85 35 l9 OXbOWIg 537 on bmwcm he mum from round human skulls rolling uboul um which was 57771 ISix fccl of valor In your rcllar and mch other humun boncs rightaboullum iii llic Noninvasz 18 which in River This Is close In Lhc Shyncr Road Thus the area of swamp exlcndrd distance of approxxmalcly lcn mlle and cov ered widlh of pcrhaps three quarters of mile AI that lime lhls swamp was practically im passable if we are to judge by the reported lravcls of Fathers Collins dock former owner of my PIjart and Garnlcr who were jour neying from Ossosnmc Io their new Mission among the lclun In was $3306 and the down in lmiglil make nice swimming tank but an unpleasant companion If if were lo remain Higher Lith In 1886 above Ihe prcsrnf level up take the yearly average levels currcd even in modun limes lf recently as Nov 1931 when some steamshovel gravel observed boys valLlIlng the cxmvnling for amid lhc disturbed earth The shouts of the boys put stop to 120 work of the steam shovel the boys somersaultcd over collecting skulls and Tlicse proved to be Indian bones according to Wilfred From photo of Captain George boys prcscnl camp the wafer level of Gcorgian Bay was Ill least two feet 1885Imilc south of 26 Highway would Jury of Western University In dicuuons point lo the fact that the had unwillingly uncovered an Indian shore burial ground This rise in ground which is about makinwlmwhmmcm was many bum Vanth Futon Accumulation of snow and ice within the Upper Lake wakhed might be variable factor in she changing seasons or the quantity of rainfall or snow could con ccivably count for some fluctua lion Lake Superior however far thest north of the Great Lakes Is Ibo only one showing decided drop in level until Much or Aprdw and In the graph for this rest of the year follows pallcrn similar I0 all the othcr lakes The fluctuations in levels have no regularlly that point Io lunar az fracfions and aufhoritics regard lidcs as negligible llcm in tin Great Lakes The peaking of Ihc graphs in Ibo summer months would seem lo indicate that solar action could be possible affchI lng cause The dredging and straightening of navigation channels In the SLI Clair River could lower the levcl in Georgian Day but Ihe prescml trend is decidedly upward Sevm Year Cyclc Theory Another guess which has many local adherents is llle seven your cycle theory brief glance over Canadian IIydrographic Scrv cc graphs shows this to be cnliro erroneous No regularity is din covered on these graphs nor in 916 other Chart of observations Sohio limes high follows high fivc dlr six times in succession Agnimd peak on Ibo graph stands irolatcd with twelve lows following This theory then is clearly exploded There are two other possible ox plannlions which poem to offer more lhan mythical solullon One is the shrinkage of the cIIrllIs surface due lo earthquake or vol canic action This would cause depression of land areas and could occasion rise in water levels Tim other suggestion is that chaan in me tip of the earths axis some cnlargcd and extended ivhcn pos liavc large financial Escrvlng of imxiicdizllc attention if levels would be minor pre caution in fulure building to hop on level of your ground Hoar at least dire feet above ape clalIg If you are In danger zone In jacking up your collage to put foundation under it be sure is well up to three 1ch in heightl BE carefulwhen buying loll for summer occupallon to avoid marshy localions and sclec alwaysI knoll or ridge of land and be very sure not to build too near the high wafer line Watch For Floods It would be Will for municipalf Itch as well as individuals to kecpf an eye on possible flood condillons Protecting harbor walls should bei conslinfly kept in condlllon cvcnl sible They should not be con plzinadc utility bill as practicall broakwatcrs that are never allow ed l0 fall into dbrcpulr Governments 00 Canadian andi Amcriran gthould have an intercsli in controlling wafer levels The interests of slzlkc in the lourisl business Tlicyl should understand that rise of twenty inches in the Upper Lakes cxpluinzlblc only us an act of God is an alarming silunliou and de llicy WlSll to prevent properly damage that would run info mil lions of dollars Surely controllable ouflcls such as the Gut Dam on the SI Lawrence and tho Chicago Drainage Channel should be re sponsivc in maintaining desirable and equitable level on Lake Ontario and on Lakes Huron Michigan and Georgian Boy To set the outflow and leave it so set for years and not to watch the seasonal changes pROTf spond quest came in 19 cases of supplus Canadlgn Red Cross in Vanguard Willi Flood Relief Just as rhey were first on the scene bringing hope and help dur ing the disastrous Po Valley floods in Ital two years agolhc Can adian ed Cross was again in the vanguard with relief supplies for victims of flood in Holland Bccyse every day somewhercl in Canada volunleers walk full as Red Cross workroom sil down quietly and turn out the 50x Iqu clothing quills and shards Ihcroi are on hand at the luteimlionall Red Cross warehouse in Genesnan abundance of relief supplies at all times All the National Red Cross pile Conscquemlywhen Word of the disastrous floods reached Canl ada Canadian Red Cross immed ialrly cabled directions and 250 cases of Canadian supplies were llrlllSliIIQd to flip flood area The Canadian Red Cruse immod ialcly asked all provincial llVlSlflllS of Ibo society to ship at once all available sheets and womens work supplies Ontario division being close at hand was the first to re and 21 hours aflor Ihc rcv Inde by volunlcsrs in Ontario Red in llio Upper Lakes is improvidcnl and unwise Is it not lime to in vent control at Lake 51 Clair The question is imminent and lhc writer ls rising Remember the adage Its no use locking the sin ble door after the horse is stolen TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI PRONE 2414 6110 Cm workroom were winging CODAXIES WY lost half way ml Amalie mayoral was Canadian Red Crud will the 39 pcr cent of Contain manufac help of Junior Red CrossNioml Luring workers Wins am Servrce Fund is purchasing mous ploy per cent comparative per ands Show and all 5333 cent individually owned COW which Lhe womens work commit per card Ire do nol make 1nd these Mil be flown worsens at once on top of the world If the Such help 15 made possible be cause Canadians support YOUR old has Is In font with Red Cross which is asking fox 353001500 $2100300 of which must be raised in Onwrio The Barrie branch of the Red Cross will again ask for 0000 in its annual blitz campaign on Monday March 16 www mm In Today REGINA CPI Accidents re poried to me Workmens Campenl salion Board in l952 totalled 10330l lgrcaicsc number in Ssskafchewansl Auto Electric Service Iidercd only for dockIIIg and II boclcllcs contribute to Ibis stockI history and an increase of 20743 0ch I951 BARBIE ONT QUITE SIMPLE 1051 YOUR PIGS HOG mo Ibcy II IdasItalqu mmw unusual much sooner II Mot feed on WISEmt consummation75h FEED 75 hgw weigh FEED og Conmmro ummmmfedym mbonqugniu Over yeer deuce in be huff prcplmion of mtock teeth sterling mail 51a tcford Feeds TORONYO ONIAREO lCU All MAKE all lllll Willi 0U AWWSEM l4 ANNEIIE Sf films at the fool of the Bloc Moun tains They Were often mired in their tracks and cxlricaud wlIlI enormous difficulty we are told level which reads $8307 This is and no uorIlIwcslcr blowirig Aindicolc beach at lcasl two miles stones throw from my house Is alfrom Georgian Bay permanent record of the high lake times blamed for changes in cli matic conditions over the cartlisI surface might also account for the piling up of waters leading Since these two disproved the These various recordings of lake levels past and present of course MAXWELL Ibrougll null1101190 WW llllll Important For Fishing The level of these inland lakes is of vast importance to both fish WITH ALL TYPES OI INSURANCE National was laid in water in the me comnS camp taken in 1890p05lll0ll to predict the mum 1dccide which is the more plausible 24 Granville St lance of quarter mile from thom me levels of our Great Lakes oodmg in case or higher wamII Ilhone 2965 pioneer this first railroad in On lsny that we do not know what pact wafer inland seas Fourteen years Various Theatres kitchen garden Today it lies albuf out of all the welter of wit 05 and Wild rice plans are 119 flooding Wasaga and all other lake swamped out of their depth while but the level 15 just as high In Lhcsc migrations almost block the for the sustained high level in sue Ing out of the waters of Little and fishermen The frequent low The ChicagoShip Canal built in 113 Dumop st Phone 2879 certain fish haunts become unten was mrough this historicI Ihc Governman bench mark loopdlJ prove Ich is going to be to higher love Fl El swamp that the Ontario Simcoc andl engralm huge Ntnllonaa gmm Hood in the immediate theories cannot be Burton Ave Phone ffribnlotlogIrbfglfg3u1ng shuns snnll pleasure boats sailing we knew what causes the varimonl of the two Phone 3644 present Item C3ch This lagoonITnc cause being shrouded In mys Im tario The primeval cedar marsh i5 OW dogWOd marm These changes In water levels mean constale varialion in shorelggi appcn Anything might hap tr agolchose piece of meadowland The have been theories ad flourishing with lush green June vanced by learned professors and 639W Install foot deep in water almost hid and wisdom no SGHSIIICIOIY 50 dcn by growth of bullrushesdour tion has emerged ginning to sprout On the exposed shores on Nov 1951 might have Slde of thc bullrush bed In the been caused he up of large clumpsof dclachcd bullrush January 1952 when the wind is fleshy roofs so crmsmz the wmd in the southeast and decidedly offI IOxIIIIChannel and necessme Je 1887 that gave Captain Collins his ca site for several ea SINGLEPHASE M010 an funn mrdyionlnullnn Harbor in 184041 whgn the waiter sank to level easrly two feet level of our lakes means shallows in side bays instead of the accus 1900 allowing navigation through from Lake Michigan tovtlie uMis BARBIE anted because such shallows cease sissippi has been blamed for lower to be safe retreat for fish aflake levels but according to the Huron RailwayI now mt Cauadianglacial boulder Another photo ofmm we might be in betterireader can take his choice and KELCFY MRS 18 longue llnd water dIS In order to minimize the risk of lng and his fellow engineers in day up to the present we can only vegetation and the fauna of fresh grass as me proper place for mylwild guesses by the notsoleamcd feet high while occasional DOHd It was hinted that the recent rise deeper water 1959 Plants are waters due toa steady northwester to more shallow havens At limes shore No wind action accounted II offshore winds account for the Iowannull Mailmunch boahp below the present surface Po KI lomcd depths and for this reason lacked by birds of prey These graphs the levels in 188880 were Take up more chances IlluslralodChavrolol TwoTonl 4DoorI$aIdan if wilh unidentified fuels IRA WILSON Cooksfown 0mm WILSIIII MinesingI II II II II II II II fPPIIKED If rHE COLOR GUARANTEES THE GUMer 7Dont take chance with fuel or weather Replenish your IIIIII wlth blue coal come snow cold or bitter temperatures youll be all Iset With fuel youVKNQWI will give you better heat nioro Economy Entirely New in Appearancewllh New FashionFirsf Bodis by Fisher Here are more Iriew models 16 of them more beautiful and more comforlablc bodies take look lmd ride and more colorchoices 22 dazzling singletone and twolonccombinntions than cver before in Chevrolets history And in addition Chevrolets chlirclyncw FushiomFirsI Bodies by Fisher bring you cvcn ricer Irmd roomicr color7miilchcd interiors and ever smrdicr Unislccl construction forrfyOHr groath safetyprotpclionl Iv Passing AbililyYoull find all the nailChev rolcls with cilhenof these No great new engines flaring you more owerirlcreased aceleration and greater passing filmIns well as sensational new economy III New IIEvIen Finer Powerglide Automatic Transmission Clicvrolels famed PoWergIlide Automafic Trahsmiasronncpuplcdwith the new 115bp engine and Echnomlzcr rear axle gives oven ncrIcctcrpohift driving al10IvestcosII 53Y Ne Dumbhle New Smngcmm New ExtraEasyPower5lringrmGrcziiest rigid construction Imports even greater durability and advancclnI dependability ang famous for thcse lunlmlls automatic transmission Glyosngcrsfip sfceringease more satisfaction more valuejor every cent spent Ordr now Get acquainted with aIfuel that takes every rink out of 0031 buyingbldecoalglspillared BLUEyour identication your moon your guaranteIe olthcworldsneu anthracitc OR lQWCOSFAUIOMAIIeilj Cut dormboIEoment trips savefuel money than Itrouble with the blue coal TompMautor Electric Eye thermostat regulateodampeto from livinger gives you ilmnle Inexpenslin auto matlc hadnndayand night gt Enlirely New in Performance with IIINIIIew onaIlPOWcrglidcfeIIuippdInodcls at extra cost lilsfhP Bluefnnmen VIV9lH9d Enfiref Nevv In conveniencewllh New engine ChverIet offersfhiSPaWrIlfli gasSRVUIE Center Old From SEatBacks in 2door models for highcompression engine in all Powerglide modcls II with combination starting and ignition key IstitclIL tloochlIlIier the Economizcr rcIIHr 0310 Innda nILIwI riftKing Valvciu ea Icugino in standard gearshift models MOREIIIIIIIIQELIE guywcgypg IwirIINIIIoIIE and IMPROVEMENTS New Power Navy Acceleration New EnllrelyNOW driver comfort since Ihoiruroduction of and parkingcase reduces driver fatigue Optional rr easier eplranqo 9nd iIcIrIIiI Nov iMasleraKey Control New Automatic Choke on all models and new larger reardechopening foreasier loading and unloading ElIIIiIerNew in Comfort with New CurvedOnePiece Windshield New Cranlotype Regulators forVentipanes New FoolForm Clutch and BrakeriPedals And the softer smoother Knee Action Ride New Finger FIISStecringWheel Improved VelvetPressure Jumbo DrumBralIres ShadeLite Tinted Glassoptiorral af cigtra cost And Safer Glass in windshield and all IwmdoWIs ofIschIIns andcoupes EntirelyNew In Economy too Yes all new Chcvrolets for I953 bring you more miles per gallon of gas II more overall economy of operation as and InIaddItion theyre the harvestpriced fine in their field Come in see and drive this great new car at your earliest convenience and youll know itsth car for you ConIbiualin of Powergfide automatic lmnrmiriian and 115bpjBfueFlame eIIgIueIoptioan an TimTm and Bel Air model afrm cart Continuarlanoi slanderd Icqulpmcm and Iym illusrraied is dependem on availability of matrial IILIErsfrIIIANIIIINY OTHERI cIIIII