brother Charles Dun mulox this with do genitalia nod 51min ilifr worm Goodall Ir visiting friend here IM betting spent the winter in Canada and British Col matting Mn Harry Palmer Bolton room couple of days with Miss Lilly Palmer recently Mrs Buddy was in Toronto couple of days in week Miss Marion Sinclair spent the weekend with friends in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Thomas Bamctt Sr wenIla TorontoTriday visiting friends Mr and Mrs Jock Delany and on Paul Toronto spent the week end with Mr Delanys parents Mr and Mrs Rance Dclany Mr and Mrs Reid MeQuorum spent few days recently wath friends in Woodstock Successful Year The Adjula Credit Union which serves Tottenham and surrounding district which enjoys the reputa tion of being the largest rural credit union in Ontario bad very isuccessful year in 1952 Th financial statement shows ui idend payment of per cent per THORNTON Mr and Mrs Jack Spccrs and little son Toronto spent last week with Mr and Mrs Spcers Mr and Mrs Laugdon spent the weekend with Mrs McKen zie also Mr and Mrs Harry Gray Alliston Mrs Hope Oakvillc spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Luck WI Meeting The Womens Institute will meet the basement of St Judes Church with Mrs Jennett as hostess on Thursday evening March 19 Roll call tongue Mister or riddle Program Will be in charge of Mrs Spectra converter of education Mr and Mrs Spencer and Moran and Mrs Cunning ham spent Sunday in Markham Mrs Lennox spent for days last week in Toronto Mumps are again on rounds their Hockey Fans goo number of our citizens nccompu led Our hockey team In Gait on Monday night WMST MUST COMP03TABIE PEOPLE depend on us the yeur roundl ALLANDALE LUMBER nun FUEL 00 49 Essa Road commons 5531 sprawled mount and on mute loan inureiit of per cent Completing iLS aeveotlt year of service to some 33 member1 the Credit Union had Humvee of over 31000310 Be lids being good investment the life avian Insurance covers shares up to maximum of 81000 and the loan protection insurance cover loans up to maximum of $10000 Over 16000 new credit unions were organized during 1952 In Ontario alone 300000 people belong to credit unions Euchre Winnen Mrs Hammond and Arthur lilompson were the winners high scores at the mixed cuchre clth held at Mr and Mrs James Touxhs Thursday lust Terry Paxton and Marlene Paxton son and daughter of Mr and Mrs Leo Paxton Tottcn ham took part in the solo class at the Kiwanis Music Festival held in Toronto recently MINESINGM Mrs Johnston Barrie has been visiting her nephew Oliver Wilson and Mrs Wilson Miss Maguirc has returned after several months with her sister Mrs Beatty Toronto See Sooner Corbett Adams 11 member of the Bantam Flyers played in Maple Leaf Gardens He went to Tor onto with thc team by bus to play against Toronto Marlboros Mr and Mrs Adams were two of the spectators Mrs Plowright spent few days visiting friends in Tor onto Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Cairns Detroit and Dr John Young Edmonton visit ed Mr and Mrs Alan Johnston during the past week Morris Gallaugher Trohton New Jersey spent Sunday with his par ents Mr and Mrs Rod Gnllaughcr Sunday visitors with Mrs Ada McMaster were Mr and Mrs Frank Andrews Lakeview and Mr and Mrs Herman McMaster Toronto Over Operation We are glad to report Raymond McMaster who underwent ma jor operation in Royal Victoria Hospital week ago is getting along as well as can be expected Mr and Mrs Dennis Cooper and Diane Alliston spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clarence Coo per Garf Wheeler attended the hock eygame in Toronto on Saturday Mr and Mrs Albert Turner Vic tor McNeIlly and Miss Ruby Yoke Cooksville visited Mr and Mrs Orville Marling Sunday Mr and Mrs Albert Marling are visiting their soninlawand daughterWr and Mrs Wallace Mason Nicholson Mr and Mrs Don Parker and family Toronto out the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Parker Mrs Mary Gilroy and Ralph spent Monday withMr and Mrs Dufiin Alllslon Mr and Mrs Harold Parker vis ited Mr and Mrs George Parker in Streetsvllle recently Mr and Mrs Warren Wiley Bill Wiley Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Edith Graham St Catharines visited Mr and Mrs Elmer Gra ham recently Mrs Graham re mained for several days with her son and daughterinclaw Mrrand Mrs Victor Skinner and Murray Toronto and Mr and Mrs Everson Weston visited Mr and Mrs Jack Murray recently smith Toronto visited on Sunday with his brother and sis terinlaw Mr and Mrs Les Smith Jim Molr Barrie visited his sister Mrs William Copeland Sal urday Miss Jean Carter Toronto spent dionof the No CeltClan 8N1 Writer Western observer see no com fort for the democratic world in the momentous event at Moscow where the death of Joseph Stalin was swiftly followed by elevation of Georgi Molcnkov lo the leader ship of Soviet Russian and world Communism Western Europe braced itself for continuation of the cold war Warnings that the west must keep strong and alert were sounded in the British press coupled with can tions to the United States against provoking Russia into shooting war Most diplomatic sources and newspapers in London expected Russia to continue the dead Stu Ilns grim twilight war between east and west at least for the present The new Soviet dictator the 51yearold Mulenkov is knovvn as man who hates the west and is firm believer in Soviet mili ury might Some observers see in the new setup at the Kremlin tightening of control and possible purge of men who may have been taint ed by western contacts or influ lIlCOS There is some belief that despite Mnlcnkovs swift assump spot struggle for power might flare later The quick journeys to Moscow of Communist bigwigs from the sat ellite nations however even be fore the great Stalin state funeral on Monday showed clearly that Russia is holding firm to its em pire Undoubtedly they will be indoctrinatcd afresh with the Cbm muuist creed of world domination The New LineUp Malcnkovs accession to the Rus sian leadership was accompanied by wholesale shakeup of top government personnel at Moscow Mulenkov himself had long been close associate of the dead leader and known as his most likely suc cessor govcrnmcut communi qud said the host of other changes were neocssary to assure uninter rupted and correct leadership and to prevent any kind of disarray and panic Doria chief of secret pol ice and of the atomic energy pro gram bccomes head of the newly combined interior and state secur ity ministries Deputy Premier Molotov the weekend with her Mr and Mrs Carter Mr and Mrs Lou Carter Re gina who have spent several months with their son and daughv lerinlaw Mr and Mrs Car ter have returned home parents Leave For Bermuda Miss Verna Pearson and Miss Lillian Knight Toronto have left for three weeks vacation in Ber muda Mr and Mrs Morris Quesnelle Penetang visited Mr and Mrs Da vid Pearson on Sunday Mrs Watson Toronto is spend ing several days with her sonin law and daughter Mr and Mrs Norrie Coutts Arlene Lowery Toronto Is vis iting her grandparents Mr and Mrs Forbes Coulis Mr and Mrs Carman Hindel vis ited Mr and Mrs Amotto Belle Ewart on Sunday Patient In Toronto General George Squibb is patient in the Toronto General Hospital Everyone wishes him speedy re covery Mrs George Squibb is visiting th tnuumwwmmw mum Nikolai Salaam ho mummucueumgm replacing limbo WV mummadmty min Berh Molotov Bulxmlrr nod hum Komvieh were all re named deputy prime ministers With mlmkov they form new pmldium of the council of ministers This council apparently will be It highlyImportant tavern ment organ unlike the putrid ium of the Supreme Soviet or parliament of which Marshal Kle mentl Voroshilov has been named chalrman Comlnkms New Illi Georal Malenkov 51yearold successor to the 93yearold Stalin proved hlmelf strong organizer during and after the Second World War when be accomplished monu mental jobs of reconstruction and rehabilitation in the wake of the Nazi destruction He established himself then as man who would let nothing or no body stand in the way of hiseuc cess He is about to apply that principle to the Soviet econOmy once again His government is more centralized and more auto craticcvcn than Stalins The roundfaced party boss is 100 per cent ductclnnlre Commun ist who draws his strength from the class of Communists who grow up after the Bolsheka revolution scaled off from the rest of the world and wholly impregnated with the Stalinist dogma Malen kov himself has never venturcd outside the empire of the Iron Curtain The official announcements from Moscow demanding the greatest solidarity of leadership and warn ing of the impossibility of any disorder or panic whatsoever bcs spoke his intention to be ruthless In his suppression of anything that smacks of opposition Fierce Statements Malenkovs public pronounce ments show his feeling towards western democracy An analysis of past major policy speeches shows him spitting venom at Am erican wormongcrs accusing US leaders of introducing Fascism not only in their own country but also in enslaved European coun tries and warning that third world war would spell the end of world capitalism Since the Soviet Union now pos sesses the atom bomb Malenkov has warned that third world war would bring devastation to the American continent for the first time He said at Moscow in November 1949 If there is new blood bath there will be weeping mothers aLso in America Reuters correspondent in Lon don noted history has shown that Stalin always knew when the time had come to effect strategic withdrawal Ile probed weak points of the nonCommunist per imeter of the world but always withdrew rather than risk head on clash with the west and open warfare The question is whether Malen kov will have the some political sagacity and caution Tito To London British warships will escort in iRUttfCOnIrol Ends in Towns Govt Orders Rent controls ended Monday Mier 1053 in more than 000 On tarto cities villages towns and townships government order last year provided that rent controls would be ended at that date for all com munities which had sufficient hous iing to decontrol rents without fear of skyrocketing prices Almost all the communities being decontrolled are relatively small Only four are citieHhatham North Bay Waterloo and Kitchener Timmins still classified as town although it has population larger than many Ontario cities isalso be ing decontroiled Towns dcconlrollcd are Clieslcy Port Elgiu Southampton Wiarton Orangcvillc Durham Meaford Ac ton Thornoury Deseronto Sea fortb Forest Almontc Carleton Place Grimsby Beamsville Port Credit Stratbroy Campbellford Tillsonburg Brampton Listoch Mitchell llowkesbury Hocklaud Vnnklcek Hill Iicton Arnprior Alliston Barrie Stnlyner Harris ton Mount Forest Palmerston Bruce Mines Nestcrvillc Hearst lro unis Falls Matheson Smooth Roe Falls Gore Bay Little Cur rent Bala Bracebridge Graven hurst Huntsville Kearney Parry Sound Powassan Trout Creek Rainy River Alikokan Coniston Copper Cliff Frood Mines Levack Massey Webbwood Charlton Dor lon Hailcybury Lalohford Gerald ton Beardmorc Longlac Mara thon Red Rock Terrace Bay Shuniah and Schrelber President Tito of Yugoslavia to Britain for his state vLiit on March 16 Marshal Tito the Communist ruler of the antiSoviet state is expected to sail for Malia the Bri tish Mediterranean base in Yugoslav vessel which will be picked up by the Royal Navy The Foreign Office at London announccdaftcr the news of the death of Joseph Stalinthat at his own request Tito was coming to London week earlier than orig inally scheduled Tito recently signed pact linking Yugoslavia with Greece and Turkey who are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATIONAL PRODUCTION In 1952 volume of national pro duction in Canada went up per cent while labor income went up 12 per cent IIII nod Mn Winner spent NEW twat mm short all on Britkh Columbia bunch was served by several of the members The next mean is in be held at Mrs Ed Paddlsonn the weekend with Mr and Mrs My um um We film and Mr and Mrs Thorby have 300 Frank Michell at colborne woman The WA met Wednesday evem ins March at Mrs Mamag ters with 35 1an Mrs Har risypretided Mrs Howard was in charge of the devotional Her text Working Christian Shot also read poem Friend of Jesus The minionary study was taken by Mrs Dobson number of thank you cards were read Mrs McMasler gave report of the ower fund and par lwnage fund number of the ladies spent the afternoon and evening quilting Rev Fra ser closed the meeting with prayer Lunch was served by the ladies The April meeting will be at Mrs Frasers Angus Mr and Mrs Joe Murphy and family Aitwoud spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lorrie Barrett Farm Forums Cedar Valley and GrenfelFarm Forums held progressive cuchreg parly at the Community Centre Friday evening hvelvc tables were on hand Ladies high score was held by Mrs Jae Quinlan mens high score Joe Quinlan Proceeds were in aid of European flood relief and amounted to $2825 Congratulations toMr and Mrs Donavon 01 the arrival of sun Stephen Ross in Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie March Mrs Donavon and baby were able to return home on Saturday Both are doing nicely Mr and Mrs Ward Coldwat er visited Mr and Mrs Dob son on Sunday Mrs Van Duran spent couple of days at Wycvale with Mr and Mrs Marcellus to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on March Sunday visiiors with Mr and Mrs Vnn Dorun were Mr and Mrs Oldnlc Mrs McDonald Mrs Van Doran Mr and Mrs Walter Marcellus and Mrs Todd Grenfel Farm Forum The Grenfel Farm Forum met Monday evening at Lloyd Harris the vicepresident Clifford Harris in charge It was decided to have potluck supper Monday even ing March 23 forthc closing of the Farm Forum Mrs Van Doran and Percy Ford won the prizes for euchrc Next meeting at Cliff Harris on Monday March l6 Taken to IlVII Miss Noreen Ford was taken to the Royal Victoria Hoopital Bar rio Sunday morning forum appen dixv operation All hopc Noreen BARRIE IRON WORKS tau LAr High Street $44 Phone 5046 Agents for and Feed Cookers ORNAMENTAI PORCH RAILS sIEEL=og SALE BLACKSMITIIING WELDING ALEX CLELAND Proprielor 00000 TIlllNIllSItllIS IIIrEIuIIIIoIIIIL RELIEF her sister Mrs Smith in Toronto Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Joe Roulston were Miss Teena Roulston Bradford Mr and Mrs Dee Coburn Cookstown and Mr and Mrs Jim Franklin Egbert lOIIE MEAT your to The Icon red meat endother valuable 7x 010ml 00mm SWIMMIIII slum 00mm mm Mr and Mr vent Imanon ibave returned titer um lwonderful motor trip to Florida land other places Mr and Mn Clff Plates and gsnmn August spent Sunday with gun Paddlwn trod Mrs Allenby WI Euth The Womens institute held gsucceuful euchre Monday night zflvan Holmes lutd the moat lone ghands mens highe score Hnrvey lCoe ladies hihest Mn Pol Elard 125 lowest Mrs Stamina 63 W1 Haunt The Womens Institute held their March meeting at the home of Mrs Robert Coc Creemore opening With the Ode followed by the Creed and The Lords Prayer Roll call gwas answered by Name somethlnc produced and manufactured in fCanada Motto was read by Mr imoyd Patton If you want to be happy begin where you are Min rites of last meeting were read and adopted Treasurers report and several thank you letters were read byttbc Secretary Business planning for euchre to be held March 23 for the Flood Victim Fund Mrs Stainton had charge of the program agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Mcme gave very interestlnd talk on the programs from Sunni dalc Corners meetings Isabel Cue read on The Apple First df Fruit Mrs Allenby on Who Is Missmg haw Mrs Stainton gave will soon be feeling better and bone again and Mrs Hutchinson and son George Edgar visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Harris on Sunday Cedar Valley Farm Forum met Monday evening at Jack Holtncs with good attendance Next meeting is at Maurice Baldwicks Monday March 16 Topic Tile United Nations Looks at Farm Forum es to the feeder their farm and are moving room Sorry to report If Guregrat sick We hope for moody IECUVCI Mrs John Schell is also ill WOMEN LIV whiffEl on the average Canadian Women live longer than Canadian men blNlORiH AVE mourn MASTER llli CDNTRACT MASTER hog contract is simple practical method of financing your feeds with no interest or carrying charg Hcre are comments of some of your neighbours after they have used hog contractz Farmer No Victoria County Just signed my 11th con tract Farmer No Slmcoe County An easy way to finance hogs Farmer No Haldlmand County Ill need another leaf soon COD The evidence of our contract customers assures you of plan that works CONSULT BRowN co LTD MASTER rEEo DEALERS IllSIlSIEll srrvlcrs IIETEIIIIIS SERVICES rumour0 00055 urn usual illusion Elia ffIIrIuIIIIIoIiI 0mm food elements in KenLRation help Thicketdeed Kenna Ration rvkult Iywwtirdo for Li The Red Cross Blit Campaign W3 T3 We twovveelwl ounce urn time you no norm 410 Mi 15 With the results ypur money will cheerfully refunded on until the canvasser recalls