Ill training is very heavy aid Ric urtsmtdric are sum wucdcdf out The men who complete this training are theft molded into inc wellIBM and Welldrtelupct umt of the our Aflcr ilwsc preparrd speccmn 339 33 slim interlutsstur gait iicuprcwmcd by John violator tom Pop all 41 Wltilflnn and Junc urns aim puma tantalum STORY or THE 57 AMPULLA BAXTER moon in WESIMWSIER AMEY Inf Vim Wm M91331 Miro WWI SW ESCAPED Dutf mmim attraucnou sv use COHMOIWEALTH we mlmmi it mmufr DIGESIOF or weekend in Believillc was their was enjoyed by all Edbulttcr Sharon who is attendzgl Mr and Mrs How ECCtESiASIrUL PtAlEJtAS viii Al if ll wwkwd With lir out Inf CORORAIKM OF ENEUSM MNGS lI CONIMHS PkEClCUS OIL gnu mm mm uranium the gathering and By LOKNA CUNNINGHAM and liftl Copeland Loutts John McFarland Em town and Mr and Mrs Dcnneyl 51g and Mrs muh Barrio vrsttcd Mr and Mrs nd film Home Denney on Sunday ATbc sensor public speaking Cull If was held on Wednesday March with Bud Cockbum pfddtnl Impromptu Sktchcs Inc impromptu speeches wcn est people alive just of the Studenls Comical as Chat were Rev James Far Glrdwood gm BDCI and Dr an The girls Spoke first to this or der Lenore Bowman itl Slap1w Christian June Owens ill Anne Harris Lenore spoke on llltf famous Bril rsft stafcsnmn Winston Churchill She told about his hobbies wot ing and painting Must ed in the Second World War how he tutored leaders in the war and how when his adVIc was not fob lowed disaster fell Lenore men tioned how be encouraged the people of Britain and also incluch any of his famous quotations lncll gave her speech very com lots and wellrounded flavor She ended by pointing out what great statesman he is truly the pillar of the peoples hope and the centre of the worlds dcsrre Shirley Christian was the llftt speakcr She dcscrlbcd the life and customs of the Indians on tho flo bcmuliescrve near her home town of Ponoka Alberta This topic was of special interest to us becausc we were bearing an original storv from very original pczsorl Throughout lzcr description of their clothes homes and thclr work was the thought of the white man who driving thcscpcopllarterand farther back and in reality dc stroylng them She pointed out very definitely that most of our ideas about the In dlans are wrong They dont spnd their treaty money on liquor of course there are few exccptiuns but there are exceptions among lhc white men tool Contrary to some peoples thoughts the Indians arent lhclrtits people or us Shirley expresses it Thcy arent the clean but certainly not dirtiest She also explained by Indians arent better educated It require money something which they havent got This girl from Alberta concluded by saymg thnf These people who are my friends hopc will some lay be come yours too Ann Harris spoke on the death of the King and the ascension of thccnEllzabcthiII to the throne Anns speech was very easy to fol low for she grouped her ideas She storied by telling of the dcath of King George VI and then of the ascensron ofhis daughter Elim belh The Queen must set an ex ample to the rest of the Common wealth as mother wife and above all queen Ann described Elizabeths part in the war her marriage and her family She ex pressed the feeling that on Corona tion Day There will be no wish more fervent than security through the world for this young queen and that she will rule over aCom monwcalth that is united by tradii tion Shlsfrulyua new bloom on hardy stock Boys Speeches this order Lawrence Beech t2 erry Seawright t1 Doug McMas ler fl and Jim Muir Lawrence spoke on Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the telephone He was great Can adian who set himself goal in life and as result is great tri QThe boys then gave their speeches butc to Canada His early occltpa tion was teaching deaf mules in the US where he received encourage ment to carry on his experiments The first words ever spoken over Lawrence Mr Watson come here want you Lawrence who had lived in Brantford told us about past principle of no rid of her speech was about the part be plav pared Sptchfi Lenore woke of IV and discussctf its various fez lutcs that is the teachers Uplfltzll bc parenu and the sludttils Shirley chose color as her topic dismmcd tho Subjtt of zrdrzrrstmg and humorous dcscrip tron Jule spoke on Thv thrrtc thriving town Will bright futurc She txtczlfloued its scrvlce clubs the tourzst trade iBurmas Communal the publicilv given the town by the BDCI Band and the Ilycrs hockey team Anns impromptu dare say was the must humorous In fact It was uploarlous She spoke on eyes and started by telling us where they were located their purpose and their uses witty fiftbformer concluded by remarking on the two different types of cycs the mm The judges or my cum 38 rm the we ordc as be pre World without Color and gave us on more about that later ilatiotts 13gt Yawn of or cxltndcu all lr ct kind that observe and the kind that observe and well Lawrence spoke on xmmc men tioning lt was the Uldtfl form of outcrtalnment known to man lIc includcd some of the names of the IILSUUITICIIIS from past to present diffcrcnt musical organizations and several types of music Terry and education scam to go wcll together so it was no surprise that ll spoke on education He mentioned the need for it and that it is vital for us to think for our selves We do this as we receive an education Congratu pctitors of the Sclllot publzc Slrruk mg contrast Out of cortstdtrulmn to the nets of the contest dd llm gzvc any report of their spcccbcs xl they will have better chance at Lb tom cuntcst later on Paintings Some paintings and are on view until March 13 Thou paintings have been SfCLlthl through the kindnc of Mrs l3uw mun The pictures are Sigurd Dc11 marlun Thumb The arts is now Mrs Sinclair and is the vlfc ofwlx prtncxpnl of tilt Surnm Tullcglutc Institute Kcy Club Service The Key Club is now offarlntz it tutoring scrvicc to any student from first to fifth form who trgvtls cxtru help in his studies This ulfm open to all but eminently lllzlrnr who have missed school btClILlft of sickness Iutcrcstcd students got touch with any Key Club mumbcr and help will bc nxtnxtgrtl ulur four or ill noun hour Doug spoke on tepic that is of interest to all of us Vacations Where would you like to spend your vacation Was leading ques tion but Doug hastened to describe the two types of holidays The quiet person naturally likes quiet place andth not too quiet pcrson likes to visit wellknown resort To conclude Doug described his favorite type of vacation Jim humorous boy at all times was especially so in his im promptu which was Punctuality subject most of us dont recog nize He started off by appearing on the stage few seconds late and when he did appear he actually roared on and almost took couple of curtains with him He pointed out three ways to improve pun ctuality First stop dating Sec ond get to bed early this reason is connected with the first and third but definitely not least take up petition to limit homework Most othc students agreed with one of his reasons Judges Decision The final result of the contest saw June Owens in first place among the girls And would like to point out that June was speaker number three and last years win nor your5 columnist was also speaker number three Lucky number three eh Ann Harris came secondvalrlnley Christian third and Lenore Bowman fourth Terry Seakwright took top hon ors in the boys contest and he was followed by Lawrence Beach sec ond Jim Muir third and Doug MoMaster fourth The winners of thecontest will now go on to com pete with the winners of St Josephs High School for the right to compete in the zone contest But telephone wereaocmtdlngr to the memorials to this man in that city the statue at the Bell office and the Bell homestead Alex ander Graham Bell teacher writer scientist truly great man Doug McMaster who undoubtedly is interested in his subject onEngineers He told us about the different types ofengineers th fricchanical who designs tools airplanes landscapes bridges dams and highways the chemical engineer who produces for com niarcial use etc Doug then gave fl outline of the requirements ceded for an engineer student must bowie very good grades in math chemistry physics and Eng lish He also must have sound habits of studyand natural cur iosity desire to improve things and above all he has to be honest with himself and others the only third form skudent competing chose as his sHbjecl thc UDI the underwater demolition teams or the frogmen He toldabout their exploits in the grand how their organiza tio lnt to be Jimj mentioned one of the most exciting and hair raising incidents of the war when they saved thotrsands of lives Then flJim Muir he told us about the requirements for this work Tlre perSon filters ested must be an athleteand must have definite physical build Not be gman spoke Ell interim rue COLORFUL Exhibition of Work Tonight is the ulgltt to support your school in its Optn House cv cnlug Since this is the first CXllllll lion in few years it promises to be quite an event There will be three separate auditorium shows featuring the band 3100 Club lush lon show and displays of vcrk So come on and support your school tonight and bring your parents and friends along See you thcrc zit 730 Miss Mctcalfe one of tire roach ers of the CI has been ill ruccntly but she is recovering now and we hope that it will not be long be fore she is back at school tohcip us With our struggle with the French language SPECIES OF BIRDS More tlian 500 different species of birds have been recorded in Canada THE uonow rooms FROM MESEAKOFTHE EAGLE out his momrmo SPOON ANDIHE Alousrsmp Dws ms FlRST two means tNlD THE no on THE maneuver mm MAKES ACROSS on ma km scrim AND mm m2 HANDS or no soveteron fzr LYt troll um llrrrlll1 lt lur itlottr 11mm on Sun Iduv ctr rtv fmnt War mzflltl 25 uttcntlcd Betty mrl Jck King and rtcnrv Ldfltllll lflruntn sprut the Week Mr and Mrs Ilufuulf by Councith artist have been sent to lzc school lllzl NIH lltl Jones mm ll5 Vllllflln wrlll qngrntuldtlom Ix11grllilflullgt it Mr and Mrs Ilil liut an an lflL llllVfll of it Many boy at Sailors Hospml rlilnl llusuuulv and Elltcu Mn Buchanan Rudy spoilt lilo 1151 work Will Eli Buchanan Ruben Strnud New Lowell IS 2223 31 Ill illuun on Sunday luotltcz fol Junior Farmers unuzbw of Junior Loni thin cmxzuumlty ullctqud flu CUlllLftllCL and buuquvl in Glltllllt Iiull on Saturday also awards for lilo North Silllctlu Jilllllll Farmer Soils Club with Icrcsa Ilnwloy us wound your llltlllbul and Dale Miller 11 third your member ouch mtrrlllng fliSl class honors and r0 comm $11100 for the years pm jucl In Hospital Sorry to report John Yates is patient at Soldicrs Memorial flos pltul Orillin Jeannette KIIIQ Collingwuod spout tlrc Weekend at her home htlt Air and Mrs Bulcourt Jimmie Toronto visited Mr Mrs James Bclzlngcr Sympathy goes to the friends of Mrs Rachel Miller Gilchrist who passed away at llCl home 3165 Duf luriu Street Toronto Thursday In tcrment was at Guthrie Cemetery on Saturday afternoon Mrs John Yates is staying with friends in Toronto mud and MUHEW eataadTenby FIAVUIMILH gt gnu4W neutrino H3 llllflllllllllllll nursin Now you it thong yourfrofrigorotor button as youchatty youcniitufl uncooqu it inausrlminutgsgltli yards of fabric pitch confirm drlpcs oruglls Youll agree its the mu beautiful bigottonal can buy You also new Pushi Button automatic defrosting SpringFresh Grceninteriors Ind 70mm refrigeration thit keeps all food If their crotchIon prime Cone in andthis great new Decorhtor Ilcfrig v1 Lowdown pamntasyrn Mcmmml JMOUNI ST LOUlSi md by M1 iri 1hr scltool on Mulch in good turnout of members tth in Toronto who celebrated lltt goods cmmcrs Mr and Mrs Dtsjaldillt TutMMwW lutltu islltrd Mr and Mrs alight during the wcckcud Euchre and Dance The motors and dance put on the multilch of Rama Home until School Association was tcll attendl gcd on Thursday owning Murcia now in slack gihcrc wore tables pluylngl tcucfut and sunr31 prizes wurc Watm MWylm an out luring flu uvcntn YOUR Nspmm Mi liiillllllliil Brill 393 St mutubcrs of Buxlcr liuxttc and lem the watkcrld iI Slicaftluwns3dwm Absdmauuu M61141 ERNST BROS Mr and Iln William Adurrisou and um 51154 ltwvnbugp Mm Cm COITD Murllyn xpctit Sunday Wilfl Mr lllld Mrs Mum wuikum Mount Forest Ont Awldescllcfhndl mdrebuilttfnuhfnxm tn tl 31 and ln Wulft tloozc all Mr Moore were wckvtiti not ill Toiltngwood Sympathy Extcndea Sytrtpathy ts cxlcztdrd to Mr on Mrs MacNeill on tin sudden pnsvl in of his mollur in Toronto Muml 3rd The WI llcld their rogulzu 11 ill lIrx licrrlcr was lllc spcukcr for flu Evening lILl talk bum cry ul cslg The out mccting will to tbc annual election of officers licv Luck Barrio was lit spcukcr lII tltc Baptist Church our Sunday uflclnoun and there tus dctliczltlon scrvicc hold when muuzcsl son of Mr and Mrs ANTISCOT Hadley Ronald was dcdlcatrd GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT Congratulations to Mrs Robert Major factor in raising the grossi Cunning formerly of 8010 EWIIIlllllllill product total ulup oil EXCLUSIVE DEALER md scrvzccs produced 111 90111 birthday March with he will Canada in thc 1952 record high of and family and friends 3229840 000 was the years gm c0 lof nearly 12 pcr cent in labor Ellf PHONE 2461 CALL THE EXAMINER FOR Home putting this lltlll ill $10855 PRINIING PHONE 2414 000000 Mrs blunzdown 3nd DUES Mts laugh ottcuricd uu Upttt mumi Newycds lZluijrtlllllcrcrsl School ltllflrllliulllii ungmtulzltmns to Mr and Mrs Ldlnt mummy mgm Mimi ll2lcznl Incc Dorothmhmv LttSl Toronto who wtrc married Saturday Mlltll Mr Lacs spell it few days in Tumult lCLLIlIl Mrs lurtrtdgc spent tllC tilffll tum lc sister in Willuu dulc Mr Gary IUIIIU Slt N0 EXTRA COST NO EXTRA COST 191w and Mrs Slrnclulu andE sptst tlrc wcckcnd lu Tu ANTISLUDGE Coats endowed with the bcauty of the new seasongplanned on the slim straight lines that do the most enticing things for your gure Some lled gently to the curves some falling straight from the shoulder All treated to wealth of skilled workmanship In the new fabrics and colors ALSO Featured Fort 5pHng NEWLY ARRIVED Au weather Coats SHOIgTIES suns stousrs utilises dross OUR contort LdysAwny Plait For Butter selection ForBetter Valuef NW land Mrs Council on run