Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1953, p. 11

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in it required Millie men broughiicmployed Administrative mm 11 mm gym loot have always been placed comes Huing from the mspcctiubl Mr Davlmn felt that the omn of been Tb cult of on Ivorcod 1119 employeos contribution to Afr by made available was usuuliy Mutation II an from plant airman Wm Emilia Isburt of who was actually firtdl mm The Wim mt Egch pay period the game in more accurate mimetic of the on sacral hundred books to so to in my be mu be gnmnbcr of men needed would help that the stamps were being inserted if mm his own and we employwg thou 923301 sitggtihrrix For some awn and Wrlzbclunce the situation up to date ontbe one coil inc mummuom He mm mm tug simmer 11 rbe wt Emma magnum why will inc National Employment coat of trawling ism cmpioytmymm an Employee me wnmbuuon PMS WI Fwge Wm hm cm plans to bring help again lili with only one or two books would he failed to deduct VII33 The Dim Win bf 5391 ma or from Westsm Canada and the be far we great to be pacied Er Snyder we Nammal for phymnd Equipmem gm hhfprugfim and his Iiwslock program gt gt gt children Everyone is cordially milieu adtancc will usually leavel Wm mm wrgrpvm 909 Emplome Office Home atva mm mDIWmem Imnm ed Mr Davlson at Mldlturst Woven mum iAgrlc Adviser For BLPIM My Mrs Smarrmalrtid pupils of Employmeni 53mmf Addresses Farmers Metropolitan Life Reports New High Rccord for 1952 Ottawa Much ilkMoro life lmursnre issued more insurance fit force more Wlfylmilini served tori more money gold to beneciaries and living policy mm em mum ha been re Eurrm for 1952 by the Mrliihillldn mmmmcmmnymdmrummg lpcrLod in Ontario cited to attend and help the cm1off plonmrlg lltli labor rmjulremenls Mr Dawwn mm mer his report Emmi today Our business in Canada hit new high records during 1932 with $253030011 now bmimo litturd in vestments in Canada inrde to mull ul $8375lilx0 and the number of anadlun policyholders up to 2mm sold Semmi irc Proxiilcnt lion Spahn who in cbsrgr of the mmmnya otwmtmml in comic It was mfortuI that payments to mllcyhollkm sml beltcrlurit during the year In Consuls nus 34574091 of winch was pool to II ving policy Imlim and first the total amount of life lnnuramc in furor 11cm Is now 0283I0930YI will 393 101001 total in the inlinur Ilelmrtuwut 27 in industrial cull 1751 in the lrnup lie Iartrucut Iir Spullu rallcd attention to the fact that the total amount the antipathy has paid unmllam since it surwi business here 111 1872 plus the amount now invented In cumin comic the premiums receiva from mmlluirl by 34101101 This giwaj some 111021 of the significant contribution that final Mcrotmlitau has music tothd economy of the country In our 80 years of oper ation Illre he said Im the critirc company It was rc pnrtcti that paynicnts to lmlicyhuldum and Ilcnccinrurs totalled $N5IXXIIXIO averaging 3784013 17 minute of each business day If this amount $330000111 was paid in 103111 claims Mid SillIMKXiJmwnlmust twice as mIIIIllo living pnllcvholdcrn Life insuranm bound in snmla qul the 17110th State amounted to 39111111111070 nm total at life In surance in force pde the 850 billion innrk during 1111 your and cloud ut 1184000000 at the years end $3343111Xl100 more than at the end 01 19 The 111111me was serving 33700000 individuals in unmln and tho Initcd States at the end of 19512 which Iigurcs out Itt about one person in ve of the total population of the two countries There vcrc 300000 more MIIIlyIIoItlrnl tlutu Ill 11 close of 1051 Aimts hold for the benefit of the Mllllfyllliltlfmllll Itictropulilitn is It mutual organization totalled 1503000000 when the books were cloned for 1052 The stlttutory reserve for future payments to policyholders dctcrtuinod by legal requirements was 59 857000000 and the other funds hold principally for policyholdcrs amounted to 071000000 ihc sur plus for contin ncies was $605000000 about the midi obligations 0f the $945 millions in payments to policyholders and beneciaries $336 millions was in death claim payments $257 millions in matured cm owments annuity puyments rind surrender values and $100 millions in accident nnd health and disability payments Dividends to policyholders amounmd to $102 millions IVY Mr and Mrs Esten Davisalong with Dr and Mrs Bob Davts are enjoying holiday down south Presbyterian WMS Mrs Cleve Patton was hostess the Womens Missionary Soci ety of the Presbyterian Church with 14 members and one visitor Mrs Earl Reid conducted the meet ing After the usual devotional period and business was over GEN SPAKN SIcmul Vice Prfxidml in charge 11 Canadian inn of tho frfropoltlan Life usurnd Pom ykmy who rcpurfa that It incurs umr issued in 853 by 1hr company csfubfishai new high reconf The life insurance issue of 1952 was made up of 82190000X0 of ordinary insurance $700000000 of industrial insumtcc and 8622000000 of group IIulurauce in force at end of the year was 8241115000000 of ordinary insurance 31001401001010 industrial Insurance and 1275000000 of group insurance Alcillcut 11an health protection con tinued to grow in public Invour Iurfn theyour the company reports and his was particularly true of lllu new forms of protection mItIchl by hospital 911 11111 and mm icol expense politics At 11 end of the year about 0200000 persons were proteltIII by accident and health coverage under group and individual policies There also were 549000 group certicates and individqu contracts for annuity payments in force providing for total annuities of 8201 millions it your Of this 337 millions of annual income is currently being paid to annuitants The mortality experience among the tolicyholdcm continued to be very Invouruble At the end of the year 53 of the companys assets were invested in corporate securities 17 in United States and Canadian govcmment obli gations 18 in city and farm mortga ges 4111 policy loans In housing an other real estate and in cash and other assets New longterm investments in 1952 totalled $1000000000 The major part of those funds went to nance the needs of commerce and industry help ing thereby to bring to the public the benets of technological progress in such elds as chemistry and electronics very interdting program followed reading was given by Mrs Earl Reid Three 051123 piano selec tion by Mrs Fred Nelson reading by Mrs McLean Tale of No Gates reading by Mrs Hog arth Welcome Stranger Rev Mr Guergis explained chapters 15 and 16 of St Mark in very in teresting manner letter from Africa was read by Mrs Harold Gibson from high schoolteacher there telling of his Christmas din ner and how prices of food com run along Fun Fm Midhu East Forum Wm metldry stated Mr Dawson when ad at Lynn Russells March Nil Topic The United Nations looks of Farm Forum What does thex UNESCO survey say about Farm Forum Trip To USA Mr and Mrs Fowler Jack and Marilyn have been visiting Mldburst friends prior to in ex traded trip through the United States They intend to spend few months in Florida and Call fornia and Meeting The Hume and School Associa jtion enjoyed most enjoyable levelling will large attendance Mrs McGuire Minesjng gave demonstration on the uses of honey lin cooking Mrs McGuires Sam ples proved beyond doubt the value of honey in our diet Bfrtblhy Pony Sylvia Frankcom entertained her little friends this week the occa sion being her sixth birthday pared with here Next meeting will be of Mrs Gibsons with Miss Known in charge Mr and Mrs Gcmmell Tor onto wcre weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Jennetts Mr and Mrs Orvai Terry and Shirley Barrie were visitors with Mr and Mrs Spccrs on Sun dnv LOL Euchre The members of LOT 450 would be pleased to have good rcprc sentation of members and friends at the euchre in the hall on March 17 luntll the sun shines on boll sldcsl 01 the fence and the fields ore dressing North Slmcoe farmers rc cemiy We of Ilic National Ein ploymcnt Service admit that some Of the irlltltigtaflts we have placrtl on the form labor market are not lhc best of farm help You men know whore the best farm hclp hiss gone and you know that you can not go it back We are offcrzng the next brill that is available and we have to know your rcq1111r menus tvcll In advance If we 11 to meet them it takes approm mainly four months to move 71 immigrant from Europe to Canada Mr Dawson 301111142 out that 11 would be grout help to the No llonal Employmcm Service if farm ers would contact them some months in advance and tell them they would Ilkf mun placed on their arm by 11 certain date Thoy may do this without obligation Up 10 the present time guess has been made as to the number of COLLEGE STATISTICS Of the 112402 men and women now in their final year in Canadi nn colleges 3547 are in arts 1317 in engineering 1094 in education 809 in commerce and business 11d ministration 752 in science 732 in medicine 530111 nursing 425 In pharmacy 396 in social work 34 in household science 314 in law 2117 In agriculture 213 in dentistry 118 in theology 37 in chartered ac countancy and 22 in journalism TRY AN EXAMENER WANT AD PHONE 2414 zmrks to the matter of uncmploy ric pointed out that unemployment 11 surancc is not available for farm labor and Is not likely to be 110th available In the near future its is considered that tho mlmlniszr1l fltc difficulllcs would be loo greatl lie listed several problems It Is uzum insurance for farm help the board room and nous IcnlE which Would be satisfactory to bulbI employer and cmployw 1n curtain dIslricls of Canada mnployecs Work on sliure cropping and bonus or rungcmrm which Ullll involve zli difficulty in 355055ng fluIr ioiol czlrllings We still have molly forms for the main in Canada and much of the labor 15 unpuld It would be frequently difficult lo establish exactly when farm hand was unemployed for exam ole the employer somcluncs tells his employee the farm work completed yet he may have boulul and lodging in lieu of doing cerium chores Is this employee thou un clrcumslunccs not available to farm help formers may Ind too often do engage in businesses outside their category For instance if former hires man to deliver milk with his truck be is than in the merchandlsmg busrncss and tho employee auto matically becomes eligible for un in that the farmer should difficult to arrive at value yrtdwum mm the employeevs wagtjdsl employment insurance Phone Irvin 271 VHoMHQM FABleATED IRON Fire Escapes Gales Railings Etc ESTIMATES FREE STEEL FOR SALE BARBIE WELDING lf Mulccster St MACHINE 00 Dial 3744 233 BRADFORD ST icy and Sunmdrlle Mr Murray of the OrIlla office at Oriilia and LOOK SEDANS and COACHES $10000 will hold any car BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT BANGEIIFIELII M07009 Barries Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 10110117111180 Annual Ilepor Policyholllen MORE BENEFITS FOR MORE PEOPLE MORE benets for more people than ever before This key notes lhc service of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in 1952 payments to policyholders and benefi ciaries reached new high$945000000 The daily transactions of Metropolitan are intimately inter woven withrlhc hopes and aspirations of men and women throughout tthUnited States and Canada Behind the annual accounting lies the story of families helped toward security of widows cared for These human objectives far transcend the processionjof cold gures across the pages of account books Yet the figures reect the planning by policyholders to he ment of their ambitions At the end 01719542 policyholders wcrcprotccted by $51900000000 of Metropolitan Life insuranceo new high record Old and new policyholders increased their insurance protection by buying $3600000000 of new Life insurance New longterm investments in 1952 totalled $1600000000 Thc major part of these funds went to help meetlhe needs of commerce and Industry 11 many instances Metropolitan nanced the expenditures neccssary to bring to the public the benets of technological progress in such elds as chemistry and electronics and children educated 1p aSSurc tho full Somc $369000000 was invested in city and farm mortgage loans in 1952 Part of these funds helpcdnuncc 30000 new homes and they brought the total outstanding home loans of the Company to 197000 at the years close to 300 On new longterm since 1934 Other high lights The number of policyho new record The not rate of interest earned on Mctropoiiluns total in vestments after deducting invcslmcnt expenses was 321 in comparison with 30 31 in 1951 However theUniled States Federal income tax reduced the net investment miurn for 1952 investments made last year the net interest rate after all investment expenses but before the United States Federal Income tax was 37 Iothe highest in Annual Repod Idch incrcascd to 33700000a Accident and Health protection continued to grow in public favour and this was particularly true ofihe new forms of protection provided by hospital surgical and medical expense policies At the end of thc year about 6200000 persons were protected by Accident and Health coverage under Metropolitan Group and individual policies The mortality rate among Metropolitans policyholders METROPOLITAN ASSETS ANDODLIGATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS us Govcmmeni Canadian Government Railroad Public Utilitym 777 Industrial and Miscellaneous Stocks Allbut$18064l7772areprcfcrredorp1aranteed Mortgage Loans on but Blake On urban properties 0n farms S799654512486 8184460830155 l4353774675 Provincial and Municipal 6605135487 66024322566 451924138102 376786311101 5131439559154 16158214954 Real Estate after decrease by adjustmcnt of $190011 in the aggregate Housing projects and other real cstate acquired for in vestment Properties for Company use Acquired in satisfaction on Io batters in on unless fecd Thats teammates forprOflts 1n hog feeding and thatswhat the feeding program does Save on food doing hogs do not require as muchifeed to makercmound of pork aspoor doers fsaveoh labour evcry extra day that you have to keep those maggotcum means more work WWW per contract of sale on roIIeISs Made topolicyholdcrs on the policies cahanuhnknemcs Interest Rona etc TOTAL ASSETS 70 MEETOBLIGA TIONS s11592529045It6 Indebtedness of which $205912124 is un $39163840863 4671886457 of 260093644 security 21 hell and II eat of 750902272 207607774718 439058209 17551989192 16170950412 10089806465 DECEMBER 31 1952 ASSETS WHICH ASSURE FULFILMENT OBLIGATIONS TO POLICYHO LDERS BENEFICIARIES AND OTHERS Statutory Policy Reserves This amount required by law 9856893709 together with future premiums and interest is necessary to assure payment of future policy Policy Proceeds and Division Left with Company at Interest Funds left wilh the Company by beneficiurics and policyholders to be paid to them later penned for mva to Policyholders Set aside for payment in 1953 to holderscligibic to receive them reported Other Policy Obligations Including premiums received in fluctuations Tues Accrued payable in 1953 Security Valuation Reserve Prescribed by the National Assdciaiion scram Commissioners Contingency Reserve for Mortgage Loans All ourobumions 4553110047 Tom OBLIGATIONS 31 suflllli TOTAL swims FUNDS r11st Policy culmgcumnuy outstanding Claims in process of settlement and estimated claims that have occurred but have not yet been special reserves for mortality and morbidity combs ruuos opedIsurplus Funds $1067s3poono 55794455432 benets 65397656600 18178227700 those policyg $501101117 76947311l4 advance and 4701222546 2317669900 or In 71500000o 2535152257 $10927301519134 66472755432 TOTAL OBLIGATIONS AND sunribs SI 159252904566 viiifr continued to be favourable Death rates from many causes particularly tuberculosis and most of the common childhood diseascs reached alllime lows In common with the experience of business generally Mctropolitans expenses increased somewhat last year Con tinuing effort is made to keep them at low level consistent with proper service to policyholders Dividends to policyholders in 1952 amounted to $192000000the largest sum in the Companys history Mctropolitans Report to Policyholders for 1952 would not be Complete without appreciative reference to theioyal and capable Metropolitan men and women who made possible the efficient and progressive service which our policyholders quite properly expect Additional details of the Metropolitans service loot your are given in the Companys Annual Report copies of which may be obtained on request Eyweggggzgwfg fa gmrmffbm and powcrmmpamdiidofbcfs Since 1909Met CHARLES TAYLOR JR President Munorourm onunouslu CANADA These high light of the Companys business in Canada during I952 our 80th year in thin country will IN If policy parfrcular interest to Mchapolifuna Canadign holders and their beneciaries Payments to Pollqholders and unassum Meiropolitanpaid in 1952 to its Canadian policyholders and their beneciaries $45499950 in death claimsmaulred policiesaccident and health and disability benets this amount 68 was dividends and other payments or paid to living policyholders The total amount the Metropolifun Canadians since it entered Conch plus the amount now imnishd 01M exceeds tho fatal premiums mud Rom Canadians by moro than $415mm Life InsuranceIn Emu 12 moms rm fulfills mm In 1948 EIIEVS my We have good supply of DIAL 4981 In 1952 Canadians bought $25303932 of Life in suranoc protection in the Metropollmumndatthoycarund the Company was serving 25301111Lifc holders in Canada insured f0r$282i6931111JOE amount 56 was Ordinary businesn27l5 wits and 17 was Group 71mm In Metropolitanrrinvzcsfmcnts in Canada amounndgo $637590599 attire end of 1952 Ihcsc are playing an important port in the economypEwitir cu Mvviiml reload ectrilcali substantial 1011115371 Fdeml Provincial bondsandwimsizcablqtomlsjnumulgmc paper companies lbcoil industry rams bifocal my and education campai in numerous activitics Monolith monthly health dvei 3mm NeroAssets amounting to 355244950965 are deposited with various public officials under lhc requirements cations lGoodiiinisizfo lGoou Hll of lawor regulatory authority 2youicpuitgctawoifkbopcfornotbiiig feature oumanyrmm they dre formulatcd for Canadian hogs and tested undo Canadian conditions COPYRIGHT CANADA 1953 unnomurm LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Metropolita Lifexlnsuroncc to MUTUAL COMPANY gt HOME omccrnaw vonx CANADIAN taxonomiesorvaA gt WW

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