Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1953, p. 10

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753WJgPl mouth not token ockmwledlsl 33 civic minty of our empire yummy Post Office Dept since Cote Post and country at whammy idstcsnm by sunta mfg by in pinyin of phrase of the MWI master IGcncmi has announced that on them it is con mf 31 from It mi May 1953 the Post Office firmed opinion that this hurried um turn will issue new sci of five and insincere tribute is Inocch and an insult dxumimum at wage gamps mend out 1c to Sc inclusive that will display WWW zxaj ppeal more OPINIONS OF OTHERS in or or opportunity to CCQOM to uy folio Cmndimo Olin guru Ippui of Tbs Candin lqd tron mm for Mud with which mood upped for funds by the Carlos so dross society and Its Barrio on be launched here next Monday 10111 the form of blitz The local forth is set at $10000 according to ll Mulch campaign chairman the Bad Groubcs expanded so much in lth that it is now performing duties romved from the original reason for its It was originally organized to iii the wounded and dying in wars without to friend or foe Subsequently it bus extended its services to full time plun both tin peace and war The Canadian Red Cross must have more than five million dollars to carry on its vital rvfocs in 1953 EVery dollar is needed In ntarlo alone there are 24 Outpost Hospitals and nursing stations to be maintained There the Blood Transfusion Service Red Cross rvices at Veterans Hospitals Disaster Ser ice which must be ready to go into action the moment disaster strikes There are Loan 1upboard3 where items of sickroom equip ment are loaned to those in time of need there are educational programs which gtelp Canadians toward self protection SUCH Tns Swimming and Water Safety First Aid Nutrition Home Nursing Junior Red Cross tcaching health and international good will gto million young Canadians By their contributions to the Red Cross campaign Barrie and district residents will limit the opportunity of giving aid to the disaster victims of the recent floods in Bri tain and the Netherlands The Canadian Red Cross has already rushed to the Neth erlands 250 cases of clothing bedding and flood relief equipment stockpiled in Geneva at the League of Red Cross Societies ware house In addition the Red Cross has made shipments vlaulr transport from Canada of the following 3000 Army blankets 1000 mattresses 5000 pillovfs 5000 oilskins 50 outboard motors3000 thermos jugs 82 cases clothing 250 dozen pairs mens socks 2820 bed sheets 5335 pillow cases 12000 pairs hip waders 4603 pairs heavy work boots 3300 pairs mens womens and childrens shoes 150 bush coats All provincial divisions of the Canadian Red Cross are sending priority shipments via TCA directly to Dorval Airport Montreal Where they are consolidated and sent by first available aircraft to the Red Cross Soci eties of Great Britain the Netherlands and Belgium Supplies of second priority and re habiiltatlon requirements are despatched by express or freight to seaboard and sent by fast ship to fhe needy areas percentage of funds from the drive will be used to supplement the stockpile in Gou cva and in forwarding further relief direct from Canada The Red Cross is purely hu manitarian and what it does it does for the benefit of mankind as awhole What you are being asked todo during the blitz next Monday is give the funds this organization needs to carry on its great work You are asked to donate as generously as pos sible The Barrie campaign committee has been well organized and volunteer canvass crs have offered their services Do your part maintain the great work of the Canadian Rod Cross in 1953 and make sure that Bar es objective of $10000 is over subscribed dllorlal Notes The transferable vote is no panacea for of or imaginary minority representation by ictorious election candidates who get less can half the popular vote suggest mazy pendants to question asked by The Flu c131 Post And the transferable vote can newdangers some think But there minty in favor of it Those who are my bill means of assuring that the eluted Vlduol has truemajorlty and the elect portyyo clearfcut majority this giving lbfcsentatlon dud avoiding instability oiiid result from several strong parties federal field Improper use and mis rstonding of the ballot possible party and possible distortions of 00151121 mummies use are among reas mama by those against the transr nfcderalwlectionsrernc suggests such distortion could higwayz the electors mark in Shulcc the weakest and most un Hy nliorderl not to give strength ey ivconslder chief opponent 3K Polity emerges 011 top daunting is over from it hirnpalntlng his ogres Family Traditions Count Midland Free Press Herald The weekly newspaper business as much And perhaps more than any other segment of our Cau sdian economy is family business It in good that it should be so There is trsdltlort in journalism which money cannot buy One of the World War 11 dollaroyear men re cently met weekly newspaper publisher who had been associated with him in government during those years Tile dolltroycar man who contributor our of the larger sums to our national treasury each spring asked the editor what he was now doing Tbs editor rcplied that fathers weekly newspaper he had taken over his No ambition of all to makc money ch was the comment of the million alto And more was more than mcnsure of truth In it Nonetheless the many men and women in this land who prcfcr country journalism 10 city scribery have not given up their interest In equitable oppor iunily if not in actual acquisition While they may have decided to content themselves with relatively lower Income they do not see why just because they took over their fathers or uncles business they should be subjected to higher tax levy Yet that hus been the result of the application of Scction 127 of the Income Tax Act as recently Icvlscd Any person buying business from person or persons to whom he is connected by blood rela tionship marriage or adoption is assumed to have bought the business at other than fair market value No matter what price he actually paid its physical assets for tax depreciation purposes had to remain at the values approved by flitDepartment of National Rcvcnuc for the previous owner in other words when father sold to stranger that stranger could claim depreciation on the basis of the price paid for the assets of the business and gain normal lax depreciation allowance But when father sold to son the son may not do so In the publishing industry in which the basic machln cry because of relatively high cost is not readily replaced loss of depreciation allowance imposes severe hardship The inevitable result of the continued application of that policy would either be the gradual elimination of the family business in Canada or the encourage ment of further adult delinquency in an attempt to evade the intent of this piece of legislation Already the trend is noticeable in the publishing field Chain journalism has made greater strides in the past do cadc than in any previous period of Canadian history The place of the family cntcrprlse was challenged not by more efficient private competition but by publicpolicy which has sacrificed equity of taxation on the altar of efficiency of collection Wasaga Beach Annexation Stayncr Sun This area as well as Toronto has itslcxpansion problems Here move is on foot to have portion of the Sunnldalc area of Wasaga Beach annexed to the Village of Wasaga Beach Like the problems of Toronto and its suburbs the problem here has many angles The time must come when the entire Wasagu Beach area must become one municipality The question is whether that time 1S now we believe but the question should be settled by the persons directly involvedthe ratepayers of the area This should not be hurriedlbut time taken to assess the whole question For example ratepayers should be able to compare actual tax levies on sim ilar properties in the two municipalities It is also our opinion that when amalgamation with the village does take place the area should include the entire beach up to the Town Line To take just the builtup high assessment area would leave too great burden on the area that is left akossenlial services would still have to be maintained and devel opment continued This with the knowledge that once it is built up another annexation would take place The Big Bad Wolves Hamilton Spectator We often wonder if Coldwell leader of the CCF doesnt weary of his own line He is at any rate rugged fellow demanding some respect for the way he goes on painting horned monsters that would be more appropriate to childrens Halloween shenanigans than they are to this country in 1953 Recently he went on the air to tell the people of Canada with gooseflcsh forebodings that when powerful and influential groups protest that the country cannot afford an extension of social services at this time what they really mean is that they do not want to see more equitable redistribution of the wealth of this country We now know by experience thatthe government can find the money if they haps little forgetful The most powerful and in have to Mr Caldwell besides being persistent is also per fiucntial group in the country is the majority of the Canadian people who canvsay just how far they want to go in this kind of spendingby the most decis ive of all verdictsthe ballot For nearly two de cades the CCF leader has been pounding his drum in Parliament and on the hustlngs and getting lots of publicity but this powerful and influential group just doesnt seem to be impressed The last time verdict was recorded only 15 out of 100 of them showed any interest in Mr Coldwells theories We do not think the average working Canadian whether in farm factoryor office is boobfar He knows government can get the money if it hasto It can for instance print dollars that become increasingly worthless and it can get on this track very quickly by so increasing taxes as to discourage people from producing wealth and risking their savings in providing more machinery and new factories The governmcntCanadlonltlmay have made errors but lheybre not along the llne Mr Coldwcll suggests There has been broad hint in recent byeletidns that it has gone too far the other way If Mr Coldwell would risk putting his figures on the table and tell the people of this country what his plans would cost them in Additional taxes we have upretty good idea of what vuuld happen So we suspect has Mr Caldwell Wlliclt is what keeps ACldss NewSpaper to urry on its noun unit loan tr for ruin no we on troll Cousin no not boroil ports of Map notional lurch ood 119 immaton to rocolvo any funds contributed for tho Mill of the non uufnrors lo it Cross in Cut14 nde to be the miniltritiu of this Count uni in tin capacity tho Stojtty ban on to it tho our old on can quickly cod offc um dictu totod concrete uponuion or our toothy Lou publicqu thin men ujor dictator urvlcu but no 100 simificmcnrc tho my otoor menu union my cunt co urriod on fro My to any of tho Cmdlin itd Crou includo blood tnnltuliom Ind tbs procuri unt of blood Ind blood product for our IrIIdI forcu awful con to than in dfltlnt dnd lonoly piacu lid cud contort to bonpiulizcd Huron and inadin ouicnrlco to local Illusio suffirorl lltbout our Crou Socicty would not our lock of tarpm uni thoroforo ruin annual to tho societys it your Mtlonoi App 9pc defon Rod obi to continua tbiu utin lurcy bit or Prim Itnfotcr moaomouIIMomwono INTERNATIONAI NEWS REVIEW EXAMINER STAFF wmrns aomomomouomouomog Adlai Stevenson tells newsman in Tokyo to be wary of ex pectations that world tension will slacken as rcsuit of 8181 ins death Coronation fever mounting in Britain as tidal orrangements under way in London States scheduled trip to Mldd US Secretary of le East in May probably to see possibilities of setting up defence command Trygve Lie lashes out at Soviet interference of his duties in the United Nations TOKYO Speaking here after nineday private visit to Japan bud Korea Adlai Stevenson the unsuccess ful United States Democrat can didate for the Presidency told rc porters to be wary of expectations that world tension would slackcn as result of Stalins death He told the newsmen that it would be unwise to expect an casing of Alhc cold war at tlus point Stevcnsons comments however contrasted with those of United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles who expressed hope that Stalins passing might help toward the eventual liberation of Iron Curtain peo les Mr Stevenson ater fold magi conference that while Mr Dulles was right in saying the change of power in Russia enhanced hop of peace the free world Should not assume that an eraof good feeling was beginning and consc quently relax its efforts GREAT BRITAIN As throughout the length and breadth of the British Isles Coron ation fever is rapidly mounting in London final arrangements for the ceremony are now well under way On Coronation Day June even those people in possession of paid tickets to view the procession will have to be astir at an early hour Those with seats or stands near Westminster Abbey are to in their allotted places by am Those in stands farther out must arrive by am and eventhosc on the outer rim of the route by am The royalcoachivill prob ably leave Buckingham Palace about 1030 and arrive at the Ab bey about 1130 USA It would seem that the real pur pose behind Secretaryof State John Foster Dulless scheduled trip to the Middle East in May is to see what can be done about de fence command arrangement for that area Allied plans for setting up some type of joint defence scheme for the MiddleeEast have been stalled for nearly two years as London Washington and Paris tried to find common military and political denominator for that region Mr Dulles in disclosing his plans to visit the Middle East made it clear that as long as technical state of war existed be tween lsrael and the Arab states it would be difficultto build up the security of that area Therefore one of his major aims in visiting the variousicountries of this vital area is to see what can be done to formalize the un declared peace existing there That heiindicated is but to make it eds ier to organize gthe defencecf the entire area In sense the British and Am ericans whowbave been pressing for Middle East defence organiz ation for nearly two years now have decided an common strategy to advance that goal The British will spend theJnext few months now that they have reached rm ace cord with General Naguib on the about the situation but now the time had come to speak In the same speech he gave the highest praise to American support of the UN and threw his full support be hind United Statcs loyalty investi gations of Americans employed by the world organization Throwing aside his conventional neutrality Mr Lie said every oth cr UN member had respected his authority and independence except for the Soviet Union together with the four member governments allied willhllt Because of the stand took in support of United Nations action against armed aggression in Korea these five member governments have refused since 1950 even to recognize me as secretorygeneral For almost three years have borne with this situation in silence Now however believe the time is appropriate for me to say that this action in myopinion is by for the most serious violation of Article 100 of the Charter that has occurred Article 100 forbids member governments to interfere with the independence of the sec rotarygeneral The policy of the Soviet Gov ernment he continued has been andcontinues to be policy of the crudest form of pressure not only against future secretary generai who ay incur the dis pleasure of the Soviet Union for doing his duty as he sees it It is to large extentbecause of this Soviet attitude that ihave offered my resignation Mr Lie said he would have ben tvilllng to put up with the stream of abuse from theSovlet Union and remdin in office until his term ends next year except that la portrait of Her Majesty Queen Crawford 00 comm CHANG Want Daniel and Corporation Murillo 91 Dunlap Sum Barrio Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 01m Winn design The Tillllyfcid for 01111511 Ellznbclh 11 This set of new design stamps will be an ordinary long term is suc and will gradually replace the current stamps of the come dcriom luatlons that display portraits of 1115 Late Majesty King George V1 in addition on June 1963 the Post Office Department will Issue special Coronation commemoro alive stamp that will display sculptured profile of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth It is felt that the issuance of tbcscslumps will again rejflccl the respect and dccp devotion of the Canadian people towards their Sovereign The five denominations of ordin ary lssue stamps that will portray an approximate full face new of the Queen will all be of the same to stump will be brown the green the Sc red the lopurple and the be bloc The 4c Coronation wmmtmorntrve mun stamp willbc of the some shade of purple as the dc ordinary Issue stamp Red Cross Has Exacng System Budgetary Control The public interest in the Can adian Red Cross Society 15 well safeguarded by 11 most Incoming system of budgetary control stat ed Winter Honorary Comp trollcr of the Society in Toronto today Outlining these nancial sufc guards Mr Winter pointed out the background of this budgetary con trol and explained the process from the branch 10 the national level Each of more than 1300 brun chcs throughout Canada hasuis nancial statement duly alldtlctl before submitting it to the dung slon for provincial consolidatlon he said Then the consolidated slate mcnt of each of the ten provinclol divisions is audited by the dwr sional auditors After there Is further consolidation of all divx siomIl statements with that of na tional headquarters with furth cr audit by the national auditors Further continued Mr Win tcr our complete statement 15 sent to and is subject to the Dc partment of National Defence In accordance with the Societys chur tor In the handling of Red Cross cheques for national expenditures Mr Winter explained that these expenditures are subject to pre audit and all cheques issued must bear the auditors signature as well as those of two officers outli orlzed by Central Council one of whom must be voluntary officer The Burriebranch of the On tario division of the Canadian Red Cross Socity will appeal to the public for funds in its annual one day blitz campaign on Monday March 16 he felt the secretarygeneral should have the support of all big powers PAINT YOUR WALLS with WINDOWS CLOSED Ivo=IgtAI7YODOR or vsncouvslt no Bclzold SUBJECT Britain Climbs To Pentecost Dr Balzold is retiredUrIited ChurchMinister and renowned lecturer He has lectured from coast to coast and has had contacts withl Churchill Eisenhbwer the late Premier Stalin and others You are cordially invitedlo bear Dr Batzold at lTBllu11ms Baltic sundown 151131111 DO NOT MISS OUTSTANDING SPEAKW Control UnifodCImrcIt Minister rm com 131 Ortonist and Cboirmntcr WARREN 1711ch SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 11 urnMORNING Wmmr The Church and the Elder 1045 amOBGAN MUSIC putsvcnmo woksmr Make yotu Goodness Count CHURCH SCHOOL St Andrews Presbyterian Church Minister Itsv JAMES FERGUSON BA MR ANGUS BOSS Organist and Cholrmasler SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 11 nmCOMMUNION SERVICE pmwsnmo wonsmr The Minister of Both Services 11 ImTHE CHURCH SCHOOL M5 n4 mg pep 122W ll amBeginncn and Primnry Come to Gods House on His Day The Salvation Army 00 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR 11 MILLS Commanding Officer LT wootx Assistant SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 Saturday pmPrayerMeetfug F= Essa Road Presbyterian Church REV MUIK EA Minisch MB FRANK BUTCHER Organist SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 10 amrCiiurch School 11 IImNurscry Class 11 am SERIES WhM Must Do To Be Saved 5113933 11 MIL011nm M09910 Believe on the Lord Jesus poneSunday School pmSalvatlon meeting EVERYONE rs WELCOME Christ and thou shalt be saved p111 fSinglng Unto the Lord Special music by BDCI Glee Club 815 pInYPS Fireside flour Music by Glee Club Collier St Baptist Church FIRST BAPTISTCHURClI Ilndependenti Rev Nullmcyer Pastor SUNDAY MARCH 151953 935 limeBible sumo 11 funWHY WE HAVE COME TO BARBIE pairLOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Sunday School 950 km Special music at both services REV LEWIS MA rm Minister LLOYD only Organist and gigglfmomr SUNDAY MARCH 151 1953 11 mMOININo5mvlcs Religion At Its Bcsf ms CHURCH scrrooi 945 amJuniorv1ntermediafe and Senior Departmentsj ll armNursery Bennett mo Primary Departments pawThe Adult Bible Class DmEVENINd sunvmc Makers 01 Therm039 37 Pilate 815 pmY1PII roanj SAINT crokccs Church ofde mourn moron Rev Newtonsmith RA amnonxrcommvron 1100 ameMdkumo 2171ka pmsvcumo room mmw 5PiltcofDalson 79942112 22 113222 T384314 Dion hleshers Sudan in exploring the prospects ofasoiutlon to the Suez Canal dispute with Egypt Meanwhile the Americans will concentrate on REV LUCK BA ED Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 11 MILWORSHIP pinBroadcast CKBB The FRIENDLY CHURCH Collier St United Church onus APOSTOLIC FAITH 01111301 LII Hall High SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 Sunday School pm Service p111 Speaker DR CHARLES BATZOLD Vancouver BC EVERYONE WELCOME BURTON AVE UNITEDfCHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist SUNDAY MARCH 15 1953 945 mSunda School ll amBoginuers Dept 11 am+MoRNmo wonsmr Subject When Religion goes in his Silver Slippers pomEVENING worlsmr Subjectz Am Not Freef Fireside hour following Vtheeven mg service Musical numbers and beautiful colored pictures on the life or Jes shown by Bcv 11711 SunnySchool 21711 cameos pm com Sunday IQ 1931116 scam 18101ch Ambition Gunmen chsnmd mum sunset5 forum for spry amtMORNING champ be 91090 zoo33711911181 1030sum School 1130 and tooPREACHLNG sltcv 03101111 wncco iSeek ye the Lord whilefHe may Pulilishd Monday Wedne$doy Fridoyv WilliamOffice 13 10 umR mwontorio Canada by In CW ViccePresidentv RIVEITVSecretaryvlreasurer 3mm Condition Weekly mums Armistion 01711111190111111 We advise plsoiug your order curly with your Dionnccler trying for anIsraeliArab peace 1ODoublerimkens=on eac brans 73 11100123131133033152 Guaranted topperole without orwood bearing SensitiveVanna ave Lie so available equipped with Shredder Chan 816 charred Rumivith ruglnfh igndjcmmrmgm ts AV volt Bu of Circulstions Subscrllurfo 5mm gw WALLS monotonic 11 mutualRu 11 nmvrrnoummmy carbon um sailor In widest form of pressure Against him because of his stand opposing co uuistraggreuion litKorea Best Prices uncaring Goodyear nu 1m said1 button Ave Pltonc ngltjghe igldiall mm Ems vwollnemklryinseit gunman Barns urn combinatth General gt 313 charts on his personnel 1111th silent

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