Features during the week 01 March to l3 Time is drawing nlxht when Some lucky person will be the owner of 1953 Meteor cur matter of fact 11 could be someone inSlm coc County If you havent already sent your letter to CKBB we sug gest you listen to Mother Parkers Ihlusical Mysteries tomorrow even cm OIAI 1230 Ian El 30 Count 11m hunt IM to hurt me Iota lemma an an WHM has Chikk 1w Collier Mens Club Dr Citron Speaker Robert Chlttlck was elected president of the new Menr Club of Collier St United Church at the dinner meeting Wednesday in limiting rem Sean in many in 1m Citron was born to Berlin 91 19114811 We lie edGermmymlmwlivedln JunoSlavic Boom France Ear land and then Scotland where he became rambler Finally he came to Canada and was ordained in the United Chtrreh His sublect Simon of Life broubl out the various milestones EGBERT Mn Leonard Walton and Donna Barrie spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Alfred Thong eon Don Run is in Toronto for the week Sorry to report that little Keitha Beatty has scarlet fever Sr 811 Sal 832728 1101b In full utertee In ouqu Boo CKBB Barlolt Pm In Bench Son 00 In Reunion moo Mountain Boys 030 Luv Valley much My 1000 ileumTu lion 1030 News 1040 Hum for my 111 Senior 1110 Bantu 1111 New autumn WNDIY which he came upon through the Campbell is vicepresident and the 391 and how my inuenced his directors re Dr Cameron Hill linking and mm 11 David Church is conned to Dou la ms and Dr John Post bed amassed 93 nikoff Did you know that all Red PM New lira Ross Culver who formerly lived in Egbert now in Camp 501 den 13 very ill in Barrie hospital clued 0111 10 Mill 81min 900 lien Hemline 901 8115110 111 1030 New 1040 Keyword end Console 1100 loonlhht MerryOo Round lm gmmu mum In on that Tm Tim King thc waltz 111112 1013111 radio personality Willi Wad of Simcoe County listen ers The Wayne King Show fea tom the vocal team of Nancy Ev an and lorry Douglas backed by the restful music of the Waltz King Franklin McCormicks easytolis tento voice makes this half hour one of the top entertainment pro grams on CKBBS evcning schedule The Wayne King Show is heard ling at 730 The new car will be lgiven away on March 14 so there Dbmd fans wm beilsnt much time to get your entry travelling to Toronto Saturday akin Nam or me and prim ternoon to take in the Second play all game between Toronto Maer Centennial Chronicle mars lthc name 01 new Show to be boros and Barrie llycrs Many fans Who are SWWI mini 1113111de over CKBB every Thursday 31191 agorpgrpprggle vi iaftcrnooll at 203 with rebroagcns waves Dave Wright will be at the Zyenigxigmgyzg lgnldseed ze mmmplmnc saumaysanelltogg Should Barries 100111 birthday is jute ocmkm bnngr filmch Ml being celebrated tliia year and to Stone mum 30 kcop citizens WHOdate on what the recreation room 91 ll aICQO 00 can 630 on on 530 mu Headllnel Ind Market Report 631 Kmlcnl Clock 005 New 100 low 3ses The gathering of men having Cross cxgeiditgret dare ghmlllliiiyi scrutnlze an In epen em done Mme me me We 31 WWW busy Wing my pared and served by me womum and Budxeg Committee made upwumber and preparing to sum Ierection of his new house in the Raga 735 nm Association enjoyed Special ring of eight leading Canadian nancial 740 Restarts Walla song 16d by View Knox with Lloyd experts new Tulford at the piano 750 New loo rtm The speaker of the evening was 00 30 lntroduccd by Neil MacDonald He was Rev Bernard Citron PhD of Mruuou 630 811 On 030 News Headliner and Firm rum Report 631 Musical Clock 00 News 100 Non Knollu boroFlyer tussle direct from Illi every Friday evening at 730 House That Smythe Built Will be taking place duringtnc ncxtjfcv months and especially CKBB will be on hand to roomll 111ml and Banquet which 15 being hold dugiilg01d Home Week Centen nial Chronicle will feature infer views1111111 Griffin Centen nial Conmlltec Chairman and Earl Cox Ofliciul Organizer Guthrie Community 11 w111bc the scene of the North 311111201 Junior Farmcrs Confcrcncc tomorrow afternoon commencing 11 145 One 01 the conference 1111111 lights is to be the address by Cllllll Assistant Deputy Mimslm of Agriculturo Province of On tario The special cvcnts stuff Mr Carrolls addicss and other highlights of the scssion The puty Miuislcrs ILmzlrkg Will br hcnrd Saturday March Ill at 115 p111 50 CHEV FLEETLINE COACH RADIO CONDITIONING DEP REEVE 1111101 GREEK Dangereld M01015 ONE OWNER SINCE NEW DEPARTMENT OF worms harms Largest Dealer Low MILEAGE SUNMHR8015ASpm USED CAR DIVISION EXCELLENT MILEAGE Dial 4981 238 BradfordI SL Other bromlcmts of the can fcrcncc arc to be alrcd on 1111111 11 especially when you see our Spring Ensembl es thol are just little bit different youll find yourSpring ensemble in our collection Junior Sizes to 20 or Half Sizes from 1412 to 2412 Styles are mostly oneoIaklnd darineg styled beautifully finished small deposit will hold any article until Easter 28 Dunlop StW PHONE 2255 PLAN TO VISIT OUR SHOP SOON ms SGT TOM TOBIN Tom is another of the newly pro moted Cadets in the Squadron and incidentally will be Orderly Sgt on Monday evening third year student at St Josephs High School in Barrie Tom is Cadet who shows great promise for the future Standing about 64 inches andWClgh Discussmg Modem Funerals What impresses you most in modern funeral Irvice The fact that todaya family in moderate circum stancarcon afford service fully or distinguished and far more comforting than the ones formerly mowed for people of wealth and IiaIiorI We provide funeral of memorable homily in wide rnnge of plainly murkodprkesp m1 IC1V FHNERAL llQME 31 1111111 tum nun 11S3 MWHERS All marga riesave not the suing MwIV is 44 warnail $91191 thefirs margarine with fobd value in 8058131 on 11 News 900 135 Farm Inn MW 60 Weather Pawn News Headline 030 ew Books of All Ycau 20 Styles 111 80m 210 Grorvtm my Islander 1000 News 1005 Westcru Wauorh 1100 New 1105 Junt For Young Yollu 11110 The Starr flock Church 1230 New 1240 Procrnm IAIUIDAY 12100 Luncheon mant meat 1111111 Sports Dllolt KtDO Kuntr 1210 12115 Market 1230 lime Elm1 1230 News 1260 Bulletln Boom 230 Back to 100 Agricultural Cl Hour Reprenrntatln 115 Western 1111 Parade 1110 Strictly Inltmmcnlnl 145 Report from Parlia ment H11 00 anndu 00 New 235 808 1111 News Weekend Fair lime Seturdu Special Bucl Show 300 Hockey Iluoffs 430 Club 1230 L1 Il Dinm 000mi Jewel Tibemncle 1130 Cmnll 117 T1111 915 Story Led 1000 This II 81011 1040 nmIIy Favorites 1100 Church Service from Centul United Iunmw 1200 Interlude 1215 Teenage Book Review 1210 Sport Due 11 Jobs for 1230 The Church 100 MUSIC by Cln lie Names in the News 30 Melodlcelly Your 10 Billy Graham As the Twin Boat Curtain Call Ave Maria Hour Chapel Chimes Itcport from Tom Bummarr 900 News 9015 Tractor Post 930 Michul Shane 1000 New 10116 alien 5109pm Centre 1030 Trndlnl Post 1100 New 1105 H1 Neighbor 1130 New Headliner 130 Roundup Time ONDAV 1200 Luncheon Innue ment until 1215 Harlot Report mu 1230 Time lilo won 1230 New mm 1250 Bulletin 3010 100 Yum Feeturu 100 The Voice 01 the Palmer 110 notional Wenthor 130 1111 Tunes 200 New 05 Gospel Singer 15 As You Like It 30 Sentimental Mood 00103111a1 511101 13 Ctmllea Aulcl 30 New 35 Kitchen than 00 Club 1210 headline Hymn the Bio 430 New 10 News 535 Movie Merry01gt noun 545 Prelude to Dinner Sports 430 News licldllnca 700 Church Service from 555 Farm Market Honor ing about 90 pounds soaking wet hes as active and wiry lad as Dunsmore Material Was giv you couldflnd From truly mus Ical family Tom is one of 1110 Squadrons hopes for handful of scholarships when his turn comes Monday evening last Saw the Cadets entertained by crack archl crs Included in the party who travelledto Barrie for the evening were Harry Markham of the ITill mark Archery Co of Ncwmnrkcl and four members of Torontos famous Anglers and Hunters Asso ciation At the conclusion of the display the Cadets themselves had try at the bow and arrow work Following presentation of our bows and equipment by Ted Twiss 8001 in America The devotional was taken by Mrs 011 out for bazaar work At the closcMrs Partridge served deli cious lunch ClarkeMcLean Congratulations to Miss Marjorie McLean and William Clarke who were married in Crown Hill Uni ted Church Saturday Feb 28 Skating Accident Miss Carol Rix had the misfor tune to sever two tendons in one hand short time ago while skat ing but is improving nicely now Lacrosse is the oldest organized of Harry Twiss Sporting Goods EnCYCiOPCdia Britannica and the Tillmark Co the Cadets are wondering what the Squadron range instructor Geoff Jones will do now Geoff istwcll knoWn for his remarkable prowess with rifle shotgun pistol etc but no one knows for sure what he can do with bowand arrow Wouldnt be too surprised if he could handle thorn just as neatly Well soon know This coming Monday llChin will see theCadolSboardRCAF CS or trip to I3XIRCAF IDepo at Angus This is yearly visit eag erly awaited by the boys Theyll see films and have lectures on 11m munition Theyll visit one clathe display sections and see how bombs are placed in an aircraft and how they are released And to top It all Off therell be 31115 It promises to be good night and the Cadets are warned that ftlle bus will leave at pm ROWN HILL Womens Institute 830 New newline Iloncywood Dr Citron pericnccs in life especially since 1101 MIN HOYDIINO TIMI curvcm MUErLEII Play sale Let us check ybur ex hauslsyrtem todayl 11 your muffler is faulty well install new Chryco muffler that will give complete protection TREE Awmrk CHIYCO mango of 11 cmyuu Corporation of Canada limited 1111110111 11111 11111111511 Plymouth Chrysler Fargo according to the 55 Dunlop St WPhone 2427 and TODAY gave lmost interesting talk on his ex of Chesterfield Suites $1510 up Kitchen Set 01111 lining Suite vvchAmdcondmon $3500 Dinette Set Budget Terms TRADE1N STORE ovrnsrocxrn Because of smaller quarters we cannot accommodate the large quantity of used furniture taken in during our February Sale We mast therefore clear out lot the used goods without delay COME IN AND GET SOME BARGAINS $2800 Pce In ekcellent condition Large Pee REAL BUY $5500 USED FUltNlTURE OF ALL KINDS Free Deliver ll TrudeinSlore 137 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 1011010101 Iwo GREAT PR12ES MarCh meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institute will be held at Mrs Atkinsons on Tuesday March 10 at pm Roll caUMy first picture contest Kindly dont forget one Motto 013 all things you wear your expression isth most important The resolutions convener Mrs Tuck willIAbe in charge of this meeting and has been able to secureythe district president Miss Joyellunter as special Speaker Teahostesses Mrs Quinlan and Mrs Thomas Ken ny Operation At Toronto Very glad to report that Beverley Smith 501101 Mr and Mrs Ed Smith who underwent critical head optratlon in the Sick CliIIld rens Hospital Toronto is improv ing as fast as might be expected Hopejh will soon be homepagaln Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gordon Atkinson on the birth lit son Woodville recently Womans 1105001211011 Crown 11111 Womans Association held theregnlnrmeeting at Mrs Roy PartridgeS on March The president Mrs Drury presided 11111 SINGLE INGREDIENT Eberything in and good for you gt Youll love Nucona naturally del icntleravorngntaiMM artierhl owring Youll benetfronl Nucone energy Contdlna no Mrs Asaphvisitedv friendsin Its 110 cumming UCKY DRAW FOR THIS 0141 or 11mm we mmlmn OLN Emmi APPLIANCE 515131111 77 OR 35111111111 TIIIIIIIIAIIIE Electric Range from 40 INCHES 1N WIIDTH Every Dry Cleaning Order You Sent To Our Slaop Gives You ChonceOn The LuCky Draw For Your Choice of Either Frigidaire Product The OftenerIYou The Greater Your Chance of Winning 1111111 if IIIIIIIIIAIIIII II clinic of 111110le 1113 11111011110611 5i Tarrncxur AND DELIVERYI PLANT Florence $1 IIpt IttheOfOeorPlant orlhave 6111 driver pick it up willth collision ijourdryroiebnlnss lt