Former Rector of 010 Parish to Dundaik $7 if as In ancient days there was no question of proving God for it was selbevidcnt that God or gods existed There was simply no all ternatlve to explain the facts of existence In modern times there has arisen the unique phenomenon of arguments advanced to prove that God 15 Of this new situation three things can be said First An argument to prove thc existf ence of God proves nothing exi cept that the arguer already bev llevcs in God Second Men wouldl not doubt the existence of Godi unlcss they were already grasped by His reality and truth Thirdl The real atheists are not those who claim to disbellevc but those who live as if they disbelicvcd For these there is no help The most common proof is the little parable of the watch Obituary Albert Kendrick Allondole Postmaster Dies Feb l8 at RVH It was with sinccrc regret tiut the many friends of Albert Charles Kendrick learned of his death on Wednesday Feb 18 1953 at the RoyalVictorla Hospital He had been in poor health for year and half through 21 heart condition had several previous attacks from which he had recovered fairly well but the last proved fatall Bert Kendrick was born on Dec 1881 in Dublin Ireland son of the late George and Mary Kend rick who died when he was quite young and he had made his home With an aunt in South Wales for 12 years but at the age of 10 he en listed in the South Wales Bordcrcrs The outbreak of the BoerBritish War found him on active service with the Imperial Forces in South Africa where he served through the campaign and at its close re ceived the Queens medal for scr vice in Johannesburg Orange Free State and Cape Colony from Queen Victoria who commented that he was the youngest sergeant in the Imperial Army to have received it Inaddition he was awarded the Edward VII medal for South Afri can service in 19012 and had also served in India On returning to Dublin after the war he became an instructor with the Dublin City Police Mr and Mrs Kendrick came to Allandale 27 years ago last July and had conducted newsstand during that time to which they add ed the post office about seven years ago The death of their only son Earl in 1034 was heavy blow f0r both Mrs Kendrick is now the only sur viving member of either family Mr Kendrick was member of St Georges Anglican Church and had been warden He was also very much interested in the Scouts andtwas largely instrumental in the founding of the Second Allandale Troop some years ago when his health was good and had been Scoutmaster He was Past Pre vceptor ofRBPNo 601 Past Master of Allandale LOL 432 Past District Master of Innisfil District Lodge and member of the Imperial Leg ion of South Wales The RBP ser vice wasconducted at the Jennett Funeral HomeonThursday night Feb 19 Thefuneral was on Friday Feb 201mm there to St Georges Angli can Church which was filled to ca pacity The impressive service was conducted by the rector Rev NewtonSmith whose message was of comfort and assurance He also rPla tribute to the memory of Mr Kendrick of whom he Said Through all of his illness and poor 1th he was worried by the ught of causing trouble to others and had no thought of himself the Divine One unless that Div Vt WOEO KNOW GOD Imagine 11 1111111 going through field he picks up watch already wound and ticking he concludvsf that someone must have made such an intricate piece of mechanism and dropped it there Similarin goes this argument when you reQ gard the marvellous workings off the universe you must conclude that Someone made it and keeps it wound up However we arc not so sure of this argument Just because thingsi on our level of experience zirel generally nladc it does not foll ow that the univcrsc iLself has to be made by maker 11 is just about as easy for some to con cclve that it happened by itself The sccond popular argument points to the apparent design and beauty in the order of things and says tlicrc must be Intelli gcnco behind all this because it has been so obviously planned and prepared That is this argument looks not to the past for the cause of it all but to the future for the purpose of it all and says there must be God who makes every thing work towards His ends This argument too W111 not c011 vincc sccptic He sees all the order and intelligence in Nature and takes it forgrantcd or at tributes it to chance and develop ment Both these discussions of God can be replaced by dis cussion of evolution and the 11cc cssity of God disappears The same thing can be said of of Oro comprising St Thomas IA REV ERIC RICHARDS newly appointed incumbent of the Dundalk Parish in the Diocese of Huron with Mrs Rich servihg delicious lunch ards and their family George Diane 11 and Paul aged He took 11p his new post March The family is moving from Gore Bay in the Diocese of Algoma Mr Richards before go ing to Manitoulin Island was rector of the Anglican Parish Church Shanty Bay St Aid ans Hawkcstone and St Marks East Oro the argument which finds God in conscience and the moral law All these proofs point to something which man can easily soc in his experience and which require cx planatlon But to jump to the con clusion that they make us believe in God is false All they can do is make us ask questions The rst points to the fact that there is something in existence and not nothing and it asks for the reason for being The second points to the fact that there is meaning in existence and not utter confusion and asks why this is so The third points to the fact that there is moral imperative in human con sciousness which no man lacks ahd asks for the source of con science The best Christian teaching to day understands thesc socalled proofs for the existence of God as evidence that man does know God and once he knows God he tries to think back along the pro cess by which faith came And he calls this proof But it is quite clear that if he did not be lieve in God no amount of argu ing would open his conscience to that which he cannot see In other words man cannot of himselfarrive at knowledge of By JAMES HANCOCK Its All In The Day The vocabulary of Thames bar gcc would have been no more than adequate for situation we en countered last Friday afternoon We were at Lafontaino with Miss Spencer and Mr Nelson the speak ers at the afternoon meetings last week Both were from Toronto and both wished to catch the Tol ronto bus leaving Barrie at 545 Hence plans were made to close the meetings at 430 and have the para phernalia packed and loaded in the car ready to leave by 445 one full hour for the trip to Barrie Everything went along as plan ned The last question on farm management had been answered by Mr Nelson and the 1astSIipper made under Miss Spencers guid ance at 430 Then just as we were ready to step in the car it was noticed that the right rear corner had settled bit too close to the ground Thats right flat first in 10000 miles All Miss Spencer said was Wouldnt you know Fortunately those buses dont leave quite on time When the 545 did pull out Miss Spencer was on an express bus which would de liver her near to her home in West inc Personality reveals Himself from His side to the mind and soul of man God takes the rst step He speaks to man and man in hearing God understands who God is and what He is like This is the agelong experience of the human face The Bible never at tempts once to demonstrate that God exists Such would be blas phemy The Bible takes Gods ex istence for granted and proclaims that those who will not see are blinded by their sin and ignorance Toronto and Mr Nelson was on one Now there are many ne p992 going down N0 11 solthat ho could today who claim they cannotseel5fgp of at hls home In Lansmg But one wonders whether or not in Thors Danger In the long run it is our human arro gance and price which prefers to get Them Thar Stacks every ar 11W along without God which closes our eyes and stops our earrGotr stack any more Now that we package combined straw neatly in is continually coming to all men but only they who do the will bales most of the crop will go in side shall know of the doctrine proof is convincing only to those that already experience the power still we do sea some and at this time of year they often begin to form hazard particularly if the and grace of God in their 1ives LONG SERVICE came have been permitted to run around them all winter MARYFIELD SASK CP halticemury 01 hummus 591Vice Thestack becomes prettynarrow to community ended with the at the base and there is danger of recent resignation of Charles Scott it being blown over or pushed He had been secretarytreasurer of over by other cattle on top of cat tle that are lying in its shelter Al McNaught school division north of here since January 1903 most every year we hear of cattle or the service guard of honor was present fromthe Scouts with Rover Scout Leader David McCIy Scout Mate Keith Bowen Scouts Peter Webb Douglaj king Garry Fraser and Robe llbcarcrswe REP and LOL Gilhooly 11 George Carr Hurst and Munro Iwege many beautiful flow hj spoke the regret of lghbors and business asv included those from b4132 Beavchebekab from the PNGs of lodge from several groups risland from the business ridale from StGeorges as in St Pauls All4 mutant FEiends the funeral Oahu 115115111111 run News of Interest to Junior Farmers being smothered in this manner So if you have straw stack check 011 it occasionally to be surc it is sill safe place for cattle to shelter Report On The Use Of Liquid Fertilizer During the summer of 1952 tests were conducted at the Experi mental Farm at Ridgetown Ott tario with liquid fertilizers as fdl iagc sprays Several fertilizer solu tions were being sold for this pui poscso iLwas considered advisable to set up some experiments that would evaluate their effect on yield Tomatoes corn white beans and soybeans were the crops selected for the tests The solutions used included NaChurs 51051 Ara 54105 mixture prepared from soak ing ammonium nitrate superphos phale and muriatc of potashin wa ter NilGreen 43 Nitrogren solution of Ammonium Nitrate Vig oro and CIL Plant Starter It should be noted that the latter two have never been recommended by the manufacturers as foliage sprays All solutions were applied at the times and in the quantities suggest ed in the literature put out by the manufacturers of NaChurs During the gro ing season no difference could be lletected by vis ual examination as to disease vigor or earliness of maturity between the sprayed crops and those grown or the check plots Neither was there any differenceatlxthc end of the season when the yields were totalled and compared detailed report of these tests may be ob tained upon request Mount St Louis4H Foresfry Club Meets By DALE MILLEE Implanting trees care must be taken to leave no air around the roots cautioned Don Spott zone forester at the first 1953 meeting of the Mount St Louis 31311 Forestry utinnonllowTPreparc Yourmzlncomerux Ream Official representativos OfthoTaxationDivision Department of National ROVenue will visif4 on 2B7iarrie7 for the purpose of assisting taxpayers in greozin preparing their l952 Income ToxretUrnsond answering inquuies on Other income Tux mattersflfhesa representatives lconsultotiOn or the ill beovpilobla for HILISDALE Mr and Mrs McKltrick Toronto have moved into the house owned by Joe Lea Mr and Mrs Robert Burke and family Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mn Roy Nixon and Mrs Harrison The YPS will met on Friday or coin in St Andrew Church Mr and Mrs Nelson Langley and Mary and Fred Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Turner Mr and Mrs Robert Playfurd vis itcd Mr and Mrs Walter Grantham in Barrio on Sunday Miss Mildred Reynolds of Bond Head spent the weekend with Miss Marion Burton Mr and Mrs Trew Midland Club Further Mr Scott outlined the various methods of handling and planting the trees after delivery from the nursery He urged the members to collect twigs before any noticeable swelling of the buds oc cur Each member will make eith er twig or seed collection or combination of both for the achievement day The zone forester also dismissed twig idcnti fication in which twigs can be dis tinguished by their size shape and thcir position on the stem The shipment of trees is expect ed to come some time in April The majority of the members have or dcrcd from 100600 trees consisting mostly of Scotch pine and spruccs which will be planted for wind breaks and on plantations Although the club has dwindled somewhat from last year enthus iasm still runs high with those who are still participating The 1953 executive is as follows Club leader Lco Berthclotte presi dent Frances Berthclotlc vice president Dale Miller secretary Cecile King The girls closed the meeting by visited on Sunday with Mr and Mn John Hurray Mrs It Hudson and daughter Barbara Midland and Hit Fred Webb and sons and hits John Gil lespic Victoria Harbor visited relativa here on Wednesday Sunday guests at Harvey Jonnv stons were James Taylor David Dawc Miss HelenJohmton Allan Jackson all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs William Yallix and daugh ter Verna Wyebridgc St Andrews WMS The WNS of St Andrews Church met on Tuesday afternmn at Mrs Thompsons Mrs Johnston presided and Miss Kate McKay was secretary Mn Copc land gave the Scripture lesson The missionary study was taken by Miss Goddard Mrs Johnston read mlsalonary letter The host ess served dainty refreshments Meeting Cancelled The Ladies Aid of the United Church cancelled their meeting which was to be held on Toesday evening 11 Mrs Rupert McOraths MINESING Mr and Mrs Howard Scott John and Brenda of Toronto were re centvisltors with Mr and Mrs Scott Muir and other relatives Tracy visitedthis cousin Mrs Duncan at MacTier last week Mr and Mrs Jack Priest and 3011 Paul of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Parker Priest Gordon re turned with them after some time In Toronto follow an operation and is progrwi satisfactorily lricnds of Nelson Chappcl Minesing boy and son of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Chappcl will be interested in the following taken from Toronto papcrl Rev Nelson Chappcl native of Ontario and former minister in the United Church has accepted the position of chief emotive officer of the World Council of Christian Bananas He was the unanimous choice of the heroin siting committee Since ltl he has been secretary of the John Milton Society for the Blind and before that was mercury of the depart ment of Christian education in the Canadian Council of Churches3 for five years In the war he won senior chaplain of the Canadianl bomber group Miss Jessie Foyston Toronlo spent few days with Mr and Mrs Harry Foyston Mrs Will Maw spent the week end with relatives in Toronto HANDY WEAPON ANSONVIILE ONT CPI wolf that was reported to be thy1 largest ever Seen in this Northern Ontario district was killed near here car driven by Red Hobi chaud struck the wolf and he fin lshed it with shovel BIG COLLECTION ELOHA GP Elora Boy Scouts thanks to cooperation by citizens collected the most wash paper in their drive that they have ever picked up They gathered 12 tons to be sold for the Scouts building fund CALL THE EXAlm Fl HEWITT KORE WIN BICYCLE Every garment sent to Wright Cleaners Limited entitles you to chance in this wonderful contest lt3 for free Bicycle for your boy or girl at TOMORROW OR ANY WEEKDAY worn roams LIMITED BICYCLEwWI WIN IDAOIEI NI BAlllllE IRON WORKS 11 11191 Street Phone 50 Agents for and Feed Cookers ORNAMENTAI PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE nuncnsmnnmo ALEX CLELAND Victoria Grey Trust Company 1952 Another Year Of Offices of the Company got Lindsay DuenfSOund Patrborough Believille illegals191 Progress 63rd Annual Report Year Ending December Assets CAPITAL ACCOUNT Office premises safe deposit vaults and equipment Mortgages and Agreements for and accrued interest Government and Provinces Of Conodo Municipal Stocks Loons on stocks Advances to estates trusts and agencies Cash on hand and in 15616 and other bonds and accrued interest GUARANTEED TRUST Accouur Mortgages and accrued interest $1 603313294 municipal ESTATES TRUSTS AND AGENCY ACCOUNT Funds and investments under Administration Total Assets accrued interest gt Stocks 30294625 Loans on bonds and stocks Cash on hand and in banks CAPITAL ACCOUNT Government and Provinces of Canada and other bonds and Liabilities l952 22645066 145099 39859786 235687736 16533076 3295951 17682779 350214307 1216483025 13575736 136565835 $3000225 held in trust $7645083 LL $4114955141 Capital Stock subscribed and fully paid 200000000 Reserve for fderolmnd provincial income taxes less poid MOrthgeliobillty reserve General reserve fund Profit Ond Loss aummmnun ACCOUNT $1868272480 Guaranteed Trust Deposits ESTATES TRusrs ondeGENCY ACCOUNT investment Certificates EstOtes trusts and agencies including Advances from cdpitolsoccountwszsu Acornplete why of our Annunlltcpnr will be gladly sent to you on requests AVWEEKS er ff Genifal Mpnpgefbndecretary 10499344 2375859 130000000 7339104 350214307 1131950035 7$3000232515 $i7is45oss19 $4114955141 Tall STINSQN QC President Wxouon11sron7 Treasurer and Owen Sound Manager