MW WEDNESDAY MARCH i953 wiocIriL BOAT INDUSTRY Damon Unit HOUSE OF HITS FIRSI WITH THE BESTJN BARRIE FRIDAY rm Essa Cases Adjourned The hearing four charges for infringeman of ma Township LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY TYRONE PATRICIA STEPHEN bylawsl31d by Norman Coxwortitg mwnhmp Cir 383m 05cm l1 was 3m Jill an Ms 13 il Journe uni rc in DIPLOMATIC COURIER liWeanhroughFence accident on Feb Presents Report Total givings the Dalston Uni Following an ll ruin it on nlo Sr Ulinimltut1 Sljephgnsonl ted ChUltZl pastoral charge of Rev Arm am can on pleaded guilty through her counil Pike toxinBind mu tori secdisc they have leimretimc CONTINUOLS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm til 38 ill DalSID LYUW 141 Ipy only in cases set Gordon McIurk to chargtg of careless driving Edgar avgre dfiililll $13000 ll PC McClure who Investil 1933 gated found that she had while tppltlacfllllg the curve near thel JUIICLIUD of that street with Blak Street failed to make the curv at all Striking hydro guy post RE Sounds THE SEASONS MOST HILARIOUS PIC stori In July dlfitttl in the midst itzons for the 113th anni of the Dalston church and Crown Hill anniversar 33 Cl 15 Lhmw from ll 355 its re 310 being planned Rev uiiwcuy through the high board xiiginnn speaker at fence at the former Ovcndcii Coll int Dalston anniwrsury Was an cxvplc of the sticccoii of not cgc grounds iziic monsters have served in cedar tree just inside fence Eve Shows lopptd her car which to prac 113m margin pm mu Willka and 5h mwwew in us uLIl report Elli Pike wrmus Cm bum the head and irli iris co reguiion that might in mm 35 315 brmedv reqmr be possible to keep to all the S1 iv Am if Cm OR THE SAME PROGRAMME north side of Dunlop St West up Cori Drury and Charles Robson is ing hospital care 5h 35 found gumy as dragged ies are expanding hciz worker cnc mi ned $20 with C0515 of 5H 131 lhldlb 35 mm Few milksix Izc Lon all forms uc With Smashed Meter LJllm of new machinery TIIQSL Fun infringes present their challenge 20 Poppa Wallace Klelllllll truckloah ap md Opponmml 9931 91 unusua arge color iofI failing to rfeport acciriicnt magigiglgiet uien amage over was one 21 Mk Chub TU tAIElS rt llrmghllhe raking Of park ylifgdglltbbnl xiiilidbwjllllSleyswnzmz 00 mr me er ri rrv Gordm Jam Lumlm BDCI Udem Etkiridon Nil if 9de Moqday val Caidwcll Robert Bczzant Clar Ebldlb mfg wantmgnmm cncc Smith and Roy Partridge iron Cir crg wcs Clldllnlllll and convencr Is COMING SOON pm mL Ch Brown 5mm secretarytreasurer Other appoint ments are William Switzcr Char les Robson and Norval Caldwell truck suddenly swerved in from the street struck parking meter Mlom V0 Palm 59 ahead trusees Margaret Cough and Ber and then swung out again and Wu CW continued west ILL JTM EMILE an 15 He had taken the number and Car Drury and Cecil Clldppcll reported the matter to the police auditors DEBORAH KERR 3PC McClure who ivestigated The 505mm reported One pro ismed um he had found the track Boats and their construction have an appeal for almost resslot or iaiiii one death and HOST OF GREAT STARSI 0f the vehicle on the sidewalls everyone and yet many Barrie citizens are not aware that him Wf balmm We Fm and that the meter standard had We Gen broken and was takmngnt on till towns waterfront there is very busy in ustry and mmmmem members on the ho Valley Taxi mice The mmnDelaney Boat Lines and Services Ltd With staff of ten roll Total givings at Crown Hill was broken in two pieces and was AL the present time they are engaged in constructing 30 were $11355i2 floss moms of 1m entirelynew D91 Craft model 154001 utility Crown Hill Sunday School re hecking the number he foundtmahogmy outbOam especial designed fozuse with me 25 ported an average attendance of pupils The Womans Associai tion raised total of $40354 The balance from 1951 was $31288 andl the truck at service station on Sunnidale Road It is owned byinorse power Johnson outboard motor for which they are the Van Tassel and had been drivenidistributors and have full service facilities by Kicrnan who is at present un The rm is also building 50 molded plywood boats of 12 expenSes amounted to $21160 leav employed Damagg of $10 wasl ing balance on hand of $50482 done to fenden Ifoot to 16 foot length They Will exhibit these along Withi Cash and labor contributions to He pleaded guilty to the ciiargel their new Del Craft at the Canadian National Sportsmens the KM Fund waned 51010554 ENTERTAINMENT was convicted and ned $10 withlShow in Toronto from March 13 to 21 Edgar appointments for 19531 LAST SHOWNG TONIGHTWEDNESDAY is 0f 535 The male It is their plan to build sailing craft in the near future were George Strachan Vincent valued at $r0 Hayes Keith Lees Aubrey Slessorv also to manufacture water skis and surfboards Struck by Bag In addition to building boats they have erected large 30 new showroom at the foot of Hayfield Street which will be at 0m rfraud opening will be announced later it let celled Shlrtl as laiid $3ng n1 Qgllglmvg gnuiflghen they will display their new Del Craft and plywood boats day Feb 13 also marine hardware Evidence of the officer was that Picard had been proceeding west on Worsley at 645 am and had gone through the stop sign at Owen Street and his vehiclq was struck by Greer Transport bus and darn aged and Edward Kerridgc elders Muri ray Hutchinson Charles Simpsoul Frank Madden Maurice Hayesl Dallas Slessor Lawrence Slessor THE NARROW MARGIN and 35 RETURN OF GILEERT AND suiiIvAuu ruuiisoAv FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm BIG SUPER TWOHIT PROGRAM Hilda Bidwell treasurer Charles Simpson secretary John Spence convcncr George Strachan Vin cent Hayes and the Board of Stew ards and committee Mrs George Strachan Vlrs Slessor Mrs John McLean and Mrs Wal ton Johnson pianists Mrs Aub rey Slessor choir leader and Mrs John Lay Claims Vindictive Attack Attempt to Spike The drtliacli lvas Cfamily and the Johnston assistant Stewart accuse een ri ing Holmes Strachan Ralph Hayes Thomas MGMsw said He was found guilty and Hayes and William Johnston ush lingx gosggdcrisrogf 5125 ers rtand Charles Simpson press avrn repo er llquor 111 ins car+1 bottle was OShma Times Gazette Total receipts were $125752 found outside case was in the ZAtlemllsdyeri was misc Total receipts of the Womans As ton and trunk making 41 bottles altoge gljlwgefxfd ggf bar3hn sociation were $57220 and total one anatomy $23$13 531311 greed of $10 wrth Layemberal candida for Ontario Eggigs of the Sunday School am WINS Riding to group of Oshawa Lib dgar cemetery reponed recelpts Charges Dismissed of $16152 lllm APGCI learned on Wednesday night Appointments at Dalston for Inilcrondthoprgo geld Giving judgment in the case of that some person is conductingba 1953 were Harold Osbome R055 Be dl Jack Dates and Morris Weatherall Wicked campaign against me Bertram John Spence Clarence It run ow followuig charges of breaking and bombarding Liberal supporters Brown Walter Forbes and Lorne with telephone calls This man spreads the lie that am not interested in the Roman Catholic vote and think that can win the election without it Handy elders James Handy Ross Bertram Harold Osborne Lorne Handy Lew Wilson Harold Moore Frank Wood Walter Forbes and Delmer Emms stewards John Spence Harold Osborne Clarence Brown Lew Wilson Ross Bertram Walter Forbes Harold Moore Lorrie Handy Dan Key Henry entering laid by PC Downer Magistrate Foster asserted can didly that he was not favorably impressed with the evidence as given by two witnesses nor with the attitude of the accused but was not satised that the evidence was sufficient to convict and he dismissed both charges ohiding son in goddin Respect Convictions Nothing could be further from Filmed by 6in Ibo Southwests the truth he declared Right here 33 MM Maia Doom and now categorically deny this Lang James Handy Delmer mums Adjournment Sentence chartIs am anything and W006 trustees Gerge ugious b1got vBuie treasurer Ms Handy choir leader and Ross Bertram assgstant Mrs Bertram organist and Merua Brown assistant Wal ter Forbes and James Handy aud itors Delmer Emms Allan Brown and Henry Lain ushers Allan Two cases under the Income Tax Act were adjourned to March number of other minor cases were adjourned to March 13 In judgment given later in the day Keith Jones was allowed sus have worked for many years in Catholic countries in South5mm erica and had no trouble in either my business or professional life respect other peoples person al convictions about religion and JOHN LAY Gilbert uniirieilarlrriilieii WmelfRRYMVISuuomowmmn respect fforgother peoples View ic gendsd seence If tilde yea atrd politicsand expect them to re POMS gown Hcostlielope steward and 51 on ect mine This campaign is me an superintendent of ADDED FEATURE amount taken year ago dirty dont know who is ii distillation Sunday Scth The session reported three re ceived by transfer three removed by transfer four burials one bap tism two marriagm and 71 resid ents and nonresideutsy on the roll Receipts were $89658 Mwand collections were $5350 and the get some points clear rst Then ggns Assouanon from collections made for Nu Servrce Cleaners when he was in the employ of that company Technical Defence Joseph McArthur Icharged by ac Crozier with driving in the ducting it In one way would like to nd out and in another would prefer to remain in ignor ance Mr Lay revealed that the an onymous caller had been chall enged to attend last nights meetl ing in the Hotel Genosliah He had paign had been going on for some time It had rst come to his at tention on Wednesday night when he asked aLiberal who was Catholic if he would take office in the local organization The man told me he wanted to NEWS REEL EVENING snows AT Vining dinection oLJiighway Thompson Thenoficerstated that the ac cused had entered the highway at cloveer and nding that he had passed his desired street had turned and gone back in the op posite direction Mr Thompson took the View that the highway in question had not been proven through street for onerway traffic His Worship reserved judgment until March 13 and also announced that as he will be on vacation next week the next Sitting of court will be on Satur The meeting was held last nighti to set up an Oshawa Liberal Jelecr Several prominent Liberals stood not organization Lay exf up One man who Waslater in Flamed that he W351 ipliggleadlggibe th lectecl to idea off drive to get the tea 31 evening Mar the federal election that would of you here have received calls asked Mr Lay II the asSOciation ice in the organization said he had been barraged by piiony becalled this year calls saying Mr Lay was antil Catholic lt association would be set up This vindictiveness was carriedlSeven had already been establish 0t1t during the last federal bih ed Oshawa had previously had election inMay 1952 commented mens Liberal asSociation and Mr Lay Then it was mostly womens Liberal group nation conned to Ajax and Pickering Last night the mens organiza Now the campaign has reached tion resigned en bloc to pave the day Malchm at 10 am Oshawa way for the settingvup of an Osh Believe me it is false and wicks awa LiberalAssocration The wo ed mens organization will remain in D0 Wu know uNitrthrOllgh its VMr Lay isan elderin the Uni being and will work within the m9 than 18193813 in ted Church am Protestant framework of the new association 55 were countries J1111101 Red and proud of it but have strong To fight this eletion we will Cross is potent force for world 1953 SPRING I953 ed Secrlafyr The treasurer benanied later Mus rlNoo lIl were THURSDAY or understanding onions SAMPLES ARE nuns woman you TOOOMEIN AND moor moi oven 1hr iBarrir Examiner Toronto Spuht Outlines Crdj Work for Home speaker this week at the Home Elite onoiiiics Meetings Sinzcoe at five centres Her was Opporzunities in Crafts The minister Who came to Dal Martino they get satisfaction out men an Ralph Hayes rewards Mrleunches and Sn collected sawdust on F9 in V939 Pleaded Qt ade deliberate attempt Earned Rbouf Thf phone cans iund Sunday School collections guilty through his counsel to stair this meeting How many was big ShOCk for the year were $10230 thave an Oshawa organiza tionsim ilar to wheel In the centreiwill in canada Saint John NB mm committee Then as the inner strength there iwrll le 17 hibemi block chairmen Throughout the riding 12 Libelall Sou cagtalvns lifemasgsgjgi Indications are excellent for an active and succh campaigns stated James Fleming Wire via elected president or the new organs um claim and new is Gifford were elected vice4presidlt ents and Ralph Jones was elect Miss Audrey Spencer Womans minute Brunch Toronto tht held in NW css is this true Most in so on book rugs make with in type of work the speaker sail Io lliylLlSL they enioy making irtzcle of and beauty from nu eriul which would tithech be wasted Many seiznol afford to buy IhCSQ to adorn our homes or our but by making them we iiii ior appreciation for good quality in workmanship and match at and by further study of col Izi cn and techniqua develw Zuiruclcr and personality few people follow some cn in ur lltiriltiil their Income We Mid li carefully before we rush into Ezis Leid We must be ready to 1er very carefully the my mums We must make whit music wont rather than what we like to make We must be radar to produce In quantity We be prepared to do our own or pay high rate of comm for others to do it for us 7211 keep our work of very ity and use good matcds If we are to do satisfaaoq work in any emit wemus xiii at all have liorough knowledge he material we intend to use and see ondly be familiar with the techni ques which can be applied to that material Good tools are htlp but good craftsman can often on proviso It is good plan to Start with as few tools as possible and add to the collection as we feel the need of them Otherwise we often pur chase many we never use Let us now consider the articles we are to make The most impo tin mt points to think of when we are designing an articlearez The use to be made of the article Material suitable for the purpose One type of work only on one article Decoration suited to tcrial Keep the decoration sim ple Use minimum of colors on one article The important function of term work in the farm home is to brinl the farm family togetherand xiv each the satisfaction found in intel ligent and useful work At next weeks series of meetmss iss Elaine Found also of the W0 Institute Branch Toronto Ideas for school acks Lions xrliary Hear Address on Education Week Education Week was the topic of an address given by DickMBn gham CKBB program directo to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Bar rie Lions Club at their molar monthly meeting Mr Mungham told of many fr Lteresting incidents in the Air Cate ets with which he has been con nected for some years Be also told of the public speaking cm whichrhe conducts in SLJoeephs High School and read paper en titled Whai is Boy and What is Girl written by one at his pupils id th The speaker urge agaren his audience to be most com with their childrens Children are the citizen at to morrow and Canadas future is in their hands he said Mr Mungham was by Mrs Gerry Woodger mimic by Mrs George Seymour The LionsAuxiliary at the meeting to give dollars to the oodreliet England and Holland and to don ate fty dollars to the Red Erma Society in the Barrie branch cam paign for funds Mrs Earl Cox nance Convener reported that approximately 360 had been realized from the recent cooking school Proceeds are for welfare work INEANTS LONG WIIINIPEG CPI yearold German boy laser Scia Esea was reunited with bismother here afterme the trrpalone from West Germany During the voyage the youngster had bmn Rev and Mrs Get hard Gesauer travelling with their own six children to Edmonton will discuss Oldest incorporated municipality ed its charter in 1735 BINGO mass friday 841i 15 Gm