Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1953, p. 16

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Gotham Wt Toronto mot Mend with his father In Bonito II Cubltt his been patient in tho Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie during the past mo weeks um Vi King and Mr Walter Campltn Becton were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Wesllake and Mr and Mrs Donald Elines Mr and Mrs Bart Dcrmott arriv ed on Thursday from England after spending over year there John Lcwthwaite returned home on Soturday last after taking two weeks treatment at Sunnybrook Hospihl Toronto Tuesday guests of Mr and Mrs Archie Curric were Mrs Nlrl Mrs Banncrman and son and Mr and Mrs Thompson and family Slaynci Home from Florida Arnold rcturncd homo Fri day morning altcr Spending thrcc wacks holiday in Florida Gucsts of Mrs Jmucs Miller dur ing the wcck WLIL Robcrt Millcr and childrcn Ncw market Mr and Mrs Harry Rccd arrived homo on Thursday aftcr months motor trip to Florida Lenten Prayer Moctlngs Lenten prayer scrvlccs arc being held each chncsday evening by Rev Kellogg at oclock in the United Church and by Rev Donaldson at 730 in St Johns An glican Church AYIA Mccllng The AYPA Of St Johns Anglican Church held their meeting on Fob 17 when they entertained the Strand Young lcoplc The visitors presented an interesting program consisting of gamcs and slides Articullutal Society Party The AgriculturalSocicty is mak ing plans for special St Patricks fancy dress cuchrc and dance in the town hall on chdncsday March 18 Euchre will be from to 10 pm followed by short program consisting of step dancing solo readings and an Irish dance by scv cral local girls Good prizes will be giveu for costumes for single and couple as well as cuchrc Come and enjoy yourself BornTo Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wingatc ncc lncz Lcwthwnitc daughter on Friday Feb 27 1953 at Stevenson Memorial HOSpital Alliston Home for the weekend William Riley John Lcadlay Vi Graham Mr and Mrs Nixon Kenneth Coburn Toronto Norman Baker Kitchener Helen and Doris Mapes Barrie United WMS The afternoon auxiliary of the United Church WMS met on Tues clay Feb 24 at Mrs John Corrilt gtms with an attendanceof 14 and the president Mrs Carr prc siding The meeting was opened with hymn and prayer with Mrs Glass organist Mrs Cause secretary who read several thank you letters for kindness cktendcd The roll call was an swcred by verse from the Psalms Mrs Tom Williams led the devo tional period Miss Florence Camp bell read the Scritpurclesson fol lowed by prayer by Mrs Corri an Mrs Terhune gave message on tStcwardship Mrs John Faris gave instructions on the reading FARMERS 48 CHEV It TON wrm uraninacus SUITABLE FOR naomuo LIVESTOCK PREVIOUSLY USED FOR LIGHT worm GOOD TIRES DANGERFIELD MOTORS Barries Largest Dealor USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford SI Dial 4981 TEA r7 To and meet 15195 Wc as principal all the Bondlvof Series if as and when issued by TEcton Ralty Comps 71 mm 53 Mr and Mrs atwbl course and several loancd One quilt top for the Red Cross was donated and second top is be ing prepared Mrs Williams re ported that she had received let ter of thanks for the 85ylb bale Sent in January and second large hole now ready for shipment Plans were formed to purchase cotton for pillow cases for the WMS quota The chapter from the study buck was given by Mrs Frank Fidlcr who illustrated hcr talk by use of chart with plcturcs The meeting closed with hymn and prayer after which Mrs Corri gun scrvcd tca during social hour books were MEMBER OF the staff at take nurslng course She was Old Boys Dinner The 15th anniversary dlnncr dance of the Cookstown Old Boys Association is to take plan at 630 pm on Friday March 20 ill the Oak Room of the Union Station To ronto full course dinner will be scrvcd promptly at 630 pm and cards and dancing Wlll follow tMusic for modcrn and oldtimc idancing will be furnisth by Bcatv tys Cookstown orchestra Drcss is optional Got your tickcls curly If you arc in nccd of transportation please gct in touch With commit ttco mcmbcr Tickets for the din herdancc are $250 per pcrson and iarc available from any of the fol Iowmg committee members MISS Allic Comisky president Kings dalc 4386 Dr Bcrt Eby v1ccprcsi dent Lloydbrook 6803 Mrs Castlcman secretary Lloydbrook 9623 AVM Lawrence chair man cntcrtainmcnt committcc Mur ray 5866 Mr and Mrs Gordon Ap pcrlcy Weston 189W4 Ernie Bant ing Weston 651 Miss Wilma Stod dart PR4798 Mr and Mrs Ray Harmer HY8924 Miss Gertrude Cooper HU0995 Mrs Frcd Hughes HY6564 Miss Olivc Brown Hockey Ilc Luldwatcr Midgets tlctl Noblctuu 66 hcrc last Saturday night in ruggcd first game of the fourth round OMIIA playoffs Return match is at Noblcton March Coldwatcr came from behind to turn 51 count in Noblctons favor to 65 tally for thc homcslcrs Near the end of the last period whcn cxcitcmcnt was high thcrc ucre thrce Coldwatcy players and one Noblcton player in the penalty box at one time The visitors took advantage of their superiority to slap in the equalizing marker Ministers Induction onctimc interim minister of Coldwatcr Presbyterian Church before call was extended to Ilcv Hueg Mrs May Kyle 1406179 Charles Carter present pastor Mr and Mrs Draper HAM Rev Murdo Maclnms who has John Madlay LY8373 Mrs Aubccn scrvmg at Gravenhurst wus Lister momma Leonard p055 inducth recently at Bcavcrton MOIOM Funcrul Service Funeral service was conducted by Rev Dick of the Christian Fellowship hope at Robinsons Funeral Iu lors Goldwater on Monday afternoon for Carl Henry Davis Interment was in Coldwatcr ccmetcry Mr Davis who was in his 64111 year died suddenly on Saturday in Toronto former resident of Goldwater district and previous to that of Hillsdalc he had resided in recent years at Ag incourt veteran of World War Mr Davis was unmarried Im mediately surviving are one sister Mrs MacDonald Mabcll of CROSSLAND Mrs John Bcacock spent the weekend in Toronto with her son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs EarlWatt Mr and Mrs Melbourne Barnes and boys Stayner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman Barnes WI Quilt New F105 Womens Institute quilted quilt at Mrs Sam Allens Tuesday Sympathy is extended to Mrs George Smith on the passing of her mother Mrs John Pilkey Feb 27 Mr and Mrs Noah McGinms left for their homeiln Saskatchewan Wednesday night after spehding two months with relatives here Thchderatlon held their mecto Day of Prayer The World Day of Praycr scr vicc was held in St Johns Angli can Church on Friday afternoon Feb 20 at 230 oclock with the president of St Johns WMS Mrs William Walker in charge assisted by Mrs Gordon Patton president of the Presbyterian Church WMS and Mrs Carr of the United Church Mrs Arthur Cooper gave summary of the history of the world day of prayer This wrls followed by beautiful duet by Mrs Harry Donaldson and Mrs Colwell Ramsay The speaker Rev Kcllogg gave an infor esting address the theme being Walk as Children of Light Short prayers were offered by members of the different congregations These were Mrs Atkinson Mrs Glass Mrs Hughes Mrs SCFrench Mrs Borden Nikon and Mrs Patton The offering was taken and the meeting was brought to close by singing hymn and the benediction Anglican WA The business and devotional meeting of St Johns Anglican WA was held on Fob 24 at Mrs Archie McLeans with 14 members pres ent The meeting was in charge of the president Mrs William Walker and was opened by singing hymn 771 The WA Litany Members prayer and the Lords Prayer were repeated in unison Prayer part ners prayer was given by Mrs Riley and Mrs Donaldson led Ill prayer for the sick The Scripture reading was given by Mrs Atkin son All anSWered the roll call With verse of scripture Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted This was followed by the treasurers report and hymn 360 was sung The program consisted of duet by Mrs Long and Mrs Dut ton accompanied by Mrs Atkin son at the piano Mrs Sparry sang solo accompanied by Mrs Don aldson recitation was given by Mrs Atkinson and hymn 395 was sung Readings were given by Mrs parry an rEfWiIliii Walker The meetin closed with hymn $17500000 TON REALTYvC ing in the school Fridqy eveningl wrth pictures Mrs Richard Anderson returnch home Wednesday after spending month with her sisters at Listonpl While there one of her sisters pass ed aWay Our sympathy is ex tended to Mrs Anderson in her loss 779 and the benediction by Rev Donaldson social hour followed with Mrs Marwood showing pictures of Florida and various other places of interest Mrs Carr and Mrs Hounsome served lunch at the close of the meeting AMJ MPANY LIMITED Incorporated under the lows of Condo prospectmtwill be supplied promptlyuponrequest First Mortgage BondSSerie CGE Staffer Leaves to Take Up Nursing each member the Barrie Works of the Can adian General Electric Co Barbara Merrett recently left to week andthntthe paint had arrivld presented with compact andl nurses pen pencil and thermometer set by George Truel Wm God Save hcquccn and mi man on behalf of her friends at the plant CG final Glavcnhursl and three brotltct Boynt Davis of Midland Monty off Toronto and William Davis of Orillia Township and Meeting Coldwatcr Homo and School Asl sociation heard an address last week on citizenship delivered by Rev Charles Carter minister of Presbyterian congrcgations in ColdE watcr Victoria Harbor and Porti McNicoll He was introduced byl Lornc Graham and thanked byz Norris Walker chairman of the public school board Mr Walkcri presided as the president of the Association Cecil Lovcring was ill Lenten Services First of series Of communityl Lcntcn services is to be held in SLl Andrews Presbyterian Churchi Coldwatcr on March 11 when the speaker will be Rev Dick oil the Christian Fellowship Chapel cvsirm Mr and Mrs Willlam Jenkins1 and family Toronto spent the weekend with Ben Ferris and Irene Mr and Mrs Harris Miller Sheri dan spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wallwin Mr and Mrs Pat QDoncll To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Peacock Farewell Party farewell party was held at the home of Murray Wojick on Satur day night Mr and Mrs Wojick and family will move to TOronto to their new home on March Sells Home Last week Emerald Ludlow sold his home in Everett to Mr De Wilde of Glencairn district Mr rcgular meeting opened at late hour De Wilde is retired tobacco grow or Thecommunity welcomes Mr and Mrs De Wilde and familyto the village couple of weeks ago we re ported several vacant houscsin Everett and at the time of writing these houses have been all taken up McCracken has rented his apartment to two tenants and Dryden has rented his apart ments t0two tenants All arecx pected to be moving in this week Buys Tobacco Farm Douglas Wales has purchased tobacco farm in the Terra Nova district and will be moving this week from the Mansfield farm Mr Maycs tobacco grower in the Alliston district has purchased tobacco farm at Mansfield form erly operated by Douglas Wales and will be moving this week Mr and Mrs Cecil Gallaugher are spending couple of weeks in Florida Mr and Mrs Wallwin expect to accompany their daughter and soninlaw on trip to Florida and other parts of the USA5 Glad to report Mrs Cecil Wilkin son is well and outtaround again gt To Enforce Bylaw Merchantsof Everett are to en force bylaw on early closing on IVY Christ Church WA Mrs George Davis was hostess to the members of Christ Church Womans Auxiliary on Feb 38 Km Howard presided and led In prayer Mn leood Jennait on the Scripture Mrs James mantel rend missionary story on China The Dorcas secretary rc poned And was pleased to state sev eral yards of donated flannelctte for baby articles Were all cut out for to make The pro gram was in chargoof Mrs Davis Mrs Elwood Jennctt gavc reading entitled Churchs Warm Greetings Mrs James McDermott read poem Sunday Disposition Mrs Murdoch gave paper on My Church and Mrs Wilson paper on Eskimos The secretary reported three new tables and benches had been made during the for walls and basement floor of the church Rcv Howard closed benediction Tho hostess scrvcd dc llclous rcfrcshmcnts and all enjoy ed social hour Junior Farmers Hear Rep Ivy Junior Farmers hold their in the school on Feb 17 with small attcndancc Ircsidcnt Kcn Moncy commcnccd the mccting in the usual manncr It Jim llcnryl gave very descriptive outline of the annual meeting of South Sunl coc Junior Farmers at ChurchillE The guest was Frank Stonc assisti ant agricultural representative for South Simcoc who outlined thci sccd drill surch which is bcingl planned for this area Only small Tuesday at pm and Thursday halfholiday at pm During the past couple of years some mor chantsbhavo disregarded the by law in thevillage by staying open scvcn days it week and tho mattcr has bccn considered by tho other merchants It has now been laid before the village trustees to on fomethc bylaw The petition was signed by most of the business places in Everett Mr and Mrs Donald Wilkinson and family Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Cccil Wilkinson Ronnie Brcthour and girl friend Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Henry Choqucttc Sorry to report Mrs David Dry don is patient in hospital in lo ronto and we all wish her spccdy recovery sample of seed is required for this slimy and it adobe ready to sow it the drill box as nmplo is taken If is up to the individual person to take this opportunity It will be done free of charge and is sponsor cd by the Crop Improvement As sociation and the Canadian Depart ment of Agriculture Mr Stone 21 so outlined the machinery clubs which will be organized in the ccumv this ycar The meeting clos ed with Junior Farmer quiz and tin nationalanthem Junior to Thornton for March Ivy Junior Farmers will hold their March meeting at Thornton in the public school Everyone invltt ed special speaker will be ml attendance Seed Testing Available Anyone in Ivy Thornton Utopia district who wishes to have sam ple of grain or small seeds tested for purity of woods seeds may do so through Ivy Junior Farmers Only small sample is rcquiredi and is to be sent as it Will be sown in the drill The quantity is two pounds of grain one honcy pail full four ounces of small sccds one tcacup hcapcd full This 25 being swnsorcd through the Crop Im provcmcnt Association and the plant products division Canadian Department of Agriculture It is liupcd all Will Do intclcswd in this worthwhile projcct Ilcasz watch this column for further details orig Wlltlt thcsu samplcs may bc lctl Mr and Mrs Don Ncwmun spcntl Sunday with Iluths pormits Mr and Mrs Jcnnctl Mrs Harry Banting spent fcw days in Toronto with her brothcr Pratt llarryanting and Banting spcnt the weekend with Tom Bant ing Barrio Mr and Mrs Pratt spcnt couple of days with Mr and Mrs Banting this week Mr and Mrs Elmer Braden Al liston were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Spcers NEW BOWLING ALLEY Wolf Cubs of the lDth Moncton NB Synagogue Pack rcccntly rais ed $85 by their own efforts and pro scntcd it to the Canadian National Institute for tho Blind for the pur chase of miniature bowling alloy to be used by the blind in their club at gatherings and social ovcnts CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 ed by the Rev de Ponder Wright Pallbtarcrs were Un cles Uncles Harris Hook Gilchrist and Sinclair Inter ment was in Barrie Union Como tarry Floral tributes included lbw lrom Beaver Rebekah Lodge De gree Team Beaver Rebekahlodge No 190 LOBA No 561 Home Wo mens Institute Barrie Flyns Navc om action Hockey Club Barrie Mens Bowl Funeral service for Mrs Jolinl3 Leae Rmmoull Ttnxmons 54 was held at the Lloyd L013 Omwa Nu Lanfdl and Stecklcv Funeral Home ontugw Omens Auxllw Bowmg Wednesday Feb 25 1953 My Clubp Canadian Legion Ladies Tlmmons dlcd at the home of ncri Auxllar3 001 Md No 631 mother Mrs Elizabeth Corbettlamver Rebekah Pm Grands Clubv Barrie on Monday Feb 23 followg underhlll Employees Dimes BUM ing short illness Death was causv Team 39 Whmewle Bah ed by mum hemorrhage Town and District Hockey League Thornton Hockey Club and the natavc of Oro Stauon when 516 Borden Co Ltd ouawa was born on March 11 1896 the 10 ceased was me former Myrna VH Among rclatwcs and frlcnds at olet Corbett daughter of Mrs Cor1 lending lhf funeral We Mn and belt and the late Andrew Corbett M35 lillcfcs Lamif am She lived in Detroit bcforo makingl MI 5031 Ow sumo he bum in Barrie iOBricn and Mr and Mrs Victor OBrtcn Hawkcstonc Mrs Til mcmber of the Church of Engg it Saskmchewnnl and Mrs land and Sunday School teacinr Jones Midland the late Mrs Timmons belonged to Beaver Rebekah Lbdgc No 190 LOBA No 551 the Ladies Auxnl iory to the Canadian Legion and the llcavcr Rebekah Past Noble Grand Club She was fond of bowling and was supporter oil the Conservative Party Surviving arc her mother drill glitcr Mrs Derry Bony IOv Military Funeral Service Hold For Mrs Timmons runto three sons Lloyd Jack and Joseph Timmons Barrio thrcel brothcrs Reuben and Charmed Barrie and Stanley Big Timber Montana and two sisters Mrs Hamilton Audrey Chilliwack BC and Miss Paula Corbett Ot tawa Two brothers Dixie and Dalton prcrlcccascd her The funeral scrviccwas conduct HARDWOOD FLOORING sir fir THE wings 56 Ellen St PHONE 2517 cresuma Vtcrom 42117 WAV Mm MHzoat Trusteci National Trust Company Limited Price 100 and accrued interest Tolmature March 15 973 ny Limited and ambled by or subject to the approval of all run matters on our behalf by Metamucil lash Toronto who will rely as to matters of titlc Orthotpecicllly mart solicitor in such Izod premim on theopinion of Coumcl forth Company Messrs Mason Foulds Arnup WAIIGI tr Weir Toronto who in on my rely in the we of provinces othu thin Ontario on the opinions of the Compony subscription will bomoivod cubical to reioctionor ollotmentinwhotc out tondtherlghturoscrvedtoclosatho Ivbvmvmn book Withoutmtico gt been momma It on autumn 3510Qm1 i117 5W1W19ttli Jonson mo wmmrso who raucouvsn woman time inux sauunonu greatly iniproved suspensionsystem with doubleocting shock absOrbeis 21nd custom selected HydiyCoiljspiings reduces road shocks as much M096 Meteorrides more and IOTMQ the m9 Til 0f pine at smoothly thanever before Swaycliolcoln transmission In all Manor iota MercOMatic Drive or TouchOMalic 0WM9 Woptionalatexfra costlmr SilentEase Siangfprd Transmission woemic V0 mamacom mm fpmanoerfolf on The most powerful engine in be low ce eld Its ours in 53 eteor ustomline and oourSofor supreme smoothnesom powers Canadaslug At priced cars thoono type ofnng youll want to mvoatiga and moremakers mswmgmgtoVSn magma marle 129mm Meteor3 superior V8gperformance is the result ofover 2t years research and continuous improvement by the 001m pony that has builtmore VA8 engines than all other manufacturers combined awbat bane assurance that Meteor oets moot folyou Letfsvisit your dealeri seeMeteors nersty lino Series V8 of ven depends ty hug and Wmfhmappoiptments Then this ll Reliutleefryoursezf to now more you narrower unbotu

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