HAWKESTONE ABROAD filter SHAVER MfrAldon ONTARIO PLOWMENS ASSOCIATION My Sinu of Finch put of Ontario Plowmens mutton accompanied noug lu kid of Brampton and Auto William of North lower Gums champion piowmcn on their trip to the British Isles min and Frtb This is the am ind last of series of weekly article written by him as tum manager about their experiences and impressions Ill probably never be able to go to cattle Show again without thinking of fog and London for it was there on our last full day in England that we visited the Smithileid Show in the gloom of the worst fog of the citys modern history The swirling billowing clouds of dense smutsladcn fox torucd the day into weird twilight and the night into spooky blackness It was an expetltncc we will never for El We arrived in London on the Wednesday night flying in front Paris where we had spent brief twoduy trip visiting the war graves Fortunately our first two days were log free and so we were able to visit Canada House to meet Canadas High Commiss ioner Norman Robertson and then Ontario to meet Ontarios Agent General Major Armstrong At Canada House we renewed ac quaintanccship with Prime Minis lcrSt Laurent who was then in England to attend the Common wealth Prime Ministers Confer ence He remembered us all from the Ontario Plowing Association banquet after the international match Mr Robertson placed car at our disposal and that day strange ly enough in quite bright sun we saw St Pauls Cathedral the Tow er of London and watched the changing of the guard at Bucking ham Palace Only machines am sure could match the clockwork precision of those soldiers Our visit to Buckinghamiulacc pro vided an unexpected thrill for while we were standing there the little Princess Anne came to the window and waved Perhaps she too liked our Western hats We visited our second House of Commons in less than three weeks While in Northern Ireland we were shown through the House of Com mons and Senate by Mr Wilson dEputy to the Ulster Minister of Agriculture We of course sat in the Speakers Chair In London we spent the best part of the Fri day morning in tile British House of Commons It was unfortunate ly private members day and only 13 government supporters were present with seven members of the opposition one of whom was Opposition Leader Clement Attlce in the visitors gallery with us was former Canadian Russell Ubear now living in London Tim afternoon the fog start edto come down and it got promgsivcly worse until at lightonecouldnot see more than few yards ahead We were staying at the Cumber Hotel at Hyde Park Spring Beams with it New STETSON 5141 Styles for the aresslest town occasion or casual coun try wear customcrafted from the finest lightweight felts Royal Stetson Comer usually one of the bur test spots in london but that night Mid the nextSaturday lt wt quieter thul Torontos King and Buy streets ore sup posed to be at oclock on Stinthy morning An American who was staying Eat the Cumberland with us had his own car With him Saturday night he wanted to drive five blocks to the hotel garage To doll he had to pay man walk in front of the car with flashlight while his daughter walk ed along the curb with one hand on the cars left front fender It took them more than an hour to make the five blocks Believe me it was dark outside The usually brilliant westcud street lights looked like tiny cun dles even when you were stand ing beneath them You could hear people and vehicles passing you on the street but you couldnt see them it was like moving in void If you opened your win dow to let an some fresh air within thirty minutes what looked like cloud of smoke would be hanging from the ceiling However the Londoners native sense of humor came to his rescue and some Very amusing mics came out of the fog cannot guarantee them but think some are worth repeating Prince Alexander of Yugo slavia was driving his aunt the Duchess of Kent through Lon don but became lost in the fox constable approached his stranded car and asked if he could help should be glad to know the way to Buckingham Palace have to get my aunt there the prince replied Dont be sarcastic Im only trying to help replied the op It apparently look quite time to persuade him it was not bad joke Just around the corner from us at Marble Arch movie house dLs played this sign Owing to the fog the management cannot guar antee the clarity of the picture The fog got everywhere All sur face transportation came to halt several times and only the Tube London subway was running But the fog even reached the atforms far below ground There was no escaping it On the Sunday we made our way across the city to the vast Earls Court arena where the annual Smithfleld Livestock Show was to open the next day Officials at Ontario House had arranged preview for us The fog got there rst though By then several of the prize ani mals weresuffering from severe respiratoryailments caused by the murk Eventually understand two of the animals died and one big exhibitor tted his animals with his own patent gasmasks or should it be fogmasks He poured bottles of whisky over sackcloth and tied the cloth around the animals nostrils It was eff ective too for the animals stopped coughing Smithfleld has been compared to our Royal Winter Fair but it is not fair comparison for Smith eld is fat stock show only The Royal is retailers exhibition with the exhibitors eye fixed on the farmer Smithficld is wholesal ers show Machinery and excellent mach inery at that was on show for foreignbuyers rather than do cs tic farmers Doug and Algie were particularly impressed with the machinery exhibition On the ma chines every part that could pOSsibly be gilded had been chromeplated so the whole area glinted and glistened in the arc lights One tractor company had model with an allplastic body so theengine and frame was ex posed to view The next day our last in Eur ope the fog lifted long enough for us to catch the boat train to South ampton and then the Queen Eliza both could write book about that ship but will spare on woulddikTWthyHgvif you are thinking of going to Eur ope go by boat it is wonderful experience We all appreciated the plane trip over but it could never compare with the return Journey on that beautiful craft WI Meeting my WT lusting The Womens institute ml at the num of Mrs Clarke Crawford on chdncsday evening with ladies present Mr OBrien owed the meeting by the singing of The Ode followed by The Lords Prayer The triolto for the meeting was The World Waits For Help Roll call not answered by What grow in my garden and why Many ver wns were glvttl but most of them grew Weeds Businem dealt with and comments on the success of tea and bake sale the previous week which was held for the flood fund and brought in $97 Mrs ilrzltn uclcoined and interoduccd lltr weaker Mass Joyce Hunter district president who spoke on In nstxtutp work and gave some inter esluig ideas for young peoples en tertainment and fmished off by contest which all enjoyed Mrs Krndall viceprosadenl closed the meeting Willi Mary Stewart Collect Wllllr five members get themselves ready for it short humorous play Wllltll really was very much appre ciated The hostess with food con VLlttfS Mrs Craword Mrs Shelswcll Mrs cott and Miss McMahon served delicious refreshments The next meeting Iwill he at the home of Mrs James Leigh March Mr zmd Mrs Gerhnrt and Mr icngelly luiksoi1 were weekend visttors at Mr and Mrs Vic Bell Breaks 12 We am sorry to hear Jerry Shells iwell young son of Mr and Mrs lMorris Shellswell had the misfor tune to break ms little leg and has it in cost Mrs Furl Week with Mr and Mrs Clzirkxon Mltllll Mrs Lorne Stilton lo ionto were vecken visitors of Mr and Mrs lred Davin Mr and Mrs Collier Toronto vis ited Mrs John Edwards over the weekend We hope to see Lloyd Leigh out soon again He has been confined to home under doctors care Mr and Mrs Samuel and daugh ter Margaret of Ajax were vis itors with Rev and Mrs Shan non over the weekend We are sorry to hear of Leslie Jermeys illness and operation on Sunday in Soldiers Memorial Hos pitzil Qlllllil Ludics Aid The Ladies Aid of the Unit ed Church met at the home of Mrs Harry Kendall on Thursday after noon Mrs 15 Richardson weekend in Toronto Davis spent the past Gcrhurt SpOlIl the Card Party The card party at thehzm on Friday evening was the largest of the season when 13 tables were played Mr Westington won the lucky draw high score Mrs Clarke Crawford and Luke Brien consolation Mrs John Pugs lcy Grokinole Party Mrs Leigh and her pupils had crokinolc party in the school room in aid of the Red Cross on Friday afternoon which was success Mr and Mrs HoWard Brandon Hillsdalc Mr and Mrs Rodney Prophet and Bradley of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Roy Gray Eldon Shaw Niagara Falls visit ed friends in the village over the weekend Mr Morrison Toronto visited his sister Mrs Newton and family WA Meeting The WA of St Aidans Church will meet next Wednesday at the home of Mrs Luke OBrien Fractures Leg We are sorry Miss Sharon Gray had the misfortune to fall and frac ture one leg Shelhas it in avcast uda Day during ACWW Conven tion in Toronto Aug 21 are asked to get in touch with the secretary before March 15 Mrs Bidwell gave very interestingoutline of the Tweedsmuir Book Members are asked to bring the history of their farm to add to the book Mrs Cockburn gave splendid pap er on the motto You dont find timeyou make it The roll call name modern convenience that has improved rural living was an swered by the members Lunch was served at the close of the meeting Mrs Hayes thanked the hostess for offering her home for the meeting The WI will meet at Mrs Ellis Hutchinsons Wed nesday March 11 at pm Motto Brighten that corner with paper and paint roll call household hint Lunch committee Mrs Slessor and Mrs Strachan Mr and Mrs Ken Emma and family Mr and Mrs Gordon Coon ey Barrie spent Sunday at Wilfred Cockburns Attend Funeral Mr and Mrs Norman Cooke at cled the tuneroi of Mrs Lus REGINALD HAYES who suc ceeds Kyle at Montreal as as sistant vicepresident of operation for the Canadian National Rail ways Mr Hayes formerly was gen eral manager of the raiivis Cen tral region at Toronto LEONARDS BEACH New Look Our corner has taken on ncvc look for this year The old iccler MFSMOI10Y Frenth her hus house which has been lamlmorkl band and family Brantfmd EIS for if years has been torn down French and children are on the to make way for 2i new moderm sick llSI artificial ice plant which George Weathcrall has started to install Mrs Bishop Barrie lhursday so our beach is modern what really getting with television modern conveniences and now irl ticial ice Weekend visitors were Mr and ily Peterborough Mrs Harvey Robinson and Mrs Robinson Toronto at Mrs Dolli the weekend with his parents imores Mr and Mrs McCor mick Toronto at Mrs Itcpnthsl Sharon spent the weekend with Mrs Jenkins spent few days in the city visiting her busy band who is still convalescing in hospital witha broken leg Mr and Mrs Erbart have return ccd to their chicken farm for the summer Lake Dangerous Last Sunday Mrs Nesbitt formerly Byrl Purvis was skating on the ice when it gave way She dropped into the water to her arm5 pits but luckily her sister Norma and husband Jim and her brother inlaw Jack Ncsbitt were close at hand and got her out and home safely Although she got cold ducking she is none the vorscfor her experience it goes to show youshould always stay away from the cracks on this lake They are dangerous EALSTON Mr and Mrs Bristow were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Jory WA Meeting Home The Womens Association will meet on Tuesday March 10 at Mrs Osbornes Bari3e at oclgc Tea hostesses Mrs Brown an Mrs Jory Rev and Mrs Shannon Hawkestonc visited at the parsonlt age recently Ivan Pike Toronto spent the weekend with his parents here Rex Watson had television set installed on Saturday Visitors To Community Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Wood were Mrs McLean Sn Orillia Mr and Mrs Smith tread by Mrs McLean John 21 Campbell and family Oro and Mr Mrs Downey spoke of young and Mrs Wood and children Orilv couples who go away to mission lia friends in Toronto on Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs Charles Iiounsome LORIAS widely known in transportation circles who has re tired on Company pension as vice presidcnl Central Region Canadian National Railways to end rail vziy Cllf er of ly 44 years WYEBRIDGE Mr and Mrs Preston spent few days with their daugh Mrs Rawn visited her sister Visits laughter In Pctcrhorough Mrs Arthur Downer is holiday ingwith her daughter and sonTm law Mr and Mrs Dawes lind film Ross Douglas Fort Erie spent Mr and Mrs Ilumtrcc and friends in Lindsay Mr and Mrs Felthnm visited Home To Old Fort and Mrs Fred Blair visited Mr and Mrs John Dutton Old Fort Sunday Edward Dutton who spent the past month with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Blair returned home with them Mr on Mrs Cecil McLeod Orillt lia mile on Stewart at Angus Rawns on Sunday Irwin liounsomc Collingwood and Gardiner Penetang visitedl Mr Sunday MINESING United WA The Womans Association Minesing United Church met at Mrs ans Feb 19 with 22 members present The President Mrs Johnston took charge of the business part of the meeting It wa decided the WA would pay of 3600 on the new oil furnace rc do it now Let me not defer it cently installed in the church It was planned to have an afternoon tea March 17 It was suggested they would have Barrie Central Glee Club give their concert here in the near future Mrs Walter Downey then took charge of tho devotional part which was on Missions Call to worship shall not pass through this world but once Anygood therefore that can do or any kindness can show to any human being let me or neglect it for shall not pass this way again The scripture was elds and the hardshipsvand lone THE CAR WITH THE AMAZINGjBALANCizo RIDE BALANCED AGAINST ROLL BALANCED AGAINST PITCH BALANCED AGAINST JOUNCE Here is performance with economy and Safety Beauty with comfort Style with convenience Your money has never boughtso much in lowerpricedcar OUTSTANDING ECONOMYrPlymouthfs famous engine is built to save you money in fuel and upkeep You have all the pickup and lively poweryou needplus the fuel economy of Plymouths lightweight Aluminumalloy tring 1095 toptend ifor Men Estttllts if sow Phone 2586 TheWomens institute held their February meeting at Mrs Spences The meeting opened with the opening exercises Minutes of theprevious meeting were read by the secretary and adopted and correspondence mentswgre made to selllunch in the hall the following Friday night Members wishing tickelspfor Gan read Arrange Sr in Peterborough on Tuesday Cut and Barbara Shanahan he mis fortuneto cut one hand badly and had to have medical attention gressive euchre in the school Frit day March 6at 830 pm Every onevwelcome The Federation is holding pro pistons flee performance that keeps costs away down BIG CAR SMOOTHNESSYouriiioney never bought so much big car Smoothness The new Plymouth Balanced Ride controls iotlpitchahdjounce luvels the road threehaysives you the softestmost restful ride you have ever experienced Toadtest will convinceyou BETTER ALLROUND VISIONWith 157 more glass area you get ailround close in visionfor comfort and driving safety The onepiece optically curved windshield minimizes reflections Electric windshield wipers dont slow down when accelerating or Climbing hillassuring maximum protection TWIN CYLINDER BRAKESTimoth SafeGuard hydraulic blokes have not Just one butg hydraulic brake cylinders Ineach front wheel giving balanced controltlie exact amount of stopping power you want SAFETY RiMWHEELSYou have an outstandingsolely advantage with Plymouth Safety Rim Wheels Should blowoutloccur witthSatety Rim Wheelsthe the remains securely in the rim permitting you to bring the car to Hate smooth slop BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLINGThane Plymouth is lower sleeker more beautiful yet it offers you more head leg and flip loom Try the back seattot its Over inches wiclor in the new models More trunk room too in the long rear deck730 more for your luggage more than ever balm the53 PlymouthtarethoTopVaIue in the lowerpricedfloidl CAMBRIDGE tooori SEDAN ciuacourz souuRBAN CRANBROOKADOOR 55 If 5i WILLARD Ii KYLE who has been appointed viceprcsidem of Canadian National Railways cen tral region at Toronto native of Montreal and BSC graduate of McGill Univrrsity Mr Kyle was assistant vicepresitlenl of opera tion Montreal prior to his new ap pointment Newton Robinson Mr and Mrs Gordon Brccdoh spent Sunday at Maple Valley Patsy Noble Bradford visztcd Mrs Doug Stewart last week Mr and Mrs Charles Breednn and Nancy Fennclls spent Sunday with Mrs Harrison Congratulations ongrotulations to Mr and MixL Clarence Noble on the birth of LIlb girl in Newmarket hospital on Sunday March Miss Olive Morrison and Ted Lee Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs IZarl Bell YIU Social Eyening Bradford Churchill and Coos tmvn young people joined the local YIU for crokinolc followed by box social last Monday night Mr and Mry Halbert and family spent Sunday with Mr lilil Mrs Stanley Cairns Landlord Family Night very successful family was held in the Sunday School room Saturday night After sumptuous supper 2i social hour was enjoyed and group of sacred night zfilms were dislaycd HOLLY Mr and Mrs Poole and Johnny Newton Robinson visited at Mr and Mrs Downings on Sunday WA Meeting The WA will meet at Mrs Kenwclls on Wednesday March ii at 230 pm Judy Slessor Barrie spent the weekend with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Slemor liness they endure to help bring light to the world paper on Missions in Africa was read by Maxine Morris Mrs Glenn Bcilby read humorous story of Mani toba wedding Mrs Downey gave talk on prayer Only those who have learned the power of prayer can understand its influence upon health and happiness as well as upon all affairs of life President Eisenhower took time out the forge noon of his inauguration to prayi for strength The meeting closcd with prayer arcV0 Mr and Mm Hammond gt lowdale MANUFACTUREDIN cANAoA av CHRYSLER concordnon or DAN CLUB COUPE COIIYERTIBLE CGUPE BELVEDERE HARDTOP SAVOYSUBURBAN Mr and Mrs Jock Garvin and Mr and Mrs Abbott The Janet Barrie spent Sunday wnh funeral was held from the Elliott Funeral home on Friday conduct led in the chapcl by Rev Fred gSrnzth interment in Mount Pleas ant Cemetery He was well known =hcre havng Vistld on many ac casual at the home of hit and Mrs El Waikrz files in South Africa it Dickerson received word last week of the death of his bro ther Charles Dickerson on Feb ill in Jermiton iransvussl South Afrsca The scrums in Berton Schonis berg and Tuttcunam Presbyterian vhurchrs on Sunday law were in charge of the Young Peoples So ciety Rev Duke being absent lit Saskatchewan Mr and Mrs Bill Agnew Wll spent the weekend wsth Mrs Agnews parents Mr and Mrs George Butt hfrs Jcan mad and scan Fraser viszled Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leggrli recently Sgt and Mrs ssion and daughter Barbara Reverty ilzlls Weston vtsrted Sgt Enrons moth cl Mrs John Boston on Sunday Mr and his Walkcm and Mrs Cloridge wrre in Tufilfllu ul1 Friday attending the funle of thv late Norman Abbott Attends onvcnlion Joseph Belford Mus in Ottuwz last week attending the Creamery Association convention Miss Dorothy Barrett who make her home Wllfl her sister Mrs limb Walsh now pm 31 son Memorial Hospital Allistnn Mr and Mm Fwd memgl R2 The Womens Missionary Socxety ping 535k visited 31 and Mm of Central Presbyterian Churc William Woods recently W11 11 wedntsmM MaCh 230 pm at Mrs Fletchers Mr and Mrs Hilliard Prophet Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer bud Kngluhmt visited Mr and Mrs daughter lgitizvnu attended the Burl Scott automobile show and trade fir in and Mrs Reid Hamilton Toronto on Monday last visited his parents Mr and Mr and Mrs Iat Suddlck iml field son Paul left Toronto by plane on Miss Ben Ansdeu Oshawa v13 Saturday his for phhdumm UL Mr and Mrs am Whlrs Mr Suddick is taking four gHJSHFMHF months course in engineering Mrs Sizddick is the former Mnry Walsh NURSERY STREK FOR SPRING PLRNIINR daughter of Mrs Joseph Walsh ORDER NOW Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson land son moved to Toronto recently Fruit trees and Fruit bushes Ornamental trees Evergreen Mrs William visited Mr and Mrs Cairns Breton reeently Flowering Shrubs Roses Per cnniuls StoneEWellington THE FONTHILL NURSERIES LW Attend Show Mission Monthly The Junior Girls ln5s of the Un ited Sunday School had charge of the mission monthly program dur ing the Sunday School hour Mrs John Cull entertained two tables at bridge on Friday even in last Choir Busy The Sunday School choir is busy practicing for the Easter Sunday morning service under the leader ship of Rev James Dorrian and Mrs Tipping The Late Abbott The friends of Norman Davis Abbott were sorry to learn of his death on Wecnesday Feb 25 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Toronto He was the youngest son of the late Herbert Johnston Local Representative 41 Owen Street Barrie Phone 2905 Milking lier Reeds MASTER SWEET lllSS Master Sweet Lass is palatable bulky cooling laxative feed Because of its high content of beef pulp and molas ses it is an excellent conditioner Three local Dairymen feeding Master Sweet Lass with fine results Muster Rainmaker 24 Dairy Concentrate The protein content of Gainmaker is supplied by nine different protein ingredients These nine ingredients are carefully combined in the correct quantities to give you real milkmaking feed Put two cows of your herd on either of these feeds and watch the increase in milk ow BROWN co LTD MASTER fEED QAEALERS Cars as Illustrated include certain extra equipment items Check with your local dealer iorinlormatlon on standardequiprnent wotc 555 BW 02 CANADA LIMITED SEE THEM TODAv AT young clfIIYSLEFJEPLYMOUTHiFARGO oaAtanvs