Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1953, p. 10

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monsoon lemon 1953 on on Saturdays Such intention has been an pounced in Orilila already for the near ture To compensate it is planned to pro vlde service until six oclock on Friday It is noted that regional supervisors and chief observers have been appointed in North Bay area for the Ground Observer Corps of the RCAF North Bay Nugget says it is good to see this important work going forward Preparedness is very important Barrie will be the centre for one of these GOC regional offices and before long it may be expected there will be some definite appointments made here of Education Careful Study school enrolment is to double wiltJenn following 1952 as the Can Mucntlon Week folder predicts on no fees no authority thou the Dominion Bureau of Miles then we had better take good look with situation in Barrie This is indeed We have already heard to this announcement and many Wmunicipalities have been forced to their public school facilities New buildings have been onstructed at great cost Here in Barrie two new public schools on addition to one and urge collegiate addition have been made in the past three years In saluting Education Week we think we 189 make our best contribution by asking felquestions that we think pertinent to this to problem of public education How sound have we been in our recent trends to Hon Earl Rowe MP for DufferlnSimcoe claimed in the House of Commons last Fri day that the government may decide against an election this year waiting until next spring for another budget But the best guess is still October 1952 Beware of suretyships for thy best friend He that paycth another mans debt sceketh his own decay Wlliiam Cecil Buricigh mini modern school buildings What expert advice have school authorities whcn OPINIONS 0F OTHERS they are faced with the neccmity of building 83 Farmers and Labor on Horns of Dilemma Bowmanvillc Statesman Occasionally the prens at Ottawa misses an im portam story that only comes to light by reading Hansard regularly Such an occasion was an ad dress on the Speech from the Throne by George Fulford Liberal member for Leeds in which he ar Can afford some of the extrarcurricul lar facilities that are being built into many ofour modern school buildings How are we going to meet the teacher shortage that already exists and catch up with the added demands of doubling our high school popu latlon TWELVEYEAR OLD BRUCE McGREGOR of Vernonville Ontario who has been selected to represent the crippled children of the province during the Easter Seal campaign The campaign conducted by the Ontario Society for Crippled gum Gamma Children runs from March until April and its objective lo seek onlynsudii $35112 is $475000 In Barrie the Kiwanis Club is sponsoring the sale To back up his argument Mr Fuiford produced or Easmr Seals lzlihc siartlin statistics Trader and Confmme whici 255353 333303 VERNONVILLE FEB 26 Red symbol of the thousands helped an pnccs wnh muse of other exporting countries headed 12yearold Bruco bchreltinllully by the Ontario Scolcty for The price of bacon in Denmark is Gems pound gcr of ihls little communltywho Crippled Children Ilmmy of 1953 in Canada 36 cents New anlunds price for top has yeyear gm agamglwm 10mm to Otmva me quality bed is emu Camdns price 44 cams paralysxs until he can ride hisCunadas GovernorGeneral find to The mice of but in Ausmm and New zeahnd pony and be ZlVVOIf Cub has been loronto to attend the opcnlng on is 38 cents in Denmark 41 cents in Canada 62 cents chosen Canadas Timmy for 195d March in the Snelctys campaign The price of chees in Australia and New Zeahnd Seventh in the SUCCCSSEOH of chll for $419000 The money comes is cents in Canada 32 cents These prices were drcn chosen to wear that name as from tho SillC of Easter Seals sold current at the end of November Egg prices in midSeptember were also given by Mr Fulford from the Dept of Agriculture Dell mark 46 cents dozen Australia 52 cents Ireland 54 cents Canada 61 cents Mr Fulford in producing these figures shows con clusively that the Govemment in spite of its oft repealed demands that Europe should buy more of Canadas produce cannot hope to increase its ovcr seas market while those products are so hopelessly outpriced by other countries With the high cost of production the Canadian farmer is certainly on the horns of dilemma in his attempt to match export trade prices with other countries On the other hand industry in Canada is in similar predicament with wages for labor at an all limo high in meetingexport competition Canadas wellbeing is vitally bound up with largescale exports Labor demands which might be acceptable in the United States could prove fatal to Canadian export trade Canada must find foreign markets f0 great sup plies of raw materials each year If the cost of these raw materials is raised by labor demands un related to produciivlity then the prices of the raw materials must be raised accordingly And when our markets are lost there is enormous political press ire to give away the exports rewarding the seller out of taxes As John North points out in The Financial Times vicious inflationary spiral is at once set in motion Such spiral might well yield an unexampled depression in Canada despite our resources No doubt the Communistcontrolled Trade Unions of Canada are aiming at this Surely the Trade Union leaders not under Communist con trol should be able to resist the temptation to im itate their mortal enemies Who barnthe answer to this twohorned dilemma of export trade Governmeni Federation of Agri culture Labor Unions or Manufacturers Maybe if representatives of all these groups sat around table they might be able tosolve the problem for the good of all if they would forget their own selfish interests Do taxpayers and parents give their best attention and support to the publicspirited men and women who get themselves elected to our Boards of Education Before we Jump to conclusions and start yelling about high taxes we might just re member that we Canadians in total spend approximately four times as much money on beverages and tobacco as we do on our edu cational systems We suggest that demo cratic organizations have big job of work in studying the problems of public education in Canada and coming up with sOme guid ance and assistance for the 71889 school trustees who are struggling with this prob lem themselves in Canadas 10 provinces Examiner Feature Article lEST WE FORGET 900 By LEWIS MILLIGAN of our own handiwork He quot When Nebuchadnczzar walked in ed the following words by Abra his hanging wardens and surveyed his domain be expanded his chesti ham Ifmcfl one ms pm and said Is not this gloat Baby Clamanom 0f thallksgwmg loll that have built for the house We have been the reciph cuts of the choicest bounties of of the kingdom by the might of heaven we have beerkpre my power land for the honor of mywmaiesty Hemad hardly Soft served these manyyanls in peace and prosperity but these words out of his mouth when we have forgotten God We there fell voice from heaven saying ng Nebumadneuar have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in to thee it is spoken the kingdohmi is departed from thee and dwelling shall be with the beastsl mffdaniggmgghzgd of the field until thou know strengthened us and we have that the Most High ruleth in the in imagined in the db kingdom of men and giveth it l0 ceitflilness of om hearts that all these blessings were pro whomsover he will duccd by some superior wisdom That is an old old story and iii has been repeated down through ma virtue 01 our own nme outed with our unbroken suc the ages We have seen it reen acted in our own times We hovel cess we have become too self actually heard Godless dictators Ul sufficient to feel the necessity ter similar boasts and have seen of redeeming and preserving their downfall to below the levell grace too proud to pray to the God that made us The Late Harry Coleman It was with profound regret that the citi zens of the County of Simcoe and especially of Barrie where he had made his home since 1923 learned of the death in Royal Victoria Hospital on Sunday afternoon of David Hell ry Coleman recently retired treasurer of the county Harry Coleman as he was known to legion of friends was man who devoted most of his lifetime to public service He served hlscommunity in township council his church in various offices was active in fraternal bodies and service work He serv mod brittle hospital board childrens aid and iiothers allowance boards all in addition to his regular duties which involved for many years running farm at Cookstown and for almost 30 years as county treasurer of the beasts Mussolini ed forl his life fom the New Roman Em pire he had built He was hunted Those who came incontact with Mr Cole man willlfirst of all remember his friendly genial manner Callers at the county build ing always received courteous reception 51mm the treasurer He liked people and peo pie liked him He discharged his duties with efficiency and it is noteworthy that he had his son Jack with him for some years as assistant treasurer and ready to take over thepositiofl on his retirement The County of Simcoe pays tribute to fine man today as Mr Coleman is laid to Jest at Cooksiown and to his sonowing fam ily we extend deepestsympathy Editorial Notes of lovers are like jsummer rms Everything is moreibeauulul when mmeveposeed Madam Necker muncemcnt today that Barrie Jaycees sponsor the bcard growing contest for centennial idealisthoseso inclined and can do 80 Willie appearingin public in more hirsute adornment by his own people and his body wielded to go to his head He had was hung by the feel like Dlgi the saving grace of humility in and scoffed at in the market place We heard the beastlike voice of Hitler on the radio boasting of the new and mightier Germany he had built in the brief space of seven the presence of Power above and beyond that of any or all earthly potentaies Kipling uttered the same warning to the British Em pire when he wrote If drunk with years until the whole structure sight of power we loose wild fell about his ears and he crawled tongues that have not Thee in like rat into hole beneath the awe For frantic boast and fool ruins of Berlin and blew out his ish Word Thy mercy on Thy peo macl brains ple Lordt gt Thai is no fable it is current In this atomic age an even history These examples of pride greater power than ever has been and arrogance are tragic reminders placed in the hands of men and of the fate of all rulers and peo ples who forget God Addressing the CanadianClub Henry Borden President of Braz us from using that power to our ilian Traction Light and Power Company after presenting gra phlc pictureof the great industrial Ehdicos Payoff Fort Erie TimesReview The Stalin Peace Award presented to Rev James Endicott valued at $25000 will be free of income tax The department of national revenue explains that the money will be classed as fortu itous income Probably never before in Canadian history has citlzen of Canada received if taxfree cash award for vilifying his country in this respect at least Endlcott may claim some suit of distinction Ostensibly the Stalin awards are for outstanding work in strengthening peace between peoples However since the communists adopted the word peace as rallying cry the word has undergone regrettable transformation in the hands of the Endicotts of this and other countries it has been dirtied beyond recognition Endlcoits particular contribution to pwceala Stallllstwa to stump the country spreadingfhe com mum urge that United Nations forces includ playoff tonight in Barrie lug Canadians were infecting the people of North gnawing 1m these parts year Korea with dlseasc germs His endorsatiOn of this much of the 1951 fever false charge has almost certainny influenced the Cllinelle and North Koreans to believe it not to tons most of whom appear to mention other Asiaticpeoples more friendly disposed optimisticthan the coach in the Westefn world He might eveucomplain to likely that some time this year Moscow that he has been grossly underpaid for in BM will he closed nations and only sense of rev erence towards God and sacred own structlon Before the First World air when Germany was at the height of her power Nietzsche development in Brazil and cum declared God is dead Karl paring it with that of the Domin Marx had said or assumed the ion of Canada uttered timely some thingwhen he prescribed for warnlng against pride and self and predicted the coming of the sufficiency in those material Kingdom of Man Russian Com acllievemeuts As nation as munism is based on that assump tizells and human beings he lion and prescription If thatGod id we have yielded to the temp less doctrine and outlook Were to Vtatiorl to become so immersed in spread over the wholeearth Man material pursuits that we have wouldbe dead or descend to the come tgccept the high gtandard beasts of the field But the Lord of living the comforts and blessl God omnipotent reignethfl surely it is worth more than $25000 to slander the country whose protection and citizenship he continues to enjoy cuss iwr NewSpoper Published Monday Wedneiday Friday mine Ontario clinician courseithcboys olddczioug ggmgoon bu ngfunl Ka Midland Students llmltlllin lest feel fin tubalmild truth is the dad Neil McGregor time for milking He can operate the tractor like an old hand Lincoln was no plaster saint but down and killed like Wild beast he never allowed the power he in Toronto responsibility toward man can save Examiner Thanked For Assistance in Red Cross Werk 220 Dunlop St Home Feb 28 1953 To the Editor The Home Examiner Dear Sir The executive mem bcrs of Barrie Branch Canadian Red Cross Society wish me to thank you and your staff for your assistance in carrying on their work in this field Publicity is an indispensable purl of this you obviously realize as shown by the excellent news Coverage of all our activities We have yet to hen til discourlesy or disinterest on the organizationa fact which port of The Barrie Examiner staff and may assure you this has not gone unnoticed by the branch ex ccutlvc Please acoepi our thanks for your generous mopcmilun in the work if the Cross Very truly yours MRS COLLIS Secretary Barrie Branch by members of the more than 200 SolVice Clubs who back the Soci cty and did it year round in its work Bruce who is all boy and wears wide grin with missing tooth fell from his fathers discseeder five years ugo vliclllle was trying to help The machine passed over his body breaking his spine He= was rushed to the Hospital for most successful tuberculin lng program was carried out all Midland High School by the 33ml cuc County Health Unit in 3th month of January This was the SCCuDd such program in lllt county the first taking late in 1952 Midland dents lowered to Of these 30 were positiveland it Your bod had recent luAi bcrculin tests and four had recent 49537 Xrays These added to two rcfus ills bring the total number of gillg most logical ind Emmaml health Most Successful inc cm The advertblip test skin lfj lofindout apemnlmsbnex pond to labftlf and if in signime numbtr nf TB 3611 hello cliirred the body of the ticktwo Mauls zrl spur ting plumb It of gamma placc in Onlllgf mch as and hours and the doctor rm 1124 In all 388 Eludcnis were tested at um nothing at mop672M of 11km 398 doubtful ptlsilivc The perceniugci 333 rd positive at as 103 about ments the hmlih All those who now have follow up Xray The nurscs make halide his body public health visits and rclailvcs and close friends is warm ull given appointments for Xrayl At the mine time the opportunity pooplc Tilt 2383th the average expected in high school group in this area coln per Clint This unit are positive will for health education is afforded positive reactors From its Orlilia experience the hcalih unit has found that the red spouse to the followup Xray is almost 100 per dirPctor reports Dr Scott sure the results will be much the Sonic in Midland The importance of the iuberculirll test ls that it also helps find thci sourcczof exposure points out Dr Thus other members of the Scott family and close the opportunity of chest prays not only bcczlllsc they been exposed but they may be ihei 81 Lhlde Trml was kepll actual case and should be geitlngi there for seven months Doctorsgtmmnmm thought at first he wouldnt live But today Bruce he uses crutches and wears braces on his legs and he can even move can balance himself against wall or railing He goes to school has kept up his studies and is in 7thjusi plain obstillrlcy are taken in The latter comments the director from experience can play big part in mining any pro gradc at Balck School SS No 14 in Haldimand Township Some times he rides his pony Major to school gift from the Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts of Northumberland and Hastings Counties And he has joined the Cubs and is an active member Life has become no problem mat ter for Bruce He doesnt grieve about his injury nor his inability to run He gets more thrill out of things around him than lots of other boys and he still helps his when its The Societys doctors and thera pists are very proud of their young patient as on evidence of what can be done for youngsters who have been stricken by injury or diseases such as cripping polio As for Bruce hes all excited about goingto the big luncheon in Oftawaand the sportsmens dinner in Toronto where he will meet celebrities he only by name Nicholas Breakspeale was the only Englishman ever to become spa He took the name of Adrian knows now The sucocxs of later doubted that he would walkug Midland was mkath in the an walks Truel that there were only two who actl ually refused the population around without the crutches if hel ceptlonally good uvcmgc the hca in entire school unit feels when ligious reasons to account gram in fact from even starting one Midland District School Board was apporachcd rc tubcrculln testing of all students last December the idea When garding the was received Shortly after reports Dr Scott the Collingwood Col not see fit to have this service for students This was done in spite of the fact that the was in which the health unit was cent So far the friends are given too may have the program lnl test among illcl An ex such things as faith healers and in preventing us High the Public Acton with enthusiasm legith Board did Eggs lose as three days Coilingwood area llu Latin but blixS my the litrims TB Will deceicp If docs imitate hoop wfr limit the pencil has exploded in bcrculosls has witch germs into Jo3213c reaction Srliia be or young at Xscys all vipccially l3 childzfn JEECPA the Province of 01 Harold Crate FCA of Toronto pcrature as they at orator in two rocks is blight 7311123635 as can be expect 90 per cent of school modem is 1315 new tragic ihly hosx un coco that 1hr jx whore v3 uppicl 112 moms trh TB ll Igbrttt miscel ftiflu1 mean that Al the last meeting of the Coun cil Lee CPA the firm of Wright Erickgtn Lac Company Hamilton was 1ch Resident of Council for to succeed frushness in ry mom tam the refrig Crawford C0 Est 191 WERE THE TORONTO STOCK Government Municipal and corporation Smith 91 Duhlop Street Barrie Telephone2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wires You can go out withnan easicrmilld When you knowthc telephone is lrightthe timclfisbflany waygyourtclephouc Nb priall module its usefullwss oontributesio yoursens 9f Wurltymt anqmore pleasangliVingfdryon andyourfamily

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