Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1953, p. 1

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theft of some $700 in bonds and 1300mm Xian Serving THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Sines 1864 89th YearVWNO legion Members Given Talk on local CGE Works Che Torrie Examiner Authorised as ct In tho Im Ofce Mm 0min lMPRESSIONS or MARRIAGE ANALYZED BY PSYCHOLOGIST AT OPENING ELECTURE HERE work which has liccn carried out llld that planned for the future 31 the C61 Burrzc Wraith was outf lined by John Mmchmson general manager when ht addressed meeting of the Local Ctllldln Leg ion branch In the Legion Hall Owen Strut oi tndav evening In his upeuIg ftiltillgt the speak dtJIll llfh Ill liilinillalltt of industry to the connumuty and of ms cffcct on the livcimod of LIll Yflls gvnernliy Allied to tlzlx was the icspozrsrbllity of Industry to pay good Wiflh lllfl in stllic Culllt tillually to provide sturdy employ mm liztluty aim liftJ 1111111l1t1 IISlXIlllJlill that of provitlzng us sistnncc to cmplnyvcs In time of need Referring pccicnliy to the Batu Tic Works MT Mitcziliarli stud Illlll the floor Llltll Ill llllh was 53000 Square ltll By June of this til the latest Intrusion to the plant would be in operation using 114000 square feet tlfld employing 350 workers With an annual payroll of $1000000 Since 1940 Mr Mitchirlson added Barrie Works hnd built and sold 2500000 products This averaged out to one of their products being used in eight out ll every ll wired llomcs in Canada Mr MitchlllSOIl showxi the and hence one of the latest Barrie pro ducts Tin lllllllllzlilt popup toustcr which was designed and engineerch Ill the local plant In concluding I115 interesting ad dress the speaker announced that two new products Tould be intro duced luring 1033 which would provide ndditlonul employment in many skills POLICECHECKING THEFT 0F $700 Police are investigating the other papers from the house occu picd by Miss Wilson 55 Dunlop Street East The theft is understoodto have taken place some time during Tucs day Details 13 to how entry was gained are not presently available GARBAGE ON FIRE Garbage which caught tire in garbage truck on Dunlop Street West on Mondayggvening at 640 pm was responsible for the fire department turning out The truck was taken out to the dump where the smouldering garbzige was ex tinguished IOOF LODGE Brotherhood week was observed by the Independent Ordecof Odd fellows with visits from Graven hurst degree team who conferred degree on 10 candidates here on Feb 17 also Huntsville degree team on Feb 24 accompanied by District Deputy Grand Master Reynolds of District 31 Elm vale Lodge also was represented Afterwards lunch and speechos were enjoyed Vthc Librarv Hall ris sponsored by the Too many people embark on marriage thinking that man riage is the beginning of inevitable happiness said Dr Karl Bernhardt psychologist of the University of Toronto in the Successful Marriage on Mon iday But there is nothing inevitable about it Marriage is an adventure in flying an experiment Clashes differences con flicts quarrelsare normal in marriage Happiness and successi do not just happen they are achieved opening lecture of die course Exchch rowd cxccllvni crowd of younger pzoplc lllzllrfcd the llpviiing of lilt course Ill tin recreation room of Colinr Sllttl United Church The remaining lectures bill by gll lll Rev John Mor Stmud was chairman of the meeting Miss Dorthu Jackson mlnuglng director of the Childrens Aid Society of Simone County in troduced Prof Bernhardt Mrs Ann Nelson of Public Library ar ranged an excellent display of books on liazringe and 11111 from the Barrie and Simcoc County Ill izuics MISS Margaret MucLuchlzin lLllliltILl the people for the course its they arrived The discussions ilc being jointly Barrie Wclfillc Council and Barrie Ministcliul An sucizitioil Dl Bernhardt spoke on the all of living together in Iiiuiriziue under three cuttgorics FIISI was the merging of two personalities If some merging of personalities did not take plzlcc it was no true mur rizigc This merging begun with low But love was much broader than sex much docper than biol ogy It took in the whole of life Common interests were neces sary he said and thc more things two people hLlG In common the greater their chances were of suc cess Opposites hould not marry It was important to eliminate the small irritations that caused fric tion ltwus twoway process and each must learn not to do some of the things which irritated the other each must learn to overlook some of the little things that caused an noyancc The day of the family dictator was done said Dr Bernhardt or at least on the way out he added with smile All major questions should be talked over by husband and wife Most of us nccdcdpractice in this because discussion could so easily deteriorate into argument All points should be brought for ward and then agreement reached by comprombc Referring to criticism Dr Bern hardt said succinctly Be careful say it some other way Criticism brings out the worst in people Someone criticizes us and we criti cize back or defend ourselves or fight back silently and that is worst of all When problems come solve them yourselves Keep friends and rela tions where they belong on the periphery Face your problems frankly They become festering foci of difficulty if not brought out into the open Look for Solutions Concluding this section of his ad dress he said much depends on Whll held persons attitude Ont should not ook for difficulties mn Normal people Were sure to viisugrcc and the Important thing was not disagreeIntuit but what one did about it Dr llegnhulrlt then llll With some of the conflicts and pitfalls of marriage other had no place team not on opposmg teams llt spoke of jealousy explzlimng ll IS symptom of insecurity man was jealous it was because he felt insccurc in his wifes affcc lions Pitfalls of Marriage llcz pitfalls the speaker Illtffl tinned uclc disorder and ignorance of sex of human nziturc of oncs Interfering relations were another hazard 0le motives Relations he unplinsizcd could be great strength but should be kept where they belonged at the periphery linmaturity was another great litIZ dlfl The adult who was irritated too much by little things or who irldulpx irl temper tantrums llild not yet grown up lJi Bernhardts third heading was marriage together First on the list was love but love was not the some as romantic love This was one of the confusions in many young peoples minds Mar ried love was stronger it thrived on different things It was not dc pcndcnt on thrills but was fed by comfortable companionship Another factor wmcn held mar riage together said Dr Bernhardt was the attitude of the partners If they went forward on the unques tioning assumption that their mar Iiagc was for keeps if they knew but for swirl Ile spoke of competition us one of the disruptive forces The lioliitilllg of ulics ego the umch tion of ones superiority over lht in marriage The two partners Were on the some lfni TAX ARREARS UP BY $24000 AT START 1953 Prepayment of current tax tv by February were up by about Sill over the ism 31 the me time last year At rczts of tam January 1953 however were up by about $24000 The figure for Incpayment of current taxes Jammy 1952 Wu $4998725 In January this year the figure was 355 63942 The February figures were 1952 SIDNEY 1953 SI 25379 Total fur1352 for the two months was $5362752 and for 1953 56338321 Arrears of taxes on January were 3648905 0n the same date this year they Coul Ied 58871844 hymen of arrears last year for the two months totalled $9 06969 This year they were 31633848 respective percent ages of 139 per cent 1nd 188 pcr cent they must VUlk to keep their life together xithfuctory and not just idrift along they would succeed The lasting marriage he contin ucd satisfies our basic human needs the need to love Illld bi lov ed the need to feel ilpClllICl mid to feel that we belong to some one Sympathy was another important factor word which Dr Bernhardt self into the other persons position likc husband who knew how his lwifc felt when the whole day had lgonc wrong and the children got into the neighbors hairand acted accordingly When two people llv cd together for years their habits became integrated habits of think ing and feeling and behaving From this came security and peace which bound the partners perman cntly Common goals are very import ant If two people give their hearts to things at the opposite ends of the scale of values their mar riagc has clouded future Last but not least by any means Dr Bernhardt added sense of humor to this list No good marriage should be without it lively question and discussion period followed Community Concert Association Openswltsv I953 viMembersIrip Campaign Monday March On Monday March the Barrie Community Concert Association opens is 1953 membership cam paign Memberships for the gen eiralwpublic will become available at that date and the campaign will continue until Thursday March 12 or until capacity mem bership has been reached Subscribers to the Community Concert plansupport and enjoy their associations privileges of great musical entertainment Dur ing the forthcoming 195354 con Air CodeisiGiven Archery Demonstration cert season members will enjoy great music presented as in past seasons in their ow Carnegie Hall In the seven seasons since the Community Concert Association was formed in Barrie outstanding artists of the concert stage have appeared here In the first sea son 194647 local audiencesheard Ethel Bartlett and Rae Robertson duopianists Arthur Kent bari tone Portia White Canadian so prano and Tossy Spivakovsky violinist The next concert series of 1947 48 presented the Don Cossacks Male Chorus Eileen Farrell so prano and the Columbia Concert Trio Ariana Bronn violinist Ar dyth Walker cellist Richard Gre gor pianist In 194849 the art ists were Vivian Della Chiesa so prano Tossy Spivakovsky violin ist and Vera Appleton and Michael Field duopianists Conrad Thibault banitone Sas cha Gotodnitzki pianist and The Bary Ensemble were heard in the 194950 series and Oscar Natzka bassbaritone Yara Bemett pian ist and The Revelers Male Quar tet appeared where in the 195051 series In the 195253 season the De Paur Infantry Chorus opened the concert series followed by John Knight Canadian pianist and Mil dred Dining harpist The Boyd Neel Orchestra of London Eng land were heard here in the past season along with Alfred and Herbert Teltschik dumpiqnists and The Carolersr Musical attractions of the high est standard will be presented in Barrie again inthe coming season as in past years Each member pays annual dues for member ship which entitles him to attend dcfincd as the ability to feel one BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY MARCH I953 lumbar cm CJVJLL and Mr Dunn it clawme Proposed Provincial Grants Act likely Receive Criticism From Elow Population Municipalities One possible reaction to the new Municipal Unconditional lGruan Act which was submitted by Premier Leslie Frost uud given its first reading zit the present sitting of the Out ario Legislature is that there will be criticisur that the top per capita rate on which the grant is made should apply to all municipalities This Is 1hr expressed ll llaiirlrlld clerktreasurer Bar lZL 111 in llttllySlS of the dLILtll of lllt plllpuh Act which if passed lll chouic affective January 1054 Several yczizs Igu mummpuhtic vwcrc given provincial grant it LflCllllll subSIdy Later this val followed by grunt on the fire and police dcpziltlncnts In Barries case 20 per cent of the full cost of the police department was givvn In the form of grant and sun lluiiy 20 per cent for the fire flul partmcnt less the cost of hydrant rcnlzrl Under the IILW proposed Act the plvllltlll government Will niukcl unconditional grunts on per czlplttl busm and at varying rates accord mg to populzltlon of the llIUlllLlpttl ity The illglihst rate IS 5100 pcr Cilpllil for municipalities of 750000 land over and lower rates for Inun leipulltics with lower populations Burrie is In the 10000 population cutegoly and the grant is set an 2115 per cupitu No relief will be lcllllzcd for 1053 however as tinl lproposcd legislation only becomes lcffcctive at the beginning of next ll police grunts Iyeur It Will be interesting to lintth lhow if at all the change in til3 grant basis will benefit the town comments Mr Barrand To learn what might take place in 1954 comparison can be match based on the towns 1953 actual firel and police grants to be rcceivedl and on the per capita rate and population applicable if the new grants were to be applied in 1953 The actual grants to be received in 1953 are fire department $4 09317 police department $8077 total of $1217017 The basis for determining the population of municipalities will be the 1951 Dominion Census with the provision that if and when the population increases by seven per cent or more the Department of Municipal Affairs will redeterminc the population and make an award adjustment for grant purposes Mr Barrand points out There do not appear to be any strings attached except that the Depart ment may require the municipality to state the amount of grant receivv ed on the tax bill 0n the new basis explains Mr Barrand the actual 1951 census figure is not available but it is be lieved to be in the neighborhood of 12500 The assessors population figure in 1952 was 13654 Since this is an increase in population of over seven per cent the assessocs figure used Our possible grant therefore at the $225 per capita rate would be 53072150 This could mean an increasa of $1855133 over fire and 12 zv The Middle Column WE POINT WITHOUT PRIDE By GEORGE HILL In the good old days there was one item in the household furn ishings very essential indeed small item tis true but very Use ful and of great assistance in bold ing together many combinations we are not referring to the present meaning of the word during the course of the days activities We refer to the oldtime plump sub stantial convenient and everready pin cushion WWWVAQ In the earLy early days it was stuffed with plentiful filler easily procured then the fragrant smell rnd lcprcscnis ai most outanduhulf nulls In towns of Bnlucs null rate one null of the towns taxable usscsmiicnt rup restnts approximately l2500 Mr Burmnd goes on to pornt out While this addltlonal provinciul assistance is quite acceptable it runlributes very little to meeting tin everincreasing demands by our schools county and other scrvms No doubt the thought wall enter the minds of the elected and up porntcd officials that the top $400 per capitu rate should apply to all municipalities and unless reason able explanation can be given it would appear that there has been SOIIIL discrimination shown In Iiving at the basis for grants No explanation is given in the Bill now before the legislature It Will be interesting to see the reaction of the municipalities in the lUVl grunt brackets Jaycees Are To Sponsor Beard Growing Contest Barrie is to have beard growing contest as part of the centennial celebrations The announcement has been made that the event will be sponsored by the Junior Cham ber of Commerce although so fzrpthc final details have not been completed At the recent organization meeting in the Council Chamber Gram Mayor challenged Mayor James Hart Chamber of Com meme President Sandy Couus and Griffin cen tennial committee chairman to similar contest Further details will be an Mumul shortly by the Jaycees though it is very possible that the contest will begin around the end ofApriI with inspec tion of contestika for clean shaven faces and the final judging willtake place during Old Home Week Key Clubbeis Al Kiwanis Hear 0r Alan Secord Alan Secmd wellknown Tor 01110 veteunury surgeon and con lscivationist gave all zlllclCSlIDg talk at Barrie Kiwanis Club dinner Mon day at Community House Dr Sc cord showed two color movies tak en by himself one concerning fish in In the Ilziliburton the other about quill hunting in Carolina While the movies were mos en lightening Dr Secold also explain lcd VilIlDJS matters about fishing and hunting which dealt With the conservation rattler than the sport 1m vrcwpoxnt Many of his exper izxnces were news to local club ar Idin anglers and hunters Mainly lic lstiesscd the necessity for conserva tion in Wildlife It was Key Club night and re sultcd in record attendance this year of 95 which included 29 Key IClubbers from East York Collegiate land about 20 from BDCI President Moth Adamson turned over the iciluir to Stuart McDuffcc Key Club committec head There were brief remarks by Ki wanian Bert Fry Collingwood di vision chairman of Key Clubs and Fred Parmentcf East York OQM Key Club Governor President of BDCI Key Club Leon Pcriard welcomed the East York guests who were accomp unied by their drivers Kiwanian Art Dyson Doug Dyson and Bill Pratt Results of the local Key Club election of officers for 5354 was announccd President Paul Crease Sccretary Ken OConnor Treasur icr Bill Empire Announce Results Conservatory lTheory Exams Results of Royal Conservatory of Music examinations held recently lin Barrie have been announced The iresults are as follows Grade Theory Harmony and NEW GROUP TO COORDINATE AND ASSOCIATIONS IS FORMED AT OPEN MEETING The Barrie and District Council Committeerof Home and of 13654 for grant basis will be School Associations which will coordinate the work of local and district organizations came into being Monday night at an open meeting in HillcrestSchool auditorium Present to organize the group was the president of the Ontario Federation of Home andSchool As sociations Mrs Taylor of Hamilton She addressed the ga thering and installed the first ex ecutive headed by Mrs Ernest Hankin president Of Codrington Home and School Association as chairman Other officers installed at the or ganizational meeting are Ed Nor man of King Edward Home and School vicecbahman Mrs Ayres Of Prince of Wales Home and School secretary and Mrs Charles Newton of Hillcrest Home and School treasurer There will be other delegts sent from each association to make up the conunittee Each member group will be represented by its president and three other dele gates Four Member Groups At present there are four mem ber associations in the council crim mittee those of the four Barrie public schools Codrington King Edward Hillcrest and Prince of address Her visit was the first time that provincial president had visited Barrie during her term of office The spirit in home and school association is personal promise for each one of the members and will bring good life to the whole world she feels Through such group parents can Show their children the way to full and sat isfying life She believes that the home and school has part in building world community You see so many things wrong and feel there is nothing you can do to right them There are things you can do in home and school work At an international conference of parentteacher groups she had at tended she found that people from all countries were able to agree im mediately on what they wanted for their children They desired three thingshealth for all children universal need some train ing knowledge 21nd attitudes that would Turn to page five please if CT igt Anglersiind Hunter Assocluhlw Tim the cadetsareseen here being instructed in the use of the bow Before the conclusion of the demonStratlozitho Squadron was mooted With $0111 peauumnwrimmed be wsfrom Harry and the Tillmank WMWGEW 3m Association each season At the close of the campaign week no one can join th Association for an other year Last year there was considerable Waiting list as warm berships were sold out before the end of campaign week Icemens Hopes Are Dached Again Heavy RainThaw March is asserting Tu limoJ ve to date with below zero More down we not 33 In In Lb 111gme Like unto the old family tooth brush that hung in the sinkat least the song says that it didthe pincusblon was always to befound on the dresser or even on the side board and always in maws sewing basket or on her sewing bible The variety was marvellous and eye appealing in rainbow tints of yellow IECE blue and green and in many variations on the theme of stars half moons apples oranges orpjust plain pillow style and it was packed with pins to no end They rivere much heavier and more substantial their and little Georgie had plentyL fun makiir things which couldnt be madewith th present fragile samples When the covered wagon rambled east one afternoon to the wilds of Big Bay Point in winter its pas senders on exploration bentilttted the big latchon the door of Clans mans Lodge walked cruder into the cheery cosy lounge and dir ectly into the light that heats up on throne or somepn allwzth the childlike hope of procuring choclet bar but their embarrass ment was churnineg dispelled by Jive hostesswho conducted them through the lodge designed most completely by herself Turn To page Two please Wales In addition rcpresehta ives from the Baxter Alliston and Bor den areas were present Monday cv eniug and the associations of the surrounding district have been in vited to join the comnutteeThey will able to send representatives after obtaining permission from the Ontario Federation The organization of the centre coordinating body was described in some detail by Mrs Taylor pro AtiHockey Night And Station Play Barrie Citizeus Band had another busy weekend sitar day they turned out In thofrigid at Allanhh Station toywcme Alderman Bill Clute ash brought the vincial president in answers to questions raised by home and school members She stressed the benefits that wouldbe available with council committee which through confer leadership training and other group projects On any larger projects she explained the committee should greatly facilitate matters ences between groups will provide providing an organization all ready to go to work and representative of all membe groups The committee will commence functioning immediately although definite p1an for meetings has not five Working for Chum Home and school work is import fbr the varywreasou that ftvisn yet been drawn up by the execu working for children and thatit 1mm nationth existence incurs mim small he MONDAY WW and FRIDAY 5c single copy l6 Pages Two Simcoe Centre Chairman Caucus For Important All government bills are rd In Irogrcsgve Conservative coucus before being presented on the floor of the Ontario um On Wednesday Feb Bill 30 an act to prayidc for the rm anon of the municzwlillel in all metropolitan area for certain bun end and other purposes also Bill No 81 an act to provide for tin unconditional grunts to municipal ities and Bill No 71 an act to amend the Edible Oli Products Act 1952 three bills probably as im portant as any that will be intro duced this session were presented GEORGE JOHNSTON by George Johnston Minesing MP for Simcoc Centre acting as chairman in caucus on request of Hon Leslie Frost Premier Ontario History Margaret Johnstone p358 Harmony Joan Langman pass Grade IV Theory Counterpoint and History Marilyn Haslett 13 class honors history Marilyn 5830 Catherine Coleman honors Grade II Theory Harmony Valerie Dexter lst class honors Gradcll Theory Sheila Lem mon Elizabeth Lewis Patricia Madigan Barbara Taylor equal Susan Jones Marion Fer ris Frances Wildruonequal Jo Ann Murphy GayleCuculick Jun Cunningham 151 class honors Grade Theory JoAnne Hook Mavis Owens lst class honors Plans Well Under Way by Committee For Centennial According to news releasefmm the Barrie Chamber quommuce Centennial Committee officials of Barrie Golf and Country Club have signified their intention of having special tournament during August to There is news also about the Grand Centennial Ball which will be held during ope evening of 01 Home Week The are planning to bring in dance band for the occasion also some other features which should make the Centennial Ball truly magnific ent affair It is expected definite date for the Centennial Ball will be set very silently The centennial committee has been informed by Jack general manager of The Canadian General Electric Company that they will cooperate with the cen tennial committee in every way possible Mr Mltcbinson has kindly offered the ui of the CGE auditors ium as meeting place for special events during Old Home Week View itors to Barrie during Old Home Week will also have the privilege oi seeing through the plant The Barrie Jaycees plan to hold their annual regatta at the begin ning of Old Home Week on Moth day Aug civic holiday On that same day there willbe horseracing at Agriculture park under the sponsorship of Barrie Trotting and Riding Association andln the ev euig the Barrie Citizens Baud plans band festival News Spreads Ca The news that Barrie is to hard an Old Home Week has certainly spread far and wide evEn at this early date The centenxual calls coming from directions The committee has Malina from all sortsof amusement hm including several sideshow

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