HM MMV WWWW mwz WWWWs 0N8 Home AHA SQUIRTS KOCKEY PUBLIC SCHOOL $350 IN PRIZ TONIGHT TWO OUTSTANDING GIRLS HOCKEY ALUMNI BAND my so cum own word rm BARBIE mum Iv CHURCHILL COIDWATER WILL micro MUSCM FESTlVAL AGAIN Wm POLICE INSISECTOR oLITLINES FACTORS lN CIVIL DEFENCE 1651 sickutss from lb mist and 1511 it is not contagion boon bVcl Th Speak optimal number of precautions In tune of bomblng Sumdimcs the effort of blast We know that It Wt atoll chances with film nurse 13 needed in your hum the Vlcwrmn Order of 8mm Clcders services are WW Tm to flaw downspout at my Boom litizrl ultcndrd 31 duct cf tiltl mung snflc pccsl1ll5lr ix tlmfml tho lionA TRINITY CHURCH MENS CLUB At the supper mccting of the Mens Club of Tribal Church on Thursday night the members had the privilege of wry unusual talk mth mam Startling statements connection with the matter of ClVlI dcfczch The speaksr was Inspector Frank Crease of the Ontario Provincial Polloc who has made Study of the subject and has been lccturmg both Canada and thcUSA for Iymc time He was llllftidllttd by IIIBS MLCarrol M+ Work of UNESCO And FAQ Topics Of Wl Discussion Slmud Womens Institute met in the Community Hall on Feb 19 with 27 mcmbcrs and four visitors presan One of the visitors Mrs Wakeeld now residing in Bamc is member of an English Instl tutc of 121 members Shc report ed that the Womens Institutes of England are going to stage massv ive Festival at tho time of the Coronation he roll was swcrcd by tell of something of which We nadians are proud Mrs Simpkin reported that good shipment of clothing had been sent to the Unitarlun Service Committee Mrs Simpkm and Mrs Black volunteered to be captains for the Red Cross cam paign It was decided to donate $25 to British and Dutch flood rc licf and $6 for prizes in the worn ens section of the Barrie FaIr Mrs Nelson and Mrs Mull holland are representatives on the Fair board The executive will take charge of the Penny Nound Up for the Canadian Mental Hchlth Assocm tion February is suggested as Inter nationulMontl In the Womens 1h stltute and iiimlieping with this theme Mrs SImkan opened the program by reading poem entlt led Brothers Mrs Forsang The Swallows accompanied by Mrs Ferris Mrs Simpkin and Mrs Gordon Rix gave papers on the work of UNESCO and FAQ organizations hich work under the United Na ns UNESCO which includes 44 ntries and meets annually has made surveys of war devastated countries to study their needs es pecially in education and war handicapped children It aims to ghtilliteracy teach better agn cultuml methods and inuence public opinion in favor of peace It seeks to establish worldwide fellowship through exchanges of students books and lms FAO exists to feed hungry peo ple Its surveys show food short ages Nutrition diseases make peo ple irritable and so cause wars FAO works for better and more widespread mechanical methods of farming and free trade Mrs Simpkin read description Anglican In lllustralzon If Inforzrsalmu which would prove valuablc tn the cvcnt of atomic bombmg showmg the aftereffect upon Various types ml buildings criharr In business or rcstdcrxtlul scctnms PIcluns lukct tit Hiroshima where in 1945 66000 long the formers cumpsct Stillair plan were lLIlicd and thrlc Wcrc 69000 sirclclmr cases or shown At Nagasaki 39000 wcrar unlitd the diffcrcucc lxlng because It It narrow cIty IIS comporcd to jIhcrc it Imam tltiilIl 22 lllc lhzt milc H000 IKII lotions which have the government motels summer cottagcs and other places putlcnts of the International Peace Garden between North Dakota and Mani toba dedicated in 1932i The Womens Institutes are particular ly interested in this garden as one of its founders Mr Moore judged frequently at Innisl Flower Shows and the Innisl Horticul tural Society was one of the rst organizations to give money to erect the calm in the garden Mrs Campbell visited the Peace rden last year and told of some the things she had seen there Mrs Rix concluded the program by conducting Simcoe County pames contest The conveners made their pro gram both interesting and informa tive feeling that Womens Insti tute members need to know more about these organizations that are working to create better und gt erstanding among nations Following the national anthem the usual social hour and cup of tea wre enjoyed third lcgrcc bums 4500 feet and IllSl dcgrcv bums of Is tlus Cnunlr wing 1051 back and wart until bomb drops thc inspector asked llc thcn cnumcratcd the prepar bccn made by regarding usv of not in usc for handling and the methods to hr used in recovering wounded from smashed buildings after lcsts had been made regarding tht prcscncc of atomic aftereffects All of this he said must be done by trained civilian crews is strangc in some cases the safe place is beside wall In another Instance the blast bounccs uncx pcctedly clears one section of the city and blasts another higher tmd further back At times thc ceilings and floors will be caved In leaving the walls intact Debris of flying brick is only one of the unexpected dan gers and rescue work can be pos sible only by trained men Strangely enough it has been found that whitc clothing will turn the heat my White capes and hoods will save thousands of burns In actual tests the thermo ray did not affect white painted sur face but where black paint was used the wood was burned dccply In Japan it was noted that white paper was not even scorched but the black was burned entirely Dust Effects ground burst will create deep wide crater and gives an ex tra clement to watchthat of earth dust which rises with the gas and cloud spreading radiation and be fore this point the civil defence workers get the people into shel tch and keep them from walking into an area up to 1000 feet from zero It would be suicidal because of ground radiation and before it is safe to use must be tested with Gleger counters or radiation sick ness will follow During experiments in Mexico the area was cleared for 50 miles but with lOmlle wind the cattle 52 miles back had their hair burn ed off Effects of residual radiation dust have been felt at 102 miles from zero and there is another danger An underground burst in sandy soil will carry destruction for 1500 feet to all underground piping of sewer or waterworks and in clay soil the effect will spread from 3500 feet up to No miles from the bomb burst An underwater burst will up heave water and steam into clouds cause tidal wave up to 40 feet and spray as mist the highly rad iated water for five miles One burst carried ninefoot tidal wave for miles Two old Japanese battleships were totally wrecked at 2000 feet from zero and on two ships 25 miles way 50 per cent of the crews conttacted radia doors bulldzng To avoid were born 11 3351 many photographic 3136 In flat on the stomach in ditch lcssencd by opening windows and to szvc wrecking of the mil hands under armpilst ind 03 smgemg will be on UK back of the netle Canned goods if perforatcd are deadly If raven Water ma Iadmtcd and not usable It should bu dustprum containers or the my partway In water will cause Sickness Onc of the most important ar ticlcs reliable flashlight which wll be Indispensable If public mimics are wrecked at night Insprctor Creasey at this point Lisscxtcd frankly that 112 know 110 thing of 1ch hydrogen bomb ex cup that If one were dropped over ilmmtu the cfth would spread from London to Bellevllle and from lravcnhurs south for an equal customer an Pooluon fly 1ch stated that rt Is not known if Russia has knowledge of this bomb but he warned that Sixg 50f tho worlds lcnding scientists ham gravllzltcd to the Soviet and Wm last to go In that direction was from the British The Canadian government 15 tak mg measures for protcctlon and bugs tlIc people to cooperate Plus help said the weaken must come from you The nurs ing fraternity is training nurses the mcmbcrs of St John Ambul anco have all volunteered but vol ntccr help is useless without train cd instructors and they too must be trained first of all Many towns were going ahead with civil defence plans Medical supplies must be sloclcpilcd and othcr detail taken care of Traffic control In case of bombs ing was terrific problem One town and it could be Barrie can create bottleneck with road block at critical point but for the past three years the inspector and others assigned to that work have been mapping all principal traffic arteries and assigning differ ent angles bf traffic control to most suitable highways Most significant is the term refugee roads In any event and if not needed training such as given will be val uable to those taking it For the Trinity Mens Club Jack Dyck extended sincere thanks to the speaker regretted that he could not have been heard by every citi zen and expressed the hope that he might make return visit Road Block Deaths At this point the rector Rev dePencier Wright ked regarding the matter of the ighway block near Port Credit which had brought much discusion recently when two men died The inspector admitfnxai it look bad but gave the other side of the story Three men deliberately scoped up car to molte 120 to 125 miles an hour on the Queens way They passed police ofcer who took up the chaSe but found they were doing 100 so be radioed ahead and as the speaker pointed out the police must act at once They asked an independent truck driver to place his vehicle as road block It was silver finished They set out six flares 60 yards apart and placed car with its headlights on the truck which could be seen for miles Inthis way they stopped 17 cars and detoured them through but the speedsters paid no attention just came right ahead although an officer used red ashlight beyond MM DNBDAV 1230 mu 000 News Heldllnea 602 County 1101 mention an White Rose Presents $00 News 805 The Lighter Side 830 The Classic Hour 930 Hockey Broadcast News 1040 Keyboard undonsole 1100 Moonllcbt Merry loRound 1115 Sports 1200 News Keldllnes Wea Cher Temp leo THURSDAY 30 $an 011 30 News Headlines um News Round Prelude Farm Market Report 31 Musical Clock 45 Ncwy News Headlines 78 News mm mm new Res Weather lunar Son le 50 Bulletin Bond 00 Farm Features Chick Chat Reglonal Weather Heres to the Ladies Club 1230 News mamm Movfe Mom00 Farm Market Report swim 1130 Round Up um Eddy Arnold of Our Times Melodlmsb Your am New 1005 utter Denmv 1030 Tndlnz Post 1100 New 1105 In Neighbor 1130 Km manna ToDlnner rim am man man 05 Heres Hell 15 Songs by Doris Du 830 The Live of rum 900 Nevmmm 900 ramlly matte 930 Juscee 1000 News 1030 News 1005 Zeuars 31109131111 Centre 1030Tndmx Post Al bOBrd Console 1100 Moonlight Merry GoRound 1200 am Headlines Guest rows 1000 Shadow Tlme 21 2215 mt me 230 same In ood 300 Howl Show Conmtulations to Allan Ruzs lid Allan Constable and HVl Kr Satders who wort mood prise in the Parker Pen Competition In Liv Tocomo bonsplel 1ch girlie wen Parker Sl pm and pencils In lather c3305 Mb Birthday Mrs lute cntcrtamcd the lsdmi of the village Monday afternoon to cilebxtte thc 30m birthday of Muff Browning Boyd Slrulrd vzsltcd Sloans on Mondav the flares They crashed Into the truck and two of thclr number died What if they had k0ch uthcrs What If it bad bcvn your own wife demandcd the lllpttlul who went on to say that Since then the Odkvillc pollcc hnd rc ccivcd dozensofphonvcslls lhrrhl timing the lives of IIlIll wlv and children 56 Ellen ft used Suppnrz BurI HE SIGN Street PHONE 2517 EVooo LU BER mw EXAMKNEK WANT in cvcryouc fa3333RQNcv3eoow 71w Maximo Jmltm 3pm 5109 3T DUNLOP ST Formerly Cowie Co PHONE 3285 ss7JsdKW as WHYIAKE lESS THAN THE BEST Cw waiyoul Izzlvsmg aayouZ 05627230 20 Fordomalic Drfvr Overdrive and wher Suitval fins optional mum cost FORD CEESTLINE VICTORIA GOIDEN ANNIVERSARY or me GREAIESI we IN Moromnc in Try them all compare them any way you choosethen accept your Ford Dealers friendlyl invitation to TestDrive 53 Ford Step inside and youlldiscover so much more in comfortand luxuryspacious interiorsa wide range of fabricssoft foam rubber seatsfull Circle visibility And right from the start youll discover that V8 difference for Ford is priced with the lowest and yet it has V4 engine the kind that powers the nest cars The Ford StrataStar lOhp highcompression V8 engine has been developed by the makers of more VSs than all other manufacturers combined Ford is so easy to drivewith choice of three transmissions Fordomatic OVcrdrivc or SynchroSilent Shift and its Wonder Ride levels but the roughest roads Yes See it compare it check ityoull change to Ford in 53 WHY TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST 11105 Chord rim 1115 cucweus Baby Shad 1130 Roundup Time mnuuv an 12wvmbmmuo flier Tuna TIM Lou All mom untlli 630 81311011 Inc mm mm mow must run 630 New tremor HALEFARE 3v AIR withIoITLurvmnymuw lay Monday mi va1 on all North Amch routes except to Tampa Florin For IuII inlovmation call your trial ml or avian National tuitdlug In mph on Amado Royal York Now PHONEPK 7v Volon 01R AI framemus new otAio LY