Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1953, p. 10

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VON The Victoria 0115 of Norm prod number of mm to owning Canadians Id Slmcoe County Recreahon Boa moms may comm Lmontzatloo clhuc Need $10001ncreose In Budgelg mg bruit but Bowing Ivy Kath War or alternate Depaan C311 SNELETONS County Rectum board use of mum72 Lumen and Cent VANCOUVER remorse daze flat meeting cube you held In the CWO Bllt tom of two children dmovctmt ll locum Imcalm mic off2c at Cambium were set as followsz Stanley Park have been damng iBamc George 1m Baton WSSIWW Hartford Home Ralph as those of 83 if 1328 mt elm vicechamp mt HESEMOIE Swan Cummcrg years old and boy SD or Sam WColley was wppuolcd sec mmsuauu 151 Hartford Police think my may have been ircmmasum law Dunn Miss the park since 1948 or 1949 The board which it appoxttcd by Looms Coilc M24 MHormMOrliavurc chimp mum are written edited and printed by hum beings Sin for son Cuties for duties Bride for bridge Bridge for bade Fiend for friend rhmdwtmfmof mmmonauthor mamammwmm 23h ham to mg at an ap NW moon mum Fire other 1me minus an In almost every lu thls condition is due to lack of neccs precautions being taken by responsible Winthcthnandhcunallclmm ofMInddlstrlcttOdoallthcycanto so for mole the fire hmrd lntom Plague for plaque Wench for winch Winch for wrench Mctal for medal Bother for brother Loving for living Desire for reside Moneymoon for honeymoon Uninformcd for uniformed That is painful list We ought to maize some vilsecmck over it We havent the heart Others can laugh at newspapers mistake if they do not happen to be irritat ed but the editor doesnt always quite scc the fun in them Editorial Notes It is with youth as with plants from the first fruits they bear we lcarn what may be expected in the future Dcmophllus to are many hazards which the home owner cancorrect or remove if he or she would take the time to learn what re haz am and ho to cllmlnaoc them Irwin points out that these inclch defacing xing accumulation of oily rtgs nste material faulty all stoves and other boating appliances the use of explos Iv cleaning fluids matchcs left about and logo Colllngwood cyclists will not be requlrcd to purchase license this year At meeting of the town council the old bylaw passed In 1946 requiring all blcycle owners to purchasc up annual license for 50 cents was rescind ed Council felt that the original bylaw causcd lot of unnecessary work for the town officials and that It was an added to on the public in general It is estimated that over 3000 citizens own bicycles in the mun clpality n1 combination of carelessness 3er ignorance of the potential fire hazards about the home In the event of any fire the primary ob jective of myonc responsible for the protec tion of young children is to get them 011 of the house by the fastest and safest route Fire bad habit of using staircases chimney flue Therefore this fact must be considered lathe proarranged escap route If the same is involved in fire window or rear slicd roof would afford othcr means of escape Windows and storm windows should be installed in such man ncr as to be readily opened even in cold weather If the children are in bed pre cious time should not be taken to dress them as blanket or similar wrapping would be sufficient Ontario highways have been built without tolls being imposed senior government official told Good Roads convention That statement will come as surprise to most motorists observes The Financial Post For years they have been under the impression that they have been paying tolls and steeu tolls too in the provincial gasoline lay Every time motorists buy gallon of gas onequarter to onethird of what they guy goes directly to the provincial government in taxes That means at least half cent for every mile they travela dollar or more for ZOOmile trip And it doesnnnakc any dIfJ fcrcnce whether the travelling is done on super highway or country lane The next most important thing to do is to call the fire department immediately The Importance of doing this cannot be over emphasized and yet it is surprising to note just how many people do not know the proper telephone number to call nor rm to turn In fire alarm At the moment Canada is short of 6533 teachers But 11092 teachers will be com plctlng their training courseshls Spring At first glance those figures comle through national survey by the Canadian Education Association seem to forecast an ending to the current teacher shortage But closer look shows that the supply of fully qualificd teachers except in British Colum bid is far from adequate This trend is ever more marked when the long term picture is considered Mam reason is the large number of annual dropouts from the Leaching pro fession Many go into noutcaclng occupa tiorts marriagetends the schoolroom career of others In some provinces almost 10 per cent of teachers switch to other work every year In Ontario alone nearly 10000 teach ers have been lost to the educational system in the past six years Emcrgency telephone numbers such as those of fire departments the police or 10 tons should be kept tabulated near the tele phone In order to avold looking up the num her while the fire is gaining dangerous head way Not only should adults and the older chil dren In the home be familiar with these rules and telephone numbers but the increasmg use of babysitters introduces other serious problems Many babysitters do not even know the address of the home in which they are watch ing children and could not give the correct address to the fire department should ftre Start in the house If you are tempted to reveal tale some one has told about another make it pass before you speak three gates of gold Beth Day It must also be remembered that baby sitter is not as familiar with house as those who live in it Any outside person given the responsibility of the children while the par ents are out Should be carefully briefed as to the layout of the house location or all exits location of the telephone the tlephom number of the nearest fire department and the address and telephone numberof the place to which theparents are going These instructions Should be given both verbally and in writing OPINIONS OF OTHERS Moral Issue LOweu Sound Sunmist Mayor Whitton of Ottawa is demonstrating one of wcmeus wry strong points as holders of public of ficc VWomcn do not fear to face up to Issues which mlght be termed moral Unfortunately many men who hold such offices are fnrful of taking default stands on flu5c great moral issues fearing Soss of face Many men have definite wwkness In their eagerness to be goodfcllows Townships in Action St Marys JoumgllArgusl The rural townships of Ontario in our opinion take the lead in the showing of democracy in ac tion Although the smaller urban communitics in some cases make fairly good job of it the rural township residents as whole seem to take more personal and direcg 1112ch in local government affairs Chief Irwin points out that if these simple procedures are carried out the everoincreas in toll of children burned to death could be checked and materially lessened The co operation of the publicln following out these mggestiom 15 of the utmost importance Tyvpographlcal Errors All newspapers are plagued by typograph errorx Tbcreore no exceptions It is that an issue of any paper was ever and on the street without at least one of The whole matter is far the the Township Council meetings We are told that there is seldom session of district Team 31089 moon the people connecwd With the 5pr Council at which there are not number of ramp present eitbcr on barium or as observ ers en when it comes to the annual nomination The Owen Sound Sunutes quotes list meeting the balls are usually crowded with inter common embarrassing errors noted ratepayers Each Councillor has to report on papers as compiled by Editor and Out of hundreds submitted there his potions of the past year and woe befide any mumcxpal official who cannot give reasonable are thorns in the flesh of all The men in wanton pattern answer to question which may be put to him the columns of newspapers from Housesof Parnamcnt altOttawa or Plyays Wm 30 1903 33 provincial Igislaturcs ACIasSW Newspapel mblmMondovwednesdayxridoy rmpnrgzmommmm in Abe various dommm AlmatmryTrm Implant worm Kaila WWI lemuhm $W0fmmv Hmrpmmlm atme ownasumdummamon mmmwnmmmmz Yes from what we have heard there is lot more commonsense shown in the debates at these rural mectmgs than is sometimes witnessed in the great II hat you an worse than lb barbcr LET ME KEEP LENI lvtled to give Io scorch our souls To mcfltlafe Will not suffice For Lent To share the crost To sacnficc These are the things God mean JANE McKAY LANNING The Jews fasted twice week on Mondays and Thursdays In Interesting Notes OI lakeland High School Band Fla confusion chhcsday the Jews had conspirezli who is prominent in tbs Womens Institute and various chic organll outstanding member of the Notu WCMUME 63mm Avasagz Junior 11 county council has two Mrs Dorm Allrsicm New Wits dumber of Intervals dcvclwg Wt In the retreat 2qu and Robert Carruthers an Ffmmd 39 13 503 bl Successful 0mg mgunkmg course was held in cog Farmers members In addition to the chzlr 399973300 mm 1116 Went811s Inm Ralph Dalton Victoria Harbor and Itutc brasca lxsztzag 045 full days in Jmmry Arts 22d crafts class es for watch an oscrgzctor has been man are Mrs Frank Watson Say her RR Alvah Stewart Vascy The problem of meeting the dab Arts and Cst Assmjtzon are George List Beacon pmvidcd through to 32W Coun vcloping needs of growing county in the disucssmn at For the second successive year the being held strrlcy sod Elm Iecrcalion scrvxcc was uppermost the meeting county count has fld mm on crease Its grant to The board which this Incl was sct up OIIIBII as county Mousse tier fy Rccrcation Service for 1932 shows increased interest in the pro gram and an amazing outline of Lsccrctary taking over these lasts the Christ Ian Church changed the days To Wednesday and Friday to avoid and also because on against our Lord and on Friday they crucied Him The proparai tion for Easter lasted at rst forty hours the length of time the of Jaus lay in the tomb In the fth century the time of the fasti was extended to thirtysix days later four days were added to make the fast forty days Moses and gElias had lasted forty days and lour Lords temptations had lasted forty days The Ash Wednesday fast began on Wednesday and ashes were used as token of humiliation and 3penilence In Roman Churches thel In View of the foul interest in the and of the 8091 Band the following article by William Clements new liv ing in ukehnd Florida is printed to Show the operatloTl of flu lakehnd High School Band Currently The Band Listen 10 the Band Is the topic of tour is registered in the City of Lakes 11nd at the Chamber of Commelcc come from every state in hc Union well as Cuba Canada and Europe The Idea behind this volunlan registration 15 to keep as near as possible completc record of its winter population This is no idle purpose The Chamber of Commcre is in reality personality Very few people team to know that the major event are largely directed by them In fact they are proposed by these enterprising men of the city For example the boat races for outboerds and lobcords were spon sored by them These races twevcn new world records 5V9 made couple of thousand vaca tioosts watched them at no chargc and also the band concerts This yearly feature is highlrgn which entails lots of work for the 729 behind the scenes as well the members of the band Briefly the story is that 21 years ago man named Harry Mayball band leader in Show business was appointed band leader at Ialreland jhranches used on Palm Sunday ofi the previous year are burned to providc the ashes which are heal sprmkled with holy water The priest dipping us linger irr le ashcs marksrthc Sign of the cross on the forehead of 1c worshipped repealing in Latin Remembral man that thou art dust and to9 dust thou shall return Lent got its name from the AngloSaxon name for spring Lenglentide the time when the days are lengthen Ing Ash Wednesday reminds us of our sinfulncss in the sight of God In silent solitariness we bare our soulslo his allseeing eye we see ourselves in the light which streams from His Cross Humility and penitence are its dominating mot ives as we stand confronted with the awfulness of sin 7HARVBY FORSIER Lent the springtime of the soul begins with new vision of Christ and new deeper faith In Him This leads to that rebuilding of the soul which we call repentance Following this comes new conse cration laying of ones talents Upon the altar and with this new insight by which we discern more clearly all spiritual values To have such wellspent Lent is to lean the winter of the soul behind Theres winter on the hills today The sad mud soung oer church yard knolls And weary nature seems to say Iis Lententide for sinful souls High bool sirgAVUHURCH BULLETIN Under his 511 ion like the BarS rte Collegiate Band under the dir ection of Mr Fisher 11 made af name for itself and the city He conceived the idea of free concertsl on Sunday afternoons for the chii zen andtourists who in Stamperl were nothing compared with Illcl present time These went cxcep tiomlly troll The Chamber of Commerce was able to convince the council that regular grant would be money well spent real investment for the city It was and when the new municipal audi torium was erected it was named after the bandmasler He retired last year and the band was re organized Mr Creech bandmaster of 1va Southern College Methodist ll stitution was appointed to take his place The Chamber of Commerce again with 111 City Fathers pro vided the which sponsors the concerts held in the auditorium for period of ten weeks During height of the tourist season Jan 11 to March 15 about 1000 people listen to the band llhere are about sixty members whose ages runfrom 19 20 65 Eleven of these are bandmasters in Iheir own right Each Sunday one of them is guest conductor for couple of mothers Each of they men has band either in public junior high or senior high school Within the bounds otthe Count of Folk in which the cityofjakc land is located However lay man so to speak Wendell Waters chemist who analyzes soils 311s is considered tops in technical demonstration of the trombone and its selected each year by the State Clinic of Bandmasters to play dif ficult pieces of music other memv hers are professionals who play In dance orchestras lhc Chamber of Commerce and it isgencrally agreed claims that the Band is not ordinary it is ex traordinary The are very informal and provide place for vocal num bers as well as mass singing So it in overrun Let me keep Lent Let me not kneel and pray Forcgo some trifle every day Fastand take sacrament And then Lend tongue to slander hold an cient grudge Deny lne very Lord whom glorify be me keep Lent Let my heart grow in grace Let Thy light shine till my illu mlncd face Will be testament Read by all men That hate is buried self crucied new born The spirit that Shall rise on Easter mom Let me keep lent AIIEHOR UNKNOWN would 22 Virginia Ave South Lakeland Florida Feb 1953 The Editor Examiner Dear Sir The Barrie Examiner of January 2640 is bulging at the seams with real news about the county the Town of Barrie sports churches but the best item of all gluon caught my eye is on section one page one fcitizes Band Making Great Progress scrvice under bylaw in 30 the more Rtporf on 155 The report on the Slmcoe Cour 25 Soimmng cia thigh school lfcrcd 12118 tho szccs of achievements consldcri molest that the stqu consists g10311 two 83m 5395 35331 fulltime people th recrcauon 70 C931 Refrii 3er decctorMIss Collcy an office WdxlQ 513 Mm Elsie Burdeu wcckcnd for art has beer 31 sagymnc sagions m3th ranged to skc giace at Clansman iralmng In social recreation play Pg 33 ground and day camp pr 53 rccrczum anme has attend swimming and arts and craftswgrgt Limb mmWAY meg held in the county during the past 3355 9935 3355139 36 year in addition the recreation CF 13 5111 erlSSfS director had too honor of being p733 lcadcrshlp training 53 outside th courtly at two rural 39m 15 clergymcn conferenccs the 021 mrio Athletic Training Compend Nave Am 532115 are the Chrstmas short course hm group 01 nds Side Macdonald Colmge Lake prmr the date was sit at unmvsvary now go you Im RIGHT NOW If you never know what it is to Ice offcolour sud all draggcrhmt then this message is not for you But if you are lilm most of us and suffer IImec days when its just plain drudgery In Imp going tbcn road rm The rst thin In remember is that those dull wmrv umlertbcweather days are probably lmncrzl Are the whole xmullc lies in sluggish systcm that IItflIS somc help Thats wlwrc Knmhcn can hclp Kruschcn Falls 311mm of mllknuwn Mincrrtl Springs and are just what lztzy kidneys nccll sllmulnlr utliun Kruwlwn is mild llkI surc for common cunstiputinn mt ii altogrlhcr lhcy Irc jtlst tlw licle 38 Math for you lhI wry ncl luv you wukc up vclmg Rowdy Jllrl my dose In com morning roller About 93 mUIh ts will 1103 on dime KRUSCHEN II III onus 5mm Over the years thc Simcoc Cos ty Recriation Board has been ed on increasingly to givc 3de service to groups and Individuals concerned about social cultural 3rd leisuretime needs It has done by answering many and vsrzcd rc qusts through corresmndcrre by Est Crawford Co 1913 sending out regular new is mm no 1030310 srocx EXCHANGE xuml teachers and bulletin 19 members of the ccuntyatid is and cram association Boots 2cm materials have been loancd and the recreation director has met groups and commoners help organize plan uatc go grams concerned crafts drama camps clc Ozc Ld Wasah municipal Direct Corporation Sumtics 9I Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 res such meetings were Tear Skilled uzdcnhip addition Skilled lmdershrp for frth and wanted acry 210 avalmble through any other organization has been provid ed This included leadersth for arts and crafts play schools dag camps swimming clascs commun ity recreation evenings etc thousand children alone took swim mlng lessons under the supervision of the Simcoe County Recreation Service last summer Another contribution both ur ban and rural groups alike has been the assistance given by the recrEa lion dirctor to planning and or ganization of countywide evens such as the fourth annual quilt and rug fair the second annual county art exhibit the annual recreation review night the rural life confer1 eoce sponsored by the Federationa of Agriculture etc Altogether the staff has attended about 450 meetings and other ses sions concerned with the develop ment of healthful and creative re creation in the county this year and has helped to arrange many others Those present felt that such al MIMI III service to the county could not be taken lightly Seven thousand dol lars has been granted to the re creation board by the county couh oil for this year grantimam from the community programs branch of the Department of Edu cation which goes directly to the an amount of about $2500 The recreation service expects to bung in all least $1000 in donations or coctributions for specic leadership itself However another $1000 urgently needed since the program cannot be operated on abudget of less than $9000 Ways aliLIdbemeam of raising this amount Acon sidered by the board this year to youmsatjsfymg couns Barrio EGAN Aurora Advisory members were appointed as follows Page Department of Agnculture ing to defer tho Town of Barrie what other successful bands are doing everywvbere else This is the coreof my article Im sure that if the Town Fathers saw the situation as it is seen in the County of Polk Florida where band mul sic is must in schools and olderi Head ok groups they too would be saying with enthusiasm lheBELnd LisE OrIIIla opening the public purse stringst little to 1191p carry on the good work sincerelyw It had just nished article for The Examiner on The Band Lis ten do the Band when the mail arrived and came upon this good nchs from Barrie The program which is proposed is natural The realistic messiah ofthe Cold lure of music not Inbe or hair bralped idealism but omethlng Ih atom are mug topr over 10 the pgblici just log cry an enoyment usi of this civio yam1d overow siniply tryinzto cite tbatx It Mumm copy of the complete Amiual chort nmildble on request momma NORTH AMERICAN llej to the Policyownersof IIIth American life IIEw IIEcoIIII lEVElS or BUSINESS 952 Highlights of 72m Annual Statement Benet Payments and Provisions 21 Increaoe$ 2008617 480818 New grafti $121605815 momsomr 964481174 county COUPCiL Wm 039 is Total Assets Increase $14356371 0321411 Associated these results are the representatives of theCOmpany at this Can they be of further your insurance needs If MclAY Kincordine Cr II WHITE Wdland WOOD Owen Sound Toronto Canada LjHOWAkoo CASE Branch Wager 11 Owen Shoot Barrie

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