yTIiisTullnysworld 4o If WEDNESDAY FEB 18 1953 mCImdlanfamllywlthanln armm $2600 year pays tribute lathe form of taxes it stands to 5131 but tiny minority of the Md this country have very real fin Iatmst in now our part of their In Ottawa deducts from their pay than is spent Nor is it surprising that em day more and more people should be wondering whether they could not spend at least part of their tax money to better comatose than Ottawa does and without the necessity of incurring handling charge known as administration number of disturbing episodes culmin atingin the Currie report and the Auditor Generals report both of which reveal waste and extravagance in defence expenditure not unnaturally cause many Canadians fur iously to think concerning taxes The frus tration of the average taxpayer is made more acute by the knowledgethat defence is not matter which can be left to the pru handful of master prinlers and thelri compositors in Europe nearly 500 years ago enjoyed special privileges because of the im portance of their wor yct none of them had invented printing or even Improved on it awuls auntgolf Printing type was first used in China but the first movable type cast from master moulds and used over and over again in dif ferent combinations was invented in Korea about 1400 Johann Gutenberg the 15thcentury Ger man who may have been the first to print book in Europe lived and died poor man His invention of movable metal type was copied by his associates and workmen who went to other cities and countries cast their own type and set up their own printing presses nnmdaandor Deprivlng the inventor of his rightful re wardprotection of his inventiondid not confer any benefit on society In fact little deuce and initiative of the individual but real progress was made in printing until the mm mm up Hm Mean 19 necessitates collective action through gm iron printing press was invented towards the Glad to have Mrs Hoover home February meeting of the Womens emment end of the 18th century from the hospital recovering nicc Institute will be held in the com Iy after severe attack of shingles munliy hall on Thursday Feb 19 at up li Even if the ordinary citizen has no choice The United Kingdom in 1623 was the first Spmwm Weddm if Mrgnzmlxgux Zntgrgfgeg in the mam so far as defence is concerned country to grant patents for inventions It Congratulations to Mlss Merle 5ij Internarioml Day and must content himself with anguished was not until 1791 that France followed suit Watson until dELmerR pr3nanlo and is expected to be very Inter protests no such restrictiongoverns freedom but many other countries followed the ex eslms meeting The roll call 15 Morris at the parsonage on Satur day Feb Al Funeral in labour Mrs Walton Harris attended the funeral on Friday at Cobourg of her nephew sixyearold Allan Westbrook who was accidentally killed by truck on Wednesday afternoon on Highway No in front of his home at Cobourg World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer ser vice for the women of this coul munity will be held in St Pauls Anglican Church on Friday Feb 20 commencing at 230 pm Mrs Rowe will be the special speaker Sunbeam Mission Band Sunbeam Mission Band met on Saturday Feb 14 Willi an attend ance of 22 The meeting opened with the theme hymn and Lords Prayer Mrs Morris told the story of Dorcas and taught the scripture verse Joan Small read poem and Mrs Herb Black gave the chapter from the study book After the closing the children did more handiwork for their rican vill age Next meeting be on March 14 Something of which as Cam ample in the next 30 years idinn am proud of choice in the second most costly item of government expenditure which is social se curity Ottawa collects over $1 billion an nually from the people of Canada for social security What the taxpayer gets in return is family allowance for children under 13 an old age pension of $40 month at age 70 and some limited financial compensation when unemployed plus some improvement to hospital plant and equipment throughout the country Nowadays the appropriation of mans inventive ideas without any acknowledge ment and the withholding of the benefits from society in general is formally con demned Sympathy to Bereaved The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Horace Greely and family in the loss of their infant son Also to Mr and Mrs Russell Jory Barrie and relu livcs ill the loss of their older daughter Myrna Mr and Mrs II Stewart spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ferguson and attended the fun eral of their niece Gay 49 Club Eniertalns The members of the Gay 49 Club entertained their husbands at the annual banquet on Saturday Feb 14 This year turkey dinner and all the trimmings was served by the Womens Institute The tables were attractiver decorated with hearts and candles tastin arranged dainty corsage and bouionniere for the members and their escorts under the convenership of Mrs Fox Mrs Lowery and Mrs Bowman After the banquet the president Mrs Jack Hughes acted as ioastmistress proposing the toast to the Queen followed by singing of the National Anthem Toast to the husbands was proposed by Mrs Fred Mulholland and responded to Gravenhurst Visitors by Leo Gibbons Mrs Lloyd Webb Mr and Mrs Green and family thanked the members of the In Gravenhurst were Sunday visitors Stitute for the 1615610115 banquet of Mr and Mrs Norman Palmer Cup and saucer draw was CODdUCI ed by Mrs Blythe Black and it was won by Harold Lee Mrs Elmer Pratt introduced Mrs Gordon Todd who conducted the program con sisting of folk dances and variety of games She was assisted by Mrs Morris at the piano Mrs Gordon Rix moved vote of thanks to Mrs Todd and Mrs Mor rls But there still is no universal agreement on the extent to which inventors interests should be protected The length of time of protection varies from five to 25 years Patent laws of various countries are so diverse that an inventor is virtually bound to employ specialist in patent law Divide the $1 billion social security bill among 14 million Canadians and the price tag for these benefits works out at around $71 for every man woman and child in the country Little wonder that when the cost of Ottawas social security package works out in direct and indirect taxes at $284 for the average family of four more Canadians than ever before are wondering whether they couldnt spend thesmoney to better advant age and achieve greater security on their own Fooilig hi Society Greasepaint and stage props which have kept severalof the towns young people up late at nights during the winter months take an added allure about this time of the year when Little Theatre in Canada reach es its high point of the seasonthe regional festival Jaergmrpwmrywnmswmgv9 AN In some cases patents have been clamped on new devices solely to prevent their coming into competition with older less efficient but still profitable devices To combat such abuse Denmark and Australia have laws providing for compulsory acquisition by the state when public interest so requires Un der United Kingdom and Canadian law patents on inventions that are not marketed within stipulated period could be revoked on certain conditions But the inventors life is still beset by many difficulties after he believes his invention has been perfected No on can estimate how much benefit is thereby lost to society as whole OPINIONS OF OTHERS Slimmer Cottages Damaged Several summer cottages onthe 8th 9th and 10th lines have been broken into recently considerable damage done but very little stolen apparently However the police are on the trail of the guilty par ties and we hope the full penalty of the law will be handed out to them Bible Stufy Periods The first mee ing of the Bible study periods being conducted by the minister and members of the Presbyterian Church was held on Friday Feb 13 at Mr and Mrs Frank Cowans and was well at tended Very interesting programs have been arranged for the second and fourth Fridays of eachmonth Next meeting at Mrs Bruce Cow ans on Friday Feb 27 From one end of the country to the other Real Luxury OI CSHIU ry anxious companies are putting the final Elora Express touches on productions for these early pre gutwrsltoln and think foiha liminarles Any day now if he already we IS hasnt come and gone Adjudicator John Sfl2verlle3lllreeyeillmini Allen will be watching and judging troupes very many of the things in every day life telephone seeking the right to attend the most antici electric lights railway services radio television fur paced companion them anthe Domim naces magazmes and papers luxury toilet goodsto ion Drama Festival name just few things were unheard of and would have been known only to the very wealthy Today everyone can call on or own most of them for mere trifle of his monthly or yearly salary They are the commonplace necessities of our day Young Minisier Called Collingwood EnterpriseBulletin Collingwood may feel justly proud of Wilfred Sheffield son of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Sheffield highly respected members of the towns coloredl community To him has come the distinction of being the first colored minister to be called to an allwhite congregation when he was ordained and inducted as minister of Burks Falls Baptist Church Son of an old family of this community this climaxes long period of study and constant appli cation to his lifes chosen work Wilt as he is familiarly known here attended Victoria School and later Collingwood Collegiate Institute where he was prominent in all branches of school activities and proved himself an outstanding scholar as well On graduation he entered Queens University taking an Arts course and then went to McMaster University for theology Throughout his years of study he has done quite lot of singing possessing most pleasing bass voice which has added to the pleasure of many gatherings and church services For some time he was member of the McMaster Male Quartet Now that his studies have been completed he rhasbecn ordained into the Baptist misery audit is source of pleasure and satisfaction to his family and friends that his ability and talents have been recognized that he has been called to servo the 3mg Falls congregaion It is believed that he is or rat meln erof British Methodist lsco al into professional theatre Not Church in Coilingwood to become an ordaineld mlln aa few name actors and actresscsgot their is now we spec for theicitizens of Collin wood 91 WWW dram when we extend to him good wishes in his cghosen work of preaching the Gospel WI Euchre Party goodly numlber enjoyed the euchre sponsored by the Womens Institute in the community hall on Monday Feb with prizes being won by Mrs Campbell Mrs Edgar Thompson Dwight Nelson and Gibbins lt CRAIGHURST George Snider is home frofn To ronto for few days Each year different city is picked for this final contest In 1952 it was Saint John on the east coast and this year it will be Victoria in the west And just as western troupes trekkedall the way to the Maritimes last year so eastern companies will head west in 1953 But discovery of talent isnt the least of the byproducts of these regional and no tional drama competitions Good sports manship also is taught small group step aping into regional competition for the first time finds it has to grin and bearit when someone else wins the coveted award Young actors must make up their minds that they are lucky to be getting criticism from fully qualified drama expert Theyilearn to take in the same spirit in which it is given And at backstage discussions and mid night bull sessions men and women frdm citiesand towns in all parts of Canada ex hange ideas on drama and discuss other phases of Canadian life Perhaps this mix ngmp of populationiis oneof thrthings kes our drama festivals so worth Joy Bearers Mission Band Joy Bearers Mission Band of the Presbyterian Church met on Satur day at Mrs Campbells Af ter the regular meeting all engag ed in splendid party cutting and making Valentines The children enjoyed lunch with Valentine cake and cookies Skating at Elmvale EverYOne enjoyed the community skating party at Elmvale Arena Friday evening Rev William Newman spent few days in Toronto last week Miss Betty Caston was home from St Catharines for the weekend comm ammo farmers mother recently previous to Mr Lovering going to Des Joachims power plant where he has been given an operators ap polntmeni He has been stationed 101 some time at Ragged Rapids hydro plant TCA Overseas Pilot Lyall Greenlaw 28 nephew of Mrs Cornell and well known in Goldwater recently passed ex ruminations at the head of his class to become captain pilot on TEA overseas flights Mr Greenlawjwho resides in Montreal with his wife andthree chlldren has beers TCA flying out of Torontotodvmn peg and New YorkijllewIII now between Montreal London Eng land and Paris France The air craft he pilots are the fourlenglue type lle is already making trips By bonus Lnrnsnnv Jeweller In Arizona Penny Coldwater jeweller has written from Arizona that he arrived in Tempi Feb Hewas met by relatives of MrsdT Cor nellColdwater and will holiday at Tempi for over month Mr Penny said weather was disagree able untllreaching Nashville 1en nessee From there on it was clear Travelling by bus through mountains and desert bowls in terested inrsome cactus as high housetop and itsthick thro as manfs body loud Volunteer Lumberjacks This week many farmers businessmen of lhe district aretbc coming lumberjacks Without pay They are takingipart in bush operation to obtain timber for use in Goldwater Community Centre The project will boson larger on thenew schedule scale than one heldlast winter for the same purpose Itis hoped toi Record Work In 13 Years obtain 20000 feet of pine lumberg Allan McKay Bayview Hill just Men and equipment were soiled norih of Goldwater hasrarecord uled to start axes ringing at 830 for attendance atwork As driver am on Feb 17 and the lumbering in this district for lottenham bee was expected to last several Creamery Mr McKay has not For somtheso festivals may liethe neces Newspaper PubllshadM dd 30mg Wednesday Fridgy Office some Barrie Ontario Canada by ays missed single days worlrin the rmmn LIMITED Scene of the logging is at Tea Pa Yea M9314 RWETT SecretaryTream Lake between Severn Its anciBlg Annotation Bel tan Congo Missionary rim to or sionaryfrom the Belgian Congo in Africa Rev erg addressed members off isth Fellowship chapel congregation at Hampshire recently Serviccwas conducted by Remit Dick Cold Division owal mu nun Moll omllmnfmu 53 Chute oppositethe big way liarr ry CowanColdwater mill owner is providing portable mill to saw the logs on the spot Volunn tears were asked to bring ages and lather inlprtnetlg vownunc thlngrprovided will be gasoline Water mined by Rev Neutrino and oil for machines including Villa 01 behalf of Bambi 5mm amwmck and MountstephenSunday School or Arum 1m ounseped underScoot re and Mrs Malcolm Loverin Statedp aerawiih Is lea her hr MW 1lwvi innd Tom Barnett Sr Ewen the birthday prize being 76 weekend with her nephew Wall ace Tipping and attended the ham era of Mrseorge Tipping in To ronio on Monday Loans For Calgary Reg Bacon left Wednesday last to spend the balance of the winter with his parents in Calgary Mr and Mrs Sid Butler spent Saturday with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Wire accom Progresnlve Bridge The progressive bridge party sponsored by the Womens Institute on Wednesday Feb ii in the town hall was decided success lThose winning high scores Ladies ers Rubber and Mrs Iim Wilson Gents Tom Barnett Jr and Mr Ronan door prizes Mrs Wilson Dorothy Ann Wilson Mr Vlriue Mmeofnmnmumi Juliet cap trimmed will psnled by Mrs Boston spent Sunl day Will Mr and Ml Cfilgmlm quet of coral roses and Stephanotis Mn rims Snyder spent the Wire Orangevlile year young that day Feb 11 Bus nlp To Hobby Fair On Thursday last about 40 ladiesl bus had been engaged by the Womf ens Institute Everyone enjoyed the trip very much also the many and fashion show The bus iefll here lit 1030 am returning at 730 pm This is one of the many public services promoted by the local Womens institute United WA Sale The Womans Association of the United Church on Saturday Inst held very successful sale of homemade baking and afternoon tea Also used for the occasion was new illburner gas range which had been installed the day previously This additlon to the church kitchen is an added cull venience and was much needed The Late Mrs George Tipping Death came suddenly on Thurs day Feb 12 1953 at Shelburnc to Mary Ann Wilkins Tipping of Tollcnham widow of the late George Tipping The funeral was held from the Earle Elliott Funeral Home Toronto on Monday Intel lnent was in St Johns Cemetery Norway Those left to mourn her loss are one son Charles Hastings North Bay and daughter Mrs Winnifred Currie Toronto also stepson Wallace Tipping Totien ham WellKnown Veterinary Dies Dr Thomas Bowes DVS passed away at the home of his son Leeford Bowes Arlington Ave Toronto on Friday Feb 13 1953 Dr Bowes practised as veterinary surgeon in this commun ity for many years Besides his son he leaves to mourn daugh ier Rita Mrs Harold Williams Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at oclock at Browns Funeral Home Toronto then to the Anderson funeral home Tottenham that evening Funer al Monday at pm Interment St Johns Cemetery Tecumseth GreggSawdoli wedding wedding of much interest to the people of Toitenham took place in Woodbridge United Church lot She cant get out today but she is taking advantageof the sale Add up the dollars your telephone saves in bargains you pick up and em Salesr 00 10 You can evnso places without leavingthc noose Wkwillo mllms when Kathleen Margaret Sanction daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Sawdon was unltrd in mar riage to James Elmer Gregg New market son of Mrs James Gregg and the late Mr Gregg Pin kerton Rev ll liodgson officiated Given in marriage by her father the bride wore blush pink satin gown with slight train and sweetheart neckline Ber fins gerilp veil was held by matching pearls and she carried mic iai bou lileanor Sawdon sister of the bride was maidof honor wearing powder blue falile taffeta with matching halo and carrying bou quet of springflowcrz John Gregg cousin of the gream was groomsman and the ushers were Walter Thompson and William Parker The brides mother re ceived at their home wearing navy icrepe wllh pink accessories and corsagc of pink roses and white assisted by the grooms mother in navy sheer with grey accessories and corsage of red roses and mums For motor trip to the United States the bride lwent to Toronto by bus for lhel wore Dale 8T9 W001 dressy Hobby Fair at the Coliseum The winter white hat brown accessor ies and corsagc of yellow roses On returning the young couple will make their home in Newmar hobbies handicrafts cooking school k9 STEELESPEORNERS Recon visitors with Mrs Porlilt and boys were Mrs Toi icn Gifford Mrs Clement and Mrs Bruce Rolling Mount Albert Mr and Mrs William Garvin and family Toronto Mr and Mrs Norman Reese To mom Willard Debtor was Bclkmlle to the weekend To State on Vocal Mr and Mrs Eugene Snug on vacation with relatives sin and Rochester this urni Al Good 11 Convention LOU Truax Essa road Super was in Toronto attending the Ju Roads convention Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis and if and Mrs Dali Mcladdrn lino spent Sunday with zli 31 Archie McDonald Wzlcmy 14 Mrs Donald Coulis is vzssm sister Mrs Smith Mldhlzrsi With Eugene Smiths Farm mm and park own 33 held pleasant evening wir Iii and Mrs Eugene Smith LIlslflil 13 Tables of Euchre Thirteen tables injfrycil my weekly eucllrc Mrs lltl worth Angus had ludirs pg score Fred Melinda llils if got the lone hand prize with and Gilbert iicMuster hl=i In sons illgh score of 104 in 13 in win the mens prin Enjoyed Hockey In Barri number from here lljilll thrilling hockey prune Burlli Hy ers vs Montreal Junlo Li Friday night at Burm Aill nu liiiil ronin were recent guest of it and Mrs Leonard Siovold Mr and Mrs Harold lll 131 boys were Thursday evening iiors of Ernest Dolcs Bills ill returned home with them zlf spending several days in Tom11 Mrs Fred Perrltl is sprudm few days at her home litll 0n Sick List We were sorry to learn that Mr and Mrs Harold Matthews 111 both on the sick list and wish 1111212 speedy recovery Cravviord C0 Est 1919 madam TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities Dunlap Slreer Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wires 3s Want to relieve them QUCK Get quickdrying Minards Linimenf rub it in well Youll get relief and quick tool KING OF PAIN by telephone Think ofthchours Illll IIS