try On the majority of the farms CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD by nor SHAVER mm ONTARIO PLOWMENS ASSOCIATION Buy Shaver of Finch Ont past president of Ontario Howmcns Associationucom painted Douglas eld of Brampton Out and Algic Wallace of North flown 0112 Camdzs champion plomnen on their trip to the British Islcs Eire and France This is the third of series of five weekly articles be in written as team manger about their experiences and impressions Rather than try to recount cvcryi stop we made and every town and form we tisitcd 11 Scotland Norl them Ireland Hire and Ianlundl thought this work would tell you of some of tlic iztimessionsv vc gained of farming in those countries We moans Doug Reid of Brampton 26yearold Canadian tractor plowing chomp Algtc Wal lace of North lower 35 horse plowing champion and myself Roy Shaver of Finch Ont their team manager First of all would like to makc one point do not think it is possible to compare adequately Canadian and British farming me 1110th or forms Climatic differ ences for inslancc make it almost imposxiblc to discuss cattle feed ing for in England they are able to pasture their cattle during months that in Canada it is im pomiblc to do so Another reason against compar ison is the many old farm build ings we saw which defy modern ization and are consequently hand icaps to efficiency One of the rst things the boys noticed was the absence of barns as we know them in this coun Ltrol on the British drills istunding there is no word to they had byrcs which essence yore really only tour poets NAZI trout on top little and feed during autumn and won In tin5c byres thc sitclter from the weather or posturing The factor which not impress Wrd Doug 111 British farming was who Weed control and agree think wcctl con 15 1111 wilh 111m The 11c sccn on iltms While the three of us were agreed that British farming could stand to be mun mcchzmizcd and were little astonished to soc the amount of heavy work that is donc 1n the fields by women we SIIII 11ch to take our tengallon hats off to the British former in he matter of yield per acre They we still ahead of us there It is hard to decide why this thank be Perhaps its because the land is richer or maybe they look after it better or fertilize it more One form we wont forget in hurry because there we saw some thing that upset all our notions about cattle brooding It was thc farm of ONeil just outside Belfast Mr ONeil farms his 100 acres just about as intensively as 100 acres can be farmed With herd of more than 100 Ayrshircs he was keeping more than one cow per acre without feeding them concentrates He feeds them only ensilocd hay about 90 pounds per day per cow His boy was cured in horizontal 511095 and was test ing about 14 per cent protein All of which as you will agree was very good and we were im pressed by this performance but then Mr ONeil told us that he hadnlt bought male or female in six years He was obviously an enthusiastic supporter of inbreed ing and we were hardpushed for something to say for to us his herd showed every Sign of the need for new blood stock Three of the larger farms we visited in Scotland and Englandl were breeding and milking Hol steins and some of the cattle were direct descendants from two of 011 tarios bestknown blood linesl But rst let me tell you of fact which struck us as ratltcri strange In Scotland the farmersl 11w majority of the thought very ill of the Canadianl type Holstein both breeders andl milkcrs while English farmers could not say cnbugh to the credit of Holsteins On the farm of Edwin dc Gray Seaman in Huntingdonshirc we or life HRH oooooooooooorooo $1000 it ExEmA The wagon Building Post Office SqBARRIEPhonc5533 orlo 95 Coknwooo To Pom IREEVMAINIENANCE Punditd sluivmu 111113151 CONSTRUCTION Heresthesdwthasdesignedto on fem You can take it anywhereuphill ondncron syrupy inning necessary because it weighs 26 pounds And cut anythingheavy timber woodbecauseithasaill3homepowerl gt Many other features loo make thoMcCullocb 325 top on xA with 222 unrest climates farmautomatic clutch builtin chain oiler recoil clatter fullpower operation at any angle 511410115151 AVA ll DRAIOMIIIATIQN clotting months rationed alone and tvio per per situation Ilem of 10mm Mrs Haney Corbett and 2141s ll liowwn Toronto and Lorne Corbett Borne Mimi 3t 2L Corbetts and Mrs Robert Cain and Mrs Murrow Sr Aurora visit3d 311 21111 Mrs Morrow re tcil Mm Barbxru Mercer and Neil Hamilton Toronto spent the week 171 113th Mrs George McDonald Change of Weather Alter Sututduys sprmgkkc 1cm pwlturc dzzd Ir tful sunshine 11 rllirtl do again seem lilglj Iul colder weather with wtstcrly UIQKLC and more snow tins Monday 1111111115114 111 llmdlc Cmup Burden spent port of the txmkeud llcrc with relotxm Mrs Duncan Weodvdlc arrived Iltlt on Sunday for few days vocation will friends Mr 11ml Mrs Stafford Reid and Min Beatrice Allonddlc visited 1hr formers sister Mrs Alfred Spcnccz on Sunday Minister At Sunnybrook As the result of tall and ac compdnying complications Rev Hughes was taken to Sunny brook Hospital Toronto last week In 111 abscncc Franccs Crane had charge of the Sunday service at Trinity United Church At Dinner In Barrie Several from here attended the Christian Busiticssmcns dinner in Barrie last Tuesday cvcning and rcportcd pleasant and very pro fitable evening Orillia Banks May Have 5Day Week Managers Approve Orillin Packet and Times Bcforc many wccks have passed Orillio banks will probably be up cratlug 111 fiveday wcck Following meeting of bank monagcrs born this week on appli cation to close the Orillia branches on Saturday mornings was for wurdrd to the Canadian Bankers Association If approval is received as ex pectcd 1110 fiveday week is likely to be instztutcd within couple of To make up the time lost by closing Saturday mornings the banks will be open from to oclock on Fridays each week clos 111g for an hour from to Mb many industries govern ment and business offices on the fivcuday week the banks are find ing that similar work week is rc questh by their staffs and the amount of business done here on Saturday morning does not justify thcm staying open the managers fool came across son of Marksman the animal that packed the Allis ton farmhouse of AE McCague with 50 monk blue ribbons Mr Seaman was farming 1800 acres 800 of which were reclaimed marsh was running 300 Can adianbro Holsteins and would write an unsolicited testimonial for them at the drop of anyones hat At Calthorpe we found our sec ond Ontario expatriate in our ishing son of the pride of Oxford County Tom Dcnts Sovereign He was on the 1200acre dairy farm of James Alston All of Mr Al stons 250 Holsteins were from Canadian blood lines He was milking 100 with an average test of 37 per cent Incidentally he also had one of the finest stables of Clydesdales that we saw in the whole of our visit Though he did not voice it to any of the farmers Doug had one suggestion for improving the Brit ish farms He thinks they would be well advised to uproot the hedgerows with which the English countryside abounds He admitted willingly that they were pictur esque but bispractical Canadian eye decided too much land is wasted oneither side of the bed ges If they were my farms he said Id geta bulldozer and root them all out then replace them with an electric or station ary fence of some kind Onequestion have been asked repeatedly since our return is How is the British farmer mak ing out Though we did not have an opportunity to speak to what we can loosely refer to as the average farmer would say that for long time the British farmer hasnt been as well off as he is now Most of the farmers we met were operating fairly large farms that could be called showplaces but all of them agreed they didnt want anything to change for while Though they are up against high feed prices they have guaranteed markets with government supported prices for everything they canproduce That they cannot produce enough is easily demonstrated Eggs are son per week depending upon available supplies They cost about 14 cents each or $168 dozen If tell you thatsix pounds or $1650 is more than average weekly salary in the British Isles donft think there is much more need tell you about the food Mr and Mrs Roy McLean Bar 11 act recent visitozs bore win the Impact 1111312 Stytlgci Able To Be Around We are plwscd to report 1111 ticplains convalescent 112 for last five weeks as 111 rcsult of an ucctdcu at 111 form is able be around again Mr and Incl Falchynsk and four children St Catharine and Mr and Mrs Percy iord amt children Grenfcl spent recent wcchcnd at It Hupklns Lovely Winter Wedding winter country wedding lookud forward to with some doubt 15 to umerluzn scalher wntlitzmls especially so wbcu the interested parties live off the highway and oven 11 spite of SlluwplOWS etc Last Saturday lIJVLtI my peri out day for the melding of Wluul ten Ellis and Mary Wilson Tor onto They were married in TTIR1 11y United Church here The sun shone the entire day surely cor vincing the brzdc of lifelong flap pmtss DALSTON Crown Hill Pupils Here Thu sccund mom of Dalston School has boon opened to uccom modulo tlir pupils from Cmth Hill Mrs Davis Ivy in thc tczlchI Cl Pupils Skate LII Guthrie The school pupils had skating9 party at lutluic Arena Friday 11 lurnonn Skating at Elmvule On Friday evening the folks from here enjoyed skating party at Elmvnlo Alcna with Craighursb people IIvcryonc had good titnP with lunch scrvcd by the Craigu burst mcmbcrs Improving at Hospital Miss Williams is improving atE the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio All hope to see her home soon On Sick List Bruce Watson 1115 been on the sick list but is improving nicely His sister Mrs Dora Hart Toronto spent few days with him Entertains Friends Miss Joyce Wood cntcrtaincd number of friends at her home on Saturday evening Move Into New Home Mr and Mrs Brown Myrna and Donna have moved into their new home Funeral of Myrna Jory The funeral of Myrna Jory daughter of Mr and Mrs Jory Barrio was licldSaturday often noon to Dalston Cemetery Deep est sympathy to the bereaved EGBERT 1un$w Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Clifford Campsall Mrs Sid Holland Clifford and Betty Bax ter Vincent Achrem Innisfil Miss Phyllis Campsall and Harry Karas Toronto Steve Horas Cookstown Mr and Mrs Gordon Blaker and Tom Egbert Mr and Mrs Alex Hood To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Brolley Mr and Mrs Broiley accompanied them home for the week Won Prizes at Alliston Congratulations to Ron Campsall and Steve Karas having won sec and prize for singing and playing guitars at the Range Riders amateur Show in Alliston Arena Friday night Feb Miss Esther Downer is spending few weeks with Rev and Mrs Downer Duntroon James Feltis recently had the hy dro installed in his borne Had Appendix Operation Orval Carr returned home from Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday having undergone an appendectomy Mrs Allan Newton is spending few days in Toronto Both Confined to Bed Mrs AgnesBeatty and Glostcrr are both confined to bed We wish them an early recovery Miss Isobel Carr Reg spent the past week with Mr and Mrs Orval Carr Buys Farm at Utopia Clifford Campsall has sold his farm and expects to move to Utopia around April having pur chased farm there We the loss of Mr and Mrs Cam family from this community Has Infected Kidney Kenneth Brolley is still confined t0 Yltlt concord kidney Successful Euchre Pales Woods Euchre Club has been hav ing very successful parties each Wednesday evening to tables the pastfw weeks 11 and qvliH MY SA 63 SUITS DRESSES not over pleats COTTYS PHONE 019 WIEanYELL Mi M475 VarAM om 54mm aewu mu MAL11156 WWIFESCcAVr macsaw 71w 255519 101 607 JOWEDAP If AND HE OFFER ALBERT BAREAIN HEIGHW KIND 9121 cpZzosr WIMEPUAV meme5 AN MERE COME cameo UNCLE BALDWIN 16 out 111 Box OFTHAT 1cm DIAL 2433 2434 2222 MYaUResmCAKS AND TRUCKS WM VALLEY mop WAIT IN AMBUSH AND SOCKME ON THE HEAD WITH ASNONBALLI 1T3 NOTSO HARD VOUSEEBY GEE MUGGS YOU FINISHED OUR THE TIME YOUREACH HIGH HOMEWORK FASTAND THAT HIGH 501001 AGE YOUR CAPACITY TO SCHOOL HOWQRK 15 PRETTY LEARN IS MUCH GREATER IHAN IN THE FIFTH GRADE THE WORLD moves COOKE CARTAGE Mr and Mrs ames orerravcn burst Mrrand Mrs Garvin Burns last Week Minister Injurcd We Were all very sorry to learn that Rev Hughes had the misfortune to fall and dislbcate one HALFFARE BY AIR with TCAs Tamil Plan any Monday Tues1w or Wednesday mall North America routes except to Tom Florida our information 11 million or Mice Manon Iuii new broom AIIQNM 8M PM Arcade mono 11 It Ai IT Known For Fine Cleaning an we 6000 wow 51 LABELING KIN an wr TALL lawVa TASTEITANWOLVEFIS VALLEY TAXI AND TRUCKING SERVICE YOU MAY FEEL PREI IVSAFE NOV WWW MfND LEAVING NAMIN TROUSERS SKIRTS not over pleats CLEANERS 2885 EIGHT THERE HE AIIEADW BALDWIN Mammalian doom 5351T9m15 COICHED OI Irmaue ow To no mm 24110111 SERVICE mm OVERNIGHT smog By Wally Bishop BUT Dom FORGET You HAVE TO MY House on took 11W met 96 YOUD BETTER ooue PREPARE IM connoch Tim at You KEACH HIGH 5010mm YOULL HAVE yaw TROUBLE wmt GRADEANORKl val