Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1953, p. 8

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may 153 Plans for Lions my in going to celebrate Bani1 but last wcek lawn celebrated not 100 since its founding but 361 York rst became city on 153 Wc only got lo know tooth when it was 295 yearsf but even than it was shuts its age There was feeling at continuity thrliugh thc years about Fifth Avenue trufllc and the Third Avenuc El The Vinita in Septcmbcr WashingE loo Square Broadway at night But New York is to us 11 Sunn day walk along quiet strcctt with uniform planted from of curi ous breed that is not 800 up Wily trccs ncut as polled punts incongruous yct lilting lrl the paved Sidewalks And town houses of ageless gralldcur sitting Rush with this slrlct lionrailed steps leading up to solid magnify cult doorwayswlalgc uniform win3 doors blanking out the city with hooded cycx and Httl llLft and there in little entrance ways tlzcE courtyard galdcn that attains perL fectlon in New York It Is the tiny croccly store around the comm whorlr thc csl some of small town can bt ob tained within walking distancin the Quccllsborough Bridge and Sutton Place With Strccts mogull ccnt shops and that corncr on Fifth Avenue wiicrc cntlul Park mots the city We never lose the rst thrill of thc width of Park Avcnuc or tho fun of riding ill red and yellow lcdllivlwsczltcd 1le cab that 111155 on two wheels around corner Or thc opcu welcoming llcighls of St Patricks and Hit mllt lit tle doorway on secluded street at night where soft music wcll comes you at nightnot scll con sciously Sign of age that has not pervaded the night life of Canadian cities for us We like New York in the day time and New York at night Even at dawn the city does not show that it has been up all night New York has the best of care along with all special beauty that no mere youngster of city will ever attain The moment we rst saw it werknew we were in the centre of the world Winurlni in Florida Rev and Mrs have cup of tea with some of their Florida friends including few Canadians last Saturday Jall nary 31 the dateof their golden wedding anniversary Nothing however was to be said about the big event Things went along as scheduled except that their child ren in Canada sprung complete surprise Throughout the day Rev and Tank Rlgiilicnl from thclr wives won on hand for the lugcd with congratulations and are more surprlscd because they had not realized that their circle of friends in the city could count up to more than seventylive It was grand day for us all The sun was shining and it rcg istcred 78 dcgrccs during the illi emoon 50 years ago lllltlld to cclebrzrtc with lhcir family and lricmls iiltcr rthcy return home at the cud of April Sevtral officers of lllt 45m Anti llairic Lind banquet last Saturday cvcning il Owen Sound honoring LLCul Kennedy Ictlling commanding formal dinner scrvcd new ullllutlf ill Owen Sound was catclcd to by thc officer at the The bride and groom of Auxiliary Cooking School Under Way Plans for the cooking school to lbe held Feb 16 and at the Roxy Theatre took up most of the busi ncss period at the regular monthly mecting of the Ladies Auxiliary to gthi Banal Lions Club on Monday Fe committee reported that arrangev rnents are progressing vcry well and the cooking school promises to be one of the best ever held in Barrlc Mrs Harold Darch read all gimprcssivc list of prizes including bcsidcs 25 full shopping bags each day two featherweight irons all clcctric clock Inixnmstcr pyrcx dishes ctc Mrs chrgc Hook informed the auxiliary lllcmbcrs that tickets are Lgoing vciy wcll Tickets may be ipilrclulscd from any member of the tvoliicils organization or at the Bct tcr Drcss Shop lcan Christies ilizullis Electric or Simmons 51 Co Mac MacAulcy gave an linlcrrsting and informative talk on fluiming Past and Present in tho iWcsl as the February program lltllltllt Mr MocAuley was raised in southern Sllskatchcwan and livcd ltlltlc lllllll llf was young man Mrs Earl Cux convencr of the Royal Camdw Arm lew ill farm home was ncar the small Sictll the fashionable women who inhabit Pitvand that Clements decided toe Mrs Clements at their winter res idence in Lakeland received from the family cards telegrams flow ers and long distance callfrom Toronto The surprise was for their guests also who took the an niversary in their stride and shared in the compliments Sim then writes Mr Clements liblaudhis wife have been de xcorpforlable summcr Canvas Awnings unmatchlr for beauty protection and cooling comfort See what we have tooller you in the way of styles patterns and 2x jcolors Ilsde valigation popular TERMS uni EhziWNlNlllills Phone 4314 minus St Corps from Camp Bordon llCS cut from Burllc uvrc Major alldl Mrs Clark Capt lllld Mm Grows Licut ll libblns Cupl llouk Liout llurlis Miss Marion Ilcklcs 21nd tLIpt and Mrs ll Pile Col Kcilrlcdy was prcscntcd with silver tray with the nillllcs of all lflttlb of lllc 43th Antilunk cil cravcd oil it and two lruvcllllig bags the dinner At the llrlld table won LiLul Kcnncdy and his WllL LlCul 11 Gandicr of Mmlurd ncwlyap poinch commanding officer and his wife and llCol Mill llcbru of ucn Sound commamlv ing officer of 1111 19th Ficld Anilt bulancc and Mrs Middlcbro Col McDonald guvc short his torical talk on the lcgimcnt Tile term cloudbllrsl is not us ually used unless six or more incllcs iof rain falls at rate of 10 ormorc Mrs Earl Cox and presented with inches for an hour An all rallks dzincc lollowcd ituwn of Limerick llc told of the hardships of the ilarm of the past when 21 lzlrlncr would have to haul his grain by torso and wagon over long dis lzlllcis to the elcvators rind of the llung hours put in by the housewife with no lilodorn convenlcucus and ibullltlillleS cspcclally at threshing lilm havmg crew of 26 men to lord Soullicrll the midle Saskatchewan was in of the dust bowl For lltlztliy Llll$ lllClC were no crops and llicrcfulc no money The first ycar thc dust ceased the 15121851101 ptlS ate the crops However since that time the clups have liccn cxccllcnl Today the prairie former has more leisure tinlc in accordance with what he cums than almost any other group of workers lle drives big car and luftcn lives in town andcommules lto work each morning everything on the farm being mechanized Mr MacAuley was thanked by small gift For beautifully blended sauce for fish use cream of tomato soup as the base Add bit ofclaret some grated cheese sprinkle of parsley and minced onion and in short of jiffy its done Baked Fish Steaks fish steaks about pounds completely defrosted 10ounce can condensed cream of tomato soup undiluted 13 cup claret wine or vinegar 14 pound cup grated process Collier Street MissiOo Ba rid Honors Leader The Mission Bond of Collier Street United Church met inthe Sunday School alter four oclock on Wednesday Feb The pres ident Loreen Brandon was in the chair and alter the repeating of the Purpose the minutes were read by the secretary Patty Nes bitt The treasurer Car Brandon reported $87 sent to ilk Presby terial treasurer and alancc in the bank to start 1953 Roger Pile put his two pennies in the bank and all sang Happy BirthdayyTo You TASTY LENTEN DISH Canadian or plmllnto cheese tablespoons chopped parsley tablespoons minced onion Heat oven to 850F moderator Arrange fish in greasud 13 baking dish Sprinkle with salt and pepper Combine soup Wine and cheese ln sauCepan Stir over low heat until cheese is melted Add parsley and onion Pour over lishland bake at 350F 30 minutes or until easily flaked Makes servings years had been sppclully invited to be present and graduate to Mis sion Band Mrs Roy lJrry super intendent ol the Baby Band con ducted the graduation and gave to each new member copylof the Mission Band Purpose and Mission Band pin The children divided for their Palaver on Africa into two grodps Mrs Ron Pia taking the little ones Mrs Lew substituting for Mrs BruceNesbltt with the older ones The meetlnv concluded with benedictionalter which box of cookies was passed LIGHT lNFESTATlON SASKATOON CP The federal ontomologiiculciaboratory here predicted Saskatchewan farm ClS will not be menacod by gross Lynnc Walls on behalf of the Mission Blind asked Mrs Harold Forster to accept gift in appre ciation of the years Mrs Forster haslspent with the Mission Blind All were interested to see that the box contained ll Iloyal Doul ton ltomr cluster The oxpcutlve conducted aworv ship service on the Ilhemerv Let the LittleLOnes Come Unto Me The members of the Baby Blind who had reached the age of We lloppers in 1953 An egg survey in clicatcd that infestation would be so light that ofcials against publishing their annual grasshopper forecastvmpp for form erS WW1 FE INSURANCE The opeiatlonpot 111p insurance companies operating in Canada are istrfcllyjsu ervlaad and regulited bythe to all surance and the department of in surance of all 10 provinces WW Midland girl Farming ls tho Best Life Says 92YearOld Hil Recalls Early LumberingiDuys lsdale Resident Studicd At Grand Trunk Apprentice School Hm Marshall Love Die Marshall Kennedy Love wboxZ studied advanced machine snopl practice in me with the Grand Trunli App nticc School dicdi suddenly at Windsor on Saturdayl Jail 31 1963 following heartl attack in his 55th year Mr Love was supervisor of the Ford Motor Co of Canada Training School at the time of his death native of Barrie the deceased Ewas the son of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Love He was born hcre on Aug 24 1898 Mr Love was graduate of the Grand Trunk Apprentice School lAllarldalc where he studied od valicca machine shop practice lie lwcnt to Windsor in 1918 and joined lthe Ford of Canada staff 15 too loud die maker sown years later iHe had previously resided in Dci left In 1943 he was appointed nstructor at the Ford Training chool and in 1915 was promoted AA Sierdesi MISS PHYLLIS MARY IE3 NOLDS daughter of Mr and M5 eliuc Orillia now wears the silvcr wings of an American Airlines stewardess After completing four and urichall wccks of intensive study at the companys stcwzildc training school ill Chicago Mrs Harris skipped the lito the position of supcmsor pm DAVID JAMIESON If was young today Id go on the farm says 92vcarold Dave Jamicson of llillsdalc who spent about 30 ycnisof his life farming in Simcoe County and still thinks its the best life When youre on the farm you do what you want When you work for somebody else you do what they think Furmings all machinery now and think its the best life The big difficulty now about farming asserts the son of F105 and Mcdonte township pioneers is that everything you have to get to start farming costs so much money young man cant start apfalm now unless he has big assistance he knows But it was diffbrent in his young lduys when he used to farm in the summer nd work in the bush in the win cr was up in Muskoka lumber ing one year with 53 people Just three or four could speak English wthey were all Frenchmen And never got along better They treated me awful good Winters used to be lot colder around Hillsdalo years ago he recalls but lwas nothing to what it was in Manitoba where Mr Jamieson farmed for acouple of years the only time he ever left Simcoe County After he was first married to Elizabeth German who lived with me 62 years and six months before her death three years ago Dave Jamleson went out West He spent two years near Minnedosa in Manitoba put in two crops and they were no good so we came back here farmed here for 23 years them When he was farming West over 60 years ago the farmer homcsteadlng besidehim was Pal Burns later of the Bdrns Packing Co 7He became worth million Mr Jamicson whose father Was also Dave Jamieson was Flos Township councillor for number years and served as school rustee in his natin township was pretty well known from Mid land to Barrie and Pcnetong Raised on farm on the second line of Flos about two miles from his presenthome in Hillsdale he recalls when the Medonte Town slup village was good denlblg gel than it is now There were three lumber mills there then but theres nothing much doing here now Thats lllllsdalcs drawback Its got awful quiet Tlleres nothing doing here It was all bush around Hillsdale in his memory The Jamicson family farmed two to three hundred acres iii Flos Township and two hundred acres in Medonte Mr Jamieson retired to Hillsdalc about 28 years ago He recalls of his farming days when he used to put his potatoes on the car at Craighurst and ship them by rail But its diff erent now the truck takes them Living with Mr Jamicson are one of his thief sons Ernest and his wile But other members of thc family were home on Sunday Feb to celebrate his 92nd birth day with him There are two other sons Roy of Barrie and Charlie farming near Hillsdale and four daugh tors Mrs Oliver King Edna of London Mrs Rutland Elrick Coral of Elmvalc Mac of Tor onto and Mrs Delbert Peacock Alice of Blackstock younger lsister of Mr Jamieson Mrs James Elrick lives at Elmvale He has eight grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren time reading 1000TH lRTHDAY The 1000th anniversary of the famous Greek Patriarchal Library was com at Alexandria Egypt memorated in 1952 BUSY PROVINCE lbyturian Church while in Barrie lie was life member of Great WestP1ka lWllS Presbyterian Avc Windsor he is survrvcd by in brother Dalton Love of Port $111 35 ii flight base From thcrcg hdd at hm dmlh slic now flies Americas Convaii XI6 and DCliB Flagshlps thiougll til the country and to Canada and member of St Andrews Pros erll Lodge No 47 AF and AM lie The new stewardess is it Juno 31951 graduate of Orillia Collegiate Bcsides his widow the lormcrllnslilulc Among her hobbies she 895 MVCIY 703 P11lnllgt numbers Mimriiing rcading and baskctball CM Huron Mich and two sisters Mrs FERRER VEulCLB Marjorie 2mm COORSVMC Md lh fall or in Januaryl Mrs Reta Smith Toronto Elm Josc Eclrer plum to travel to Sev Funeral service was llcld lit the ille to star aim thc bulllrghtcr hem Lle alldSteckloy Funeral 11mm of Matador John llustons pro Balllc on Tuesday Mb llcv Jtclcd Screen cdlllon of tho Bari lzlmcs Ferguson collducttd the ab Conrad OVCl Ii 511 Fm vicc Pilllbcarcrs wmc Cllcstcr 9135 lff qclandcm Lavcry Edward 2mm liumld 1m WSW 01 The Sl Smith George Lavcry Phillip Love and Charles McDoncll In they were active torment was in Barrie Union Ccm municipal affairs 91 Mrs Thomas prcdcccdscd nor Floral tributes includcd those husbllud by year and half and from the Ford Trade SclloolWind his only surviving relative is sor Bullnnlync Dry Goods Co brother Reuben living in chroy in church and Mrs Corbys Rink Wins Morning Event of Midland Nine Barrie ladies accepted on invitation from Midland curler on Thursday entering threc rink in morning and attornoon events with curlers from the surrounding dis ltrict The rink from Barrie skipped by Mrs Corby won the momf event Mrs George Danglede was lead Mrs Angus McNahb sec oud and Mrs Benson vice skip and Barrie link which had Mrs Tweedle of Midland as lead Mrs Gray second and Mrs Jack Kennedy viceskip The third rink from Barrie was skipped by Midland player Mrs living Curl iers making up the rink were Mrs Moore lead Mrs fouls iDAngio of Mldhurst second and thus Currie viceskip About 40 players took part in the icvonr Colllngwood entry wo Reynolds of Whitney Ivglhe afternoon event Reynolds was assigned to Chicago lloor Conditioner IT rousnss IT nuns IT CLEAN 1T wnxzs lT scouns IT SANDS ONLY 12 MINUTES to demonstrate the wond erful New House look your floor will have with it Juno Port Huron Mich and Great West cln Lodge No 47 AF and AM Among relatives and friends at lcnding the funeral were Mr and Mrs Dalton Love Port Huron Mich Mr and Mrs Edward Zeihr and family Cooksville Mr and Mrs Harold Smith Toronto Mr and Mrs Charles Lavcry Mr and Mrs William Lavery and Judy Dc troit Mich Mr and Mrs Alastair MacLalcn and family St Williams UNWANTED HAIR Eradicated from anyvoart at tho body with SamPolo nmarkablc discovery at the In saushlo contain no harmful ingrediont and will destroy the hair root LOBBEER LAoomTomEs 679 Granville Street Vancouver BC in hlllhtlY Fitter Queen Sales of Csnada 87 Maple Ave PHONE 3482 Fred Watson Phone 6598 Hugh Hutchinson Phone 419 Barrie Mr and Mrs George Lavcry and Mrs Morrlllo Toronto Mr and Mrs Deagle and family Orr Th Mr Jamieson complains of be oma ing little shaky and his hard of hearing But his health is generally good He doesnt get 1838 out of the house much in the win tertime and passes much of his and $1 25yearsvtlley ended on illia and Mrs COOper Ni agara Hail Udy Thomas Dies At Barrie Hos ital Home Near urchill lifelong resident of limisfil Township Hart Udy Thomas died on Thursday Jan 20 1953 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie in his 80th year Mr Thomas wasthe eldest son of the lat William and Elizabeth one lipime bum at Gifford on June471313v mi Thef faintly mbved to Churchill and them he was married to the farther Mary Jane Sloan farm tint wept of Churchill About aOyears our and Mrs Thomas moved to new home on Highway 11 at Churchill when 30 Dunlop St About half of all products marl ulactured in Canada are made in Ontario We have just learned of an edi tor who started from nothing twenty years ago and recently re tired with comfortable fortune of $50000 He said it was atomi ed through perseverance hard work systematic savings and the death of an uncle who left him $49990 New Scientific medicated Formulation decided department of ill RentalEbb DRIES UPPIMPLES Greasoloss Sinfuls Now rcnlarkahle new medicaiogf furnlulauoncallcd CLEAlillsrthasproy ellcnlwlo bring relief to pimp sufferers with pint lcs dries up pimp surprising ylul AlelSIrllc CLEARASIL Inctliutlon antiseptic help stop growth mills villus sant to law unlnierlupled medication 1NOUSAND$ NAIL cllhkAsltMlDqu hue 110NSo mapy b0flll$l adults loundlhal CLEARASIL Is the one mcdlcn morphism bacteria that can cnvse undgsproad munici tNSTANl null from cmbnmssmnr conic LEAKASII mcdi cation is colored to hide plnlpleaiWhile ll clqora them up Greaselcsla Ilalnli villi whom all dayand tightth lion lllai works or them Chenillle lips become oh all lgraeStspllinii spgcnl medlcgllonsfoi pimples In America Riltldb nestreported on clinicll PRYlNaAmlON chums leilmlolli tests using Chaim til Indication mm and Mm will musrvlomclduivo cumin lion l6still Wilhtltllflls 11001151111115 For everyone on your love list Choose here from gay illray of Valentines sentim ental or sophisticated cute or Bomic Justright cards for family friends or whathave sweethearts you Phone 4055 taste Jet Othe in mutter use occupy lieu soupo ililiim among groups g30f dietitians housewiveu women ofce workeruoildm mberooi hextstllue youollopv In up people clubs Prefenuce tatluaoilomoltx 76 were recorded Atlutoftgst in your own home will stridingiverdiot heat tip Heinz Continued soup tilt of any otholj brand Scrv halfhelpi of each Then take mobbed your famlw has lost obobly result in the worldelfuldlbrence Chanceaare it will be two to one for gt 3wa defied bf Help Gondolaed Soups lmImmmmmey MMWW mudmud lapn GIGlid autumnown

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