Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1953, p. 9

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EXPANSION BRACELET survutswsurwrlui COMBINED GDDHGS young lady who was mention ed at the unriqu naming of the Barrie Colrlrnunlly Culzcrzl Asso nation the other evening as an attraction available during the coming season has had rather remarkable career Jonel Collins the Metropolitan Operas pliluu ballerina is an Lthth and bulliuul Negro performer and in her Col unibia concert tour will be presv outing thilquo type of enter luinmcnt witlrIheudure Benedict us her drummer autilillplllsl baritone whoso songs site inter prets in dance and pianist Tho baritone also doubles in calypso singer on parts of her concert pro gram In Times space ins whom critic once described as one of the most glowing and theatrewise talents among all young dancers The young Arncr lcan girl had double debut at the Met Last season her firm it was in Aids very spectacular performance But she was sharing her prolliiercdzlnseusosllip with the brilliant Marin Kiilfliluva flils season is the first in which Junell Collins is solo inheritor of the centre of tlic grout stage last weekends New York Magazine quite bit of was devoted to Miss Coll Her second debut last Dcceml her was her first appearance in public in classic bullet in the aml ous Dance of the Hours in Purli rhicllis La Giocanda high moment in the opera Dance critf ics were startled by the technical mastery of toedancing she dis played But she had stifled her dancing ABCs at ten Miss Collins is described as tiny and slender miniature of the physical perfection taught by that Greeks Hcr features are delicate and regular thn the MetropoIiE tau Opera Company travels to 10 ronlo this year she will be gypsy dancor in Carmen The young dancer had period of her career in Cubal If she does appear in Barrie she willl likely do her interpretive danccs Isomcof these have been settings of songs from the Bible in her bare feet Golden Wedding national Show opening today 67 the lSiJ for Ultif care and can i1Afallil An event of the beach and flow on season Will Dc the annual Vul eziilnc bridge of the funny June for Guild being held Ill liily Parish Hull on Mouduy evening Valentine colors will be Stcl the specle bridge favors anti flure will be lots of good prizes and re Iitillllltls according to Iflt Lurll IIIIIICUIR charge Mrs If Wulf ezldcn Mrs It larklr and Mrs lolufret are arranging the evenings program llzc lino Bridge gels underway oclock 813 Barrie woman has an entry In the first annual Cilflfldllill inter liubby and liomecrult the Col Nationer luillillu the Canadian grounds in scum of Exhibition Mrs Longley of 90A lllury Slzcst has entered ll prized cro cllct bedspread in the show which continues until Februaryli and is open in the public from ll oclock in the morning until 1030 oclock in the evening daily More than hobbies and crafts includingl demonstrations can be 5cm at tlir show as well 15 over 3500 Clilllt from all parts of Canada IAlRlE DISTRICT COLLEGIATE BBC By LORNA CUNNINGHAM This is certainly basketball sea son around the BDCI The teams both boys and girls have been very active and it is hoped they will bring home championship These are the remaining boys games to be played off in tlic Geor gian Buy basketball schedule Fob IiMidlnnd at Collinguood Orillia at Barrio Games played today Feb lSAIIiSLon at Midland Collingwood at Orillia Feb 20Alhston at Collingwood Bible Film On Monday Feb and Tuesday Feb film Hidden Treasures was shown to the senior and junior assemblies This film was produc ed by the Moody Bible Institute and was brought to the BDCI by our InterSchool Christian Fellow ship IIiddcn Treasures told about the telescopic world and the discovery of Galileo the ZOOinch Palimar telescope The microscopic world was also brought to our eyes and showed us how man tries to control the cle MR AND MItS HILSON GODSON who celebrated their 50th wedding anniver sary recently at their home in Tottenham Mrs Godson received box of chocolates Kate Aiken7s favoron the occasion PTA Hears Talk On Juvenile Delinquency Frank Dingman probation offi cer with the Juvenile and Family Court of Simcoe County was speaker at the monthly meeting of St Marys ParentTeachers As sociation in St Marys School auditorium His subject was Juv enile Delinquency series of questions and an swers followed Mr Dingmanscx pranation of what constitutesa delinquent further enlightening the audience onthe subject Introduced by Rev Oliver Mal Oney the speaker was thanked on behalf of the ParentTeachers by Reg LaChance The association decided at the meeting to hold another Games Night similar to the successful project sponSored last year Mrs Frank Hammond was named con veher and she is to choose her committee The tentative date was set at April 13 Following the reading of the minutes and discussion of business the evenings activities came too close with the serving of refresh merits10a largliurnbrbf mem bers inintteudance Titanium lemmas CHRONOGRAPH Ili VALW 83 Gold color polished casc Luminous dial our second hand Genuine leather strep Complete instructions Money back with in 5d not satisflcdu Bent 007 or enclose money order andV SBVG CANADIAN enacisi WATCH do an usual at em 92 mm $100 an merits by causing snowfall which goesinto watcrshedsyand is irrigatlt ed It was explained that there is economic treasure in the snow The snowflake proves Gods infin ite concern for little things so how could He help but care for Cave exploration and the hazards of this work and mans search for the unknown were described Most of us thought of the desert as vast sandy and uninhabited land Iii Villtll mark lit Club Achivltlrs lc HDLI LLEr Club rt Amine lit llzttsc nal few wordu itl li llul 11 113 KA1l$ TLC Vol 11 Inch lZlCll LIIE his 1mm lur l1 trio plulllilll it pie trlelil1tli Ll the lltul Intuit The fun Jztllicrl p45 and the Cinllfig lass sire mugnu wc llc Ahkknkllg mulling fu lzielr nppcilldrzcv 3U ll llzrlgdmzir Ovcn Elflz ILLSml cull fest open ckuul zuut and guruor and wth lulxuriulli of silt words gttllztll llzti junior slzll sicly coil GOOAumxi stimuli and in milled lunch of lli ltrgtlgtlLlltl 011 to the cluol tJl lzi art cun It nus besn izlclutllu which ll uplll to ill the Schqu Cartcons Will be sculpted but thou mus be ilzlillcs before they are jliflgid Pints of 3i $2 and $1 11 be i1riItII Vlllillls of ouch class All lillr 211 In looking cvvr flu sumzllilry of the LIllhlnllls cxulrlilizltlons we mine It number of filter31121 fuels The loading forms in each grade are 15 minus IXIL lllli IXI very CLoSc ti II and 073 XI fill XIC 131111 XII Sp 35 El Xlllll Iln clits with the IllgllllSl lllt school 11i iu flit Ilr Ital for film contests by Full 113 to Room clllllI he school xu XlllB sci new llVJfyIill record for cruise 1931 was XIIIB Congratula tions XIIIBi Public Speaking Contests The annual public speaking cun tests will be held this your on Wed ncsduy March for the Middle and Upper School and on Wednesday April for the Lower School The Lions Club will be in charge of both contests and will award the prizes Information concerning these may he obtained from your English teacher Senior students are asked to be ready for the selection 0flll final contestants in lugs beginning on Wednesday Fob 18 Class winners in the Lower School will be judged and final contestants chosen during the week of Feb 23 From Newfoundland Louise Delaney of XA came to us from Newfoundland last year and she has very interesting story to tell us about her province When you get on Newfound land train the first thing that you notice is that the coaches are con siderably narrower than those on the mainland As you travel across the countryyou observe that some rocks are shiny and appear slippery while others are very jagged While on the subject of rocks there is at Gratis Cove rock which is supposed to have been inscribed John Cabot 1497 built over it dering what Well fishing stage open Since most of Newfoundland are spruce and fir but it was revealed that beautiful microscopic flowers grow in the sands and their beauty is reserved for onlyhumble men These examples proved that the little treasures areobjects of the Creators care and He must be God of infinite power to fashion these microscopic mansions This technicolor film was one of the best yet presented to BDCI stu dents and we would like to thank MENS suns LADIES notice the large piles of pulpwood The roads in Newfoundland are rough and un They dip around bays in lets rocks or whatever might be the way There is no completed roadacross the island yet but it is supposed to be finished in 1954 There is however railroad ex winding narrow paved Previous high in Christmas preliminary hourl This should have been preserved as an histori cal sitc but fishing stage has been Now you are wonl IS it is platform where the fish are put to dry after their heads have been cut off and they are split the forests of there are ideal conditions for lum bering and as you pass through Corner Brook and Grand Falls you ruminlrrl rilult uu Jill AND MRS AMOS MILLER were zit homo to their friends on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday evening at the residence of their son Lloyd Miller 228 Buyficld St Following family dinner at which Mr and Mrs Miller are shown cutting their 50th anniversary cake the couple received their friends and neighbors between the hours of eight and 1030 oclock lending from St Johns to Port Aux from llllllSt Illlll the railroad SIZI BIISIIUIi lilou The majority of those vil Tllcrc cry Iiiilp arming lulus not IIEIW vlcclrlcily su lhcrc but lliorc is some done In the 103 llkhl their 1101005 With lumps Comm3 Vunm The 16350 OIl Sometimes Illcsc humus do not have this is that the soil wry sour until Plumbing tllhcr acidic but however to improve the soil for fanning IISII are thrown 01 Newfoundland Schools the fields and ire loft IuVrut Cilpc AAu Newmlmdmnd Schools nm line is used mostly for this purposcm run by the ChurchvsV mu wle as but 19 54 if INN Odor Elliey were when the island was There is great deal of fishing British colony Even in public and hunting dune Ill Nnvfoundlund schools you have to buy your own Caribou lire hunted mostly midi books You can purchase them there are some lakes inland tliatl through the school but they are vexy have never been fished Thzltlcxpcnsivc You have to pay your should interest the sportsmen of thci tuition too which is generally $3 BDCI to $5 month This fee is then sent Most of mg Newfoundlandgrs are to the church which handles the fishermen and all over the islandISChOUlS 1111111605 le to see the rtrout flakes ilglIllllLdrIElng in the still iUlelCSllllg Sidellght the In the spring of the your thQVSCIIOOIS 15 that instead of going to Newfoundlundcrs eagerly wait for5011001 Vb bUS VUU TOW across the the seal boats to steam into the har water In dOIY The 0001 IOilds her do hear the song Shrimp Boats is Acominwell the event in Newfoundland is similar to this 30 they can have their meal of soul flippers called flipper sup per The Ncwouudlaud village con sists of few houses set back from the shore since the shore line it self is covelcd with fishing stages and ducks Some villages may have general store but others are with out this convenience The people get their mail from the train or uneven INAJIFFY or money back Vcry rst use of soothing cooling liquid DDD Prescriptlon posrilvcly relieves raw rod itchcaused by eczema IOSIICSSCKII irritation ChRIIngOIIlCl itch troubles grouse Icss stainlcm Ht trial bottle must sullst or money back Ask your druggist for IDD PRESCRIPTION IS IO DAYS OF LOW PRICED SPECIALS nnrssrs Plants or less CON TINuEs smells mourns 49 sinus This scholar on dresses and suits gives you the same citeruuoleaiungunicorn ishing you receive when you pay our regularprice Orlclcue AND salivary SERVICE VS cm Plione2885 producf of Hamilton Onldrio MOTHERS all margarincs are not the same rm mun EXAMINER most moms realised usual of 25 dressed 85 iuil Guflhfrri by Mrs Holmes Brig Aldridge $150 from sale of IECD able superth he mane of the dull was tailor Army KW 13 sighton is retiring after 33 year In fickle held hearts ffluef25 Which Val hiss Hoty and hme1 wri hii JdLUIRS be Meow Margaret EmuNa In in wagons in charge of Vancoum was luliuwed by the serv will ix oi ltIIrHLflAilIz WWW ILli grundliiolllcls of the InstrTKY AN BMW VIJIL viil zespiinszblc for lit program and lcficslirrirnls Uli Lih Wlll flierl March tltfi 313 Jutubi Barrie Institute Plans Euchre and April Bazaar 83133 mu tLl glszly luv True Blue 11 and itlll lLitIlflp on The llll IlUIJ Hr Mm IlllI trltV llflllfllx will but 1r flulilcuxizzllg Irblzlg unit lriclilbtr answered cull Valentine Verna mull fur llu Herbal way Our lilipprs iliougzils Lilllli frollll lfilrlkttlgz of invrs Iii Muc LIOII read on Tunadmin tillycmlllp Artlclcs flilllilttl tn the buy lllrtlgt IlllJit 35 30 113 Hayfield St at 23 pm zl CALL THE EAAMIZLI FOB PRINTINGPHIle ilour rumpus no 123 HUME SHOWING of our complete line of Mom Ladies and Childrens cloth in sllown in the privacy Barf Simpleas nights 711 Ind llmv lie Agni OI plums mud him minus ugly 3min that what tfltlflfl of all mgrll having thumb driven and nervous IIeuInItutilg MULVIZNEY MOTHERS FRIEND Timid them min r1010 MI lflillnri IOU Incl boiler quill MULVENEYS BWEU IV mks natural herbl Ionic that nettle mom almumh form up lb liver mill Lnlmwu nlsu uch plum Intestinal worm MULVENEYS REIIDIIS Availablo It All Dmalm ILIEIL WI of your own home Phone 811 For complete informbflon without obligation full lunthufc ill lpc tI tupulf lion Neil fie lisfums Lll mu Itll llll now lif wllzi of the cuslmni of Ncwflililzilllilltiil On this llzlil lllgtltlld of buying clulll by llll jllil or bull you buy ll llli pound and glillllllllt llxl bought by lilo guflmz In Cunaullli ltlfll proviliil you illi liblt in sol1 limits ll1llllf IIIl collars ill pukts and instead of iIIIlIIIlllll lltflLIS lu kucp the aunt Ln Niw lililfldlllllfl build lililll to Ifttllf goals will Every Sunday llltllllll llu No foulidllllld woman Tries curly In imam fiin and brows fur brczikfust Tlils consists of hardlurk Ill luring Eof liurtl broad sunde all night and Illlll boiled with the fish in tllul IlllIllIllg This to 11 Newfoundland or is like bacon and cups to us Ilicrc lllu many cute plncvl names like Ilcurts Content Seldom Conic By rind Come by Chance You may be IIIICIESlttI in some of the expressions of Newfoundlundcrs such as Hi you giltin on which moans Iinu 2m yullSin when youre Hi Clinic in kllTIE youre it meaning Illlll you IIILlL if you voltZIts EIIIIE gillln on for flute oclock which means Its almost IIIICL oclock These and just some of the things you sec and find in Now lulllidlzllld and liopc you Iiilvc found them as interesting as have and would like to thank LouiSc for her vundcrful story vaneum NmWIVlt Listen to MONEYJINGLES CFRB 1005 am 91 Created Especially for you Guaranteed ur Famous rcmc Oil LDWVE Regular $1000 SPECIAL 650 COMPLETE For limited time only No Appointment Necessary Professional Operators llclcn Wick Ida Howe Rose McClelland WICKS BEAUTY SIIIIIII 45 DUNLOP ST OPPOSITE ROXY my OPEN SAT TO pm PHONE 2980 MILBURN YOUR LOCAL FORMER 299 Dunlop St Ih 811122 Opposite Cloverleaf Repairs Remodelling Storage and Cleaning Refining Small repairs while you wall the rst Lil rgarme WITH moo VAluE EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT everythingVITTJNCCOA is good and grmdfotduL Youll love NUCOAS naturally fresh delicate flavor Corlarno articial agging Youll benefit from NUCOAS abunduncg of Vitamins lopoo units of Vitamin 5000 units of Vitamin per lb plus NUCOAs valuable food energy Contains no bensoatc preservative Even NUCOAs original delicate color comes from own nutritiouscarotene naturblo Guaranteed byE Goodllousckeapi gt Omicru THEBEST rooos CANADIAN no

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