Barge Dogs Club Policy The policy of the club is tha dog lover need not be an owner IISIEBTIE PBSI News of Interest to Junior Farmers By 1m name Winter At Last The nostalgic note with whichl many people refer to blizzards and heavy frosts of bygone days leads one to suspect they feel cheatedl by the mild open water we have had They may be satisfied yet The temperature dropped to zero Saturday night to usher in the soft February snows Bliss Car man wrote about And we still have the March Lion to deal with The farming community is happy to see good cover of snow on the fields Sugar Time Is Coming Some folk measure time by days weeks and months Farin crs measure it by jobs As one far mer remarked the other day Well soon have the years wood supply cut then were going to sort the potatoes and by the time thats finished the sugar bush will be ready to work Who Will Win This Year the North Simcue Compcfi tivc Bacon Show last year the first prize exhibit was brought out by the Township of Oro Charlie DAoust of Perkinstleld lihyl Township exhibited the best bitg con carcass and won the silver rel3 15h dish The show is being licldf again this year in connection withl the Seed Fair at Elinvalc on Fri1 day March 13 and carcasses will be exhibited from all Townshisz Keen competition is expected for in addition to cash awardsi totallingneaily $100 silver vcgc table dish value $25 is being offl cred for the best quality carcass in the show Winter Ivenfi Barrie Kennel Club Enjoyable Members of the Barrie Kennel Club are again looking forward to the annual all breeds dog show to be held this year in May and their expectations are for bigger and better show than ever It has not been all work with the club though and through the courtesy of Mr and Mrs Blake Lamont the prcCbrlstmus meeting was held at their home in the form of pot luck slipper prepared and served by the men The ladies cut out the pieces for an applique quilt and goodtime was had Wolff Traininglvening Two weeks ago Harry Morrcn past president gave the use of loft in one of his buildings and several of the members got to gether with their young dogs or puppies for an evening of train ing The idea proved to be terrific success and was most thoroughly enjoyed by both dogs and handlers arid it is hoped to have more similar evenings The club invites anyone inter ested in showing dog to contact President Albert Kaye The Barrie club is spreading out in most gratifying way one member coming all the way from Bracebridgc Doggy Locality Barrie is really one of the dog giest localities in Ontario and among the membership are breed ers of American Cooker Spaniels Airedale and Welsh Terriers Coll ics Shetland SheepDugs Dobere man Pinschers Great Pyrenees St Bernards German Shepherds English Bulldogs PitBull Terriers Samoyedes Boxers West Highland White Terriers Irish Setters Dach shunds and Keesbondeu Dutch of an animal to becomea member Many do not have the time placekfoc one and kennel club is the answer for such persons There they can get together for the club is pleased to have any one interested in dogs if they will contact any member or the sec retary Mrs Murieuiaye CALL THEEXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 are on 11151180th the Ontario Department of Agri Clcim Cure For Foot Ami Mouth Disease Andre Thomas Sorbonne ofcgy profemit and one Frances leading experts on Foot and Mouth Disease claims that the new dry vaccme he discov ered last year is complete suc cess in the treatment of the dis ease Foot and Mouth attacked in Stance in epidemic proportions last year and Professor Thomas referring to his cure says Its pow er in treating the disease is greater than that of any other vaccine so far produced After months of experiment it can be said that it is complete success Canadian Farm Produce Too High Priced For World Markets Ontario farmers are in bad spot due to high production costsl stated Dr Patterson Direc tor of the Economics Branch of culture when addressing recent meeting of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association He maintained that Canadian Farmers have no difficulty in scllt ing grain on world marketswe can sell it as fast as we can move it Dairy products and meat areI not in this favorable position Canada is industrializlng faster than any other country in the world Much of thismactivity is in the development of the steel in dustry along the north shore off the Great Lakes Steel is highf wage industry and its effect is dc nitely reflected in the farmers labor costs In 1936 thcavcrage farm wage was $21 per month plus board andi lodging In 1952 it was $105 per month plus perquisites and mani was hard to get Grain farmers have been able to reduce their labor costs through mechanization to far greater 10 gree than have those engaged the production of livestock and livestock products In 1880 sixty hours of labor werei required to produce one acre of wheat By 1950 this requirement was reduced to five hours On the other hand it took 150 hours of labor to care for dairy cow for year in 1880 and by 1950 this figure was only reduced to 140 hours World Wages have not risen pro portionately 1n Holland butterfat is being delivered to the plant at 15c per pound Purchasing power keeps world prices down too The per capita income worlds population is leSS than $100 per year in American funds aflld honly 10 of the worlds peo ave an annual in of over $800 Dr Patterson sees way out of this dilemma He pointed out that our exportable surpluses of livestock products are not large 16 of our beef is the highest we have exported in any year since the war and in 1951 we were on not import basis for dairy pro ducts 20 increase in our population in the next ten years which sccmsquite probable would provide domestic market for all our farm produce except wheat Until this development is reality the relatively small sur pluses will continue to test the in genuity of Federation of Agricul ture and Government officials Of course couple of years of drought or serious epidemic of liVestock diseases would drastic ally alter the situation Dr Patterson will assist with the Afternoon Agricultural Meet ings in North Simcoe during the week of February 23 to 27 Melittafer Services Source Of Inspiration The last inthe series of Week of Prayer servicerwas held on Fri day night Jan 30luSt Andrews Presbyterian Church with splen did attendance The servicesnvere source of inspiration under the leadership of Rev Mariano DiGan gi of St Enochs Presbyterian Church Hamilton Althouglcyoung in years his ad dressas were marked by thought ful sinceilty and while outspoken on the sins of omissionon the part of many it was with spirit of tolerance His closing address was on the Coming of Christ and that the preparation mast essen flat is the indwelling spirit of God in the heart Adding much to the interest was the precance of Knox College Male Quartet with selection of suit able numbers unit choii from the churches with Maurice Baker organist of 381 Andiowls atthe organ led in dont sinful went ing to get warm lint do you have INSURANCE 1k INSURANCE to cover ageuo Fur Coats and other personal property is some thing no one should the with out lit YOU do not have such INSURANCE protection you should call us today REMEMBER Fire can strike anywhere firCO FIRE AUTO WI canvas sum aspirant cuss2 gizedp Stevenson the hearty congregational singing first meeting was held in Essa Road Presbyterian Church and three following in the First Bap tist Church NEWOIILLENTRE CARLYLE Sask CP Thu recent oil strike at Forget in the Williston basin of southeastern Saskatchewan hasfolr workers poutng into this town 27 miles from the Well site Living accom modation is at premium and the old RCMP barracks are being util gty NAIR ESCAPE DIGBY NS CP my little daughtersof Mr and Mrs Owen Outhousewere playing in thekit ciien when bullet smashed of half the FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3953 Section 2Poges to 12 Christian Youth Week Being Observed in Barrie Churches THIS IS CHRISTIAN YOUTH WEEK and the three CGIT grOups of Barrie at Collier Street United Church Central Un ited Church and Burton Aveunc United Church and the CGIIi of St James United Church Shroud are observing the week MW in special manner skating party is planned for tomorrowl congregations MISS MARGARET 5111 an one of the leaders of the CGII groups in Barrie with three members of Collier Street United Church CGIT Left to right they are Don Womens Haspital Auxiliary Has Outstanding Hostess Night 700 Take Part 44Win Prizes The Womens HOSpital Auxiliary to the Royal Victoria Hospital had good reason to be delighted with the results of thermembers second an nual Hostess Night this week Around 700 people took part in the fundraising project on Tuesday evening with various town and dis trict hostesses entertaining in their homesland proceeds going towards hospital supplies and equipment To date with more receipts still to be received the Hospital Auxil iary has realizedumanmunt tota1 ling Throughout the evening draws for 44 prizes were mMHLfive different intervals between 830 and 10300clock over station CKBB Mrs BarbaraWheeler made the draws in the presence of the hoSpie tal auxiliary president Mrs Roy Christie and the immediatepast president Mrs Sentlo Ball who was convener for thisyears Hog tess Night Mrs Ball and her committee made up of Mrs Gable Mrs Fred Eplett Mrs Meltlicking Mrs Harold Smith and Mrs Chris tie greatly assistedby Pealsun Flowers wish to thank all those who helped make Hostess Night such success Prize winners duringtlifevening included Mrs Garnet Walt of Mid hurst winner of black handmade purse Mrs Jack Clemmens and Mrs Bruce Peacock Midhurst win Iich of bun baskets Mrs John Stevenson and Mrs Wallacewin nets of blue and gold china lea pols Mrs William Smith Mrs Wil lis Smith of Thornton Miss Ruby Wain hurst Mrs Hertz Traub and Mrs Smith winners of planted china swans Mrs WaltcpEdney Bradford RR Mrs Shear and Miss Lawlor winners of china cups and saucers Reg Mason of Mid burst winner of hammered alum inum ash tray Mrs Jean Cook of Angus winner of asewing basket Mrs Little and Mrs Pearson Flowers winners of hammered aluminum trays Mrs De laney winner of silverstriped china pitcher Mrs Harry Nelgler of Angus winner ofa green and gold teapot CarlDcran of Mid hursfzwinner of copper humidor Noble Hugh Wallace and Ernest Hughes pf Gilford winners of sets of cigarette holders and ash trays Mrs Smythe winner of pottery picture vase Mrs Flor ence Winters of Angus winner of peach and gold tea pot Bidwelliind Mrs Keith winners of goldstriped tea pots Mrs Sp ncer of Thornton winnerof but log ornament Mills winner of 81 silverstriped china pitcher Mrs Walker winnecof glass sandwich plate MISS Calhoun wiimenof gold uchrs now oN SALE for Barrie Skating urem window amtcmbeglded tilt in the pantry doom lnwsti Ition wasstaitedt And the wild marksman Mrs Lois DjAngio of Midn Mrs Marshall Mrs George Ottawa of Anten 87th birthday He had always tak on keen interest in the affairs of 34 na Campbell Gladys Hart and Mary Mac Donald Miss Smith fs deaconess of Collier Street United Church striped vase Mrs ILA Stewart winner of range set Mrs Wallwin winner of linen tea towel and wool duster Mrs Warren Wilgar winner of large china pit Cher lllOlIlSMOllalltyDf Bradford winner of copper horse ash tray Mrs Dodds of Camp Borden winner of glove holder Mrs Myrtle Reid winner of set of five handcrochetedtable mats Walt of Midhurst winner of set of eight cocktail glasses Mrs Honey winner of marble bird bath Mrs Cain winner of chrome top cake holder Mrs Harris and Mrs Bestley win ners of pottery vases and Mrs Brock Ottaway of Churchill win ner of serving tray TRAIN NAVAL CADETS Six warships of the Royal Can adian Navy were assigned during the summer of 1952 to training University Naval Division Cadets with three cruises to Europe and three to West Coast ports from Alaska to southern California STEEL BUNKS FOR NAVY Hammocks are becoming thing of the past in the Royal Canadian Navy Asinewj warships are con structed and older ships niodied and retted folding steel bunks are being installed in messdecks those who came schts and the casket was left open by those who had not previously callcd to see the remains Banks of laltai made an vaN EXAMINER WANT At Last Monday the Barrie and District ltlilllulllil wvrc the goats til gtpacious and Several Ministerial tilts Mailand nunisteis ill the comfortablc YMCA the Oiilliu were dirt present for meeting The speaker the members of 30ml was the Rev 51 Wilkinson of the Ciriiiczi was the of England The subject Silllliflti Littlulilft anti =iit we can do about ll Vllltlficfill drew attention to variety of pocket books and iiilgi naguzluca now appearing 011 the market in our iiiug store and the very school and often available in piacu children get llictt books He pointed out the wlllll lltllfl lu lltm up fairly eclublc novel Willi sexy cow gi ittfftb The Presbyterian Church olStroucl gHad Good Year Sllfllld held The annual iiucting of the Presbyterian Church was ill the church basement on Monday evening Feb Willi largo attendance of the congrega lion present illllflllll1l supper provided by the ladies Ltlic business meeting the minister Rev chair and opened the meeting wzfzi fa short devotional night and throughout the week Collier Street CGIT has had window display in downtown store explaining the work of the Canadian Girls in Training ing paid throughout the week to the young people of church 91 Special attention is bcl lithium Death of Former Warden of County Ebenezer Todd By TLC8 On Monday Feb 1953 the re mains of Ebenezer Todd lay in his casket in the altar of the United Church at Churchill This church he had attended regularly and had scrvcd on every board in connec tion with its operation He had been brought there as child and had rarely missed service until he retired from his active farm life and moved to Toronto the death of his wife The church was crowded by to pay last re beautiful flowers surrounding the impressive scene Many of those at the church had known and worked with the dc ceascd during his active public life on Jan 18 last he celebrated his Innisfu even after moving to To ronto He was member of the township council from 1905 until 1920 becoming reeve in 1913 and Warden of Simcoe County in 1919 This service given during the first world war meant that many additional services were demanded over normal council duties few ycars later he opposed the Con servativc member of the Ontario Legislature Charles Wright of Penetang in provincial election but was unsuccessful The nearest relatives surviving are nephews and nieces as he was the last remaining member of large family who were also natives of lnnisfil These were Hugh Samuel Davidson Joseph John Charles and Thomas Elizabeth Su san and Ebenezer eight brothers and twcsislers Quoting from the lhnisfil centen nial book published when the township celebrated its 100111 anni versary we read as follows ExWardcu Todd attained his 84th birthday Jan 18 1950 Awor thy citizen who took an interest in his farm home church and com munity affairs In 1905 he entered municipal life councillor for four years de puty reeve four years and reeve for six years During the last year was Warden for Simcoe County Twentyfive years had passed since warden was chosen from Innisf ExWarden John Ross was the last During his municipal life the idea of therTownship Park was conf sidcre Pallbearers at the funeral weir nephewsn as follows Allan Todd Sherman Todd HarryTodd Walter King Elmer Rothwell and Clarence Myers Rev Sanders minister of iiic bcrs who have now passed to their following The gathering began Willi of the congregation For Muir was in the period during which moments silcncu was 011 served in memory of former mcmv reward All financial reports showed very marked increases total of $2 flztjlt was raised for all purposes of which $33502 was for Mission ary purposes The Christian Out reach allocation for Church ex ltfflltlli in new areas was exceed ed with every pledge fully hori cred REV MUTE Among the highlights of splen did year was the complete rc decoration of the sanctuary alongl with extensive repairs to the building The basement which had never been fully nished was completed and vastly transformed by plastering the walls The money for the greater part of this latter work was given by Frank Cowan Clerk of the Ses sion in memory of his brother the late BrucevCowan whose heart had been set for many years upon seeing the basement beautied Even with all this expenditure the year was nished with sub stantialbalance The latest im provement has been the installa tion of an oil burner in the fum ace During 1952 there were six in fant baptisms and 1953 has begun in an encouraging way with seven new members uniting with the congregation at the January Com mumon Arising out of the meeting at the request of several members meetings for prayer and study of the Bible will be held during the winter months at the homes of the people Churchill United Church gave very enlightening sermon intlle church and conducted the grave side service MI Todd was mem ber of the Masonic Order in liltin erva Lodge Stroud Owing to the weather it was felt that the service of this order ston be dispensed Wall to LDREN READING er and sell it cheaply in covers Along with this an definitely immoral books sold In the some rack Comment was made on the re cent attempts to suppress these kinds of literature and the diffi culty of defining saiacious liter ure Without curtailing 1m to read and write There are 31 way those who cannot see dirt cvcn if pushed under their 110368 and there are those who are pre displaced to see smut everywhere course if Freuds analysis is correct it is everywhere But that Is no excuse to make business out of it Some proprietors of these stores make an attempt to bold but those items which they know om bad There are two 1111ch here it 15 not possible for the proprietor to review all the nut cmal which he is supposed to bill die It comes in he slaps it onto the shelf and it sells itself At the end of the month he can send back illdlLVLI will not sell or whatever he does not want legitimate question would seem to be Has not the retailer of meta chimdisc moral obligation to sue iliakhis wares are not danger his customers What else do the Food and Drug Acts mean CFC is where the second dif culty arises The merchant can withhold certain items from his shelves but this involves an out lay of credit and storage space for considerable period of time until the wholesaler takes the stud back The question here lies in the system of distribution it right that merchant who wishes to sell literature should be mn pellcd by the News Comparilm to take whatever they decide he must take And if he refuses he gets no books or magazines at all What has the public to say about monopoly controls 18 the news business monopoly Parents cannot avoid being con cerned here Do you know what your son is reading Have you looked at his comic books recent ly Crime comics may be out but sex comics are in Dom any one think that problem is over come if one form is driven out What did Jesus say about the poor soul who lost her devil Sevlt othcis worse came to All the votdl We repeat 90 you know what your boy is reading It also seems that Canada is due for an invasion of pumom phy from the Slit lures and the like Elie today Business in the great centres of America During war the stuff was push among the forces with great success Now the smut pcddlars have turned to the high schools Just what the psychology of adolescence in this regard is like we do not know but we believe that normal high school young people are not sub ject to such perversions But how many abnormal persons are there among the youth As society we have done prac tically nothing about sex educa tion either in church in school or iii the home We leave youngsters to get their information laylea ing through theBook of Know ledge reading the8eadgts Di gest or out behind the burn or whatever in towns corresponds to tiny village barns Is it any won der that curiosity finds ugly and wrong answers when there are no other answers available We believe the reading matter of our children is of enormous im portance in forming their minds and souls Unfortunately most Sunday School papers havefailed to keep up with the spirit ofine times On the wholethey make fairly dull reading with nothing more Christian than mild ethical idealism behind each plot To find an answer to this rising problem may not be easy But let us be aware of what isytukm place Let us take an interest in what the youngsters have got tucked away in that drawer in passing from hand to handi other four oclock Do you Wwhat sort of stories your girl is reading in those magazines BORDELAISE SAUCE To make Bordelafse sauce chop up small onion and clove of garlic mix these with brown 83m to which hasieeti adddz bier of Canadian rclatet Simm it down cool and serve cosw on sum In the United where sugar costs twice as mgh as in sugar costs twice asmuch in Canada where controlcwm re moved in 1919 +31uco ODDFELLOWS Monday Feb my 5pcciuqumuut$l If 8101mm or accldenbstopscii calvinsywho will pay the R9 loss of wages orincur the of and hospital Cover your health an aiccldeut