Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1953, p. 6

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mama mu mummy c1953 at Annual Reports trial Committee 3y It Ono of the best antmind and must enjoyed annual meeungs of the Barrie Chamber of Cuiuriierce was held on Wednesday night at Community House There were 61 voting members flure Willi guests making 10 altogethez Elli HAPPY Birthday Dear ll President Sandy faults pro posed birthday lttlllth to ll Garrick and tfltrtlt sang llap py Birthday To You Mr Coutts said that if spilt of the hockey match and lului lllttl ings it was pleasure to we gt0 many llc called on Secretaiy llcg Welliam to call the minutes of the libl annual lttttllllg which were adopted it lead by motion of Clark and MacDon ald Treasurer imier fcrrcd to the lllllti tiuancuil statement which had been l1Lfl around to flltlllbtlS tillrl moved that it bc adopted as wall This was secuzulcd by Elrwk Installation of Officers Following the election of uffi rcrs Mayor Jiilllf llait gave the oath of office to the Pltslfltlll and vicepresidents Mayor llart told thi nicctisig that he felt sure the town unit the cum mittccs would put the centennial celebrations mcr We read of the needs of the people of the old countries and their recent problems from floods His Worship said vumlci if the best thing vc could do would not be to offer them homes licrc where we have much waste space= Their dykes gave way and then lifes work was washed away Perhaps we should bring them to this country and help them to lJt conic good citizens as so many from Holland have done in this Manly Rambling Willi Sandy Prcsidcnt Coulis after tXplfllll ing that the Board of Directorsi felt the expense of bringing speaker was not warranted said he had decided to give the address himself He called his talk Ramb COMPANY 1Tb 69 Collier St Phone Barrie 2712 to firm anything bul no Mu BALE PBlEE TABLE 01 to 81Yard Pieces Now On Sale from BARBIE TENT 34 BAYFIELD ST Sule Continues At ESmith Furniture Store there are Bargains filliSTllllFllllJi suns 4Itcpac73uriold chestcrfielrl who now at these bargain prices Smart modern suites in wide iriccrLme MATTRESSES Spring filled mattress specials cases with hundreds of coils ilurabfe striped ticking All sizes community that at well made mat lie with Sandy It is reported in another column Mulch Report We often hear enquiries model about what weare dump to ob tain new industry reported Griffin chairman of the Indus This just does not happen Industrial Sites mustf be arranged services such as sewk crs fire protection transportation hydro rates freight rates labcn scrvxccs educational churches shops hotels considered Thesc things are compan Wilfl thc othcr piaces Competing for the new bunnvssc that wie idllillt Last fall acres were wt irtllt fur factory to be in piug liltllftll by next August This was the tint time is had been made public Mr Griffin asserted Tito othcts were not naught acceptable for Barrie facilities May Annex Industrial Sites Mix Griffin told of meeting of the committee vztli representatives of lnnistll and Vthpllt and thc liaiiic Planning Iioartl to consider the pimaflilllly of property beyond the Emails of the town for annexa llllil If xtlllfiblt for industrial sites Iin and Wttks had been spent on the behalf of the town on these nzatleis Willi our 100 towns lit thecompetition and only plants available for placing they felt that the committee had done well The prospective Ilititlbliits want an attractive town to choose from and the citizen can lo much to make this possible We could not expect offer new industry more than we gave those now here cntcnniul liairman lIail Cox announced that the first moves of the centennial program were already under way We are in low gear now but will get into high molt he said We have got the green light from the town and budget to work on it is community effort to which everyone can lend hand We will call meeting of all or ganizations and will invite assist ancc and suggestions The success depends on the assistance we get from all and we hope cvcryonc throughout the county will lcnd hand and tie in to celebrate Willi our dates 1953 Festive Year it will be zi festive year with TWOYEAROLD COW GIVES BIRTH TO SIAMESE CALVES gathering of all who have had al part during the past hundred years of making this town what it is today There will be many surl prises in store for all We hope every cilizen will write and iii vitc people they know who have been from Barrie to come back this year as their guests to help swell the throngs of visitors If the citizens will do this they will have been big help to the committee We have had late start and are somewhat like per son doing Christmas shopping the day before However ifcvcryone will climb on the band wagon it will be success The first week in August will be our gala week but there will be plentymf other events during the whole summer We owe it to those who started this beautiful town to make this success We want our merchants to gel lillllPEllY llIlMllllllTS 49c To 198 AWNING 10 PHONE 4314 Galore $11950 $19295 covered with Tmltatloustone marble and brick fire place man2 Gunny reduced for this February Sale From EASY honour warms TradeVIn Your Present Furniture SIAMESE twin calves which were born recently to Holstein twoyearold heifer owned by Elmer HusseyAl liston cueserean operation was necessary but the calves died shortly after birth Keith McRuer agricultural re 3x lkkglx Li presentative for South Slmcoe immediately contacted the OAC Guelph to report the matter This apparently is only the fifth time such birth has occurred in Canada Simcoe County Speakers at Convention fsblpping sheds At an executive meeting Friday evening at the home of ers Hancock it was announcedi jthat the members premium year would be choice of tuberg icos begonia or bellflower rootl Albert Thomas is Contest Winner 3A1 Simcoe Coop Vespra horticultural Society is Winner in recent draw comm llMM 30 350W 101 Auxifor pure wool blanket was Al il9 N3 be held in the Midhlbert Tubman On Station hue llucky ticket was drawn by Mu heml Bray of Apto on Feb The contest was open to all buy mmgers of 24 and 98 pound bag of Ogilvies Bread Flour The event was conducted by Snip The junior work will be territdt we District Coopeiative Servich along the 531m lint5 83 laliai thvir plant and new store ln year with some addedimprovc msmsp ments The district which was known as SA has been divided and is now No 18 with Percy Bacon 12 district director It was announced that the air nual convention would be held on iMarch and in the King Eda ward Hotel Toronto Over 20 speakers chairmen and conSultI iants have accepted assignments particularly interesting partll of the program will be an thusg tratcd address to be given by Dfl If Ives of Stayner on the garg dens of Simcoc County An illusl tratcl address will also be given by Adamson of Midhurst on the uses of evergreens Ao MAXIMUM SPEED The Ontario governments forest tree nurseries are working at maxi 2mum speed Tlicy presently pro gducc 20 million young trees year SHOOTS FOE WINNINGS Jockey Ted Atkinson is lookingl for more winners The Toronto born rider is out to boost his alllt time mount earnings to the $12000 000 mark He already has mark iof 511004017 llidcrs receive 10 per ccnt of the winnings in stake racesi and lesser amounts in cheaper races Only two other jockeys Eddie Ar cam and Johnny Longdcn have rid den more winners in the United States than Ted Both started scvI eral years earlier 12 Phone 4872 the business created by the cclc bratlons We hope they can do the job without outsiders We hope Barrie firms will make sou venirs that will be stamped Made in Barrie that will be sold by our local stores We know that The Barrie Ex aminer will do its part and the radio station CKBB has promised to give every coverage pussiblc We feel condent that the whole affair will be real success pro viding we have the support of every member and citizen Committee To Meet Council Mayor Hart sct 830 pm next Monday for meeting of the com mittee with Town Council so that all details of the centennial pro gram could be discussed He passed on greetings from the town and congratulated President Coutts on being reclccted for the second time can happen to the Warden in Coun fy Council Mayor Hart told Mr be done on town level will be at Coutts Anything that can tended to Adjourncd 10 out With the singing of the National Anthem the meeting adjourned to the Canadian General Electric club We members and their ladies were the hosts of Works Manager Jack Mitchinson This was gala evening and the en joyment of those attending was plain to be seen on the faces of all Mr Mitchlnson arranged tour of the plant for those who desired to go through The plant was up crating on part night staff and many of the guests enjoyed the tour Some of those who did were seen to miss out on some dances as their fcctnccdcd the rest they said display was arranged in the club room of many of the wares manufactured in Barrie plants These displays were of considerable interest and showed that Barrie produced goods on top pair with any on the market Ms FouTriWeeklies Operate inCanada Sf ThomasTimesJournal TheSummetslde PEI Jourhal and Pioneer in congratulating the Simcoc Reformer on advancing from scmiweekly to triweekly mentions that there are only four newspapers1n Canada in this class Lat Slmcoc Barrie Kamloops BC and Summcrsidec Aveiy exclusive club says the Summersldepapec adding We may not be any better for being cXclusfvc but we try to be and that is the spirlt that results inprogressl We agree and hasten to point out that the success of the four papers above mentioned disposes effective ly of an old definition of tri This is more than lloyd Tufforcl Again President Community CA Continued from page one resentative was present at the meeting todiscuss the coming con ccrt series with the members Qf the executive informing them of the artists available during 1953 54 Campaign week will open withl dinner for workers on the even ing of Monday March After much earnest discussion it was decided that for the com ing season the present member ship fee of five dollars plus hospi tal tax would remain the same This membership fee has been in the organization in Barrie The nal concert of the current season will present The Carolers group of four male voices with soprano appearing at the Roxy Theatre on the evening of Thurs day Feb 19 The present memberShip in the effect since the establishment of seating capacity of the theatre Review Season Reviewing the 195253 season to date President Lloyd Tufford remarked on the outstanding Open ing of the concert season this year with the appearance here of the Boyd Neel Orchestra from London England He formally expiessed his appreciation to the officers cami paign chairman and all those work ers who had helped to make the past year the most successfull in the history of the association in Bar rie He particularly commended the campaign workers for their association stands at over 700 the efforts and Walls and Bell were given vote of thanks for their work on tlicpiiblicity gommittee The report of the concert chair man Mrs John Dobson covered receptions given following concerts She mentioned the excellent fecl ing on the part of the artists as to the receptions given by associ ation workers Mrs Dobson also brouger in the report of the nominating commit tcc The report of the treasurer Miss Ruth Brother was read in her absence by Mrs Harry Armlt strong The new board of directors rep resents the rotating system recent ly put into effect by the nominat ing committee By this system workers are gradually moved up to the board of directors to serve the association while members who have served several terms step down to make way for new officers Artists Available Representative Russell Simmons gave the executive members at the meeting comprehensive re port on the artists available for the 195354 series of concerts men tioning coming highlights in the American musical world He brought personal greetings to the local group from all of the New York executive Among the group attractions be ing offered on the Columbia Con cert circuit this year are the Tuc son Arizona Boys Chorus two orchestra groups one of theSe the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestrar ap peering for the rst time since the The Angelaires group of five girl harpists offered by the concert comedienne Anna Russell and Dorothy May nor Dorothy Warenskjold Color atura Barbara Gibson the Negro soprano Theresa Green who cur rcnlly appeared in the Broadway production 1ny Darlfn Aida Nan Merriman Contralto Carol Smithl Tenors Wesley Peace and Kenneth Smith Violin ist Ossy Renardy and several oth er solo artists were mentionedus tentative concert suggestions by Mr Simmons gathering their concert artists are the only commodity which has not seen raise in price in the past of last years artists fees remain Tiur AN EXAMINER WANT 211 in the United States and anada Charles Kullman and male quartet Janet Collins prima ballerina with the Metropolitan Opera Company and troupe com posed of Theodore Benedict drum mer baritone and pianistand ANOTHER NU SERVICE Irishw 35 ran WWW Everycustomer has upchnncemtomln this beautiful General Electric Tele livory Servlc vision Set so lboconie ens tamer today Free Pickup and Do weekly used imprinting cfpclesnrf paper tliatgcis out one week and tries target but the next DlAL 1471 unique solo recital is being Andrew Dalton McKinley and Baritones James He pointed out to the annual ve years Seventy to 75 per cent the same and those which are up in pllce ace clue to an advance in the artists careers qu WEAYM lllllS AD 30 DunlopStW PHONE 2414 1n order to receive his prize ht Thomas was required to answer one question RCMP stand for What do the lpcoiile mi tiny an being Pill 12C Ill Our itemized estimate plan make peoplewlioclll listed they are being protected which they are It comforts them to know their wishes will be faithfully observed It cost 23 decide in their oe lcction ol the items of expense that makeiip the total cost Providing answers to funeral questions is an established part of our public service r4 nounA FUNERAL HOME saw mount rm ltva announces the new location of his office at his residence 119 BAYFIELD STREET Barrie For everyone on your view list Choose here from agay array of Valentines sentim ental or sophisticated cute or comic Justright cards for family friends or whathave sweethearts you noon STflllE Phone 4055 Take My AdVice Look To loudly Motors for tlltll Special lookicver this big lineup y0ull find the car tosuit you at the priceyou want to pay Top tradegiu allow ance on your present car 51 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN looks anddiives like new i50 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN has radio and sun visor 50 KAISER SEDAN here is specialvalue tBPONTIAC PASS COUPE smart appearance econom ical ritual BUYS summaries 51 Studebaker Pickup 12 ton exceptional value 51 Mercury Pickup ton drive llkeanwcar 496MCP19BIIP 12 ton pricedtu cleuri commie SEDAN mi wheel Base CLEANERS V9143 GIMC Cali chassis 48 PLYMOUTH COACH see this for real buy law 1952s REDUCED roam AT ONCE urn luv unit 194 SEBAN hero is real downto4euith Value 1946 CREVRQWISEDAN low priced economical can EDAN youll go long way to find onetany 3940 tomcat com beautiful clean inside audjout it use GMAC FINANCING cochlea or hRADEORD MIN shuns initials DR CAMERON HILL Physician and Surgeon formerly of 50 Maple Avenue Barrie

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