Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1953, p. 4

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can more EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1953 HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER iron comm some omen diy week good salary phone stating Wellington East Empire +8049 Sales Representative Large financial one good man between ages of 25 at horn POSITIONS WANTED Do ATTENTION Farmers Wu ltci ineed farm help Contact Schaly RH No Thornton phone at old established nursery rm 519r61vy Write orI anaemic SIDMIPOSITION Wanted as Bookkeeper Wellington Streecomplete set of books If necessary Apply Ilox 2llld 47 Barrie Examiner you ltilii Work done FOR SALE Iflil AIION Radio IIIIIE prztc Phone1110 Oneman ham Saw used very ht guild IMAN wmi iinonnnoio 1qu ilruck desires light truck cou institution wantsiIIMI nights and weekends Ion and reliable Box llazric law and 35 who has had banking clerd 311110 IiiIii tent or sales experience with local office for outside work Good sal ary Must have lived in Barring for past five years Replies treatch confidentially BOX BARRIF EXAMINER lISIti ATTENTION COMBINATION STORM WINDOW SALEMAN Become your own dealer on worlds finest combination aluminum storm window that is priced right No investment nccdcd Full dealtr discount WRITE BOX 92 WESTON 11416 Ontario RECEPTIONIST for Optometrisis office Box 07 Harrie Exnmlincr 5H HOUSEKEEPER to look after two children live in Phonc 9069 after 630 pm 11516 LADY SALES Clerk for jewellery store Apply Box Barrie Ex aminer CAPABLE WOMAN to care or lady with heart condition also light housekeeping Phone 2817 11617 WAITRESS Wanted no experience necessary no night holiday or Sunday work Apply Brysons Tea Room 110 SALESLADY and Bookkeeper to be trained for the Singer Sewing Machine Co Age 2135 Apply 22 Owen St Barrie MATURE Intelligent Woman wan ted to work with children for in stitutional work live in Apply Box Barrie Examiner lISlti STENOGRAPHER capable of tak ing shorthand and personality to act as receptionist Apply Coulis Owen St Barrie llfl EDUCATED Woman as cook house keeper for elderly couple in mod ern home country village Apply gangrgp Barrie Examiner 11516 GRADUATE OR Undergraduate Nurse wanted for general day dut ies Inniswood Lodge Phone Flor ence Breakwcll Barrie 4268 116 STENOGRAPHER modern office Employee benets Excellent 05 ortunity for right person Apply angerflcldrMotors phone 2487 RELIABLE LADY wanted to look after home or would consider man and woman to share homc Apply Box Barrie Examiner GIRL OR WOMAN for full time sales clerk Previous experience not essential State age and previ ous experience if any Apply Box 00 Barrie Examiner 113tf HOUSEKEEPER 815 am to pm Monday to Friday to care for 4yearold while mother works Modern bungalow on west bus route Phone 3316 after pm Fri day 116 SALESMAN to be xtrained for this district for the Singer Sewing Ma chine Co Salary commission and jail expenses paid Apply Singer Sewing Machine 22 Owen St 11518 DUE TO OUR Expansion plan we still want number of men or worng who are willing to learn these mg business Comein and talk it over with Roy Tracy 87 Maple Ave Saturday morning RELIABLE MEN with car wanted well established seed house xcellent opportunity for anyone contacting farmers Only ambitious men who want to make top com JI apply 80 55 Bar rie Examiner 11316F WANTED Man for steady travel among Consumers in Barrie and part of Simcoe County Permanent connection with large manufactur er Only reliable hustler consid Write Rawleighs Dept 131 Montreal 116 ANTED Immediately Man inter cl in larger than average in to manage Watkins Dealer tthip Selling experience helpful at not necessary we train you olinvestment required It you re ambitious interested in iness of your own between 25 nd 95 and have car write today Information to Dept OBdA Watkins Co350 StRoch Montreah except lltilili 11518 Barrie Metal Er Salvage Dealcrs in scrap Iron raw furs Inides featbts live oultry etc ISDccial price aid dcivered Our Etrucks will cal anywhere within Ithc county on request Phone 2083 for 820r31 residence 5306 Stayncr HILL or 9873 MAX PUSHKOFF CO Yard and office 156 Titan St 314380 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iron Metal Yard and Office Elizabeth SI thiit Pnone 811r31 Ferndale Aitention FarmersI DO YOU HAVE EMPTY BUILDING SPACE You can make 50c per square foot iof space from April to December 15 with only small investment Interested parties should write Box Barrie Examiner 391 BUIldIng Needed lChurch group desires to acquire lbuilding in Barrie seating about 1400 Write to BOX BARRIE EXAMINER 816 npeclal High Prices Paid for Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 313020 GARAGE Wanted vicinity Tor onto and Elizabeth Sts Phone 6603 evenings 316 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chicks Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Friday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Cross and Barred Rocks These chicks are bred for high quality eggs and meat pro duction Phone 2320 Barrie 240tf IT MAY BE Early but dont be late Order your Hunter chicks now for March and April Barred Rocks Hamp and Rock and way cross Phone 5316 or write Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud 241625 ROP SIRED Barrd Plymouth Rock and Canadian Approved New Hampshire Rock Chicks for sale produced on our Canada accredited Ontario Breeding Station Poultry Farm Quality stock since 1936 Carter Hawkestone RR Ont Phone Oro 101 24403F GILMORES Quality Chicks for 1953 Get Gilmores new Catal ogue Which Came First complete story of how your Gil more chick is produced Some February pullcts still available Gilmores Poultry Breeding Farm phone 2735 Barrie 24151f POULTRYKEEPERS Want the good summerfaIlmarketstBray Chicks ordered now for February March delivery will catch them Get pricerllst from us soon make your choice order from agent Copeland RR Bccton Phone Beetonv 55r12 2416 POULTRY ORDER YOUR Fresh Killed Tui keys for banquets and snipers Apply Beasleys Turkey anch phone 2192 1416 scan or FEED LOOSE OR Baled Hay for sale Phono Elmjvale 2r23Lorno Drys dale 1010 TIBIORViilIlEICOIUMNS Copy539 bad day preceding Issue Sunday KAY3 ammoniaIra omen 1930 13 word minimum 75 Consecutive urethane so word minimum we CASH IIATE 2c Consecutive lnserti MUST mi PAID word minimum 50 on Igc word minimumm OBI or condemnation chagrin also cxtn Mastodon us LIVE POULTRY quickly Your Druggist Sells Cress IIIII Salve for sure relief too 16 UPRIL AND Apartment Pianos New Minor and Rlsch Pianos ihonc Illisivalc 9111 Frank Ken llttl 71651 IADDING Machines an Typewrit crs Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto SL phone 44124 7136 NEW EUREKA Vacuum swivcl top the latest model Must be sold illittlttlldttl Phone 3182 or call at 127 Maple Ave Barrie 71611 WI HAVE number of good mod sewing machines Singers New Holmes etc Call and see them at 87 Maple Ave 71649 IIGS WI will supply your hog Iltl IIII malktl 111110 No inter wt Iiu red tape Phone 5311 Stroud lluutcrs Poultry Farm 71625 ITYPEWRIIERS office machines gportablcs adding machines cash =rcgistcrs sales and service Gosncy 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative 7801be HUGS Broadloom Siva up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Ncwc shades Phone Barrie 2706 745 FEATHER BED double size new ticking Single bed size feather Illlcd rust satin comforter Rea Esonalilc Phone 0358 after pm 7141 SAVE UP TO 50 on new sew Ing machine Highest tradein allowance on your old machine regardless of condition For dem Ohstration phone Barrie 0359 751f REMEMBER Craig Hunter for scr Icc on your Master Feeds Frost Fcucc and Fertilizer Sales and demonstration on Graham Plows nmv in stock Phone 53r5 Stroud 71625 ilYPEwRITERS and Adding Ma chines ncwand factory rccondi itioued Servrce by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Lim Ited 70 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 2756 724th HOG PRODUCERS Save your grain for seeding Feed complete feed and pay for it when you sell your pigs No interest no redtape Phone Thornton Feed Store Ivy Ilr or Srtoud 14r21 71021 PLATFORM Scales 2000 lbs Jack TarBush Post Office Angus 710 MANS TWEED Sport Coat size 114 or 36 $5 Wine velour studio couch iutcxcellcnt condition Best offer May be seen at Frederick St or phone 0365 716 200 GALLON OIL Tank with all fittings 45 gallon oil tank Jacket heater with oil burner installed jacket heater had soft water unit attached therefore not limed up May be seen at Bradleys Lunch 70 Dunlop St West Bar rie 716 Business Opportunities PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR SPARE TIME IF You can devote to hours weekly IF You have car IF You can follow instructions IF You are responsible person and can furnish references IF You can make an immediate cash outlay of $900 which is full payment for equipment THEN You can earn up to $400 monthly servicing new type aut omatic merchandisers dispensing gum salted almonds and cash ews No selling as we secure locations Your earnings can be increasedby our credit expansion plan NOW Write giving details age and phone To arrange for interview in your city write Box vBarrie Examiner 291618 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Dosryourwown nears If my Our new HighSpeed Floor Suier does excelinnt work Low rates Complete line of floor nish materials paints vamishuwsh ncs llers brushes etc III everything needed to 111le new lioorr from old BOYDS PAINTand WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton 8t Phone 5200 59 HOUSE REPAIRSERVIGE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing tampering cabinet work Anyt In in bu ing BUDGET TERMS No down payment on most loba Lemuran Phone CollectStioud 4713 5101 HM EXPERT TREE Trimming or re imoving done Free estimates given Phone 3717 5716F MIMEQGRAPHING and Public Stenography Barrle Business pollegey 00 Toronto Sb name Phone 4024 5186 DRESSMAKJNG and Alteration of all kinds Buttonholes made re stytlng of ladies and childrens wear Phone 2021 50 Maple Ave or run TALK oiiiie tawnwith littering lit son newt reupholatcred chestertteld or cha ContactuldayerReu hob Maple Averw one console Iiudel like new one third ortg 716 1111 CHAIN Saw 24 cutting bar tlv Phone 10rll Bradford 7617 ti FT SKIS Putts and Harness condition Apply Mrs IL Ailtirllmili phone Bradford 78r15 71517 Guess ALLOUS Salve relieves IHARRY MICHIE REAL ESTATE Brick Bungalow ve rooms air conditioned all heating oak floors Low down payment balance pay able as rent Frame House one and half storeys hot air heating oak floors recreation room $3000 cash will handle new school area Building lot on Blake Street sur veyed 60x150 Price $1150 HARRY MICHIE Realtor Dunlop St Phone 3551 Fred Salesman 16 16 Miles Butcher Er Armstrong Realtors i700A Avenue Rd 758A Yonge St Nr Bloor 133 Dunlop St Barrie Ph 6042 $14500iarm of 150 acres choice clay loam located less than mile off No 11 Highway miles from Barrie 10 room brick house hot air furnace heavy hydro water on tap Large barn partial steel stabling water and hydro Reason able down payment $10500Two storey frame building size 30x50 with dance floor tables and snack bar on second storey Spacious living quarters and room suitable for restaurant or hobby shop on main floor 50 acres of land with 12000 evergreens for Christmas trees 1000 ready for 1953 also ten acres of hardwood bush BRUCE REP BARRIE 6642 After hours call 2239 1610 HARVEY CO LIMITED ROOM BRICK All hardwood floors nice residen tial section owner occupied clean and in excellent condition through out 30day possession can be ar ranged Well worth investigation ROOM BUNGALOW On Camp Borden highway Insul stone construction insulated Hea vy electric Centre chimney from ground $3000 terms TAXI BUSINESS Consisting of three Sedans and one IzIOII pickup No opposition Full price $8500 DRAPERY BUSINESS Including large variety floor cov erings and many other items Only business of kind in progressive Simcoe County town Low rental About $7200 will take everything Large Rooming House With two bathrooms summer kit chen two entrances side drive and garage Newly decorated and ready for April possession Full prico $8300 Frank Banting Office Manager HARVEY CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3928 Evenings Phone 3990 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 1610 DUPLEX HOUSE andLots duplex house with insul brick siding hy dro water and inside toilet on corner facing main street and busi ness section in Creemore Apply Ferguson King St Cree more 161618 WHEN YOU Consider buying or building home consult us early about Nationals Housing Finances without obligation Coutts RealrEstate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 gt 1616 $600000SEM1DETACIIED Brick home six large rooms oak oor ing in good condition excellent buy Aliandale Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 1616 ACRES ROOMED House on Highway hydrompressure system storey hen house and broader houses 500 hybrid hens and equip ment take over as going concern MarshallRepresentative 1A Coutts RealEstate Baker Owen StPeet Phone 2377 1016 RO0M2 STOREY Brick Veneer home with all conveniences cen tral location in excellent condi tion good lot Well landscaped Ap 1y Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street phone 2377 1616 INCOME PROPERTY in town rooms This house will pay you over $800 year and house rent free after principal interest and taxes have been deducted from the income About $3000 cash ro quired Fred Saunders Real Es tate and Insurance Ave Phone 4479 Iiill ROOM BRICK Bungalow NHA financing ready for occupancy ollheating convenient to bus sen vice and school Eleven room in come property hot water heating two apartments rented five rooms for Owner For full particulars contact Henry Elrick Realtoriil SI BRICK BUNGALOW three bed rooms living room fire lace oak floors modern kitchen eep ha menteverything up to the ml ute close to school on quiet street immediate possession Also selec tion at other homes Apply Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street phone 237 1616 Want BEAUTIFUL STONE ranch pd bungalow on main road ve an tee from Barrie acres landscaped oak oors three bedrooms livin mom panelled in knotty pin replace pressure system attache garage Furniture and compute may be had wtth this propert Marshall Re resentative Coutts Liteal tate Broker IQSIFMORRIS Coach Tadicrrand I50 Burton evenings PROPERTY FOR SALE ROOMED HOUSE acres land double arage barn 24x20 Price $2500 pply Peter Pcrencz RR Barrie 101516 SNACK BAR With living quartv ers $2500 cash will handle Fred Saunders Real Estate and Inmr once 150 Burton Arc Phone 4470 1618 FARM EQUIPMENT FARMALL Tractor adjustable front axle First class condition Wilsons Garage Minesing Phone 103 Mineslng 3916 SET HEAVY Farm Sleighs 01 bunks Setof Back Band Harness new Apply to Ralph Robertson Stroud phone 18r15 391540 BUILDING TRADE TILE FLOORING PLASTIC WALL TILE Mastic Asphalt and Rubber ates Phone can governor WANTED WANTED TO RENT good grass farm Apply Box 58 Barrie Ex aminer 331316 WILL BUY House minimum bed rooms Have $1300 down payment 29 Park St 3513182 331516 GOOD USED Milking MachineI Used MH 44 Tractor with hydrauv 13c loader Ford Tractor with load cr new and used Thrashers Com bines Balers George South Heathcote 3913161 FRUIT VEGETABLES TOP QUALITY Spys delivered anywhere in Barrie II Morren phone 4510 2016251 AUTOMOB LE5 Big Values Big Buys AI USED CARS 1952 Prefect Fordor 1952 Hillman Fordor 1951 Meteor Tudor 1049 Ford 1948 Chevrolet Sed 1048 Monarch 1946 Dodges Corby Motors Ltd Corner of Steele St C1 NO Highway CASH For Your Car IN MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13104 SULLIVAN MOTOR SALES RELIABLE USED CARS 1952 Chevrolet Coach 1950 Chevrolet Coach 1949 Morris Oxford Sedan 1948 Dodge Sedan 1947 Pontiac Coach 1950 Mercury lAton Pickup 97 Bradford St Ph WANTED FOR WRECKING RESIDENTIAL Building lot westl of Hayfield Street wanted prefer ence Hospital area Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 33101 wooo for SALE CORD WOOD foot length hard and soft mixed Phone Crccmorc l72r3 61416 CHOICE BODY Hardwood foot or stove length Reasonable prices Phone Ivy 16131 61627 HARDWOOD Mixed Hardwood Slabs and Softwood Slabs sawed any length deliv cred Dennis Moran phone 2907 61310 LIVESTOCK WANTED YOUNG CALVES wanted Phone 43141 Stroud 4116I9F TENDERS TENDERS FOR fourfoot body hardwood for School Area Oro will be received by the un dersigned up to Feb 1953 The wood to be at least maplc and the rest of it to be any of the following elm beach birch oak or iron wood All wood is to be delivered to the various schools by June 30 1953 Schools needing wood Shanty Bay cards Dalston cards Craighurst cords Jar ratt 12 cords No7 School cords Mitchell Square cords Rugby cords Leighs Corners cords Oro Station cordsi Hawkestonc cords Clowes Hardwood ROOM AND BOARD on bus line for ROOM AND BOARD for one or two gentlemen available 6874 ROOM AND BOARD centrally lo catcd Men preferred Home priv ileges Phone 6274 DOGS PET SIOCK PEKINESE purebreds Phone Strand 36r22 TileVinyl Flooring Fm EstimI HARRY YOUNG CANARIES stock choice healthy strong sui gcrs $0 also breeding and hear them sing Phone 48111 Apply Box 68 Barrie Examinerl 50 to 200 acres in Barrie and HARRY MICHIE Realtor Dunlop St Iii16 Body Conditioning and Arthritic Appointment Phone 81411 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE lIOLSIEIN HEIFER Calf Phone Ivy 9r4 WANTED Phone Knapp 94 Mincsing SOW had litters due Feb 21 75141 WELL STARTED Pigs 10 weeks old Apply Godin Shanty Bay RH No Crown Hill sideroad AYRSHIRE Springcrs second and third calves bred to Maple Unit good cows Robert Camp cords Nevis cords Guthrie cords Argyle cards John Currie Oro Station Ont Accommodation Wanted OR ROOMED House or Apart ment wanted immediately for family of ve Phone 6514 111618I ished apartment or flat Reason able Apply Box 64 Barrie Ex aminer 111516 ROOM SELFoContained Apart ment required on or before March adults child Abstainers Phone 6535 anytime 111416 BARRIEALLANDALE house or apartment wanted containing or rooms by family of ve child ren attending school by Feb 12 Phone 2570 111516 0R ROOMS Cabin or any thing else wanted by soldier wife and children 53 Tired of living apart seeing each other once year Dont mind walking mile or so to bus Cpl Bush No Signal Regt Camp Borden 1116 CARS AND TRUCKS Cash paid for good cars WEST END USED CARS AND WRECKING Ferndale Phone 811r15 131th 1947 BUICK Special Coach ex cellent condition 2tone color Phone 2902 1316 1941 FORD SEDAN Delivery ex cellent condition solid body very clean looking vehicle suitable for small business Phone 6298 any time 13Itt 1951 CHEV SEDAN with allac cessories mileage 20000 Apply to Sgt King 56 Tpt Coy Camp Borden 131546 heater good condition with good rubber Apply 37 Blake St Suite 2atter pm 131416 MODEL FORD motor A1 tires good heater defroster sealed beams steel top Phone Ivy 3r23 after 630 pm Haywzligdmlsvlyv 41 CHRYSLER Windsor in ex cellent condition radio heater new tires Apply to Gray 2nd house north of Meadow Brook Cabins on No 11 Highway 131547 1936 BLACK BUICK Sedan good condition running order new bat tery water pump fan belt and runnng boards good heater and spare wheel Price $225 Phone 4435 1316 1952 FORD Victoria Demonstrator 2tone whitewall tires fully equip ped custom radio with back seat speaker overdrive and undercoat ed airconditioning low mileage PhonoDoug 5526 between and pm 1310 1052 STUDEBAKER Commando Sedan with overdrive air conde WSolex Zglasswhitrnual chrome rings and fog lamps mile age 11300 Cost $3183 For sale at 600 or nearest offer Phage 195613 1052 HUDSON Wasp Sedan mar oon with grey top airconditioned radio direction signals whitewall tires chrome disc This car is only nlne months old driven 8500 miles Reason for selling owner needs ehydramatic Phone Orillla 8078 21 731510 WMmo 403TON DODGE Platform new motor goodvrubber $750 40Dodge gitpassenger Coupe custom radio 3325 37Chov Coach real good 0007 Ford Sedan $12M Isedm all makes Isisv PROPERTY FOR RENT WARM Furnished Bedroom Phone 4497 151617 PARTLY Furnished Housekeeping rooms Phone Lefroy 69 J1516 WARM Furnished Room on Park side Drive Phone 2953 151516 HOUSEKEEPING Accommodation for girls Everything supplied Phone 6212 1516 ROOMED Furnished Apartment with rangette No children Please phone 4056 151618 LARGE WELL Furnished light housekeeping room Central Adults preferred Phone 5763 151617 UNFURNISHED Rooms cold and hotwaterrsupplied garage for use Apply 11 Frederick St 151617 FURNISHED BedSitting room and kitchenette Suit one or two busi ness people Phone 3371 151618 ROOMS AND Bath Selfcon tained adults onlyOil heated ground floor Central Phone 4861 =1516 OR FURNISHED RoOms Busi ness couple preferred Very cen tral Rent reasonable Phone 5760 1516 ROOM Upper Duplex no small children Reference required Pos session immediate Write PO Box 15 Barrie 151516 LARGE FRONT Bedroom private entrance picture window tlre place blocks from Post Office Plume 4750 151617 ROOMED Cottage completely furmshedfon Highway27 No ob ection to one child Phone Mrs arshall Ivy 714 1516 LARGEFRESHLY Decorated Bed Sitting Room Housekeeping Suit business couple or twp girls Bay e1dStPhone 3645 151618 NICELY Furnished Bedroom con tinuous hot water oil heating use of kitchen Suit business couple HEATED Furnished light house keeping room very centraln Bush ness personnel preferred Adults 3801 1516 LARGE BRIGHT furnishedhouse keeping room with heat lights and watersu piled Separateen trance andbnt Abstamers Phone 5809 attend pm and abstainers only Phone abounds senor cntran stutauncdafavai is house rear Oddtell ws Winter Steven bell Churchill phone chroy 14r24 YOUNG Holstein fresh one due to freshen also due in April Sutton Shanty Bay 4013 IHOLSTEIN COW years Old due to freshen middle of February or Several others to pick from Apply ilbur Dobson RR Barrie BUSINESS CDupIe desire nninrn 815r2 REGISTERED Holstein Heifers due soon both bred to Maple Club sires also stifftoothed tractor cultivator Earl Jessop phone 48rd Bradford REGISTERED Herefords and horned April andMay bulls young cows Cyril Cook Allandale past Oddfellows Home 2610161 The Defence maintains close liaison with the UK and the US Armed Forces obtain the latest research and development inform ation concerning their despite Canadian research in these fields Five species of shrimp are foundI in waters of British Columbia uncredited shoot ABSORBEIIS IIIr10 2ROOMApartment water sink no Model un Homo Til1540 ROOM DOAIID Em Forum Meets Feb Midhiirst East Forum will meet at Mr and Mrs Garnet Wait on Mon day Feb Topic How to Use Farm Crodt Cari WC able credit In better advantage gentleman Phone 6854 1216 Phone 11216 use rivali 1256 Visitor at Thatch Mrs Garvin visited Rev and Mrs Stotesbur at Thur oid ins tccx Puppies registered Student Teachers Here Mrs Smart of 53 NO 17 Vespra is having twu student teachers ncx week 381017 Guaranteed finest New Home on Com Mr and Mrs Bruce Peacock and family ift moving into their new home ill the fifh conccwireri this week AUCTION SALE Wednesday Feb 18 Bill Priest NW 54 Lot Con ti Vespra Auc tion sale of farm stock and im plcmcnts Terms cash Jerry Cough lin Auctioneer Sale at 130 pm 1420 Friday Feb 20 Elmer Hussey Lot Con 14 Iccumseth Auction sale of farm stock implements Sale to commence at 12 noon lStT Wednesday March Charles Dawson Lot COD Ora miles north and 17 mile cast of Edgar Sale of farm stock 1m plements Iincluding tractor and equipment and household effects Sale at pm Terms all items cash cxccpt tractor Slcssor Auctioneer 1026 hens Call 3816 FARM PROPERTIES district Phone 3551 PERSONAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgehill Drive Barrie Treatment 10 am till 10 pm Daily 3073 34 Q9 16 Calves for Vcaling 91620FM Elmvalc 10 Patterson phone In order to assist with the pre paration of the Budget all Boards and Commissions requiring grants are requested to make application to the Town Council before Feb ruary 23rd 1953 BARRAND ClerkTreasurer ASSESSOR Township of Innisfil Applications will be received up to 12 noon Saturday February 21 for the position of Assessor for Township of Innisfil for 1953 Ap plicants please state previous ex perience and salary expected Ad dress applications to Allan Clerk Churchill 101821 916 16 16 Cows one Cecil Ore 916 Vaccinated Phone phone 916 NIXONS SCOU REX WILL SAVE YOUR CALVES scounax worms FAST Removes infection from the intes testinal tract overnight The combined sulfas in Scourex work fast Promotes appetite for rapid recov ery SAVE EVERY CALF THIS SEASON GET NIXONS SCOUREX AT Cusdens Pharmacy Wellington Hotel Block 91618 polled bull calves some mature 91321913 CLOSE LIAISON Research Board to ensure the activities Sllltlllll Intirrmurirr rm The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of STROUD TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD will be held in the Community Hall Stroud Wed Feb 18 at pm for the purpose of electing directors discussing rate increase and other business LENNDX BLACK Seojy gtCliryco0ritlow shock absorbers are tremendous Improvement exec oidinary shock absorbers Oriows take the iolts and lounge cut of even mammal roads Drive in today ondlet our ridecontrcil expert tum Oritlow shock absorber in your car While theyre otittheyIll thorougth check the entire suspension system or two girls Phone 6342 151518 we FIT ANY CHRYSLERBUILT can rack to 1937 WITH onIFLowst CHRYCO is trademark of the Chrysler Corporation ofcunodo Ith 0L1 In canola ruinous to

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