sPonT ANGLES By GEORG STO THE STRANGE about Lump story Hiltmorts v115 en llgflltfltd sw xhd ltcit Ws1165 day when the bladtzstters 12311 their finnl bil of 118 sensors For lair ftddufci Wt could not ice why inc lliits Min sinl cndnct in 183111 the cnwtvzu NLXIIL spot and 111 sclch playoff tirackci guy up trill iCL swung forward Billy 111c ticary to hiurxbozos for lie rankin dcr of 2111 season From oi accounts Inc1c were sldcs 11km with coach Alfie Pike upposnig the Biltmorc 1111 Ten rxcculi Wry inter ostin story tndccd and only fur lncr illustratcs hc north of club 11tlzilgLt Ito Mason who has been forced ltlfliXIYtilA1y to pvc up his duhcs Inc in 11 imiith TAKE 11le 511111 of Air Ich IIISL Appnzcntly Pikes first love is with the parent New York Rangers and 511 is more interested in pro ducing N111 material than chum plonships for the Billmurcs Nat 131111y he rooms bonus for cvery product to hit by time hockey and likcly works on the supposition that thc bcltcr he makes the players the bctlcr clzib Guclph will how and this should hold true Pike was against the deal Mainly because the three players secured from Marl boros were Toronto Maple Leaf pro ptrZy And why should he dcvclop players for Major Conn Smythc second cason and probably of less importance Alf didnt think it fair to the remaining players on the club who wanted crack at play off hockey THE EXECUTIVE SIDE is 1110 gctfiur diffcrcnt in viewpoint Past president Dayton Marsh who ac compunicd the Bilts hcrc stated they were only interested in the Biltmorcs and not New York Rang crs He put it this way The Rangers are not gomg to meet the clubs deficit and it was up to the execu tive to mold club Although they are farm team for the Gothic City entry he disclosed little talent in the East for them next season and since the West put the stop to piny crs from that territory moving East ward it was up to the Biltmores to secure as good team as pos sible for next season When Marl boro manager Stafford Smythc ap proached Guelph on MoCrcary asa replacement for Eric Nestcrcnko he first offered cash only Guelph wanted players and unless Smythe could offer them talent McCreary was staying with the Biltmorcs few days later Smythc was back again and offered any three of five players otEf Weston Dukes Guelph with Ranger chief scout Carson Cooper watched the players in ac tion at Weston Arena during junior fixture and named the thrch Marsh said the players are good prospects with defenceman A1 MacNeiI the prize of them all THE GUELIII EXECUTIVE rc ztlized substantial sum was lost at the gate this season and felt ayfew thousand more wasnt going to hurt They figure they received $10000 wonth of junior material from Marlboros and in addition regain the services of McCreany next sea son In this way they are building for strong representative and plan on making up what they lost this year The Biltmores are quite high on some of the junior players used to finish the season and feel with the libtle experience should develop faster TIIE BILTMORES HAVE tasted hardluck over the past campaign and this aided in the deal The chance of making the playoffs was gamble and they fully realized the team would be lucky to Sur vive tho first round Things looked BALDSPQT IS son SIGN THAT Brewers Warehouse Before futility Bo Strictlip Sec New The Lowcst Priced irimisuea American Car MODELS roman As Low As inuu Soothe Henry in our Showroom today i5rvavmrmwrc gtgtvwwaunua wa REY su may at the start of the year Sud dcnly Rangers nabbed dtfltctllulix lilurry Ifomcll and forwurcb Andy Batltgatc and Dean Prentice from the fold This nus the mos sevcru blow lflghsscoring Ron Murphy Wins returned but he ind lost all interest in junior hockey and in comparison to last season when the 21mm went to the Memoer Cup just wasnt giving Then injuriesi cropped in handfuls Main sidcziners wcre Chick Chalmers who snttdini cd concussion and fractured shouldcr here an Barrie Arena Ron Murphy whose wrist was fractur ed during the tour through Quebec iBilly McCrcdry and Doug LessorI who underwent Appendix opera tion and rookic star Gcorge Wnytc wlo suffered an eye injury and may never play hockey again On top of this Chalmers mode his rm turn and Was again injuch so is absent for the remainder of the scason Tho Biltnturc executive lgrcw dismurdgcd which Ls fczisiblc under the circumstances and how gt111td to salvage us much 15 they can from this your In preparation for next It may work out fine 1n the end but only 193354 will give the mswcr orposstbly 195453 HERE AND THERE Bilimow manngcr ltoy Mason is book in his scat at the Royal City Arena After la 1cngthy illness he has witnessed Guelphls 135 lwo home Stands liic Ilvcrs cant stop now Two hid is 300d t0 comerll tccks 141 they itllllld Lunaticitdd itd Where have you heard this bofurc7 Former Flycr Rick Hogg its on the outs with North Bay Troppcrs of NOHA senior grace Another cxFlycr Danny Wilkcs and former Gait Black Hawk George Gosseiin have been lsidclincd with illness which leaves glctc Palangios boys in precarious position as the playoffs loom forth but us liniy Like the loo for to niglzis important tensionpacked tilt with thirdplace St Michaels College victory is almost must in this drznnn stretch run for OH Junior supremacy The Flycrs are only Livu points behind Mnrlboros who are idle un til Saturday night when they op IAKC REA lME Defence I1llCL the Flycrs Conch Chdriic Ccrrc who had 11 ti Ihc game looms important to Majurs who can $1111 but LIIL closc to overtaking pustuon V3411 furul ktll with the Flycls in Toronto Mniiboros by 11 points 5111 in four incrtzngs vinnin only one gatinc They huvc tlrnpptd 70 and decisions here ind lost 64 in tho Gardens winic winning 85 itdllF 111 the campuzgn airwalvrvullwtt$tvatVIyI Double Blue Irish Ilere Tonight Crucial To Fly ers Top Rung Bid TEDDY TOIIAZZIN Defence 313111113 ICIlCIl for second this SLll iir mi in Paul Brennan the local product iwho played minor and junior hockey under the Flycis lmnncr is now with Midland Red Wings in junior company Another iocai hockey bud Gary Long is playing junior for Ingcrsoll Mcns Town League GROUP Penguin Fish and Chip boys were cheated out of points as Cohecn Billiards went all out the last game to win by 70 pins Alf Bloomfield had one nice single of 301 for the Chip gang Rebels are still pound ing hard on the heels of Penguins as they took Barrie Tanning No by 52 count Penguins still have point lead andnexvt week these two teams meet so things should be interesting CNR Telegraphs gain ed lot of ground this week as they swamped the Dominion Auto Wreckers 70 guess Mike needs few more changes or probably few replacements Smiths Dairy came up to the front this week in the second division Smiths swamp ed Crowikers 70 and Copaco AFL who have been leading came out on the short end of 43 count with Union Carpenters Wand was par tially responsible for the Carpenters victory rolling 709 for three Spare boys went down to defeat to the Brewers Warehouse by 52 score Steve Wiggins rolling his usual ov er the 700 mark for the Brewers lteam First Division Pts Penguin 31 26 pose the Spitfires 111 Windsor 1121p Emms and company never give up the ship and since rccciving out side help can now do it themselves Emms said II he can boost his Flych to first place he didnt care how the playoffs were arranged He has his chance tonight before on attendance cxpcctcd to close in on the 3000 mark les Sim Skvwnrd Score Seasonal swap 0ver Guelph Billmores The Biltmores without mers and Billy McCreary appeared with group of junior strangers for the spectators but coach Alfie Pike got more hustle and milage out of his eager talent than he had all season from his star veterans Lone noted talent onthe club were defenceman Danny Blainwho gives all he has at any time and Midlands Chuck Henderson who played with defeatist autitude if ever there was one The Flyers had too much exper ience for the Bills but at least the visitors made it look like hoe key game on drive and hustle which indicated the Royal City entry youngand willing will loom as strong contender for few years to come Veteran custodian was the mainstay of uthe Bilts kick CNR Telegrphs Auto Wreckers Barrie Tanning Goheens Billiards 23 16 6v28 16 ing aside 400f 46 shots blazed in misdirection while Bill Harringto in the Flych net handled slim 17 lperiod giving up only one goal to hustling Tony Poeta who clicked because determination Lavt Purola lGuelphs resistance It came afterj hoidovcrs to start the your got his team away to flying start but fell into slump midway in the sche dule and couldnt pull out of it uni til January when his Irish romain Flycrs ed on the heels of thc throughout the hectic month The Flycrs are in fair shape for the game although dcfcnccman Lilyi The Flyers are going only one way and thats up in their desperate thrilling drive for firstLplace in me ORA junior race Guelph Biltmores themselves fighting for playoff survival found out when jHap Emms and company blazed 63 defeat at them Wednesdayjnight in Barrie Arena The victory left the Myers slim two points back of lead ing Toronto Marlboros and hold game in hand with St Michaels College Majors invading tonight noted sheet until 1229 as Blair Graham stars as Ron Murphy Chick Chal jiplzaying his rst junior gm trirztcnzi 111011 for 1hb1il KIIIN nits 11 in pin Ivndun Ill the buck of his log 1311 112 blond rcd dcfcnccman won on of ilt linczip ziucvc anx to lltip in tho tnrnst for first 2111 first T210 to of Burrcs colors 111 he Jt thc tilin Fulhiwzng tonights IIXZIIIL itorc they tangle with iuggcd SI lithnrtncs lctpccs in the Gordon Saturday night mt 1ittifti nincs in Windsor tnis the longawaited tilt with Mun 111111 junior Cnnndicns can loom as wcck tonight OHA Junior Standings 30 11 66 ill 13 64 27 14 59 23 18 19 22 47 26 11 27 311 18 30 33 113 Mnriborus Burrie St Michucls St Cnthnrincs G111 Oshawa 19 18 13 10 Guelph Windsor Kilcltcncr wktcwwwuima 16 Barrie Guelph Future Games Tonight St Michantiat Barrie Catharines at Guelph Gait at Kitchener Saturday Galt at Oshawa Marl boros at Windsor Barrie at St Catharines Sunday Montical Canadicns at St Michaels Windsor at Marl bpr05 iley his first of the season and Art ciWhitc the dcfenceman acquired in banged Mme Bl Grahams 935501 ta trade with Galt Black Hawks Orv from 15 feet lTessier and Carver each nabbed Guelph 181011911th Fiyefs 22 in their second goals of the night in the third on goods from Doug Ash pacing the Flyers victory With pulled ncxt weeks of lucsdny and in Toronto against the Majors Wednesday if thcy survuc clztsh of leaguelenders here one Guthrie Defeat Edgar 71 to Hold Top Rung mound 151 112 pots Elotlsc lAJgtIt 11 121 dilllliit 1111143 zill Wt 14m nit ii 1133 out 1421 111 an t1d 11 pct 11 1111 man ptdyrd 11111 shots 13141 lent bu liltitwl 11nd ftrl mun pm 11 Lot 1115111 II SlumJ1 ti11111il11 collar LljiiltLI 1111 rd mi 1111 Iluw 11 hr tiii 511 d1t nil Culli uild iiings 1111 Lou it 111111 ttivl 11 1111 r1tr1 111111 1117111 sit tit Om 1I now wtn izizrit n1 tIiw tittyA 11 Kiil In puck iitf 1111 1n Emu tm 1t11t1 1mm in bimri it iwjijit Vlllltlt 1tll111 lltntizii 13 I141 1it 11 121v l1 fiiliifl I1d lt look 1211 Juli 3111131 Witt 11H gin norm 1111 for tric ItltfitltiL ritumpmm v1lic lflll1t1vlllrx ttcnt 111m Iiibzgtozt 1iri Smith 1111 Rich111 1ic liltklltl nng Um Dtinnpri lihi Fijuztt IM Elntitzft Jordon Richardson 5011111 for Ens Om MOUNT JIM MY uSki Club BARRIE 131 14111 Jicn take Vlltltt zit Lost Yes long 110 snow vc 1111713 been wztitm Ems 1111Ct1 We have only fur cnldcr weather until the cmi of the sunscn sun with burn when about 113 skiers journeying from out of town enjoyed fair conditions an Mount Jimmy Sunday afternoon saw mom of the skiers from town and dis trict but afternoon skiing was far from the best Now that we have several more inches of snow the skiing will be excellent and we will be looking for large turnout this weekend Ski Instruction Bill Linton will be out to instruct all those infers cstcd this Saturday at pm is vital to fire Is your car fuel pump forcing that fuel to the carburet cr steadily and evenly DRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARBIE ONT 111 nzii iIrv It wavyaatnrolravvlblvlttoavvyytg4murwwrrwvrvvcta lFlyers Trounce iSpitIires 93 Barrie THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY straight of the am market no two clubs 1mm on twin for the first and Mr kids With the Flying 11011113 11 mSEMI migc in the first but ltd 34 Atl 11 pthufitjv ftciti on Neswlmgji18m1r T531133 cm comic 55 31 they xx hi it Creemore Drop Central Ontario 15 ililt 11 ililiiidi 6111 111111 flt 111 fit that tiny 1tc stoic 13 lllllltllt 41m 1111 1111 111 Stupid 11111 vi 1111 mo loud1 1lt Acct111m mm 131 17 11111111 tt1 111 pmnfs not it 100D SIIDIA HYllll Viln imithiin nlifwnz 111111 on nutruyul 11 13mins 13111 titun pm iic milt 1lt 11 IT 125 Burton Ave Cupid tn Wimia 1111 tnppru 24 111 Ctliliul 011me liockr Lt 13 745 1121 11111 11 1111 11 311 flint til MRS MAXWELL ocunsnnwn mngcd to the Winners who WW EX unanswered goals Fred Ptctsch was the xviupon against the Spits is 1w Laud four goals Singles went to 11 Ralph frills Jim lining Bill Sexton and Johan TItm WATCH 0110 1011100105 FOR CLEARANCE 1123 rw 1111 11t22tfltliit 411111 n1 prortcroy ALI llIIIS 11F INSIRANCE Maxwell Insurance Agency Phone 2965 KELCEY 24 Granville St Phone 2965 Phone 3644 ITS HEREII Snndy morning stnrtcd the sczi The most sensational Outboard Motor for 1953 um 15 II supra rasrwm which will be featured at the Sportsmcns Show in March 011 Display 97A Dunlap St Sulurdchebf SP0111 111101211 SALES AND SERVICE Barrio Purola was brilliant in the first outbid ionly two minutes and 44 seconds of 131 21 10 11 16 play and though tho ELyErs conned in on Purola forthe remainder of Crowlfers Union Canpenters 13 Mason 327 bodies Afternoon Leaguc 32 27 25 16 21 23 21 27 20 28 19 33 Pegs Bombers Muriels Hotshots Orphans NellsBeLles Graces Aces The floppy Gang points to the anpy Gang 11 High three Wand 709 High single Psscam started the marksmanship glwhile tpoug Mohns and 011 Tessier 59 Peg Bumpers had poorgame in their sccondgame to lOSe2 P63 smith leading the Bombersic their victory FernCampbll was high agile netminder The contest was salted in the sec ond period Whnthe local squad blasted three in space of two gminutes and seven seconds Orin following duhthe Happy Gong Nellis Belles 41 High single Peg Smith 2771High three Peg Smith 630 IPrize Peg took games from the Onphans but thcOrphans came in for total pins and the extra point Vicki McKin non led the Belles Jennie Hook the Orphans Graces Aces lost to Muriels Hotshots by 2152 count Pat McGuire paced the winners with 537 Grace Bowman the losers with 539 FINANCE HAS OPENING FOR YOUNG MAN WITHjBUSINESSEXPERIENCE 9000 WI 500 mm MRrFERGllSCON man 5533 gist 22 The Biltrnores didnt hit the score the stanza they couldnt beat the 95 30111511191111 41111911163171 Thereinum mack FEATURING THEASUPER mega188 ANDCWSIC on ism lite Showroom 017