Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1953, p. 2

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We motor Claim Willi Jr Farmers meeti to be held Tuesday Feb 101 Quinton Hall at we pm fMIdburstJownship Hall Feb WuvcrleyoOraugc Hall Feb nidalc Corners Township Democratic Country Speaker Stewart Almontc RR No l2 16 Childrens Aid Society of SimF meeting at uni Ont Time 145 to 445 pm coc County annual Community Hall Guthrie Tuesday Feb 10 at 630 pm Tur key supper $150 Speaker Everyone wclcomc St Patricks Im Tcmplc Collier St in Barrio Sale of baking and tablc of niisccllam1 POLLS work Wtklncsduy March 11 from to 530 pm AUSpICtS Bcuv Tickets 250 1628F29 alcntinc Iczt chncsdny 1ch $11 nuspiccs of the Order of the Eastern Star at the home of Mrs Thompson 193 Toronto 51 351 us 11151 Info are holding Ruchrc party all Vtt Rebekah Lod go p111 Tea 25C The Painswick Womens School SS No 13A at pm Tucs LunciLi day Feb 10 Admission 351 16 Dlncfnl Wednesday many and Suturdny night It Club 79 Ad mission Indies 00c gentleman 75c 48th Simcoc Presbytery YPU sknting party at Barrie Arena on Wednes day Feb 11 at 830 pm Admis sion 50c Novelty skates and pri zcs 1617 Rummage sale at the Oddfcll ows Temple basement sponsored by St Marys Sodnlity am Feb 14 1619F Afternoon tea and sale of home made baking and candy Feb 11 181 1101111 Simone Weekly Afternoonf Meetings Joint Program Feb 107 jjso with the combined efforts of tit ocitlia YMCA Halt FA 12 sunCritiiicil and Chamber and othcr Dr Montgomery Director of East orkLcasidc Child Guidance Clip2 16 Oddfcllows President of Outlines Good Years Progress Continued from page one fic Committee of the Town Alder of Traffic and explained the expam islon program along Collier Street1 the amount of money they had fol do the job and the problems thoti ouncil were confronted with andi Parking is vostl roblcm in every community and as people we must seek out ncv areas to take care of thc 51111811011i All constructive suggestions will be favorably rcccivcd by 11213 hrj CClilts Worth While Year Tho activities for 1952 when tdg dud logtthcr amount to something worth while the first of these btwalme congreganun givmgs UN 11 ml 511m thh peludimissions alone amounted to 3419121 April 18 This show in the opni ion of the automotive denim 11nd thc pcoplt who vicwvd it was vcryi successful Much credit is due 10 Lbs hitticlc chairman Bub Mora lisun Lulfle Jackson Mr and Mt Wclhum nnd other diicctors plus thc enthusiasm and hard work of thc ItilltIS The annual fish dcrby May 24 Is now becoming tradition and people from all parts are putting in on nppcnrancc to enter into this spurt and although weather was ngninst the fishermen they still on trrcd forth in goodly numbers Bill Garner was supervisor of thic project and to him and his com mittci go my congratulations for job well done It was brought to the attentiOn of tho Chamber that the hours of sale of gasoline did not meet the present needs of the people Then for thc Tourist Committee of the Chamber under Chairman Ralph Sncigrove called meeting of all scrvicc station operatorsat which time we presented the problms rc hours to 530 pm Auspices of Evening Auxiliary Burton Avenue United Church 13161 Euchre Stroud Community Hall Monday Feb 830 pm sharp Prizcs Admission 35c including lunch 16 garding tourist traffic The outcome of the problem was that the operators appointed com mittcc to deal with the mattcr and it was settled to the satisfaction of 29 station operators and directors NUTRIIIVE FOOD Brown rice is more nutritive than polished white rice because in its surface layer are the vita mins and minerals that make it so valuable as food More cornpact easierto install Tourist Operation Tourist operation is large field in trade and commerce and the Barrie Area would safely say extends from Belle Ewart to Hawkcstonc Here you have per manent summer residents who shop in Barrie We also draw trade from Wasaga Beach Then there is the transient trade which is tak cn care of by our hotels motels lodges cabins etc Here in itself you have thriving industry Early in May we met with newly formed tourist assoeiation headed by Stuart Ilowell You Chamber had several meetings to devise ways and means of attract ing tourists There are many pro blems in connection with this trade such as new highways restaurants entertainment points of amuse merits Publicity Distributed Last year we had printed 10000 pamphlets which were distributed througmcedartment of Travel and Publicity reception centres at border points We also mail liter ature upon request to many of our friends to the South Last year as usual the tourist booth on High way 11 was in operation With the consent of the Kiwanis and Lions clubs we filled in an area on the east side of Bradford St for new site for our tourist booth for 1953 Huronia Association of which we are members is working on IHECalvctt31oiiscniuiti osmiw Russian publicists claim everytbln was Invented in that country from the ectrlc toaster to baseball and most other sports for that matter And out which they havent yet boasted of devising but one to whlch thyrc entirely welcome In tho fire the coach system which at that does usut ElEcIlllc long mtbmufhblomSho Incupomu my IIW futvlu Itwdy contraction mum mm mouthuni In If vacant31 113 Dunlop St Phone 2879 mum sound llke Russian conceit trot longmgc there ltered through the Iron Curtain via Ber 111 where the curtain must be thin in spots stories of series of investigations that followed the Olympic Games and series of dismissals oftralners and athletes Students of the decadent democratic version of this firethe coacbprncess will be struck by the more stringent Muscovite variations For the more drastic Russian regulations ltkewtse carry more drastici vletRussla sparing lleo directly into the scheme of Russian defense and Ruian propaganda they are affairs of Statorand as such are directly under the supervtsion not of graduate manager or hired coach Ing expert but of the Russian Secret Police 11me team trifle drastic and In my smlulsplrlfdc even auuamb mapcu this continent to of or or football coach whose natural to win or Mcoach whose athletes dont capture every Mn system allows no sueh wuknum youre winner to theyrqu glory of tho 1mele If youre just lowdawn traitor who 19 air 11113011110 and should be shot at sunrise In the Red gluon to all who cant go out and beat the rest of ls letsorfmen said recent official critique areprov my of their countryagovernment by their achievei witch the cry of the comrades echoes out on the the much Its really theory of the Sacral Pol state where Wtff or else latthe sinister policy cccchpand his protege tryin to still such voices by bulletin thenext Oi cs or European chain mambo next time coach and probably us go out of that business Next stop the salt at mil Joe happens to be In merciful mood the Menu 111111Eo ifollier Street Baptist Church Hall lStitcessiul Year Rev Nullmeyerg Collier Street Baptist Church was held on Wednesday night Feb when the financial reports showed very succrsslul parlments Although the church has been without regular pastor since thi iarll IN mbcr th nem 112111 have cxtta parking on Victo gersyamradieregs are lwkfnglfop fopic Community Citizenship in Schtml grounds ward to the coming of Bria Nullntcycr now of Hamilton to be gin his ministry with them on Mar 15 During the year 1052 there was 21 net increase of seven in the mem bership making total of 12 on tho church roll as at the end of Dcccnn ibcr It was noted that all glvings of the church had incrcoscd over the previous year and that front 06 Among other expenses om itcm worth of brass band instruments larger scheme to encourage pcoplc to come to Huronla of which Barrie is the southern gateway The tourist business requires the full coopcrution of every mor chant and citizen to see that the holiday people feel and know that we are doing our best for them The tourist business gradually grows on us starting with the fish ing and then builds up during the summer and it is not until Septem ber when the visitors have return ed home does the average citizen who is not engaged inthc business realize that there is something wrong Our merchants and Santa Claus Committees get together in the fall and work commences to form the parade New designs are created to be built and all through Novem ber Santa Claus helpers are 01 work Tony Decaric Norman IIcs kcth Bill Fleming Mr and Mrs Wclham and many others Here we must thank the Board of Works for coopcmtion and Bob Morrison for storage space por tion of the Board of Works looked like the stage of theatre With many different artisans working at various jobs to make complete Show and when you add it up it constitutes many hours of hard work and planning On Saturday morning Bob Morrison stood on the parade grounds and as floats truc tors bands and walking figures appeared from every direction he whipped it into shape and so on Nov 29 Santa Claus with his large local parade did appear in all his glory as though there was nothingl to it The reception of this parade is greater than the vote of thanks that could extend to Tony Decarie find his helpers and here wcmust yhank the many farmer wholexsup plied their wagons Barrie Citizens Band did them selves proud with their new uni forms and we are pleased to sue the progress they have made dur ing the past year The Alumni Band of the BDCI is splendid effort on the part of the graduates and Mr Fisher deserves lot of credit for the large number of musicians he has trained who will eventually find their way to many musical organ Izations It takes bands to polish off parade Thanks to the bands the observation of the parade was that there were almost twice as many people present as in 1951 Credit Bureau Formation of credit bureau took place in December and is now on trial run We feel that it will prove most satisfactory The new highway did have its effect durinthdy but the situation corrected itself during August The next time you go to Toronto on the return trip count the number of signs that say Barrie countthe number of times you see Barrie in Toronto papers prised and it all meansthat Barrie is town where people are proud to live have viewed 1952 with great deal of interest It is easy to look back and criticize certain opera tions now feel that we should strive for much larger member ship If such institutions as hotels do not see the necessity and bene fits of the Chamber then we should strive to introduceja new hotel of better accommodation for our mem bers and travellers Members should trade within their own cir cle for they are the people who are putting forth the money and en ergy to create Better Barrie special effort must be put forth In 1953 for new membership This year George Fricke Reg Welham and myself met with the manufacturers Here Is where parf rolls are created and this Is what mukes ourufront street hum Then is much to be said for factory with steadyeinployment There aregmany other subjects might relate to but back of all we have been talking about arcthc people who are the basis of trade You will be sur 01111 Start Ministry on March 15 man Willisms was Chairmaoj The annual business meeting ofgconsiszcd of altcrations and decenti IRE SCEPIRZ WITH DOVE 04 mg in the church amounting to but even with this extra expensf thc year ended with balance pairs for 19453 The church was blamed in the ycar in all dc ngllCh will go long way upwardg thc antxcipatcd alterations and reE past year by having many spakemi who told of their work in otheri 11 fields of service and because of thin considerable valuable information was received concerning the spirit ual and physical needs of many peoples throughout the world In summing up the years work thc officials and members as church can repeat the some words ins did the Psalmist of old The llbrd hath done great things for us iwhcrcof we are glad BIG NOISE In 1950 Canada imported $32315 BORN BACKMANAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on February 51 1953 to Private and Mrs Arthur Backman 121 Peel St Barrie son CRIPPSwAt the Royal Victorlal Hospital Barrie on February 1953 to Mr and Mrs Stanley Cripps 126 Dunlup 51 Burma son CHANDLERAt the Royal Vics toria Hospital Barrie on Febru ary 1953 to Cpl and Mrs Rny mond 11 Chandler Box 981 RCASC Camp Borden son EDGERTONwAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Feb ruary 1953 to Mr and Mrs Leonard Ed erton nee Doris Hickling No Barrie daughter FOSTERAt London Ont Feb 1953 to Mr and Mrs Maurice Foster tnce Mary Knapp Minc sing daughter MALONYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on February 1953 to LCpl and Mrs Lawr ence Malony 46 Codrington St Bnrric son OWENSAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on February 1953 to Mr and Mrs James Owens 30 Granville St Barrie son SANDERvAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on February 1953 to and Mrs Sun 101 31 so Road Barrie son WHITMAN At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on February 1953 to Cpl and Mrs Nelson Whitman 70 Eccles St Barrio son MARRIED McNUTMOIR On Saturday Jan 31 1953 at Cookslown Mrs Mabel Moir to McNut of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania INTMEMORIAM CAMPBELIrJn loving memory of dear husband and father Archibald Campbell who passed away Feb 1049 Sometimes its hard to understand Why some things have to be But in 1315 Wisdom God has plan ne Beyond our powers to see day of remembrance sadly re called Without farewell he left us all To be with us in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today Evcr remembered by wife and 16 CAVERLYln loving memory of William Caverly who ptuiscd away Feb 10 1945 Far away in the beautiful hills of God By the valley of rest sofair Some time some day we know not when We will meet our loved one there Ever remembered by his wife son andnephew 16 family HAYIn loving memory of dear father and grandfather who passed away Feb 1951 There is link death cannot sever Love and remmbrance last for ever gt Sadly missed by son Oival daughterinlaw Becky and grand daughters ti MARTINIn loving memory of dear mother Elizabeth Martin who passed away Feb 1950 In my heart your memory lingers Always tender fond and true Theres not day dear mother do not think of you Loving1y remembered by Iatfll WALESIn loving memory of dear wifecnd mother Marguer ite Wales who passed away Feb 1949 We mournedfor her in silence No eyes can see us weep But many it sllenttear is shed While others are asleep Lovingly remembered by bus band nnd family 16 and commerce My family consists of people my frlends are peepld we trade with people our school of learning chUrches forms of en tertainment must be provided1m by people who build homes create towns and make business THIRD TRADING NATION Canada 13 the third greatest tradlngnatlon in the World Landsat sum Cub promptlyti out of En domn banhblc ucurlty not qulml Loom you my and fut Phcm for lviclt loan vain com In MIST ARMS Blind said gun Feb 814White Cane Week Truly rehabilitated blind people will do their best to assist others and that is why Would Help You has been chosen as the slo gan for White Cane Week Feb 8214 Mrs Bending presld cut of the Canadian Council of the yesterday During the week the council and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind join forces to tell sighted persons about the coop crntlvc success of the blind to de velop better understanding of their problems The 1953 slogan might well be permanent one said Mrs Bend ing It reminds the blind they must not always be the recipients of kindness and at the some time expresses appreciation to the pub lic for past courtesics and consid eration Complete coopcration could be BELLSuddenly at his home 15 Arlington St Meridcn Sunday Feb 1953 Clarence Robert Bell beloved husband of Hazel Pomeroy and dear father of Alice tMrs Van Tassell son of the late Mr and Mrs Andrew Bell formerly of GilfordibFun cml Wednesday at Mcrlden CARD or THANKS McMASTERll wish to thank my many friends and neighbors for their many nets of kindness Shown to me during the death of my wife Mrs William McMaster and for the beautiful floral tributes McMastct 16 WILKINSONWc wish to ex tend our heartfelt thanks and ap preciation for the many acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings re ceived from relatives friends and neighbors also thanking the doc tors and nurses at Royal Victoria Hospital especially thanking Rev Bcwell and Rev Beach for their consoling words and help in our sad bereavement of 10v ing husband and father Mrs Wilkinson and family 16 JUnior Cauncil Vote New Plan Of Officiating The ORA Junior council last night in Toronto voted for two tefereesvand one linesman to ban dle games beginning Monday Pre sent system has one referee and two linesmen The new officiating deal is to cut down on injuries which Osh awas Malt Laydon feels will be remedied with two officials General view of the junior coun cil was that junior hockey was too fast for one referee An almost unanimous vote was receivedon leaving the current playoff arrangement as is despite try from Marlboros Stafford Smythe to have it changed The arrangement calls for the rstand second teams to meet in bestiinseven series third meet ing fourth and fth opposing sixth in bestinfive series The Winners of series ananteet in best inINe semifinal to decide who will meet the series survivor in bestinsevenllnald The chances of Barrie Flyers farce to play the tilt There is nothing rules ofminutes suggesting that overtime should not be played in midweek games Conn In the DEA achieved only when blind and sighted alike reached closer un derstanding of the othcrs view point she added Through its service program the CNIB wins striving to assist sight Icss Canadians In their effort to take their rightful place in home and community Through its member clubs the OCB sought to encourage blind poople to develop social and recreational life and become more acutely conscious of the problems of their fellow blind 800132351 Beat Allislon In Cage Play Barric Collegiate seniors defeated Alliston High School 8751 Wednes day afternoon to remain in the run ning for Georgian Bay COSSA basketball honorSr The local cage squad oppose first place Orillla Collegiate here this afternoon and victory can force senior playoff for the title Barrie juniors scored their second win of the season over Aliiston winning 4125 and will play rthe sec ond half of the twin bill this after noon John Warnica who was late join ing the club paced the seniors tri umph with 21 points while Vcrrol Whitmore ranked second with 17 nnd Neil Gleason third with 15 Ro bin Wright cashed the hoops for 110 while Keith Gardner and Ray Cutler each tallied two points Ber ard with 16 and Bullis with 13 points paced Ailiston Wiley tallied 15 points in leading the juniors parade Popplcton and Don Helscyeeach tallied 11 points Weatherhead with two and one ach to Pitcher and Beamish rounded out the total Bob Spencer with eight and Robinson with six headed Al liston Barrie quelph OIIA Junior Series Barrie Arena Feb GUELPH Goal Purola dc fence Holmes White Blair Ash ley forwards Scott Gillis Shack Graham Tonegusso Henderson Graham Dimma Connelly BARBIE GoaIMHariington de fence Willis Cherry Higgins Thi bault Ken Robertson forwards iMartan Robertson McKenney lPoeta MOhRS Pletsch Sexton White Carver First Period Barrie Poeta Martani 244 Penalties Graham 400 Pletsch 1837 Second Period 2Barrie Carver Mohns Robertson 129 Barrie Mohns McKenney Thibault 234 Barrie Tessier Martan Poeta 336 Guelph Graham Graham Holmes 1229 Penalty Dimma 1552 Third Period Barrie Carver Mohns McKenney Guelph Ashley Henderson Dimma 559 Guelph White 1443 Barrie Tessier Marian Poeta 1936 Penalties Scott 955 White 1056 Shack 1500 Higgins 1500 Shack 1911 205 BIG GAMBLE practice for outdoor events The commonly known rain check as practiced in Canada is unheard of enting vote was cast on this practice when fog blanketed foot ball field recently after eight min utes of play and 63000 persons left the field For the replay 61000 at tcnded the game making the total club receipts $49000 net NOW Jemima Sport fans In the British Isles and Toronto Marlboros replaylng take for granted the paycnclpray their tie game in the Gardens on Jan will be aired today by the 011A executive The council gave the opinion that unless the game affected thestandings it wouldlbe rueomr man or sun Miss Velma Ireland owner and operator of the La Velma Beauty Salon 100 Collier St has return cd from months vacation in Florida Mr and Mrs William McGinnis and Cathcrmc Nnkina arc visit ing the farmers parents at 52 Mc Donald St Barrie They came to celebrate the 50111 wedding anni versnry of their parents which was observed Feb Mr and Mrs Viau and Mr and Mrs Frolick motored to Toronto on Tuesday where they intended thcllardware Convention and the Ice Follies Mr and Mrsl Chittick lcft yesterday on twoday motor trip to Kitchcncr Ilamiiton Brantford and St Thomas Rev dclcnclcr Wright was in Ottawa for several days this week Mg 05m Town and County Mr and Mrs Verne Todd will be At Home to their friends on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday Feb 14 from to oclock in the afternoon and from to 10 oclock in the evening at their residence in Vascy AT HARTFORD TRAINING Mervyn Corbett Elmvale is in Hartford Connecticut the insur ance capital where he is attending the Hartford Fire Insurance Com panys Training Centre Mr Cor bett who is associated with Dutch er and Corbett is one of group of agents selected from candidates from different States and Canada for this practical study of all forms of fire insurance Mr Corbett has been member of the Workmens Compensation Board of Ontario for 15 years and is member of the Elmvale District Lions Club He returns to his agencyFcb 60m in sports and on Wednesday attended 111v funeral at Kent tvxlle of Mrs Mar ion Storey sf er of the late Prczn lot of Ontario lion 11 Fergnsmr The 131 Mrs Storey was IOIiYltZ parishioucr of Mr Wrights Illlliti in Toronto Mrs Marguerite Butchart hos turned home from visit With fricnds in Montreal Miss Doreen Stoclc has taken secretarial position with tht Shaw inigan Puwcr and Water 11 11 Montreal She was homclto v141 with hcr parents Mr and Mrs Iit1i Stcvlc after holiday trip to the Ldurcntions and has now takcn up residence in Montreal Mr and Mrs Dalton Patterson Barrie wish to announCe the en gagcmcnt of their youngest dough ter Dom Ruth Jane to Mcrvyn Bruce Cook eldest son of Mr and Mrs Earl Cook Mansfield the marriage to take place in St An drews Presbyterian Church Bar ric on March 14 at 230 p111 16 Mr and Mrs Cecil Forbes wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Pafricia Ruth to Robert Kenneth Brown son of Mr and Mrs Norman Brown of Barrie the marriage to take place on Saturday March 14 at three oclock in the afternoon in Burton Avenue United Church H000 00001111105 LINOLEUMS ASPHALT TILE RUBBER TILE PLASTIC WALL TILE Materials supplied and installed rims ESTIMATES 16 1011 Wolfentlen 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 it will take only 12 minutes to demonstrate to you the wonderful New House look your floors will have with the JUNO FLOOR CONDITIONER r1 It Buffs It Cleans It Waxes It Scouts It Sands Guaranteed for years so simple child con operate we ask only the privilege to demonstrate =TRAYI FILTER QUEEN SALES OF CANADA 07Iduplellvc Baltic ROY mo Winsou Mona 65118 Ilf it 24 Minus torinf Now Is the time to convert to the worlds finest heat Timken Silent Automatic on Heat Youll revel in its comfort convenience and economy Ask for details about new and easier payment termerree survey and estimate withoutob ligation IIMKENSILENIAUTOMATIC citric MEANS LIFETIME COMFORT AND ECONOMY 14 Burnett save 1111011123402 HUGIPHUTGHIESON Phone 4797 31 hi my txrm 11 to 15950 more on fuel Furnace mu blmketed by numb whom 00 O9

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