Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1953, p. 6

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STOCK IPROPERTY FOR SAL PROERT HARRY 13 MICHIE REAL ESTATE $2200 down full price $9600 ve room brick bungalow 011 heat mg air conditioning oak floors oak trim Cloxe to school shopping and bus stop $1150Buildlng 101 Blake Street 60 150 surveyed all scrvl ccs HARRY MICHIE Realtor Dunlap SI Phone 3551 Frccl 11 Miles Salesman 1013 311118111 axmnm runny JANUARY so 1153 11m WANTED BANK CLERK For Canadian Bank of Commerce Cum Borden Phone Barrie 1908 5mm price Id the Our after or Camp Borden 316 Duck mu mywhem within durll me county on request Pbom 2083 11213 31 3203 rufdence 6806 smner JIIJ or 083 MAX PUSHKOFF CO Vim and ofce 150 rum 8t 81430 ATTENTION Hubest Prlcea Pald For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iron C7 Metal Yard and Office warmth St 981 If Phone 811131 Same Metal Er Salvage Dealer 111 wrap Iran mu furl hldet mo ltve etc really have futon Soy lurky Lest Babb Now that Ive ultlvalld II Ibo clussllled feuding hnbtl FOR SAL UPIIIGIII llzuto mun lhonc 2513 Can youuse addltlonttl dollLrs Here is an opportunity to afflllatc yourself with an established ductt IIIconsumer flrm merchandising complete line of lingcrtc blouses masters and nylons Easy to sell Nu cash Investment We supply you with beautiful ILISc mm satnplrs complete You will be another 11 clusive and independent rcptes ntivc among the many ncv mov ing earnings up to $50 per latck Work In your own conventrnt time Sales experience not necessary 911 an asset For fulltcr 11110111131101 write giving name arklws rl phone number if any to AIIBDIIOH Farmers DO YOU HAVE Box The Barrie Examiner EMPTY BUILDING SPACE You can make 50c per square foot 11314 of space from April to December CLEANING OMAN than with only small lnvcstmeut LAGF GE Ilcavy Duly Range like church once monthly Phone 1503 Id Itc Inknmod mm mm new llcasonnblc Apply bclwccn 11314 II BOX Borne Exomlner p111 81 Essa Rd Allztndnle DRIVERSALESMAN Must have 39 713 some experienco Age 25 years or Special High Prices Pald for over Apply Norris Dairy 11113 LIVE POULTRY Th Ba r1 ammct or phone Highem Pces Pam 11 2114 11011 SCRAP IRON hides raw fur harschalr feathers PART TIME Bookkeeper Wanted for or evenings wwk Good 33 Comer St Phone 2301 remuneration Box 57 Barrie Ex aminen 113 III53112131 phone calls accepted OLD GOLD We pay cash for your old gold watches rings etc Webbs Jewellery Ph 2207 381f USED SKATES All Sizes Wanted Childrens Sizes in cN Butcher Armstrong Realtors 1700A Avenue Rd 758A Yonge St Nr Bloor 133 Dunlop St Barrie 111 0642 crhnrd 111111117 713 FUR OATisizc 18 In very good condition Illonc 5350 71213 USED HOOVER lLIll attachments cxcLllcnt cutltllllotl Pltotlc 5MB 713 Trunk and Pnonc 0211 713 remdtle $0850Comfortable room brick home 3plccc bath ltcavy wiring full basement On 21 acres of land miles from Barrio close to school Fruit lrccs also raspberry and strawberries Terms arranged SMALL IARIIROI 17 lilldu 013111 FARM PROPERTIES 53 SIIIL Store building 1300 sq ft floor area with large room apartment and two thriving businesses Main business section of Dunlop St Ren sonnblc down payment secures the whole Terms and possession ar ranged Exclusive Iistlng TENDERS ron 10171001 body hardwood for School Area relieves Oro will be rccvlwd by the utt dcrslgncd up In Feb 1953 The BRUCE REP BARRIE 6642 wood to be at least maple and 743 After hours call 2239 the rest of it to be any of the following clm beach birch oak BLACK PERSIAN Lamb Coat IUI iron wood All wood is to be $110 Ill new worn only three dclivcrcd to the various schools by 011103 What offers Box 54 Barrie June 30 1933 Schools needing Exntnincr 71214 wood Shanty Bay cords Dalston cords Craighurlt cords Jar ADDING Machlnes and Typewrlt crs Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe LRLSS HUN Irl wrong Druggisls too ION Salve stylish shoes Lll Cross Corn NEWSPAPER Carrier Boy wanted for East End paper routc Apply to WANTED TO 11331 good gm fmnt Apply Box 53 Barrie Ex llnlliltl 331316 57 ROOMED HOUSE wanted In reply give all particulars No agents Apply Box 45 Barrie Ex amlncr 331012 16 13 DOGS to 100 acres State locality price purebred Phone 4059 3813 Int 81 overlooking the bay alaovMMdY Fb 5319 Mmm VEVWmwwmm 111mg breeding records bull and exchanges Heal Broker 723 from E3iIic acres lmdsclwddlon and ddled enmes Pl 311d lIlrcplacc piesEyre system attach Vth min pmplucommnm wa Il gt11 mm mm tun WW 337 13112911 Wllll stove and refrtgerazor CHOICE BODY Hardwood ft I0 Busmess Opportunihes 10 CORDS OF Choice Hardwood preferred Apply Box 49 Barnei dlstrIct wtlh vtew to buying later Barrie 61218 UNIURNISIIED OR roomcl Slabs shwcd any lcngtb IltllV AND WRECKING BUILTIN CUPBOARDS BIIIIII WWI stove length Full cord measure equipped Phone Wcsunun 5536 2051 Barrie 131211 Dunlap St Phone 3551 atcs 1313 MW WWMW MW AUCTION SALE FARM WANTED mu BarrieTR TOY MANCHESTER Pups for saleI2 BUILDING 1013 on chafing articl to Box 32 on Nelson Apply lrcn Look flay Arena 0n 110 018110130 adaglrlnftxgmpnen unr man13 AUTOMOBHIS Codrmgmn Igmgmgmewd Hereford Cows mm LARGE AND Small mm wanted WW BEAUTIFUL STONE Illllltll lprI calves 60113131180 by Yardley We spfflallzc III hm sales and Carlbllllgjfilow on 1111111 road live mllcsCalnoville Fletcher Thorn Lakemre RUaIiLakvww 01 lwb 0011 beam VnlBliliIiler WSW Mil Phone Cres tf7321 3113 1100111 pancllcd in knotty 531116 head In all 13 filing bFuinmile mu eqmpl fl 00 corms IFt Dry utwt tmd SEE Honey Joe 31311 WNW WWI Ultr Rtm 151018 Bro13 on ROOMED House 01 Apart evenings 013 IV CIOSS IOWll IErsatetolmgtsdtgerlgefogxitnmhigI of or slow length Reasonable price 320 Bradford 51 WW 5430 11134 Phone Ivy 16131 6243 PARTNER WITH Construction cx 07 ROOM 045 wanted 1mman one Wm some mm Altandalc Barrlc or autsktrts mce Bccch and Maple Apply Travers RR NO Utopia pnunc 808113 Imnmmpt 2911110111 chmy 57 after pm WI CARS AND TRUCKS 111243 HARDWOOD 511x011 Hardwood Cash paid for good cars apattmcnt wanted by young cou lplv no children Apply to The In ctcd DcnnlI Moron phone 2907 01311 mm Ferndale Phone 811r15 REMODEI mg 1131th PROPERTY WANTED Can dcllvct In 0r cord loads Very Phone Barrie 1313 41 PONTIAC Coach has radio 531 344 BARRE NO 150 to 200 acres In Barrie and district 53 CONSUL SEDAN fuIlIv cquip pcd Cash or trade ouvcnicttl 13 PLASTIC WALLTILE 1047 MERCURY Dump Truck in MBSIIC Asphalt and RUbbel real good shape Can be 51311 at 29 Park St Phone 4067 lIardwood Slabs and Softwood dustrlal Acceptance Corporatlon DRY 111111111111htm v1 II 111 GENERAL CARPENTRY 11152 FORD Demonstrator fully reasonable Mineslng 53 6313 heater ctc IIlcc rcasonablc Ihottc HARRY MICHIERealtor tcrms Phone 1404 evenings 1313 TileVinyl Flooring Free Estim orby Motors Market Square 3513132 first SclasIs RCAF 1940 MORRIS Oxford condition hcntcr and radio Daft Gcncrnl Delivery Post Office Camp Borden EXPERIENCED Stenographcr to modern office Shortband essential Apply Dangereld Motors 65 C011 ier SL Barrie 11113 SALESMAN Wanted steady em ployment good carnlngs Apply to Roy Tracy 87 Maple Ave Barrie on Saturday morningI213 STENOGRAPHER Wanted with shorthandmll bookkeeping exper ience or training Apply Edwards Specialty Shop King St Midland Ont 113 MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh busi ness Sell to 1500 families Gootl 111113 1951 PONTIAC Dcluxc Sedan air TE conditioner defroster airfoam Seats many mag 16 The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Will take trade Phone 47 Alliston STROUD TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD 131113 will be held In the 36951942 CHEV COACH in ex Hem Cmdlmn RM hmm Community Hall Stroud Wed Feb 18 at 1111 for the purpose of electing directors and other buslness Must be seen to be appreciated LENNOX BLACK Sccy New license Phone Barrie 832r13 1313 11 HARVEY CO LIMITED IZIII l2 cords No School cords Mitchell Stuare cords Busxncss Machines 66 Toronto St Rugby cards Heighs Corners Phone 4324 7133 rooms and sun porch bath tilicords 010 Station cords rooms Most brlck construction awkcstone cords Clowcs Q30CIMBIngjgfuigggg 13 with some Insulbrick on solid cords Nevis cords Guthrie mung nhcfmle 37 Lakevfe foundation Hot airfumacc Just rc cords Argyle cords John D1lty 010110 372 712 decorated Front vernndah entrance Currtc Oro Statmn Ont and side entranccI Side drichto 261016F TYPEWRITERS and fAddmg Ma gnrageIGatden wrth tnspbcrrtes Allandale cmnes new and factory recon etc Built1n cupbonrcIsIand smk tioned IServlce by factory trnlned Veli dCOIIIVentIeiIIl locgllgil IVLY nechan cs Special student rental NSIY UP 9X9 S00 50390 atgs76talll Remington Rand Lim at $830000 Terms ite un op St Barrie Phone 2756 7214th zSEEgEeQGAD FORD ZIITOIN hStukcI truss new motor an utc wit1 PUEBECI HEATER and Space 5ng blle halflIlilId 5001 Body Conditioning and Arthrltlc day warranty Bargain for quick Tcatc1 sprmgs and mattress mg hot aIr furnace nee ent con Treatmem sale 291 Jane 81 Toronto MUrray 1941 contacting farmers Only ambitious WOULD MIND Children while In WWnnted as Bookkeeper 111 here in Barrle Harry Morren prots for hustlers erte toduy Rawlelghs Dept AlZBS Mon treal 113 GIRL 0R WOMAN for full time sales clerk Prevlous experience not essential State age and previ ous experience if any Apply Box 00 Barrie Examiner 1131f AMBITIOUS Woman with pleasing personality and style sense for sales position with large national concern Training free Earn while learning Write Box 51 Barrie Ex aminer 11213 DISMIESITIC lelp wanted Ah reli akc over farm onsc hold duties all convenlences ROOM AND BOARP Must be good with children Total gzgmd Me preemL 112 abstainer References Apply Clar ence Varcoe Beelon RR Now ROOM AND BOARD availabITrn Phone 14 Been after Pm or working men In Allandalc 113 Phone 4971 121213 APPRENTICE to learn printing Young man 1719 years Hospita lzatlon Group Insurance and Pen sion Plan available Apply to Tomlinson Production Manager The Barrle Examiner Limited 11213 RELIABLE MEN with car wanted by well established seed house Excellent opportunity for anyone Big Demand Turn Your Used Skates Into Cash GOLDS SHOE REPAIR Clapperton St 31214 Barrie IUIQK Flatfcr to 11 feet vvith 01511111110111 rdc Phone 2730 31218 ROOM BOARD centrally CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chtcks Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Frtday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Cross and Barred misslons need apply Box 51 Bar Rocks These chicks are bred for rle Examiner lI316F high qualify eggs and meat pro duction Phone 2320 Barrie POSITIONS WANTED HUNTERS PULLETS are selling PRACTICAL Nurse available but we rInust sell the cockerels phone 35013 BanieI 22A Mary StI also Avallable weekly commenc 213 men who want to make top com ing Jan 20 Phone 53r5 or write Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud tber 24413 401 arm on 3500 2434 HAT MARKETS do you want ggs broilers Bray has chlcks MALE COOK wants work fullor ready now to start you off to pan Itlme Hotel and restaurant words good prices in summertall experience Phone 6376 221314 Wtde variety Ask us for particu Iars Copeland RR Bneton FARMERSWhen you need farm Phone Beeton 55rL2 2413 1119 phone Walter Schaty an Thornton l9r6 Ivy Imigration GILMORES Quality Chicks batch each week Get free catal tleldnlan 21214 ogue Which Came First Also breeds and prices Gilmores Poul try Breeding Farm Hatchery at 60 Penetang St Barrie Phone 7735 Some 3131th cocks avalll able 24142th BUY HUNTERS Chicks for 53 Bred for egg production selected 101 meat quality ROP sired fast feathering Barred Rocks Canadian complem set of books Work don at home If necessary Apply Box BarricExamineri 21116 1011 VEGETABLES SPY APPLES Bushelsdelivered orthst Phone 4510 20413F and 3way Cross Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud 2414643 ROP SIRED Barred Plymouth Rock and Canadian Approvad New Hampshire Rock Cblcks for sale produced on our Canada accredited Ontario Breeding Station Poultry Farm Qualitystock since 1936 Carter Hawkestone RR 0111 Phone 0111001 24MEF LOST EOUND NOEr3817 on Tiffln St P11 after oclock 1733 IIIBlack aInd Tan Hound the vlcullty EssaSta Efnder please phone IIIOI William Graves Reward 4713 11011 1111014111 copy539pm mum um Huntsman v13 mow 10 omen Irnoxn II Umpimhlmvm 15 Dcmcntlve room as word mm 500 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE approved Hamp Rock Crossbreds IMcpnstone exchangeI Lsmucow R311er Texal solvent real bnrgqln leaving luwn cause of scllmg Phone 51156 713 PIGSWe will supply your Hog Feeds till market time No interest No red tape Phone 5316 Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 713913 NUGS Broadloom Save 11p to 10 New rugs from old rugs Noollens and discarded clothing vewe shades Phone Barrle 2706 145 LARGE SIZE Happy Thou ht coal space heater also Que cc ster healer with oven and high shelf Reasonable Phone 2406 71314 REMEMBER Craig Hunter for ser vIce Master Feeds Oil Cake Farm Supplies Order and take delivery of your fertilizer now and save Phone 5315 Stroud 713913 SAVE UP TO 50 on new sew Ing machine Highest trade1n allowance on your old machine regardless of condition For dem onstration phone Barrie 6359 7511 WISCONSIN Air Cooled Motor to hp with clutch assem ny also pipe threadersp =3 to 114 pIpe cutter and vise nearly new Apply Gray Bradford phone 49111 7131 IYPEWRITERIS office machines paltables addmg machines cash reglsters sales and service Huh Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative 780tbe HOG PRODUCERS Save yur gram for seeding Feed complete feed and payfor it when you sell well built and nished Pleased to 5049 your pigs No interest no red tape Phone Thornton Feed Store Ivy llrsIor Srtoud 14r21 71021 ATIONAL Radio Receiver table model ideal for new radio amateur or anyone interested in short wave and foreign programs 550 KC to 28 MC Todays price new $125 selllng for $70 Phone 5104 71213 PROPERTY FOR SALE ORRENT ROOM House in Lefroy for sale orIrent Rent $40 monthly stalling prIce $4500 Easy terms Yacgnt Feb Appl by mail to Elwood Broome Eage House Weston 19913 FIGS CHUNKS Apply Trav ers RR No Utopia 91213 WANTEI Tean of Work Horss Apply Box 59 Barrie ExamIIirier 13 HOLSTEIN Heifers Grimes Slew art Corrlgan phone 73r11 CooksI town 913 IAvnsnmn 131111 years oldreg Istered from show therd Phone Bradford 571714 91213 SOW DUE March 10 Yearold 130111 Weaned Plgs Bert Fincher 91113 DURHAM CALF for vealinf Phone Barrie 84213 Russell Par rldge RE No Barrie 913 HonsrErN cow vaccinated yearold calf atfoot Cecil so on Shanty Bay Phone GreyIlkaIa WW REGISTERED Herefordg polled and horned AprilIandIMIaly 1111 young buIII calves some hire cows Cyrxl Cook Allandld past Qddfellows Home DcIllIW DURHAM cow due to storm 1117 earlysEebtfuary alsomum Ra dio tubes perfect contlltlbn Team 8181 ha excellent0011010911 goiard III Mltthurst phune 11w Antll brpd 101111001 013 dition throughout Full price $11 500 Early possession STUCCO BU NGALOW Three bedrooms living room 1111 chcn and 4picce batb Modem with hot air furnace Full prim $975000 STUCCO BU NGALOW Ewe bedrooms living room dinA Iry ing room kitchen and 4piece bath Strictly modern $350000 down $5000 monthly payments 01 balance Frank Banting Office Manager HARVEY CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3926 Evenings Phone 3990 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 1611 HOUSE IN ElmvaIeI 6room house In excellent conditton bath good basement fine location Price $6500 Butcher and Corbett Real$5 Estate Box 18 Elmvale 1613 WHEN YOU CONSIDER buying or building home consult us early about National Housing Finances without obligation Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 1633 AN OUTSTANDING 6room house garage and garden far below presI ent building costs Exceptionally show you this at any time Hood Builder phone 2316 or 3810 161314 ROOM STOREY Brick Ven eer home with an conveniences central location In excellent con ditlo good lot well landscaped Applyl Marshall Representa tive Coutts Real Estate Bro ker Owen St Phone 2377 1613 LARGE STOREY solid brick home large lot garage side drive excellent for duplexing front enfrances newly decorated new venetian blinds price $10500 about 13 down Mortgageat 57Poss ession to suit CentraliPhone 6785 rr 161213 114 SIOREY RUG Brick home bedrooms large living room mod rn kitchen and bathroom low down payment balanceOn mort gage payments less than rent Also select1011 of other homes Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen St Phone 2377 1613 ACRES4 ROOMED House on Highway hydro pressure system 3storey hen house and broaderI houses I500 hybrid hens and equipj ment take over as going concern JFK Marshall Representatwe JE Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen St Phone 2377 1813 LARGE BRICK 10room house big money maker new oil burner hot Water heated newly decorated furnished If desired new venetian blinds possession 30 days Ior IvacI ant possession Illness demtely forces sale Must have lar cash ayment Very centrally ocated hone 6209 161213 BRICK BUNGALOW 3Ibedrooms 0le room replace oak oors modern kltchen deep basement everything up to the minute close to 801001011 quiet street immedi ate possession Alsogsclectlon of other homes Apply Mar shallllopresentatlve Coutts eat mtate Broker OwenSt hone 29771 emblpub $3000 cash Inqulreabout this 31 mm gquarters 500 11le than WARM Furnished Bedroom and 1613 INCOME PROPERTY In town this houswwlll pay you 003 vcarwaml house rgnt ple Interest and Ineth from 10 am till 10 pm Dally Appointment Phone 81411 3073 If LEAVING FOR West Coast IVan couver Los Angelcsl about Feb 15 Have mom for passengers Late model car Phone 05943013 SKINNY GIRLS Get lovely curves Gain to 10 lbs new pep moohealth and wrightII Julldcr Dst ex Tonic TabletsIn troductoty gotacquainted sizeI only 60c All druggtsts 301 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Bedroom in private home Phone 0550 1013 UNFURNISHED Rooms Child welcome Phone 4066 1513 WARM Furnished Bedroom with double bed Phone 4497 151314 UNFURNISHED Rooms very 1720 1313 1941 FORD SEDAN Delivery ex cellent condition solid body very AUDITORS INCOME TAX1 small business Phone 6298 any ssessors Grade Ilme 1311 IIBDOUIRED FOR THE Llflft5 $107100ng TAXATION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE 5passenger Coupe custom radio $325 37 Chev Coach real good $200 37 Ford Sedan $125 30 Model Sedan $75 30 Model A1 at Coupe $50 Parts for all makes West End Used Cars Ferndale phone 811r15 131213 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own noon MI AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander doe excellent work Low rates Complete line of oor 01115111113 Toronto Ontario Salary $4220 $4760 Full particulars on posters in National Employment Service and Post Offices Applications obtainable thereal should be filed with the Cile Service Commission 1200 Bay Street Toronto Ontario central Apply 32 High St 1513 LIGHT Housekeeping Rooms furnished and heated Phone 3638 WEEKLY Upstairs heated Phone 5241 151213 RODM Furnished Flat Central Adult only Phone 2632 after pm 151213 LARGE BEDSitting room andkit chen everything supplied Phone 6212 11513 FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms centrally located PnOne 1513 NICELY Furnished Bedroom warm very central location Phone 3990 151314 FURNISHED Bedrooms ligh housekeeping separate if desired Phone 6332 151213 GARAGE AT 47 Clapperton Sf blocks from Five Points Phone 3826 mornings 1513lt FURNISHED Bedroom suit one or two Central Apply 172 Dun lop St West or phone 4719 1513 UNFUR NISHED Rooms 011 see and oor front 133 Dunlap St Apply 28 Mary St or phone 3485 1513 ROOMED furnished heated apart ment with bath Avallabl immed iately No children Box 53Bar rie Examiner 513 furnished bedrooms small room forllght housekeeping suitable for glt oca tion Phone 2320 1513 WINTERIZED Cottages Iconvenl ences IhydIro and electrictty road open at Lefrjoy Apply Box 50 Bar rle Examiner 1513 ROOMED Apartment mlles north of New Lowell Rent reason able Ap 1y Ken Gilpm New Lowell one 46132 Creemore 151113 ROOMED Unfurnished Apart ment bright and cheery chowe of small stove Young couple IIIpre erred One child considered East Enanhone 4818 1513 LARGE Living room and kitchen wlth cu boards Separate entrance Infarct edvAvalIabIeIFeb Ap Iy first house east OddfelloWs omeAllandale Evenings $25 per mtmth 543 UN URNISHED 4room clean brl heated apartment lem but the Inca stove Adults ter pm VS stunJill Others FOR lmmedlntewccvna ApproximatclyJM of office sgpacc on tn the materials paints varshes she acs 011cm brushes etc We sell everytlung needed to make new oors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clappetton sr Phone 5206 591tfb AUDITORSINCOME TAX Assssors Guide TAXATION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF NATIONALREVENUEI at HOUSE REPAIR SERVIOE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing carpentry cabinet work Anything in build mg BUDGET TERMS No down payment on mostjobs FIast efficient guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47r13 510tf CHAIN SAW SERVICE Chains for all makes of sows in stock Full service on all makes Assessorerrcde LOMBAIRD WOODLOT WIZARD REQUIREDIFOR THE NorthernIChain SCIW TAXATION DIVISION Bud Parker DEPARTMENT or NATIONAL REVENUE 30 Sophia St Ph Barrie 6397 In 5543 Toronto Ontario Toronto Ontario Salary $3140 954220 Full particulars 1111 posters in National Employmentscrvice 211111 Post Offices Applications obtainable thereat should be filed with thepivll Servlce Commission 1200 Bay Street Toronto Ontario AS SOON AS POSSIBLE EXPERT TREE Trimming orIre moving done Free estimates gtvcn Phone 3117 5716F MIMEOGRAP Iand Public Stenography ame Business 51m $3010 ssno Full particulars 011 Innstersln NaItIIon IEnIPIDMenI Salvice and College 68 Toronto St name post Ofces Applications obtainablgthereat shun beImed Wm Phone 4824 5136 the sawi Cmmsshlvflmnw Street TorontotonIaIIII DRESSMAKING and Alterations of all kinds Buttonholes made Irel AS SOON As POSSIBLE styling of ladles and childrens ar hone 202156 Ma 1eAv we 01130th II BE TNETTALIIIrIoI thie Igw tgiIg newy reup 056113 es er gt II or chair Contact Mayer Reu hull sterlng 56 Maple Ave IIP one 2021 5113010 SEWING MACHINE Repairs Ioall mkes Ind models Free estimates in sour home one OBSBarrie or I01 0011mm Slnserlhig TAXATION DIVISION er res HOLLWDM at CREAM 5111131211113 1111 Ithat poor DEPARTMENTqFNATIONAL REVENUE creamteat Try arree demonstrfa 11011 of the new Viking Separator hapdae1ctricbe11icb Ire Gocdctradeallowan Auditors Income Tax jaxICIeIItlemden 11119111111113 FOR 711111

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