Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1953, p. 12

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ry 95 He CelebiokighBViViithoy JV Harris to Golfers During Coming Se Mrs Harris has been elect tain Mrs Ough Vigil comm year mcmsno 50cm maven had the miles execume at 88mm were read by me animal mean at the may some tam ME Dr may the on Wednesday Jan 28 at Comv urer Mrs Young gV munity Rouse The proposed constitution 11311 ladies more the Coum VVVV The retiring presmem was adapted at the meetinggh McKenzie presided constitution tmmitlee is mad 1W Other members of the new ex of Mrs Smith Mrs ccutive are Mrs R11 Patterson and Mrs George Diarr viccypresldent Mrs Walter Wide fieldV Copies of the constituruim their Secretary Mrs Empire are to be printed and will barbell treasurer Mrs Corby CHD Ed 10 playing and mm memkli ggxphgnme home REW Tr pas president of the JumVVVV in set an example for 10min disarming talc The author callsi Immune MVSV Ruth bngfwd pun WV by cantribuung the 90421 an adventure in democracy cd president of the ladies sction lain Mm Currie county of the Barrie Country Club for the agate and Mrs McDoV 11V but innecossity and results of careful ill of the Royal Victoria training of young people 1111 Womens Hospital Au 4Cbrlstim living mod annual Route 31 mm hoping If buryV browsing we suggest um mm of money forltbat you pick up slimvvolumc hospim equipment and suppnmgfrom the new nonction shelf 11 miles should mg eulThe Battle of Baltmgluss by dual of support in View of beguilirence Earl newspach mans immunity chqncmg of weir ptwistory of certain events which took ject and we see um at it one place in the lrisb village of Bali Womeus Institute of me anlV inglass couple of years ago it is linto being at meeting 013pm Sided 01 part landV indeedV the nail events sneak 6C WI Ofcers Mede or me bu dV On hrcsdav cvciin Jc mp of mm iformed senior group are Mr bcv of the mums 315331 $lsuons and the vliolc world lcarncdi branch of the ViycmmnvSVKeVm Longmrd honorary prex i1 $35le tmmen being km1 We bank lsibnglctgecmdogipss3g3 dent Mrs Lawrence Copeland quVeagutam 1m mm guests mg Miss HoltV11 Cookr 11 Eugenold TecwcGwVV Seniur IVVSmUm prcSident Mrs ph Hougbton 433 homcsV Each gm Wm c0nsplnsicr around Whom the baltlc Vm is Vicepresident Mrs John Fen tribute ha damn and mm swirled cxchtcd to be appointed 0mm the Jumm 11 cmmlnell 2nd vicepresident Mrs Doug money along with the names andlwuagc NSFWSW he he Vilas Wilcox secrltary Mrs Joseph mdmm of me Ruqu to mural retired Tho job llllfl bcch 1Milligan trcnsurcr and Margaret submitted before live oclock onl ml Wars hu lilaml diSlHCl dIFCClOF Hostess Night afternoon Forty pulmmi Shonamgmm 53er Committh coiivencrs are MD tiles Will be drawn lul duringjOb fl YoungVincxixricnccd Mick Ivan VriuhtV citizenship and ed gfgtpnmg Harrell llic Village rose in arms 3mm Kim Stanley Copeland home economics and health Mrs Aided Wallace Halgert agliltuicband tries mo SUCCSllll art was held Cmldmr us on Iucday alinnogn 3311 27 at Od msmrlml FCSJMCh and cur ilglil the home of Mrs Lorne Reid piHI VVV mk February 15 idem 0f the HOUOWS Womens 111 muons Mr Lawmnw gigging mxmnan omh wk and we Vlooun IVclandV and 5m Smum with members and 01h Mm dams Webb Mrs EVVVVV JESSVVV VgIVtVlups VokariirlC lerrinf we 111111 chtiiiilly did friends present dub directms MrSV Alien Hodgmn cm gum ELandlignd if krixglgm 1V The party was held in connection press reporter Mrs Douglas Stcw 101 with the Hostess Night sponsored art and Mrs Orville Hughes audi mm 01 Cl1 l2111 gurton Acnuucliliclis by the womens 05mm Auxmaw Mrs Rabat Starford but planning Skating mm with Gcttlng it little bit too onihusi Barrie and the proceeds amount gift convencr Mrs James Stems SimdsL James CG no Sat nsiic about historical research we Party ing to the gratifying sum of $1259 congratulations and Mrs Donald 31 night as the social event lSlakenlY 90de ill WLdntS hVC been forwarded to the Barr BrownV 5le can lg ff rs was the mam 91 wka and in mam churches days column that Mrs reen WHA Election Youth Sunday will be observed was pupil at original Vlulllt anne The afternoon started off with item 19 agenda Mmum WU the program Wal attention is bcm aid of Anamale who Gumbel 31d Dunbmore and Mary Dunsmore Front rowv 19 to gm bang vhcn Mis Reid who was ad and adfpufi ughoul the week to thegyopung land Mrs Green mended cmccc announced that an amatcui 35 underth dlrecnon mm Or ue Ella Drur Mar aret Drur Jimmy Drury William Amide of thc congregations426 SChwl Burton AVCDUC was blqu in mix the inert W1 little Susan Drulzy Richard program would be hold This in Vine Hughes Cogmmec VIEle mEMbEYS Explorers and 3033 later razed arid Placed by the This Womans Association of New chided solos tap dancing and by several mam W9 Ho correct the miscarriage of jus len Scntlo Ball the immediate tico and the Helen Cooke Protest past resideiii uf llic Vllri is the Committee forms to right ihc Vpcmorvito call for further infurm wrong battle for 10311 adinim timon istration the villagers form their SHERIFF ERNEST DRURY Of Simcoe County is sur rounded by his 14 grandchildren at family gathering on the occasion of his 75th birthday In the back row from left to right are John Diinsmore Charles Drury Ernest Drury Don Dalston lnsriiuie can is planning to pm WVVVV the memory of pupils who iltcnd 11111111 of Mrs Knowles on Jan 21 The family banquet given in honor of the foxme Ontario entertainment the ladies sat down hour was dow ed Kmn Edward 1018 before MW Thu rcsiilont llrs Da wished to dsplay in downtown store premier on his birthday Jan 22 was attended by five Child Plans SkVahng to the serious business of playing bus tro before the eyes Of the public MFG 0mm Nu grandChdren Photo by Henry Rookc Barrie as groups King Edward building The Cum Lowell United Church hcld its first Partridge Hugh Dunsmore in front Emma Drury and Bah hamionica duct Fonowmg the meetinga Milli olncr Sheer Unned Chu berland 51 how is DGCk beyond nicotinu of tho new year at the bleDrury At the conclusion of Vth hilarimis ments were served an SOCld VV VV on Manda 110 GRUB me thank thc members for electing hcr work of fa Cg muesli the 0m of president for an ren and their wives and husbands as well as Sheriff Drurys Chm Fm mm were prize winners were first Mrs time meeting and The meeting opened with singing We lake place at Central of Hymn 5H Love to Tell the The January meeting of the Du vans secon 15 am United church on Saturday em Chairs waveriey SioryV Miss proctor led the dc bly comolaton Mrb Hamblv gt slon branch of the Womens Imii fill from seven to eight oclock olinllal pCllflfl basing her thoughts title was held at the home of Mrs The prizes and bountiful lunch 5019 the skating party on St Johns Gospel Prayer fol Wood on Jan 15 were PFOVIdtd by the hOStESS Ml3 lowed with Hymn 402 Load On King Eternal Roll call was answered by pay ment of membership fees Minutes of last meeting were read and approved Mrs Day called for the various observances of Christian Week are intended to bring the members of the spon churches and the commun churchs ministry to boys and young people It is also mindetho convince young people at their church as such is in ted in them as individuals as groups During Christian Youth Week recognition is given to those who 11331731 this iiiii energy and lie to the is of youth Ship Christian Youth Week gives youth an opportunity to cxperi enco Christian fellowship in wor ship and service and to help youth see in proper perspective their place in the total life of the church Vas not only being served but scrvmg It demonstrates with In the church and community the iiiiiuiiiiirr SERVICE Now available for Bradford West Gwillimbury and Innis Townships Will accom nudge stretchen PHONES The winter short course in home economics conducted at Waverley was attended by 52 ladies Miss Marian Wight of the Womens In stitute branch of the Department of Agriculture gave very inter esting talk on Planning and Scrvi reports The secretarys report was lng Attractiver Nutritious Meals given by MTS Bates and the Miss Louise Collcy of the Sim coe County Recreation Service conducted the discussion period dividing the women intofoiiismall groups She chaired panel rc suliing in lively comments Miss Wight showed lms on the setting of table and arranging buffet supper At intermission officers for the next ve meetings were elected headed by Mrs Lorne Archer as chairman Other officers are Mrs Herb Horusby vicevchairman and Mrs Morris Drinkle secretary Committee members are Mrs Collins Wyebridge Mrs Frow ley Mount St Louis Mrs Par nell Saurin Mrs Morgan Ed wards Vase and Mrs Greer Wyevale lifter the business meeting an other lm Wedding Present and Setting the Tea Table was shown Next Tuesday the topic will be Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed The speaker will be Miss Dora Burke of the WI Branch 1011 mi 111111111 thn kidneyaiail to mom elm acids be lirod fading disturbed mt often follow Dodda Kidney lllh stimtr late kidneyo to normal duly You feel bettersleep LVQiV FWodi hm 1rgtv let at any drugstore You an depot on Dodda mmwbnanm THE LAST WORD IN oV treasurers report by Mrs Knowles The mimionary report was read by Mrs Mumbcrsor and the parson age report by Mrs Siainton The centa day report was given by Mrs Haverson Business included planning for the church annual meeting serving lunch and quilting party at the home of Mrs Mumberson Mrs Patton and Mrs Duff arc to be auditors World Day of Prayer is to be ob served onFeb 20 very interesting paper was read by Mrs Martin Along African Trails by Rev David Gallaugher new years message by Mrs Mc Quay was much enjoyed The meeting closed with the singing of Hymn 637 The Lord is My Shepherd and the Mizpab benediction Hosiesses were Mrs Duff Mrs Martin and Mrs Day who served delicious refreshments to 21 mem bers and one visitor The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs John Murray Picruniz HATS Used for big picture hats this spring is ne and supple straw draped like fabric or fine strands sewed into lace patterns ne as Battcnberg Natural Milan com bines with black or white velvet FORWARD TREND Most of the hats this spring sit straight on the head and slightly forward although Hattie Carnegies custom hats seen with her clothes tend to sit well back from the brow dotoooooooooo VorHER GillEN MODELS NA WIDE RANGE or mamas as HIGH 4511500 Winter Meetings Begin With Discossion on Meal Planning At the North Simcoe home eco nomics meetings this week from Jan 26 to Jan 30 the speaker was Miss Marian Wight of the W05 cns Institute Branch and hoV economics service Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture Her topie was Three Meals Day Miss Wight discussed planning attractive meals and attractive table service Homemakers wish to serve nourishing meals because the right food means health and happiness for every member of this family Wonplanned meals are attractive and more enjoyable When these meals are planned in advance there is saving of time and energy better return for money spent on food and most important better health for all the family It was pointed out that appetiz ing and interesting meals are sim ple and easy to prepare They are good to eat and good for us ifwe choose from the wide variety of Canadian foods The Ve groups of health foods are the dairy pro ductsz1 fruits vegetables cereals and bread meat sh and poultry Planning meals iiiinclude foods fromcacli group every day is the rst siepin menu planning The next step is toiplan for color in the menu Contrastincolor gives meals eye appeal The crisp crunchy foods are included for pleasing contrasts in texture At tractive menus are achieved by planning for contrasts in avors skillful use of herbs and seasonings Variety in the foods served also makes for more intereting meals The discussion on attractive meals was followed by two lms These illustrated correcttable set ting and table service Suggestions werc given for table settings for family moals company meals and buffet suppers Discussion Methods Another very interesting feature of Vthis weeks meetings for the ladies was demonstrationof various met dds discussion by Miss Louise olley director of the Three main methods of discus sion were demonstrated First is the standard questions and answers method when members of the group ask questions of the resource leadert with the answers written on ablackboard This mgthod is suitable where simple questions of fact are involved VThc panel discussion method was demonstrated as good method of dealing With question where the answer is largely matter of opinion and where opinions might differ Three members of the group conducted short panel discussion third method is the small group discussion method which is probably most interesting and probably most useful where the opinion of all is required One of the questions dealt with by the panel andgroup discussion method was How to plank break fast for farm family to meet the needs of members of varying ages In this discussion the impoyance of providing each member nutritious and appetlzing break fasVHOget the day off to good start was stressed Another question discussedwasf What value is the attractive set ting and serving of meal Thc groups agreed that the little ex tras that went to make for more attractive dinncr service encour aged family conversation and help ed to develop poise manners and condence in the children Officers elected at the Midhurst and Sunnidale Corners meeting were chairman Mrs Lynn RusSell Midburst vicechairman Mrs Bowdery Midhurst secretary Mrs Glen Beilby Minesing The topic for next weeks meet ings will be Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed The speaker will be Miss Dora Burke 1W1 Branch Toronto Wit Miss Ruth Shaver home econo ist as dis cussion leader The group secretaries are asked to supply names of officers an other local information Simcoe County Recreation ServiceVlVBV AN WAN En LEARN 10 sew Coniplero bundling Chum bySinger Sewing Machine asylum iih The meeting opened with singing of the Institute Ode and Canada followed by the Mary Stewart Collect and The Lords Prayer The minutes of the pre vious meeting were read and ap proved R91I nounas WhatsYOUY Berri The motto was commented on by Miss Nave The members decided to hold skating party in the near future at Guthrie Arena It was decided to postpone the card party until later date Cards of appreciation for flowers and fruit were read committee was appointed to take charge of the exhibit at the fall fair The Institute is to award prizes for girls and boys exhibiting bran muffins and prize will be given foran arts and crafts exhibit for boys to be shown at Barrie fair Miss JoyceHunter gave an amus ing reading The Price of Man and another on The Best Book the Bible Community singing was enjoyed with Mrs Murray Forbes presiding atthe piano The meeting closed with the Nitional Anthem and delicious lunch Served by the tea hostesses Thenext meeting willbe held at the home of Mrs Ross Bertram on Feb12 afV 217311 Roll call will be Something Would Like to VKnOW The motto is Wholesom Homes Are the Stepping Stones 19 aVGrVat Country Tun wen Ammou 1111 123011 cuss 111111 41 the Reid As the ladies were on the point of leaving Mrs Roy Smith and Earl Carr one of the drivers pick ed up the harmonicas Accompan ied by Mrs Hughes on the Jews harp they played quite selection of musical numbers providing grand finale to very enjoyable afternoon Thanks were expressed to Mrs Reid for all the work and thought she putinto making the party so successful CALL THE EXAMINER iron mommamono 2m lovely To look at LINOLEUMS ASPHALT TILE 11111111111 TILE PLASTIC WALL TILE Materials supplied and installed FREE ESTIMATES WllWollenileii 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 Easy Cure For Created Especially for you Guaranteed Our anous Creme0u cowwnvr Bcgulnr 3101111 For limited time only SPECIAL 650 COMPLETE No Appointing Necesbry Professional Operators Helen Wick Ida naive Rose McClelland vicirsVVnriiiirr 5111011 45 Damion ST OPEN SAT T0 ma orrosirn noxv rumour worm 29119 MDTHERSilllmarga rines are not the sldme 1H cher51 margarine with food militiain Lilli 51111111 irarriurvnf

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