was 8131003 MANOR COMMITTEE of the County Council with other officials pictured at official opening of New Wing Jan 11 atheton Top row left to right Coleman county treasurer Ro bert infield architect Toronto Rounthwalte ar chiteohfloronto Frank Allan Reeve of Bradford Lloyd ut Reeve of Ora 0ln Carroll contractorToronto 1952 Warden James art Barrie 1951 Warden George Shepherd Cree more Mackenzie Beattie Reeve of Alliston WYEVALE Grace Stott Midland spent Sun day at Blows Marie Marcellus is on the sick 1m Montana and Idaho slates contains to report that Mrs more geyscrs than in all the rest Hart has beenhn the sick list for or the world couple of weeks She was taken to St Andrews Hospital Midland Saturday night All wish her speedy recovery Yellowstone Park in Wyoming Mr and Mrs Chapman visited last week with Toronto and Stouif ville friends Returns To New Westminster Mrs McQueen left on Saturday for her home in New Westminster BC after spending several weeks with her parents and her sister Mrs Harris Heartfelt Sympahty The heartfelt sympathy of this community goes out at this time to the family oi the late George Con stable whd passed aWay from all magmam rumWye The 1953 Dodge Coronet is lylri for action more stroiined more compact yet with more passenger and trunk roorp than ever lls designed for action to provldm roadhugging curveholding ride new steering ease wonderful manoeuverability its powered for action with new 150 hp V4 engine oflhe famousdomeshaped designing diuciiliddjiiolow that gives astonishing pickup and smooth sustained spied demo shaped combustion which lift lateraivvaivosaa deal 0110 mammar ThrisnawVB enginobrings you the triple power advantages of chamber short stroke design native againI eIowuyt anm cosh new onstage Jamil earthly suffering on Saturday Jan 17 United Church Annual The annual meeting of Si Jamcs United Church on Thursday night Jan 15 was well attended About 630 all sat downg to very enjoy able and bountiful supper The business meeting followed and was opened with short worship ser vice by Rev Morris After the reading of the minutes by the Secretary Mrs Roy Goodfellow Mr Morris gaVe report of the Session and mentioned briey the health for some time mm rig MM highlights the past year decor ation of the church the centennial celebration visit from Simcoc Presbytery and the erection of vault in the cemetery Splendid reports were then given from the Mission Band CGIT Irail Rang ers Tyros YPU Young Adults Choir Trustee Board Cemetery Board Parsonage Trustees WMS WA Sunday School Stewards and church treasurer The average church tendance for the past year was 103and the Sunday School 99 The former officers were reelected and arhearty expression of appreci ation given to Rev Mr and Mrs Morris with an invitation to remain another year The meeting was closed with prayer by the pastor Death of Mrs Gabe McCoukey Mrs Gdbe McConkey passed away on Wednesday Jan 14 at Inniswood Nursing Home Pains wick Mrs McConkey the former Hortense Kemp had been in poor The funeral service on Friday in St Pauls Anglican Church was conducted by RevL Rowe andltcv Smyth with interment in St Pauls Cemetery Workshop Course Iler 41 ladies of Stroud com unity are taking advantage of the work 12x shop courserbeing held in the Community Hall from Jan 14 to 231 The lovely products of their creative arts will be displayed to the public on Friday Jan 23 from 230 to 330 pm Everyone is cor dially invited to attend special invitation is extended to the men folk who have had to batch it or put up with meals at unusual hours The committee are serving light refreshments Comg andrisoo the displayrand enjoy social hour with your neighbor This course is being instructed by Miss Leslie Toronto 84th Birthday Congraiulations to Miss Mary Cowan who celebrated her 84th birthday on Monday Jan 19 phoned Stroud Team Play Jan 22 Due to unusually mild weather the Bruins had to cancel their games last week But on Thurs day Jan 22 Stroud play to Beeton Aces at Thornton renal wishbv Where You Buy SALE premium solid or Clips Saucers was am am mouse mmzzmm 695 sale or STARTER 515 20 age MORN ope somon MERRY SALE OF COLORED CRYSTAL Cle AND AMB ER GOBLETS SHERBEIS WINES LIQUEURS oz JUICE COCKTAILS smear REG PRICE 50 SALE or SKATES CONTINUES Clearing out odd lines at prices much below regular BABYIATH TUBS own on PINK ENAMEL to 24 ssss ALI warm Tun ENAMEL 18 26 4525 JAPANNED BATH Size 16 30 ins Cut Crystal Water Sets The former price was $695 Only few sets left $495 mft $450 $225 Value for sale Only More for Loss Others at this 3125 cm ms Rog 1050 Bonner Price Five different Shelley Bone Only few lei sacn All reduced in mice as Poe arcs now 02m Former price $14680 $13 amen ammonium ms saucer Ions CHINA CW5 SAUCE SALS $295 25 numbers at this price Grim 12720 996 at this price BLUE oussrsx ENAMEL WARE WdllER Phillis ONLY $135 COVERED OOMBINEIS $169 OVAL DISH FANS Room WASH prisms $120 606 OPEN mm 15 10 65c SAUOEPW SKILLETS 49 CORN BRQQMS String $129 Genuine Stainless Utensils $500 taco $859 DOUBLE $800 $1035 $1200 DUTCH OVENSAT $1400 $625 $770 $935 $12 CUP PERCOIJAIUR 81100 HARRY and cousin ruinous TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlap St Phone 2801 6911 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 830 pm Comeand see real amalt teurs play good last hockey Relieving Teacher Mrs Clarence Ferguson has been teaching at St Pauls School for the past two weekswhllc the teach er Miss Hubbert as well as some of the pupils have hadthe mumps Skating on Streets We in this district missed the nasty wind dust and ice storm which different parts of the pro vince had but did receive some freezing rain on Saturday night and as result the children were taking advantage of the ice on the stretsand really having them selves grand time It isreally pleasure to see them be able to en joy skating not too far from home L01 Bingo Successful LOL 234 held bingo in the Community Hall on Saturday night with quite good attendance Many and varied 10ver prizes were won also jackpot prize by Mrs Bert Mulholland whichshe is donating towards new curtains for the Orange Hali number of cars came out from Barrie and helped swell the crowd and prizesfihe assuage wish to thank all those who helped in any way to make this bingo for the True Blue Home success Entertain husbands largenumber of members or the Womens 1nstitute entertained their husbands iamiiy or trlends at the anniversary banquet held in ThorntonaHali on Wednesday oven ingrrwith theturkey dinner and all the trinuninxs gnepared by mem bera of Thojrnt Womens Instr lute Anl we arranged the pr ident Mrs Friday took back their urdayfrom the sick Cbiidreris program was Lowery and secretarprrs Goodfellow Mr and Mrs Irving Cooper of Cookstown called on Sunday at Mr and Mrs Robert McDonalds Mr and Mrs Sutherland Toronto visited on Sunday with Sutherland and Mr and Mrs Hand Birthday Party Friday Jan 16 was Patsy Mul hollands 11th birthday and was celebrated by entertaining 15 of her playmates down to fowl supper and enjoyed themselves playing games in the playroom Congratulations Hatsy New rowan Mr and Mrs Bruce Demitroff Stephen and Jessie and Mr and Mrs Lewis Hubbard and Bonnie ivy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Barker Mr and Mrs Cliff Ploxton and Sharyn Angus called on Ed Paddison Sunday Miss Marion Mumberson Sick Childrens Hospital Tumnto spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrslzlvan puff brought babmluahterihoms neSat HospitalfToronto where she had been for some time Legion Ladies Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary 119 516 met in the town hallLTbursday ev ening with the president in the chair very successful meeting was held Afterthebusiness was over bountiful lunch was served by Comrades Hinds Gavin Joslin and Collier tourN Rev and Mrs Harold llrgwn Toronto spent coup ays last weeplit with Mr and Mrs ace Tip up MrsAlice McCormick is visu ins Mr Mrs Trainer School their mother Mrs Walla fewdays last ter Ruthin Mr and Map artisans Paul visited last VIkwith lor uncleand aunt Mt Barrie visited ammo urination ordained 1111me The children sat tertained at Mr and Wices Thursday evenmg Mrs Hammond and Free man took home the prizes Bridge Club The Ladies Senior Bridge Club met at Mrs ll Keoghs Tues day evening The winners were Doris Anderson Rhea Car ter and Reno Delany MW Death of Longhair The community was shocked to learn of the sudden death of Longlade at St Michaels pital Toronto on Monday Jan after only few hours illness The funeral took place Wednesday aft ernoon from Nicholls Fun Home Midland Interment was Lakeview Cemetery Vault land The Guild met atMrs Prestons Wednesday afternoon with at good attendance Feltham spent the weekend with friends in Toronto Phil Lamb Aurora and Ross Douglas Niagara Falls spent the weekend at eir hgmes here ltuth haggard uncommon st Thomas visited illsHand Mm Salisburyduring the week Mr and Mrs Gardiner Pen etang visited Mr and Mrs Cheri ies flounsome Friday night Mrs Ridout spent few days with her daughter Mrs Forrester and family Toronto raouowonm gt 32 as seenpmvramthmugh 011131308 Support ofThe 1953 Can adian March of Dimes for bursar les scholarships and fellowslnps for physiotherapists occupational therapists and pOstgraduate work for medical men and nurses rrueskous LBEG IA and felfoxmlkwus Sumner wile Wresmooe at