buld also winter HOUSE OF HITS FIIST WITH THE EST IN IAIRI MON DAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY SEE THE NEW WILL ROGERS IN HIS LATEST BIG TECHNICOLOR HIT EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pan WARNER Enos COLOR rdmdcofba MIITIIIEE Regina His Pith dual WEDNESDHYZ30pm SPECIAL ACTION PROGRAM FOR rant rm sar CONTINUOUS snows ON SATURDAY mom 230 pm ENTERTAINMENT MDIIDIIY IIIESDIIY WEDNESDAY ITS YOU WILL ENJOY EVE snows AT 840 pm so in LOVE THAT AA6F 41 0249 0RD Mil Hakim Ltssy 4011 Ram M0 lls All DVEII IIIE WORLD was oscdda CARTOON FOXY BY PROXY Mum CARTOON MON George Shepherd WTwo Farms At Adiuumcd Tax Sale Two parcels of propcrly consisti lag of farms of 100 acrcs catch midi the adjourned tax sale at Chur chill on Saturday afternoon Despite claims by the owner ho receipt for cheque paid on the taxes at last years sale clearcd thel arrears Ircasurrr Allan cari ricd out the sale Our pmpcrty was bid up to $2800 lhc other sold at 3700 the incurs on cach bcmgl about 3050 The usual one year to redcczu is Iallowcd when the owrwr may llaln the property by paying the ilaxes plus 10 penalty fracas followed the sale bu ilwcen the property nwncr and lhr ziownshlp recvc Among the spch glators was the townships cmtslublc iwho failed in innrwnc unlzl other spccmturs had prcvcntvd want Ltuigltt have bcczt real spoolarle 1A5 ll was iiccvc Lockhuri had his gtumc damaged Wirh Snow And Then Cold Winlry Weekend The past week was wintry with some snow and six below on Wednesday The weekend gave variety with misty rain on Saturday afternoon freezing slightly It became downpour by evening and at precioslng time for shoppers was at its worst with taxidermy to freeze but the temperature did not drop until later and brought four inches of snow by Sunday morning The morning was mild but afternoon and evening fumed very cold and continued this morning cold but sunny Temperatures were High Low 24 29 14 25 10 13 6x 20 26 32 34 Jan Jan Jim Jan Jan Jun Jan 10 Jan 11 III 20 10 Creemore Reeve Recalls Wedding Trip from Barrie Crecmore Star On lite 25th anniversary of his wedding day Crcemorcs rceve recalled h0 he motored from Barrie to Toron for the ceremony For Movie MerryGmRound Tune in KBB Each Afternoon at 540 pan Eighlf fake Bulk Freighters Midland Free Press Herald Eight upper lake freighters will winter in Midland this year Fleet consists of the C513 freight ers Prescott Hochelaga Stadacona Lemoyne Hagarty and Westmount and the Upper Laks and St Law rence Thunder Bay andGordon Leitch It had been expected fhablhe 1Dpverdale and theSir James Dunn in Midland rfowever it was found impossible to load them in time and they will now winter at Port Arthur All but the Leitch are carrying storage grain The Leltch Which unloaded its last cargo of the sea son at Midland Simcoe Elvator will dock at MidlandShipyardf Furtheryork willbe carried unison the giant freighter put into corn missxononly weeks ago Last of the sven storage ships arrved Midland December 20 ollowmg close on their heels was the Canadian Government Lightship St Hellers The St Hel iers picked up the remainderof the Lighthouse keepers and buoys thus officially ending navigation Spend Winter in Midland Sister ship of the st eliers the Edwards will winter at Sault Ste Marie this year Midlands 1952 navigation season was almost identical to the day withthat of 1951 Last ship in both years was logged Dec 20 First ship out this year on April beat last years mark by one day Latest ship arrival in Midland since 1941 was Dec 22 in 1947 Earliest close of navigation at IlIIidland during that period was in 1944 when the last ship in docked on Deczll Average date for the period was Dec 137 Ottawa reports indicate that bear recordquantity of grain has Reg Vosper Retires CPR Sieamships At Port McNicoIl One of the few remaining shore employees of the Canadian Pacific Railways steamship fleet who were with the division when it transfer red from Owen Sound in 1912 Reg Vosper washonored at Port Mc Nicoll last Wednesday night Marking the occasion of his re tirement under the companys pen sion regulations the veteran time keeper was presented witha secre tarial deskchairto match and Motoring out of not feasible Anticipating now slorm he managed to have left over at Barrie advance lIe and his bride took the morning train from Creemore to Barrie and motored lb Toronto where the nuptial knotwas tied by Rev John Davey aformcr Cree more minister Mr and Mrs Shepherd were at home to their friends on Friday Jan on the occasion of their sil ver anniversary Large bouquets of mums and roses adorned the living room wherethe Reeve and Mrs Shepi herd received over hundred guests who called to extend con gratulations Their two sons Ralph of Sarnia and George Jr of To ronto attended at the door In the dining room Mrs Eyles and Mrs Thomson poured tea in the afternoon and Mrs Rus selliDay and Mrs Wheldale Sidey presided in the evening Assisting were Miss Marge Emmett of Sarnia Mrs Flynn of Stayner Mrs Noble of Avening and Mrs Luella Hannah of Creemore The bride and groom of quar ter century received many cards letters and telegrams extending congratulations from friends unable to call sum of money few days in When Wife Confesses er how much can man forgive Detective CClm man Jim all flesh and bloodify0I gr wanted saint WILLIAM WYLERS wt CATHY ODONNELL Great Plays Make Motion Pictures Creemore was Greatest Among lltose Brought To The Screen Is The sittings of womoabwho foughf million milgs aohlund an c3t FROM THE SMASH STAGE SUCCCSS NOTEMRS MIKE WILL BE SHOWN ONCE ONLY EACH NIGHT STARTING 845 p111 STARTS TONIGHT IMPERIAL WINTER mr SAULT STE MARIE CP swim at nearby Haviland Bay was enjoyed by three sturdy youths Presentation was made by Spectator who saw the party Malin superintendent of the CPR Great Lakes Steamship Depart ment in his office said the sun was shining beauti fully It was snowing in the city the same day acs at Rifle lTeam wins Senator Macedonia Trophy been moved down the lakes by Canadas lake fleet Final figures may hit the 225 million bushel mark ascompared to 189 million bushels last year BRANTFORD CF Six Na tlons Indians at nearby Ohsweken held turkey shoot reminiscent of the fprimgval forest days The popular event drew large crowd with bourmen and women going from Brantford flacwthii iraord snows fair Commandant the mammalian or Infantrynpresenllhg the idouald Trophy to members of the winning Rifle Team tor1952 Lattice nHRichardsvllr sauna auntrusrrcpuy presented to charisma Senator Mac Ssgc Wthlin Ll the pommroircrcanaca mlaiassocialion of tour tyros fr her ofthe ream photoiwas 06 serving grass so NIGHT PRICES ADULTS 400 Orion Crawford Will Head VOro Fair Society Orton Crawford was elected pres identof the Oro Agricultural Fair Society at the annual meeting which was held on Friday During the business part of the meeting it was reported that the profit over the years working amounted to $20176 One of the highlights of the meeting was the presentation of life membership of the society to Ernest Crawford Oro Station Plans were made to attend the Ontario Agricultural So cieties convention in Toronto on Feb and and also the dis trict meeting in the council cham ber county council building Barrie on Jan 19 The list of officers elected for 1953 is aszllotvs Kn Gilchrist William Scott Reid rBidtwell vicpresidcnt vicepresident Hondrary directors Reeve Campbell Robert Stanley MIS Ernie Coatcs 2nd Directors Dan Wood Earl Tudhope Currie McKAy Gordon Clark Wmeford Ross Currie Wes Storey Crawford andJ Taylor Ladies Mrs Grays Crauiford Mg Cbawford McKayandMrs Robert Hall Wumleidwmui tar1920 by Senator AMacdoha1dqfShs lac New hand rest tre seams xgt msrcmnpsmv Though Canada is becoming more CHILDREN 150 INCL TAX The January meeting of the Gar age Operators Association Simcoe County branch was held at the Community House Barrie on Tues day Jan with the President George Dangerfield presiding very interestingrprogram had been arranged with two fine talks by Mayor James Harlalocp1 member and by Ernie Bell of Bell Saunders Co James Knight of Orillia introduc ed Mayor Hart who gave some well chosen views on our 50yearold automotive business Harris of Harris Auto Elec tric Barrie thanked Mayor Hart On behalf of the assdciatiun Mr Bell being introduced by Monith Meeting May Have Bridge Lacal Branch of Garage Operators Bradford 10 Al Holland River Bradford Witness That the Ontario Department of Highways realizes the need and is desirous that bridge across the Holland River berbuiil giving direct road between considerabl portionyofthe marsh gardens area and Bradford is made Evident by thcctfsrw$his Department has made In conversation with Reeve Hughes of West lather day it was Ieadhed that bl Hughes has received Tether from the Department of Highwayspe ing that the Departmcntpaym on 75 of the lovinsbspssbafey to sucha Bill Merrick covered the many problems associated with the au tcmotive insurance adjustinggbus nudgemagma mess His talk wasmosfibenefi cial to service managers andsbody and allovjr gforthe De effecting cost shopoperayors JackGabl of Rat groundnon old Hill Ltd eripressedrlbanks to Mr Bell Bradford in anticipntm jt11isbri its my ax WANT ammunit mowssu and more an industrial nation there is no rasqn to assumejhat the role agriculture plays in the Canadian economy will bisdecreased Indeed tension of flutensillsd tries at on agriculture emrvmore