Town Office AcquiresModem Municipal Accounting MachinelWCTU Clipsheef km lSUbieci Field mum Bititilt Secretarys Work in mm It hr The regulur itmihly filzelillg of lhe Wuiiirus Christian lempersric ms by Mist gilic home of Mrs ll Richardson Ronnie Mr and Km and wally Fred Hon 11115 RWhitoaudmmm wood Kelccys locus is Mrs Klimty Barrio The meeting opened with the ing1g of several hymns and the Lords Prayer Miss ltlx led ne purchased this year and now long to the conuuunliy It Not being frequent visitor to the east end of town Wt have just learned of Christmas even mg were given by local merch ant as well as an electric tea ettlc and an electrzc coffee pet that any imvcllers in that vicinitylcolaior Last years president Mrs over the holiday season could hardly miss Residents of the Bar tie community this year erected at their own expense beautiful Christmas tree on the Iodringtom PellewCook Street Gore Since most of the homes facing the park had lighted tree ill lben winl dows or on the porch the general effect was one that brought much favorable comment from the pro5 ple of the town The people facing the gore plhn that their Christmas tree will be annual custom The tree lights might not be too much to hope that residents of other sections of the town who do not have an outdoor Christmas tree in sight from their front Windows will SllOW the some community spirit anoth or year The Hillcrcst Home and School Association is holding card por ty next Thursday evening Junui ary ii in place of its rcgularl monthly meeting Parent mem bers and the general public are urged to come out and support the undertaking Choose your game canasta bridge cuchre cribbagcg and make up your own table or as you wish You can look forward to pleasant evening in Hilicrest School auditorium on To ronto Street Sentlo Hall has presented 15 aux diary with toaster Now that the group hos moved into its new quarter it is hoping to expand its membership to at least twice the present number 01in about half the members are at present active and these com prise the around 25 Iadlts who ga ther to work on mcsday afternoon one week and Tuesday evening the alternate week In the present drive it is hoped that other women will Join me auxiliary to help in the worthwhile work And it is not necessary to be an expert sew er People to cut materials are needed and people to asstst With special projects such as catering Part of the New Years plans in cludch hostess night to be held in February Auxiliary members Will entertain in their homes and draws for prizes will be made over the air during the evening similar project lost your proved highly successful The invitation to join the group now being extended seems splen did opportunity for women oflhe town The Womens Hospital Aurt lliary is continually being praised by the hospital management for its helpful work And members are doing similar work with wom en all over the province and the lUnltcd States as well as Canada MRS WALDEN operates the new billing and accounting machine in thc clerktrea surers office of the Town of icd this week it was custom municipality and according to ClerkTron urer Roy Barrund will serve the town until imp devotional aZLeril Psalm llir led iii prayer 33413 Rix New cspccnly in if hyim with He of Cuiliexzne ilaukcy JUIIIUI of Low ti Tell the Story and 13 roiispuzizon song ILll Mi le1 Did Jill bur wcrclsry hc mum CLUSHLci conducted liic tipshccf ruling port of the knotting fed by Mrs Slimlag chiiuyud Yourer Jfld the read in unison Yum mess at and li Kahuna Eli Airiuzmng 33 ghuut 3115 Mrs Vaughan countiqu thc study reading from iiil Tilt unrk nf tlit piuvzzicil will 511s Brill McKay was subject Lil the January The president Mrs Bell an miter Ixl RIClllellSUil WILl 101 fill and 311s Miliwurd sucml liulf mm was Sr and Mr and Mn Gronfel Mr and Mrs Harry Kacey Em tic spent the holiday St the farm of and In Kell coy Mr and Mrs Gibbon and family and Mrs Robert Cabal spent New Years at Lambs Nantyr Charles Hogs Toronto visited twiih his cousin Frank H0133 llug the holidays Marian and Wallace Black Thornton visited Dorothy and Don Shannon mucosains The Selkirk and Cold Mountain eruiigcs west of the Rockies are lder but not as high as the Rocky more comple ilrie Iiistul for added eff built for the equipment sr this week by being installed in the municipal building The complicated workings of the new to An uddrcssogrupli is also icieucy in tax billing being taught to Mrs Walden company representative She 0R0 SIATION WMS to Illch Jun li WMS lIlLtlillll is It bt llilil on lcdilcsduv Jun 11 Mrs Oivzil McArihurs Evening of lIucbrc Mrs Kinl Gilchrist cuicrizuitcd the ladles on Monday evening There were our tables of cuchrc Those winning prizes were Mrs McCron Mrs Crawford and Mrs Crawford Ilic enjoyable evening closed with socml hour Mr and Mrs Norman Leigh spent day in Barrie Wllh Mr and Mrs Glenn Richardson Mountains How to give bright new look 90x tired room EASY Once over lightly Willi your ironand these luscious motifs in cheerful pink and green are permanently pressed on sheets curtains spreads andi upronsl No embroidery and tlicyl arc washable too II Buglcss Vmu Housewives claim its wonder ful Theres no bag inside no bug outside no bag at all The patented paper filter traps the dirt in roomyne ml container thats as easy to clean as an enameled pan No Dirty Bag To Empty all Just empty the container in Ironon motifs in petal pink If you are planning foursome is pictured working on the first payroll to sert 21 new filter and your gt he population nachos 25000 It can add 13 0min Visl ors Tiiey are enjoying the comrade Ila Hospital omens Hospital Auxiliary 1s mall but compact and convenient Mikey51hrde bring your card table tea cloth cards etc There will be door pril zcs draw prizes apd delicious rcl freshments Playing starts at 8301 The room that the Royal Wm has allotted its 101 the ladies to work in Newly painted it contains quite large amount of cupboard space for stor age of materials and three fairly long tables for cutting cic The auxiliary has bought three new sewing machines this year and now has ve of the latest mod els on which to sew the hospital linens etc Another new item of equipment is the machine the WHA has bought for marking 1m ens Many of the room furnishings ship of womans club and help ing their community in one of the best ways they can Women wishing to join may con tact the auxiliary president Mrs Roy Christie or any of the mem bers neighbor says that we should see her 1953 new look She claims that she has acquired those fashionable dark eyes by sitting up every night until television goes off the screen Her new eye shad0w has an obvious name have been donated Dishes for serving tea after the work meet noumcins Rob yourRest ManyImplemmtonhgood Wired Theyhnmdtonblamet imam Run beuir kidneys excess iddsfmibobloodlltbeyfamd minun rubella follows If you dont test well mdueDoddK1dmy the kidney to that you can ml Wislbw 136 DoddsKidnevPills lt mummiesz arm A11 the members hope that subject having been one Of The on membership drive hoping to she will be well sobn Barrie institute Favors Exhibits AT Fall Fair Members of Barrie Womens In stitute are in favor of the Institutes having exhibits at the local 5ng cultural society fall fair report to this effect is to be made to the area president of the Womens In stitute Mrs Ottaway Barrie The Institute is planning 21 ba zaar for April At the January meeting on Tuesday draw was held on gift donated by Mrs Cook and $370 was realized Mrs Morgan was prize winner Mrs Beleskey was hostess for the meeting held at her home 69 Innisfil St Twentyeight members and two Visitors were in attend ance The motto was Dont make promises unless you are sure you are able to fulfil them Roll call was dos and donts of the In stitute Mrs Gardiner Sophia St has had the misfortune to rbreak her Several letters of appreciation for Christmas gifts were read Mrs Singer in Scotland received The Examiner and read of Mr Roth wells death inEngland She was able to get in touch with Mrs Rothwell Both Mrs Singer and Mrs Rothwell are former Barrie Institute members paper on home economics was read by Mrs Wager hdWIis Bowles read paper on social welfare The fqrmers strike was the subject of paper given by Mrs Adams and Mrs Wager read paper entitled Clean Sweep New Years resolutions totals at time The machine will do all the accounting Lax billing and tax record accounts in one third of the time formerly required with on adding machine Another that town records will be more be drawn up under the new accounting sys tem advantage is accurate and The machine installed in the local mun icipal building is of the most modern type in use in Ontario municipal offices Mrs Roy Christie New Presideniip WHA 52 Year Mrs Roy Christie elected to direct the activities of the coming year succeeding Mrsl Sentlo Ball executive are Mrs Howard Penny lst vicepresident Mrs Jack Lew is 2nd vicepresident Mrs McCarroll treasurer Mrs Albert Godden corrcSpondlng secretary and Mrs Pearson Flowers assist ant secretary The auxiliary moved this week into its new quarters in the reno vated basementof the old Royal Victoria building to embark on another years work Earnings of the Womens Hospi tal Auxiliary in 1952 totalled $1 92726 Every year the auxiliary gives $500 towards hospital linen Argentine Described To Lions Auxiliary Argentina the richest country in the wofld was the subject chos en by Mrs Barbara Wheeler for her talk given to the Lions Aux iliary at their regular monthly meeting on Jan at Community House Mrs Wheeler who was intro duced by Mrs Woodger was well qualied to speak on this rst white children to be born in Buenos Aires Her father was commissioned by the British Gov ernment to assist in the redesign ing of the railway stations at Buenos Aires and the building of the Buenos Aires and Pacic Bail road Mrs Wheeler travelled from place to place in the Argentine un til she was 12 when she and her sister were sent home to England to boarding school to begin their formal education She described Buenos es as one of the most beautiful cities All the buildings are of white marble except the presidentshouse which is red Yet it is one of the has been of Achievement regular commitment and tyear bought machine for mark the Womens Hospital Auxiliaryging linens costing $176 to the Royal Victoria Hospital for Five hundred dollars was alsol donated by the auxiliary towards Ithc purchase of new autoclave Members of Mrs Christies 1953 needed in the Barrie and Districtl Memorial Hospital unit of the womens group shows that the auxiliary has given severali small donations to the hospital Itsupplies two subscriptions to her nurscs reference book The Womens Hospital Auxiliary= also donates $50 towards schol arsliip fund for the nurse with the highest standing in the graduating class Every patient in the hospital re celves Christmas card on his or her tray from the auxiliary and as special Christmas gift this year the members gave 39 phono graph records to the nurses in training At their weekly work meetings last year the members made 3177 articles afbedding etc for the hospital For the past two years the members have been making boot ees for the babies born in the new hospital wing About 450 pairsof bootees will soon be completed and these handknit gifts are being given to each baby born in the new maternity unit At present the WHA is putting encourage other women of the town to join in its worthwhile enterprises Interested persons lastla revtew of the years achvxties daily paper for the public wardszg every year and gave each of the graduating nurses in the 1952 class trimmed with fringe are asked to contact the president or any auxiliary member hostess night to raise funds is planned for February Cub and Seoul Mothers Firsr New Year Meeting square are big news for even ing coverups They are easy to make from rich fabrics and The one pictured here is made from velvet lined with rayon crepe and has twoinch fringe all around If you wouldlike to have leaflet with directions for making this stole just send stamp ed selfaddressd envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting Even ing Cape Leaflet No E2438 mw MTGLO his most economical enamel talk on cub worknnrdcmon stration of knot tying rwepegiven by Kay Smith at the firstrmeeting LINOLEUMS Visitors at the home of Mi and Mrs Alex Ross over the fourday holiday were Mr and Mrs Henry 3055 and family Mr and MrsGor Ion Brown and son Murray Mr md Mrs Ken Cooper and daughter all of Orillia New Years Guests Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford on New Years Day were Mr and Mrs John Galbraith Culdwaier Mr and Mrs Crawford Orillia and Mr and Mrs Ted Szypcaski Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs Murray Hall Crec mcrc spent day in the village with friends Charles Rogers Toronto spent the fourday holiday with Elwood and Nelson Johnstonc and family Visitors at Mr and Mrs Graiiamswerc their daughter Lil lian and Douglas Pickering Io Lonto EXCLUSIVE HONOR The British Order of Merit 13 distinction for eminent men and women is limited to 24 in number leaf green Pattern 7068 has 20 motifs from 2x2hto ixbls lnclicsE Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS ing coins for this pattern stamps can3 not be accepted to The Barricl Examiner Household Arts Dcptl 60 Front St West Toronto Ontl Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PA BEN NUMBER FILTER QUEEN is as good as now The messy job of shak lug out dirty dust bag is gone forever 110 new 87 Maple Ave Pb 3483 30 wee 590M SAIAM TEA COFFEE sum Futons were discussed by Mrs Lynn The Fahd meetingis to be held at the home of Mrs Galloway55 Mulcaster St at 230 pm most wicked and ruthless cities 0f the New Yeyal 015 file Cub and where everyone has high fence 59 Mollie Aux1131 the aroundhls home and no one goes F11 Bafe Twelve mothers met out unexcorted after dark ln Tfinity Parish Hall on Tuesday Because of the heat the busi evening ness day begins around 5seveh The new Presidentllvhs sand oclock But at four oclock in Hertzpre31ded at the meeting Mrs the afternoon on one of the main Gladys Pmmlsecremrytmslrer thorughfayes all trafc ceases to readthe mmutes of the prevmus allow the socialites of the city to meeting and presented the financial promenade and cross back and report forth to chat and take refresb Lunch Wassertel by the 59cm ments at the many outdoor cafes ggngffanlkgamfne 3555 Wheeler recommended Buenos Airs to anyone Who is em thinking at travenmg5he gum Mlllf fat15 almostl per Presbyterian Church me Tuesday bnteed the visitor would not be digestible Jan 13 at three oclock the af disappointe ternoonRev FlaTyler of the She was thanked by Mrs Chinal Inland MlSSlon qu lie the Hurtibese who was in charge oi the speaker and is toshow film 112 program the mman work The business meeting was short and was comprised mostly of re ports from me welfare committee be regarding the Christmas hampers 113 describingle $0353 report was given by MrsuEarl and the lives of the people Itllg Cox nance converter regarding onthe borderofibet andBllrma the cooking School to be held Acozdlal invitation is extende around the middle of Ecbmary to all adults and young people 11 under the sponsorship of Canada the districtto attend the gathering Packers ASPHALT TILE RUBBER TILE PLASTIC WALL TILE Materials supplied and installed FREE ESTIMATES V15 Wollenden 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 MMHINE 32 new PEgEORMANcLAuo 34 NEWSNLEFEATURES NEWVCOMFORI FEATURES its hereyour 53 PLYMOUTH Brand NEW from lipiotipl 38 New Performance and Safety features onepiece opticallydesigned windshieldmatching fulilvlsioitrearwindownew steering ease 347New Style and Beauty featureslong lDWllBS airstreamed fendersnew harmonizing colours and modes New Comfort featuresSensational new BALANCED RlDEithe smoothestyou haveever nil in lowel priced carfull eight inchwider back seat430more spacioustrunk for your travelling comfort Come iiisenandid ivothsnew PLYMOUTH Its away outinfrontin beaufy performanCenew featuresfandsnewVALUE lt Cbina MlsSioriary deddTss Prayer Group Tuesday 9161 meeting of the Prayer Group or Chino will be held illthe Sull cay School Frooqi of St Andrews most interesnng and em answer fibcodso You can tokoit ybu you changoyourl Liobor retire