EXAMINER SIAFF WRITERS MOWOWWOWMOW Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in the US for talks with President Truman and Presidentelect Eisenhower Proposal to settle dispute between Italy and Yugoslavia over Trieste being studied according to reports General Ridgwny SHAPE commander first commando progress highly encouraging but not sat isfactory Possibility hinted that Hawaii may soon re ceive statehood PMs VISIT Undoubtedly the most important international happening in recent times has been the arrival of Prime Minister Winston Churchill in the United States prior to spending at winter VMallOll in Jamaica When he arrived aboard the Queen Mary for few days Stay in New York Mr Churchill would not with either President Truman Presidentelect Eisenhower He was however quite talkative on number of world affairs subjects nth shipboard press conference winch he held Referring to Korea the British Prime Minisch praised the bulwark which had been built up against Communist aggression Questioned about whether he would approve the new offensivcs that have been talked about since General Eisen howers recent visit to Korea Mr Churchill said it would be great pity to make an indefinite extension of the war or for United Nations rforces to wander about all Over China Questioned regarding the visit Stalin proposed having with Eisen hower Mr Churchill commented have nothing to say on the subject One question which the Prime Minister said was difficult was that as to whether Great Britain would withdraw recognition of Commun ist China if it seemed necessary as prod to peace in Korea The main thing he said was for itain to work closely with the ltcd States on this problem Dealing with peace which he de scribed one year ago in the US as having good world prospects Mr Churchill declared Certainly they are not less encouraging One of the most important re marks on the assessment of the Communist threat came when he said that although the American contribution in Korea had been great the real centre of gravity bc bwecn the free and slave worlds still lay in front on the Iron Cur tain in West Europe BELGRADE According to reports here pm posal to resolve the troublesome dispute between Italy and Yugos lavia over Trieste by the early withdrawal of American and Brit lSh troops stationed there is being studied by the western governments concerned The proposal apparently envisag es the end of five years of Allied Military Govbmmmb in Tricstes one and to invite the Italians assume full responsibility for the City of Trieste and itrsurrounding area It would leave the Yugoslavs who under the Allied Peace Treaty with Italy were authorized to maintain an occupying force in Zone in their present virtual possession of their part of the free territory This in effect would produce the sort of status quo settlement between the two countries which for long time has been regarded as inevitable by most observers close to the scene 3y specifically what he would dis explains news conference It has been suggested that thcb proposal may figure in talks be tween Eisenhower and Churchill It is believed unlikely however that any deciszon will be reached in New York Indications are though that Trieste will certainly be subjectl for discussion between BlllLSll Forl cign Secretary Anthony Eden and Marshal Tito during the latters ended visit to London in March PARIS Gencml Matthew llidgwuy chief of Supnmc Headquarters Al tied Powers in Europe having as he tenncd it new look at old prob icms reported recently that his commands progress had been high 1y encouraging but not snshctory One source of the trouble seems to be the divergence between West ern Europes military estimates of FRIDAY JANUARY 011933 Kiwanis Club Directors I953 citric Examiner Section MCDLFFEE beam Common Nehru Via in min got 88 in Trip and 113m Hopkins in XLA made mu 2Poges to l2 marks on her Algebra paper 1A our VWMW ofnnmeofthat Terry Seswright in XIIA got 91 $9 on her French paper and Michael Lewis XE made an even me in Latin Lorna McLean XE wu another perfect 100 Latin stud ent and Glenda Robinson XIIIA made 91 marks on hp Algebra paper There will soon be full list available of the top form student and the leaders in general profi Ciencv Sports Seen Turning to sports as result of an upset schedule there is no top girls jllllltll volleyball team this year but we do have top senior team In the after four tournament the top seniors are on team Shirley Christian 15 team captain and the players are Shirley Runl cri Myrna Synnuti Leslie Barring Sandra McKinnon Sylvia 110015 Juan South and your columnist In the near future the girls will grcccrvc crests symbolic of the senl ior girh after four championshipl for 195233 The trip senior girls noon hour volleyball team is Team Team mcmbers are Bev Foster captain Mun Sumsel Jenn Aiken Marg Patcrson Jean Samscl Marlene MLKLCVLI Myrl Grant and Terry Macmillan IAIIIE DISTRICT COLLEGIATE 1952 became mic he armband the partner Goon was on GUS VMU Viuu Motors will continue to rsr requirements and civilian estimates of possibilities of payment failure of the North Atlantic Coun cii to produce concrete military program for 1953 at its last meeting shadowed the press conference giv en by Gen Ridgway The vital task of his command is twofold To provide the vitally im 14 NATO poitant factor for the countries of backing of force for any negotiations and as deterrenti Thel to aggression as well as to defend all the peoples and lands of the al liance should aggression come Gen Ilidioway said that all the pressing problems confronting SHAPE stemmed from those two basic tasks There was no substanl lial disagreement on the nature of their military problem but there were differences of view as to how and when certain of them were to betacklcd Answering question as to how far SHAPE could hope to hold all the territories under its command in Europe in the event of aggres sion within the next year Gen Ridgway said that from the military point of view our land forces would suffer grievous tblows al though he did not believe they would be defeated USA Reporting on recent talk he had with Presidentelect Eisenhower GREASE hood legislation recently stated ullt so that he had been previously op posed to statehood for Hawaii but recently came out in favor of it after visit to the territory am of the opinion he added that there is sufficient support to pass the bill in the Senate BRIEFS rr HAPPENED RECENTLY Under heavy security guard South Korean President Rhee vis ited Gen Mark Clark UN com mandcr in Tokyo Although stat ing it was just personal visit ob servers incline to the View that he Senator William Knowland Cal ifornia said that he has every rea son to believe that Hahnail would obtain statehood at very early date Senator Knowinnd the new chairman of the Senate Republic an Policy Cufhmittcc told newsmcn that he did not feel at liberty to discuSS what General Eisenhower had to sayaibout Hawaii statehood The Senator went on to say that legislation to give the territory statehood would be introduced in the new Congress withina very short tinie Previous billsto grand stateth to Hawaii and Alaska have previously been put aside by Congress Senator Hugh Butler Nebraska who will be chairman of the Sen ate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee which handles state might contact Japanese officials to help ease the tension between that country and the Republic of Korea Pubkeepers in South Ruislip England are complaining about fall in trade another batch of 500 American wives recently arrived in England to join and clamp down on their hitherto whoopceraising airmen husbands Cemented one British newspaper Look out but hereis your wife Canadian Peace Council arrived back in this country after attending the Peoples Congress for Wdrld Peace in Vienna He has just been awarded the Stalin Peace Prize worth approximately 27000 untax able dollars The death occurred of Gordon Daniel Conant QC onetime Mayor of Oshawa master of the Kings Bench and Premier of Ontario LAKING DECARIE Visit to The United Kingdo Col and Mrs Wallslord From The Camp Borden Citizen On Saturday 27 December Col cool and Mrs Wattsford returned to Camp Borden after having spent approximately two months in the UK Col Wattsford went to the UK primarily to attend the Royal Armoured Corps Conference at Lulworth and also to visit RAC training establishments in England While there he visited the Fight lug Vehicles Design and Research Establishment at Cobham and saw all the latest types of vehicles be ing designed and tested there He also visited the Royal Ordnance Factory at Leeds where Centurion tanks are being built At Catter ick Camp Col Wattsford visited the RAC Training Brigade Where 11 th James Endicott chairman of the menus or Armoure corps are given their basic training and some corps training Following the RAC Conference Col Wattsford visited the Driving and Maintenance and Wireless Schools at Bovington and the Gun nery School at Lulworth He also visited the School of Tank Tech nology at Bovington and the Boys Squadron which is located there The Boys Squadron is new in novation in the RAC but has coun AGaydMasqurade Held by Staff of BarrieWorlrs CGE ternarts in other corps which have been operating for some years The object of the Squadron is to prdducc young NCOs and boys may join it between the ages of fteen and seventeen years When they reach the age of eighteen years they become soldiers and are posted to unit The scheme is reported to have had outstand ing results in other corps During his tour abroad Col Wat otd also visited the 21th Cana fan Infantry Brigade in Ger many and spent some time with Squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons which is stationed at Hohne This camp is very mod ern one and is located beside the site of the former Belsen concenlyenr which arrangements are inhome again By LORN CUNNINGHAM The annual BDCI Christmas Dance sponsored by the Band was held on the evening of Dec 23 ill the new gymnasium Them was Christmas atmosphere to the evening created by large decorated tree in the centre of the gym floor and by our old friend from the North Pole Santa Claus alias Mr Mitchell Music was supplied by Bob Huni ter and ninepiece band During the dance various typcsr of novelties were held The old est graduate dance was won by Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cameron It was learned that Mr Cameron was in the graduating class of 1925 Silnlil Claus with the help of Emery Rowe Band presidentl made presentation during the evening to Leighton Clarke in appreciation for his help in ar ranging the Band tour Examination Results The students are getting their examination results back gradu ally and in some cases the marks are not too favorable But there are always some students who ltournnmcnt was also upset Aycrst Kay Crosbie Shirley Rupert Myr fiandlc the products of the Routes groupHillman Minx Humde iiuwk Sunbeam Talbot Super Snipe and the Pullman automo bilus 15 well as the complete line of Commcr trucks Mr Vinu is well known in Bar rie bcing member of Kerr Lodge Al and AM and the Canadian Legion lie and his wife the form er Marie Bates of AJlandale and thclr son Douglas reside at Shanty Bay where they are members of St Thomas Anglican Church Mr Viau has been active in the Boy cont MSocintion and served on Cubnmstcr at Shanty Bay for so years Paterson The girls will receive crests as the senior noon hour champions There is no top junior tcum however SlllLL the schedule in thii Basketball BCI girls have organized their basketball teams for the schqu year 195233 Players on the junior team are Ruth Danger iicld Pat Thompson Kathleen Brown Sheilu Hersey June Faye Miiinr Lorna Mi Lean Marg Smusel Barb Burs lotto Bcv Foster and Helen Swan The senior team members are Allen Fisher director inap precizition of their outstanding performance at the Midwest Na tional Band Clinic Hotel Sherman Chicago Dec II 1952 mi Synnott Shirley Cumming Audrey Campbell Shirley Nich Olson Diane Currie Shirley Gcil Sylvia Hook Sandra McKinnon and Joan Smith Team coach is Miss Kissick Witii these entries it looks asl SIth mm if the BDCI will be the school This news item might be of to beat this year Heres hoplinterest to BCI graduates and for ing gmcr studenst Ehe data memtx As yet the boys have not rclfmm an C0 313 organized their basketball teams board The day school enrolmen but expect to have news about 332 The number CW that ill the near future 25 And the Stag numbers 30 Evemng classes have an enrolment of 559 student The numbeit of classes is 22 and the staff is 20 The total enrolment in the school is 1391 Our school hasbeen thoroughly Bands Plaque plaque has been put up in the main hull of the school near Room 104 to the right of the main Brad ford St entrance The inscription have the outslanding marks in reads Presented to the BCI Band units are in Division C01 and Mrs Wattsford both spoke highly of the general stateI of recovery of England People on the street all looked healthr and happy and well dressed The storcsrin London are absolutely bulging with good things Prices of essentials are fairly reasonable but prices of luxury goods are Although they both enjoyed high Great enthusiasm was notedtheir trip overseas immensely throughout the country over ariboth C01 and Mrs Wttsford ex at being the 7th Armouredfull swing The whole length of the Mall in London on both sides is already lined with tiers of seats which have been built from tubu lar steel scaffolding and large thick planks Practically every building in the heart of London is getting its face washed in read iness for the great event rangements for the Coronation thislpressed genuine happiness tration camp of ill fame Hohne tank ring ranges which are situ ated in close proximity to the Camp are the largest in Europe They were designed in 1937 to train the German Panzer Divisions Col Wattsford also visited the 7lhj Hussars which is Div Regiment RAC the Queens Bays which an Armoured Regiment and the 11111 Hussars which is an Arm oured Car Regiment All these cards as cleaned during the Christmas my cess and this was veryuoceablq on Monday morning Our caretak ers worked hard with only mum of time taken for Christmas and New Years The students an preciate the work ofthe men Who try to make our school more enjoyable place to be Ham oti the martin More aboutivcoming parties dances and examination results next Friday 102 Squadron Promotions nounW3 COLONEL AND MRS 11 WATTSFORD relax with Tig er and Murphy on their return from strip to the United Kingdom and Germany Photo by Lieut Foster BlNGO Ouggllowy TEMPLE Monday langLZ in or women and mm Specioloiua an SRQL The long awaited promotions have arrived The Squadron boasts new W01 Don MCMnrtin Dons 108 Squadron Warrant Officer givitlx W02 Len Robbins Junior Squadron WarrantOfficer now Bill Tordiff Two geants are Alex Yuchcrnenko and Bob Eirick Sergeants now are TomTobin Jack MorrnsggNe Kilt7 hibisetgvifayneCorbett Glenn Hisr dy and Jack Wilson The Bhotograpby Club is busy taking pictures of they newNCOS and we hope to have one iginext weeks edition of The IHE no But yon nvsnvnonr AT the Barrie Works of the Canadian General Electric 20 gets dressed up whenits time for masquerade party Prize winners at theloiesr dance in the plant club room pose together for picture Millie Flear1om Fleur MarthaFleait Wally De Simmand Carl Greenough and Rosa spams who won first prize for their portrayalof Witch audabarem girl1heo an Pete Momma come its southern mdrrfMlkond thogirls so 11 humps poSo for another pic lure iv Milli Elear GlynisZHo ath meanest Byers Ispamsmrue Straughan and Ken Ifarvey Tony Jarvis Km ErcchetteMrsBrett and Harold Brettcame as 5111 girl gypsyiandunidentiedchnmcter and tramb of lierem girl All A=tbefrcostumedpdonccrs were out forgone before Wlbtsswiwdinsmin the71918rtysoersinnd orchestrapwing 30150013 8119 Were 2f on phloem oursmm vsmrrfMMW 35 antmeinories oi the friends we havemadeond Motorcycling Rapport We take pleasurefrom the fact been worthloo cents on the dollar wbon7olvis Voiibuimwmsonmf afarcounting to