prunes Kr tuned on marrow after from Parlinment Hill in Harold Morrison parlia poem representative for Press This series is pm by CKBB asa meansoi listeners informed of whats going on at the nations cap int The Sub moer church scr this week originates from Cen tral United and in the evening from F350 Road Fresh tcrizin Church new series of programs started on CKBB this morning at 930 Homives Mystery Time is half hour dramatic feature prescnting CKBB PROGRAMS IIIMV ll am IN Rois llcndllne ID County Hour 310 130 850 Bulletin MM 30 Nell Round Prelude 113 Don bless Show 130 WW Km ano 100 New IN The Lighter Side 700 15 Sports 30 New 650 Bulletin 030 Millnr Sirins 11w News Ilendllnes 901 Blather Part 905 Hockey Broadcast 110 hnla Penman 1115 Boom 124 Net Ilcndllnes Web that Temp nmc WIDAY 030 Sin 011 630 News Iltldllnrs and Plrm Moritat Report 831 Huslcnl Clock cu News 700 this Rudime l15 Item 733 hm Mum Report 140 Weather report 750 New 800 Time Binl 81 Sport Roundup 330 New liedimes 900 Nels 1005 Back of All Years 020 Styles in Bone 030 Bond of the Week 905 Rndio Bmdrtwd 1900 New 1006 Western Wuvorkn 1100 News 1106 Just For Young Folks 1130 the Story Book unfunny 1200 Luncheon Enron 00 New 915 Hockey 1115 Sports 000 News 1030 News Church 1230 New Kuntz 1210 Sports Direct 1215 Mum Report 1220111110 3mm 1230 Non 1280 Bulletin Bond 100 Alrloulturnl Representative 115 Western Hit Parade 130 Strictly Instrumental 115 Report from Parlia ment Hill 200 New 2115 Pair Onme 215 Slturdu Special 330 News 3158Iturdu Speclnl 400 Club 1230 130 News llcndlincs EDGAR Womens Institute December WI meeting was held at Mrs Strachans with good attendance After the opening ex ercises Mrs Johnston gave paper on the motto Unto you this dayin the city of David is born Saviour who is Christ the King and expreSSed the true meaning of Christmas Letters were read for 200 Buring Hour 400 New ua 30 Vaughn csou News a3 Dinner 00 Church Winois Movie MerryOi 00 News Headlines ouch on mums as The Stunting liou The Shadow Diary afne Pb Vance and Michael Slime programs will be fea er morning Monday through Prim at 930 Weillwhy afternoon at 335 Bar bara Wheeler is heard with her weekly report on home and school ambitions Next week Barbara will take you to Camp Borden 101 special broadcast prepared last night when the newest home and school association in the county was fanned Coming Up on CKBB Broadcast of election of Warden at Simcoc County Council Joycec Guest For um to discuss sewage disposal special broadcast for amateur radio operators at turn program 1h Dulch for district rcsidcnfs from Holland MI 1230 815111ts of the week 000 News 910 Hits of Week contdl 930 Bundu From 1000 Sundu Slur 1030 News 1040 Gummy Kn Sunday Bercnnde 1100 News Headlines of the Week to Dinner EMEL NERPIN WYEVALE was elected president of thel NOW THAT CHRISTMAS AND New Years celebrations have been brought to close its time to settle down and try to return things to normal The Christmas decorations are to be packed carefully marked clearly 150 they can be found next year and stored away with sigh of relief NOW COMES THE TASK of cleaning up Just before my prcu Christmas cleaning new floor cleaner was brought to my atten tion which proved simply wonder fnl Along with this came tin of liquid coating which quickly work lcd its way into my heart and my cleaning womans It shines your floors with no waxing and rub bing All you do is apply it let dry few minutes and you have shining spotless surface that simp Iy gleams Theres no danger of islipping or falling either for this WW1 coating is nonskid Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture when the annual meeting was held in the Community Hall Avenlng last Sat urday Mr Nerpln well known in agricultural circles suc 100 Music by Burl Ives 602 County liour untu 700 Freddy MIrtln 715 The Story Lid 730 CKEB Rnncb Boys 806 CKBB Huloft Port 830 lunch Boys 000 New landlines 900 Drum Time 1040 Kcybolrd and Console 1118 Hen liedimes etc SUNDAY 855 Sign ion 905 Full Gospel Tnbernncle 930 Smell Time 945 Hymns of the World 1000 This Eton 1040 Family llvorltes 1100 Church Service from Central United IUNDAY 1200 Interlude 1215 Teenlice Book Review 1240 Proxmn Bulletin 12 Jobs for Worker 1255 The Church Directory 100 Muslc by Chlrlle 115 Banks of Ireland mm um 130 Melodicllly Your 230 Back to the mm 130 Bill Oahu 10 is the Twit in Bent 00 Ave Merl Walther Tomb Board Time MONDAY A10 30 News Hendllnea nnd Mnrket Report Muslcnl Clock New Hemline New Form Mullet Report Report Mummy Brondcnst Funeral Service Hold For Stroud Resident Walter Graham Small Funeral service for Waller Gra ham Small Stroud resident was held at the Lloyd and Stecklcy Funeral Home on Tuesday Jan 1953 Mr Small died at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Sunday an He had suffered from heart ailment Anative of Chatham where he was born on Nov 16 1884 the de ceascd was the son of the late Alfred Small and Elizabeth Clark He lived in Chatham until 1904 when he moved to Muskoka In 1912 he moved to Gravenhurst and in 1931 he went to make his home in Toronto He came to live in Slroud lnl933 After serving for 17 years with Time Bllnnl Sport Roundup 30 News Headlines 00 New 05 lruilnz Post 30 Musical interlude 00 News 05 Lellera Shopplnt Centre 1030 lndlnir Post 1100 New 1105 111 Neighbor 1130 News llendllncs 130 Roundup Time MONDAY EM 1200 Luncheon tunn ment until 1210 Sports Diner 1215 Mnrket Report 1230 Time Blind 1230 New 1250 Bulletin Board 100 Form Future 00 The Voice of the limo Tim Former Regional Weather ilit Tunes News Gospel Singer As You Like It Variety Show 88388 Monroe coeds Eugene Smith Utopia 1952 president BOND HEAD Miss Marion Burton Hillsdale spent the weekend with Miss Mll drcd Reynolds Mr and Mrs Charles Watt TD ronto spent the Weekend with their son and daughterInlaw Mr and Mrs William Watt Mr and Mrs Cloakey Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Mclgan Diamond Wedding large number of former resi dents as well as local called on mr and Mrs Alfred McLean on Saturday on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary rs Bradleynnd Gordon visited friends at Newmarkct on Sunday Mrs Gummerson in Hospital Sorry to report that MrsLGorgc Gummerson is patient in New market hospital We wish for her speedy recovery Range Riders Broadcast large crowd attended the Cal gary Range Riders dance in the hall Saturday night Radio fans might be interested to knowthat they are again broadcasting every Chapel Chimes ornn Mrs Doctors Orden Weekend Sports Summary Sentimental Serenade Charles Antell News Kitchen Roper Club 1230 News Hendllnu News 35 Movie MerryOo Round It won been Ron ii Music Service from Essn Road Presbytex 545 Prelude to Dinner inn Church 655 Farm erket Report sick boxes received Arrangements were made to send Christmas cheer Mrs Strachan gave report of the urea convention Exchange of Christmas gifts followed At the close Mrs Ef Johnson and Mrs Lauder assisted the hostess WI at Mr Laudcrs The Womens Institutewlll meet at Mrs Lauders for the January meeting Motto Citizens are made not born Paper by Mrs $195 501 Roll call how to be good neighbor Lunch Mrs Cock bum Mrs Bidwell Mr and Mrs Partridge and Janice 303hawa visited at Part ridges during the weekend Mr and Mrs baby Toronto spent theweekend at Cockburns Teacher Rcsumes Duties Fast resumed his duties at the local school after spending the va ication at his home In St Cathar nes Sandra Hutton Hpmilton visited at Johnsons during the holidays Mrs Johnson spent the week end in Hamilton with Mr and Mrs Hutton Johnny Hutton return ed with her for few days Mrs Hutchinsonncreaved Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Ellis Hutchinson in the loss of her father who pass ed away Saturday Jan BAXTER II and Skating Pay Baxter Home and School Associa tion played host to skating party for parents and children of the public school Tuesday evening Dec 30 Several carloads journeyed to Alliston Arena and spent two hours of enjoyable skating On their re turn all gathered in Baxter school Schoolsoclol for jolly time of games stunts and contests under the able super vision of Mrs Turnbull and Mrii Rough Meanwhile the social committee had ready boun tiful supply of hot dogs cookies and candles which were enjoyed by skaters and nonskaters alike It is hoped that next year even more ofthe communitywill join In the annual Christmas Home and ABUNDANT lnconnualnrge fish ofthe whiten fully is abundant in the the Grand Trunk Railway and the fftemoon at 505 over CFQB or Morrison and Canadian National Railways the late Mr Small operated store for few years and then took up farming He spent 20 years on the farm The deceased was member of the Baptist Church and belonged to the 1005 Lodge No 251 at Bracebridge for 50 years Besides his widow the former Matilda Robson he is survived by one sister Mrs Adams of Ham HIGH and five children Mrs Pcake Lllyan of Whitby Mrs RJ Paterson Lita of Ajax Roy Small of Beeton BC Victor Small of Stroud and Mrs Leslie Ruth of Fredericton NB The funeral service was con ducted by the Rev Luck Pallbeaierswcre all members of Barrie IOOF Interment was in St James Cemetery Stroud Floral tributes included wreath from Branch No 251 of the IOOF Bracebridge Relatives and friends from Gra venhurst Whitby Ajax Frederic ton Toronto and Mimico attended the funeral Robert Dickson Dies At Oddfellows Home Dec 16in 83rd Year An aged resident of the Home of the Independent Order of Oddfel lows Robert Dickson passed away on Tuesday Dec 16 1952 there through natural causes per taining to his age Born on May 91870 in Glasgow Scotland son of the 1810 William Dickson he had followed the voca tion of ships steward for the great or part of his life and had sailed the sevenseas with many exper iences during the thousands of miles of ocean travel Afier retirement he had made his home in Toronto and was member of Broadv Lodge 294 IQOF since 1918 entered the home here in 1947 as resident An only sister Mrs Jean Riddick of Toronto is the sole surviving realtive Mr Dickson Was Presbyterian in 0n Motor Trip to States Mr and Mrs Charles Cerswell are enjoying motor trip through the States Community Hall Meeting public meeting in connection with the community memorialhall was held on Monday night The financial report was read by the treasurer Mrs William Sutherland Gilroy conducted the election of an official board with Herman Harvey William Madill Edwin Lisk Mrs Brothel and Mrs Wil liam Sutherland being appointed number of new names were add ed to the finance committee Financial Report Cash on hand Jan I952 69837 Hall rent 52300 Fund raising events 88528 Bank interest 1009 Miscellaneous Total receipts Heating Hydro Insurance Booth supplies Hall eqlpment Miscellaneous repairing painting etc Park Government of Canada Ibond Cash on hand Dec 31 Mission Band January meeting of the Mission Store and the funeral service wadiaken at the Jennett Funeral Home on Saturday Dec 20 by Rev James Ferguson of St Andrews Presby terian Church Barrie Burial was in the 1001 plot in the Barrie Union Cemetery Pallr bearers were members DfBarrie Lodge No 83 Bros McAllister Free Rubertson Stephen son Clarkeand WgItDn Beautiful flowe expressed re giiet and remembrance ofBroad view Lodge IQOF Toronto the toms can IOOF Home Board and Grand Lodge onOntarloLlOCtF gt CDMrerissTjoREwipr onerous THAT wELL OATHYOUR witne rolnvasuokrrgf Belonging IF YOUR VACUUM CLEANER doesnt pick up all the Christmas tree needles which seem to have scattered everywhere try getting into the corners or cracks with good stiff brush NOW TOO IS AN EXCELLENT opportunity to take advantage of the many sales which seem to sur round us If you are one in million you will pick up few things for next Christmasif you are not in that category try to stock up on the many household items which pro on sale LINENS ARE ALWAYS good buy and the newest items are so attractive particularly the bed lin ens in pastel shades of blue pink green and yellow With matching pillow cases they certainly add col or to any bedroom THE MOST INTERESTING topic which seems to come up when wo men are discussing linens isone that concerns fitted sheets Shaped to fit the bed they are easier to make up and make sleeping more comfortable no more rumpld hoops Before buying these how ever there are certain allimport ant points for the shopper to con sider First you must have the exact size jor your mattress If the sheet is too small it will be hard to put on and may strain at the cor ners If it is too loose you might just as well have an ordinary sheet so do be absolutely certain of the size of your mattress Before buy ing also be sure to check to see that the milcrcd corners are rein7 forced and that the label indicates that the sheet has been treated to resist shrinking CHOOSE YOUR PILLOW CAS ES to match your sheets These must also fit correctly to be com fortable and to wear well case should be two to three inches long er than the pillow and about one inch larger in girth If pillow cases are changed oftener than sheets Band was held in the hall on Sat urday afternoon with 19 present The meeting opened with the Mis sion Band purpose singing of hymn 600 and the Lords Prayer Velma Smith read the Scripture from Luke 222 24 to 33 very inter esting story was told by Rachel Feaver Jean Ann Watt read poem My New Year Wish Mari lyn Culbert read Thoughts for the New Year These were enjoyed by all Leila Stoddart led in pray er Ilymn 590 was sung Minutes of the December meeting were read and adopted Membership fee was collected and the study periodwas led by Mrs William Watt and Mrs Robinson very delicious lunch was served by Mrs Watson Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Bradley which brought the meeting to close AN EXAMINER WANT AD sunsge Ashlee selectionolf youwm whet term mm of them to buy beam you dont have use we mm The and prudent and easiest to cure for are in new ones Before buying consider the of the spread Aloe take into comm ion the size and weight Will you VIII accommodate it How long will It take to in Will the ma terial chosen require ironing Have all these answer before you de cide ONE OTHER SUGGESTION which find has paid me big div idends is linen name taps They look so attractive and are such help if it is necessaryto send your bed linens to the laundry Bozo gthe Boston EVERY YOUNGSTER loves dog andthis knitted Boston dog with her puppy has pleu ty of appeal The dog is made from three ounces of black and one ounce of white wool the puppy from one ounce of black and leftovers from the dog Buttons are used for the eyes and the dogs are stuffed with kapok If you would like to have directions for making Bozo the Boston and Puppy just send stamped selfad dressed nvelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting Leaflet No CW42 THE 0111mm REPORT No doubt by this time most peo ple have read the Currie report or heard about it Some excuse must be made for the way the de fence officiulsrare working for they are building up the unknown quantity against the unknown out break under peacetime conditions This is situation that has per haps never existed before Huntingdon Que Gleaner OUTSHINES SUN Doradus one of the most lumin 005 stars is about 500000 times brighter than the sun IN SYII LOUT BY ND sxrm quads CLEANERS Heidi and Delivery service High St Battle Rhone 2411 GOODNESS GRACIQUS ms GOOD we cearance TAKEJlp word to part to clear broken lines Weve Cut prices to make it the wise is sufficient This is an effort on our worth your while to buy YOU CAN REAILY SAVE MDNEY ON THIS SALE unis soars Reg 100 Kes 159 Val Fine socks for men in half or shorter lengths This is snap so hurry for these Look for the red tickets Pillll pillow cases Heres saving on good quality pillow cases As white as snow good qual lIe my Better Dresses JANUARY SALE 12 off IOO Dresses Thrown on the Sales Rock Beautiful Crepes in Wool or Rayon fancy tweeds taffetas etc Styles right up to the minute Visit our Dress Department buy yourscifa smart dress and save lot of money Childrens Snow Suits llllll EMT SETS Mothers we still have nicetgroup of Snow Suits and coat Sets and theprlces are cut deep slips Gowns Panties Giovps Sleeping T035 New car tables EAnuLQusBAnGAIn BRICES 739118311719 REG 91aidsxrmsfi f3 lsjaroal snap dontpassit The stiles NEWf Clearing Lines Svgrhlnepis Etc Be Sure to shop of these great bargain 50 any 31141330381 hails than cost pried at Genuine Satin Cull promptly to out of En cler benirableucvrlty not re qulrad Loam my and felt Plum foil