re native to this country 11ch lists maps and indexes with colored map of Canada printed on Gruc Grit and Ganglion neighbor has loaned us her Christmas copy of John Coburns latest book Grace Grit and Gumption is another Collection of those stories about the popular and wellknown Methodist preacher and the people he shepherdid during many long years in and about On tario Dr Coburn has direct dry and descriptive way of talking about people who possessed the race of God in their heans daunt Courage and good Common ministers bride reminiscences of horsetrading bout with typhoid stories of saints rascals prodigals Iumbehjaeks brides grooms and whatnott And running all through every page the vigorous faith and frank honesty which has characmr ized John Coburn and his ministry in the Christian Church ing for number of Sunday after nouns Native Trees of Can This is not new book It was first issued 36 years ago as Bulle 1111 61 of the Forestry Branch De partment of Resources and Develop menl Canada Our copy is hand some paper bound reprint of 1950 and sells for $150 at the Queens Printer Ottawa It has few beautiful color plates and nearly 300 pages of text and photograph showing leaves branch bark and often full view of practically all Of the trees which in lhe end papers Here is good value for the money and it wont be long now till the leaves are coming again we hope In Such an Age If any person likes sermons or 15 even mildly interested here 158 fairly recent addition to the Chris iion library This is collection of sermons by Canadian Church edited by Wil fred Lockhart and published byl to McClelland and Stewart of Torah The preachers are Protestant and interdenominational all from the older established churches but we are Younger Voices would have been more appropriate 10 years ago Some of the subjects are gIVCn MIDHURSI Garvin is visiting her sogfrihgik Garvin St Catharmes WA Meet At Mrs Adamsons The WA met at Mrs Adam ns with 12 members present Finlay had most interesting missionary meeting very dain ty lunch was served by Mrs Smith and Mrs Peacock Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Jones Home and School The Home and School Associa lion will meet in SS No 17 pra Devotional Mrs Marshall Roll Call My Favorite Recipe written for exchange Current events Miss Monteith Topic convener Mrs Smart Lunch Mrs Nash Mrs McLean Mrs Bald wick Recreation Mrs Sutton Plan Bobby Show Some time during the second week in February the Home and School Assomation will sponsor Hobby Show Will the parents and teachers give encouragement to the children There will be three classes Grades and open as to eutryGrades Wood work Art COIIections 41Cos fume Jewellery and Shell Craft Modelling=6 Sewing Crocheting Knitting Paper Work 10 Spe auytbing not covering above des same as above Pho tographyopen to all grades one picture The hobbies can be shown again in the Barrie Lions Club Show March There will be display of Leathercraft and Oil paintings by adults who have hob bies Thiswill be held in the new Sunday School room Black Notebook Lost Does anyone know the where abouts of black notebook con taining songs games recitations This of great valueto the primer as it took yearsto gather the faterial Kindly get in touch with Howey or Mrs Lloyd Spence wish telthank all those who Supported me in my reselection tocouncil turf ev Younger Voices in the inclined to think that the term Ves In BCIICdIlg 11 God Does Prayer influence God What must do to be suved lit upon firearm or fir13 Arr Missions the Churches Uliltc jl hillr notlcewlc thes sermons logcnl 11 ixl lhc Mlill 13 tkground Church 1323111ng slvc his soul These sermons Eand large lhcm Christianity 15 wig ithe mind Let all thinke inlth the problems besetlmg us it Idaym the light of the best hrisI itlan thinking available ifvmriage Counselling few months ago this column gprescnted some brief discussions of lhe meaning and values Of marriage il mildly there was some lllltffCSlI gslirrcd up in several quarters Now the Barrie and District WcL lore Council and the Minislcrlnli IAmmtlon arc planning scrlcs 501 courses or audios for recently married couples and prospectich brides and grooms These studies twill cover the chief areas of marI tried life particularly the psycho logical factors the financial aspects ilhe physical relationand the Splrl 1131 foundation Some of the best speakers and authorities in Ontario lore being lined up for the job and further announcement will appear in the press and radio Those who perform the ceremon ies and care for the families and those whose business is to go round and pick up the pleas afterward fcel strongly that there must be more preparation and thought given in our time and generation to one of the most sacred and precarious relationships of human beings marriage caribe either like heaven or like hell and it is the intention 01 these lectures to help young people to experience more of the former when they take the holy sr PAULS Compliments of the Season Belated Seasons Greetings to the editor and staff of The Barrie Ex aminer Congratulations Over the Christmas and New Years week your correspondent and family were kept busy With 16 The proud parents are Mr and Mrs Joseph Pratt and happy broth ers Brian andale Her name Margot Lynn Ethel Holiday Visitors Holiday visitors were Mr and Mrs Harrison Barrie with Mrs Caverly and boys Mr and Mrs Wench North Bay Mr and Mrs Waiter Stundcrl Jr of Hamilton with Mr and Mrs George Shula3n and Mrs Thomas Calder Mr and Mrs Tilley and family with Mrs Harold Knowles and family Mrs Brookman Chicago also Mrs Audrey Whipps and Mrs Gordon Whipps Midhurst with Mr and Mrs Kell Mr and Mrs Fred Kelsey Sr Mr and Mrs Carter and family and Mrs Fred Kelsey Jr all of Barrie Mrs Walter Franck and Mrs Winston Smith Toronto were with Mr and Mrs Douglas Franck Mr and Mrs Bert Hubbart daugh ter Wynne Nona of Aldershot Mr and Mrs Melville Stewart and family Bradford Miss Frances Hubbert Toronto Mr and Mrs Lemuel 11th Mr and Mrs Alec Saunter and son Churchill and Don Harvey Cookstowu all with Mrs George Hubbert and Miss Wil ma Hubbert Mr and Mrs Ian Hut cheon and family Orillia Mr and Mrs Maurice Reynolds and Brian Mr and Mrs Douglas Crooks or ilia all with Mr and Mrs William Reynoltk and Mrs Sam Reynolds Mr and Mrs MelvilleAmosLon Annual Staff Dinner If man die shall he and 11 11m Ag 2131 that many of are definitely their and content to faguzn what mac uusl IXIlttt to by are good But will Here you will nd mi Star Of tuke smile brau power to road tell THE ANNUAL STAFF dinner of Dangerfield Motors held at Robindale Inn last night heralded the unveiling of the new 1953 Chevrolet which is on display today in the show turnip Herald 153 Chevrolet Unveiling camwmwa the VieBERRYfn 7N Vpamdomml CEEGWti an io Shanty Bay day at MlCKSzt 31151MARA son district manager for General Motors Dr Mc Dowell Currie QC and Nettleton Following the dinner survey of the vast General Motors sales produc room of Dangerfield Motors Collier Street Guests at the ion was outlined the staff dinner staged by George Dangerfield included Lloyd Swan rmem It 15 gmd readms Chrmian institution To pugl wrwwMrm and games were played Special guests were Rev and Mrs Muir and Mr Larlgman The mill ister and Mr Langman entertained by playing 11ch bagpipes Miss Marilyn Reynolds spout Christmas holidays in Oriilin with her auan St Pauls Church News The Parish Church was decora ted tastefully for the Christmas season The Midnight Carol and Communion service was well at tended Miss Catherine Coleman provided delightful organ recital prior to the service The chOlri with Mrs Fitzsimmins at the organ rendered special number of carols and chorales Miss Partridge was at the organ for the Christmas Day service New Years At Home On New Years Day St Pauls Rectory was opened when the Rev= and Mrs Rovle held an At Home Numbers of the congregal tions of St Peters and St Pauls came to see the ne job that has been done to restore the rectoryj and we were glad to see back again some of thefolk who helped light the fire We express to 17 Young and the group of men whof have worked on the house our api preciation for good job New White Dorsal The Chancel Guild has provided splendid new white Dorsal forf the Sanctuary of the church andg this was real addition lo the Christmas setting at St Pauls new wee daughter born on Dec Sunday Eve In OIIIIII New Chevrolet Makes Appearance At Dangerfields Expanded to Include third scr ics of cars and boasting more sig nificant advances than ever incor porated in model in the low pricc field the widely discussed new Chevrolets make their rooms today field Motors For the 1953 market bodies have been completely redesigned All cars have increased power with special emphasis on new power train that includes new engine and improved automatic transmis sion In performance in economy in driving and riding qualities ex lcrior and interior appointments the latest Chevrolet models contri bute importantly automotive pro gross Features of the new cars range throughout the bodies and chassis Of major interest The entirely new series to be known as the Bel Air is credited with Offering the most luxurious models in Chevrolet history To be produced as two and fourdoor sc duns convertible and sport coupe the Bel Airs are included in the choice of 16 Fisher body types Other passenger car series are de signatcci as the IwoTen and OneFifty new 115 Blue horstpowcr with the famous first public appearance at dealer show1 compact bumper suftcr from and rear springs for lul prlvidcidc and highEr capacity generator There are unusual in hc station wagon field Flgiimll wagtlls Tuwnsmzl Ilolcn scrim and two known as the Handyman sixpassenger the TwoTen and series developments Three one known as the eightpassenger in the OneFifty The Handyman contains threepasscnger rear seat that can be folded into the floor tum starting cranktype front dodr fourth more luggage space ventipane controls and almost one Trunk lid openings have been enlarged and deepened The sill is now at virtually trunk floor level as an aid to luggage loading lavish choize of brilliant new of solid and twotone combinations many of the cars been broadened to provide lines are more pronounced Fender shapes both front and rear make the cars appear longer although Ies shorter than last year largely due to repositioning of the bump Icr The new length makes for Egleaterparking lease with the more design reducing Ithe overhang from axles Wheel iFlame engine has been conpleciiiwe remains the same Powerglide auto The fresh grille treatment en The teen is taking dUties EBChgmath transmission which has been illanChS the Eff ruggedness in Sunday evening at Orillia for Archdeacon Emmet who is still quite ill in Toronto General Hospital Glad To Be Back Home The occupants of the rectory are glad to be back home again and we have closed our abode in the woods What with Christmas and New Year and moving we feel somewhat tired The fire seems now like strange interlude and we have come through it all with but too muchlharm thanks to many many true friends in the parish in Barrie in the country and in Toronto and not least in Western Canada The years we lived in Western Canada where the givings used to be very small have all been rewarded by the prayers and as sistance which you may have sent us from near and far REV AND MRS LIONEL ROWE PREDISTORIC SEA AGE The ice age began about 1000000 years ago when ice covered one sixtb of the land area of the globe don Ingram Amos CIaIE11deim my Medante Mr and Mrs Miller Amos and children Mr and Mrs Garnet McEachern Mr and Mrs Earl RichaNWidfamyrallrof gt Barrie with Mr and Mrs Walter Amos anLMurray Mr and Mrs AlaniLawrence and familygorillia werewitb Mr and Mrs Lawrenceand Margaret Mrs Truman Flatt Cookstown visited with Mr and Mrs Mac Donald Mumps hevalent The mumps have got hold of this small community Nearly one out of every household has it With childrguespecially aficted even the teacher To Entertain Young People Murray Amotisentertam the tangleeagle Road Pres ytman Church on breadcrum held social Friday attbe home of unanaurscsiamncecards New available for Bradford West Gwillimbury and funk fiL Will We modaleZsetohers Discuss 184 231 sion roeengineered for greater operating economy and faster pickup new ThriftKing engine teamed with the silent synchromesh transmis also moves up to 108 horse power Two Chevrolet firsts in the lowprice automotive bracket are registered in optional equipment available on all models at extra cost Power steering which re duces manual effort yet maintains traditional steering safety makes its debut The second innovation is the Autronic Eye an electronic mechanism that automatically low ers headlamp beam for passing The new bodies are roomier and stronger with greatly expanded vis bility All have curved onepiece Windshields from which the centre divider has been eliminated Other body construction high spots in clude swingoui front door hinges to provide easier entrance foldaway front seat backs in twodoor mod els and wraparound rear windows on the TivoTen and Bel Air series Bear windows on the One Fifty series and the TurnTen Club Coupe arefour inches Wider Operating advances include the automatic choke on all cars softer smoother brake action easier steer ing even more reliable starting in $50 damp weather staticfree ignition Iiood Gleaming the new models Three vertical iprop bars decorate the centre yEelelnent while the outer rim of the Egrille encircles smart parking lamps Headlamps are embedded in Ellie front fenders with the crown theirlg extended into speedline ialong the side of the body Rear lfcildcrs are longer higher and nar Irovser at the rear Along the trail Eing edge are mounted lenses for turn signals backup stop and tail lights For 1953 Chevrolet will offer 16 passenger car bodiesln its three distinct series The Bel Air series includes two and fourdoor sedans sport coupe and convertible Ihe TwoTen comes in two and Ilourdoor sedans club and sport coupes convertible and Townsman and Handyman station wagons Ayailable in the OneFifty $1165 aretwo and fourdoor sedans busi ness and club coupes and the Han dyman station wagon PENSIONERS SECURITY VANCOUVER CF Five cloakmaking shops here have agreed to pay 250 employees pension after 10 years service Merl 65 years of age will receive $60 month and ipper aged 60 will get The shop pays three per cent of the total payroll into fund Guaranteed Our Quality cleaning me ii rhods are your guarantee Of good groomlrTgTWe do topnotch job on every garment return cloth es spot free pressed to perfection CHICKEN Militias TUESDAY Mrs Borysiuk 168 Daycarest wgnugsmwimrs on 139 MapleAvc THURSDAY Mrs Christie 65s High St overall they are actually two inch Icolors Ls offered in wide array Twozone interiors harmonize with ithe selection of exterior colors in erall the cars are loyver but with an increase in headroom and legroom The top Of the bodies has addi tional width while hood and lrunki sparkling IRAIISFEII IIISIIIIIS III IIIIIIIRS FERGUSONAt There is an array of convcnicncci In Barrie Danger 11mm on all models including key torizr Hospital Barrie 131131 and Mr Howard 1933 to Mr 35411 Victoria 1933 to the Royal Hey 41 Home Jan He tile Royal Victoria Hus Jan 953 to Mrs John Mirna An the Royal VIC 31 Baffle Jan Ills to Fit and Mrs John McConnell Midhurzf L1 son 1311 Riiyirl Victoria 19311 Scot tzll Wlium fililziclrrsl lZazl Garfield XI 31 fir ROEJI Barrie J31 and 3174 Harry Young 166 29 Park 32 Victoria 313 1413 beloved mi Buwcs in her 37121 Lloyd and Home Barrie HIiL on Mommy Jan 11 130 um Interment Laure1 Cemetery Bolton COCKlJNIn the Sick Childrens limp Toronto Sonuziy Dec 31 Eleanor Jean Cockim Infant daughter of Mr and It Johu Cockluz aged 14 ilonths In term211 Stayncr Ccrltctery Dec 24 chburn Susie Jan it 1933 Clifford Ferguson 21 21 7151 year beloved hus band of Nellie Coulis loving father of Mrs 15 Re Helenl chburn Mrs Harris 1012 It nall iLilliam Barrie Char2 les Weyburn Douglas Brampi ton Angus Regina and the late Monday Jan 12 at Weyburn EGatixAz the home of her sonI ifrom 10x45 to 213x153 inches Archie Gavin 132 Mary Stl Barrie on Wednesday Jan 1953 Jessie Jane Brewster in iter 70131 year and dear mother of Ralph and Archie Barrie Resting of Lloyd and Sleckley7 Funeral Home Barrie for seri vile on Friday Jan at 230 pm Interment Crown Hill ComE etery ERMEYAt his home Con Oro on Wednesday Jan 1953I William Henry Jermey in his 83rd year beloved husband of Margaretta Morgan and deari father of Muriel Mrs Chris Jensonl Norgate Man Restingj at Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Barrie for service out Saturday Jan 10 at pm 111 ferment Crown Hill Cemetery Send TWENTYFIVEA CENTS int tcoins for this pattern stamps canI Like fresh spring breeze thsei not be acceptcdl to The BarrieI motifs refresh Easy Washable Just iron on your Examiner Household Arts DeptI home beautify linens Justpicturegdo Front St West Toronto Ont the colorssunny yellow sky blue Print plainly NAME ADDRESS and pretty peach No embroideryE PATTERN NUMB just iron on aprons guest towels dresser sets They make such pretz ty gifts toot manor TONGUE The chameleon type of lizard catches insects for food with its Pattern 7155 has color motifs long2sncky tongue Mrs Gordon 51111315 71 infernodes of you cause Though absent rwmtem sun missed all loved and dear Lovingly remembemd by tile Oiga and family EARNINGIn luv dear who Guile but rEvcr Lulu and 3m Candis suns passed away Jan or forgotten remembered by Jean dear mother II ill ho one 13 CLEARYlrl loving memory of mother and DIM Florence Clary win way Jan ms alttrli of life goes on 11 the vacant chair little the VOICE the sat there miittl by husband and iiltXLiNG in deaf it or CW lickling who Jan ll wzfe and another Ger passed 1941 linger fur1 unifies will Toxic cannot change them its true Years that may cmle cannot sever Our iovutg remembrance of you Ever and family emembcrcd by husband loving memoryant dear Kinney 1942 Ethel Mc away Jan mother Dr who pasmd Deep in the heart lies picture Of loved one laid to rest In mommys frame we keep it Because she was one of the best Always Kirkland Lake family ruins rcnzcrlzbcred by the and Tim TRIBBLEln loving memory of our dear er and father and mother Bab Louisa Tribble who passed away Jan 12 1931 and Jan 1941 As in away A1 Donald killed in action Funcraliand Ngrga 1950 and our dear bro ther Hillis Tribble Dec 13 ms Brimh Cummbmi Their memories are as dear today those hours they passed remembered Zelma the It cruising meme 1K 113 Dunlap St slumms moron lemmaethic Phone 2879 BARBIE lunar saunas was minimal 0111010 runmm sssllolnrnn groupmnnylargeemnghto Youll find dozens of uses for these remnants Flnnl2rm Jalierns and materials in the make two of drapes or slip covers srncm PURCHASE 241m 24 IN Excellent smal chair pads emblem and other T011910 Bmielenl arming