8341121 Street amp gdty evening Jon at mm lne mun George Simpson in he latch hm for New Years Slmmons proddent Mrs served very delightful lunch to mu Dorothy Exams swam Beretmt Kama pmlded aim the to members prescnt at Orlllin Soldlcn Memorial Russell Kandy actuary read the relaitvu in Barrie and Word ESbe will be back in this common ily come ttme in April film WWW Albert Ayem has returned upatml homo after visiting his sisters in dam Ltd Toronto Miss Morita Spencer visited her 3n act mm in ve porno improve mm in body dcslgn Mli0t riding Qualities rm and greatly in used tllmromrd vision are on ma Wont the 1953 Pontiac nix Power Steering is as an option at extra cost modtequlpped with Wilt transmissions Avoll obletoo is choice of eight or lxcyllndtr engines the latter with mbstantlally increased pow erj Again this year two uutoma aunt in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Herb Cunningham Toronto spent natty with Mr and Mrs unningbam Craft Class The Craft Class held their rst meeting of the year on Monday night when the following officers were clcctcd president Mrs Spencer 15 vicepresident Mrs Curr secretarytreasurcr Mrs Bellamy There will be begin ncrs class in lcathcrwork under the direction of Mrs Lloyd each Thursday evening at the public school beginning on Jan 15 Any tic admissions are offercdvanmne interested in taking thc course improved Powergllde or the dual13 asked to be at the public school range HydraMath Drive depend ing on the seriesas optional ex this Three of the scriesPathflntler Pathnder Deluxe and Laurentian are mounted on llSinch whccl base and olfcr collectively three tourdoor sedans three iwoulom two club coupes two sport coupes and business coupe As fan lid to easier parking there 18 hpproxlmatcly two inches 1ch lovers length than formerly in these three series through lcss front and rear overhangu result of the new position of bumpcr gwda and bumpers The Chieftain Special and Chief taln Deluxe series have been lengthened to 122inch wheelbase and offer choice of six or cight Available in the Chieftain Special arpfa fourdoor sedan passenger stdtlon wagon and an passenger station wagon Chieftain DCIUXC lncludcs twodoor sedan four dolll sedan Deluxe Catalina Gusi convertible and tout Catalina station wagon Features of the new bodies which are immediately distinguish ablefrom previous models in elude onecplcce curved wind shield roomler interiors high rear deck contour greater trunk space new rear fender design completely revised styling of sheet metal and trim and new luxurious interior designs Pathnder Deluxe Series ex cept club coupe Laurentian Ser des and both Chieftain Series carry large onepiece wraparound rear windows on all closed mod cIS While the width of the rear window in the Pathnder series and the Pathnder Deluxe club coupe has been increased by up proximately four inches The Aut ronlc Eye GMS famed automatic headlight dimmer is offered on all1953 Pontiac Series as an op tlon atextra cost Ancw front end suspension sys tem designed for easier steering and steadicr ride is offered on Chieftain Series In addition 10nvelling out the roughest roads lmltllzicsnew front end suspension glgreatly improves steering and thandllng on curves and corners feature to be appreciated by Begthose who do considerable driving an cities or over winding roads springing on the new Pon tiac has also been improved Front ventipanes are now crank operated and there is new in lrurlwnt panel with improved tunctional styling and new posi ullonlng of controls and dials for btler visibility and simplied Iopratlon Control knobs are nar row plastic with stainless steel in its Improved green antiglare lighting illuminates vibe operating commit which may be dimmed by otatln the headlamp switch 11nd new Pontiacs there are malty other appearance changes wblcltbegin at the front bumper all xlend the length of the car mjnew bumper styling gives an imimlon of massive strength is completely redesigned massive radiator grille the info of which carry out the theme of the car In this 11 the traditional Pontiac head inedalli is held mid Ween the symmetrlcal 3110 blades on champ whose grille bladeden parking lampswhlch of the distinguishing feat lte new models as com Mill piani treak hood and rear lugs which have six separatcd into two ee Between these is oh wide cehtre strip in giving an entirely new nPontiacs distinguish Theseand wealth ptfovldo marked chan appearance stand Wimodels tlacs offer the le rllllant new colors lstory These are its array of distinctive combinations laccbound in silk cylinder engines with all models at pm Jan l5 Miss Vera Burns is visiting her brother in Egbert hiiuarg Mrs Frederick Playle Dies At Sault Ste Marie Former Barrie Resident native of Cookstown Mrs Sault Sic Marlo on Friday Jan 1953 nftcr suffering cerebral hemorrhage She had been ill l01l week and half before her death Daughterof the late Mr and Mrs Andrew Cunningham whose former home was on Parksidc Drive in Barrie the deceased was the former Rachel Alice Cunning ham Her first husband the late Mcaford Webb predeceased her in 1915 in Barrie and her second husband the late Frederick Will iam Playlc died in May 1952 in Montreal resident of Montreal from 1921 to 1952 the late Mrs Playlc had been making her home with her sister Mrs Spcers in Sault Ste Marie since October 1952 member of the United Church she attended Wcslcy United Church while living in Montreal Surviving bcsidcs her sister Mrs Spcers is brothcrinlaw Cobb of Montreal Funeral service was held at Bar tons Funeral Home in Saull Ste Marie on Monday Jan Rev Williams conducted the ser vice Interment was in St Pauls Cemetery Innisfll Township on Tuesday Jan Pallbearers were Norman Coxworth Arthur Mc Quay Bert McQuay William Bant ing Jack Banting and Ernest Good win Rev Mr Rowe conducted the service at the graveside to Barrie included Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith nephew and niece of the deceased of Sault Ste Marie Funeral Servlce Held ForJohn Scott Rogers Funeral service for John Scott Rogers infant son of Mr and Mrs Harry Rogers who died sud denly at the Royal Victoria Hos pital on Saturday Jan 1953 was held at the Jennett Funeral Home on Tuesday Jan He was eight een months old at thetime of his death which resulted from burns followed by pneumonia Born in Barrie on June 11 1951 he wasthe son of Harry Rog ers and Marjorie Scott Helived in Barrie for four months and in London Surviving are his parents and grevlous designs is the Mrs Jeane Bmwnv grandparents Dr and Mrs Scott of Barrie and Mrs Rogers of Montreal The funeral service was con ducted by the Rev Lewls Frederick William Playlc dicd all do and mm to uvme Imam visit Taylor altarde the connection of Bishop Wllkfmon Coadlutcr in St Jamu Cathedral Toronto goo Tuesday Jan The monthly business meeting The Sllnigngmy xtendl the WWW Auxiliary will be bald atler Taylors on cd to Mrs Chris Burns and Mrs Hopkins whose father wasanEJFlttlal 3d LR killed near Vienna on Saturday 00d 35 Vac en tie Mr Emerson had gone down toaw Fail 93 on Kr and Vienna to attend the funeral oflm Andersen an 1mm an aunt just before Christmaslgffe angngn Anger 323 While there his sister died and net 0L had attended her funeral and was Mm SW and bah RIChmond on his way from his nieccs home Hm To Burk mm to his brothers home when he was Mm Luci Robertson 1e killed by truck Interment iooksmmy Bay for the remainder place in Thornton on Wednesdaylthc winter to visit friends and Trinity WMS will meet at Mm Boakcs on Wednesdayl Jan ll at 230 pm Hurrah Among those who entertalmd nuts on New You Ev at their homes were In and Mrs Cecily Sutton Mr and Mrs Emma Mr and Mrs George Simpson and Mr and Mr Neil Andetun At her home for few days with he percents Mr and Morison is Hrs Al Gallo Vivian of the USA Miss Joyce Hobbs has returned home to Edgar to spend her vm Ecation with her parents Younger Set amused On New Years Eve Miss Mar dret Cameron entertained the younger set of the district at her home The goals spent the even ing skating then went to the Cam eron home for refreshments and to welcome in the New Year Mr and Mrs Doug Pugh joined The monthly meeting of Hospital spent the New Yearx minute and with be punk Mr and lira Emma Shanty Bay Waiting the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Hubbert were Mr Hubberts brother Ivan his wife and son of Orlllla Wan Arm With An unfortunate accident befcll Miss Betty Bowmaw last Friday as the we skating on Cromartys pond She fell and broke her right am We hope that she re covers quickly and regains soon the full use of her arm Miss Annie Wilson who used to reside with Mr and Mrs Pristick will be spending the winter with Mr and Mrs Robert Martin at their home Womens Institute the Womens lnatltute was held Tues deuce The treasurer Mrs Packard read her report It was moved and STOREY wonw It has been estimated that about passed that the halitute send is 50000 thunderstorms occur each to the Save the Children Fund day in different parts There was an extensive discussion rwwww about the prospect of getting newlstove for beating the half It was left to Mrs Patterson to make tnquirica and report to tho other membcm Mrs Russell Han dy suggested that if all the people of the community turned out to the annual hall meeting sugges tions could be received and dlSa cussed on how to the hall andl make it more comfortable Taylor gave very intercsbl lug reading on How People Got Their Mail in Cm District in the 1830s Mrs mlphchkling gave very humorous reading on Dairy Buitcr The evening was com3 eluded with the National Anthem Relatives and friends travelling Pallbearers were William Rogers John Reeve Jack Scott and Jack Mltchlnson Interment was in Bar rje Union Cemetery Floral tributes included those from Collier Street United Church tho Zeta Psi Fraternity at the University of Wastern Ontario Relds Barber Shop the Simcoe County Health Unit and the Arts and Science Council at Western University Relatives and fricnds from dis tance altendingthe funcralwere of Toronto Jack Scott of Plcton and Mrs Rogers of Montreal generous choice of matchingand harmonizing interiors in luxurious new fabrics is available in many of the models ANCIENT can TRENTON ONT CP brittle slightly yellowcd New Years card was found tucked in box by Miss Blackledge The card gWento Miss Blackledge by her grandmother 31 years ago is of ora in Bonds big January bonus com AND TROUSERS Yamdyad wounds sharkskins picnpic gabardines flannel worsteds pin checks plaids stripes ondgsolld tones to you4a extra pair trousers FREE with every ytailorcdtomeasure suit at regular logo Bond prices This is the kindrof value for which Bond is famousreal moneyinlhebank savings that every man can appreciate Whats more every fabric in Bonds wide selection is on sale including brilliant assortment of smart new Spring shades and patterns heavier weight to wear right now lighter weights for Easter and summer Every Bond suit is mode to your individual measure masterfully designed and carefully tailored to give you the besttting suit youve ever had the greatest value your money can huylrdor your new Bond suit NOWget that big bonus of an extra pair of trousers FREE Dont wait too longilhia sale Is for alimited rrtlmcr only onnoouooooooouoooooocouncnwn7 0060900909 LADIES SllllS TAILIIIIEB 10 MEASURE wltla EXTRA saltl FREE annexy ILinn130 Same atorowidoohoicovffabriwheautlfully tailored to measure in wide variety of lovely soft feminine at In In th of an EXTRA IRT REEL PM $3935 OCOQQQOOOQQQQ9QQQQOQQQOQOQQOO9 899 $3975 Eidra Trousers FREE You Sovo $1325 angst ego roof my Ilka $59751x1r55f6vmflt You Save $625 Iquo sxnacuaadt roaovsasltssx you uncrassmsmaeoa YOUR Moulvsmuunlo boom ommusmv 109 Suva $1931 of the world GIVE your car motor fair deal regular check up will give you 100 rc tums We are specialists BREN NAN Auto Electric Servico BARBIE ONT ll