HEADS STAYS LEW Chm Spence hm been elected NW of Snyder branch of time Canadian Uglon Other ofcers for 1963 Don Blackstoek and Wil liam Sutton vicevpresidcm Johnson salutary Clifford Jen centennialarms Alien assistant 22 95 MWmw KW MONDAY DECEMBER HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN IARRIE MONDAY THESE WEBER MATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 p111 Insurance Agents Complete Year with Luncheon Meeting Held in Community House The Barrie and District lnsurdlmvc not illuleitl in proportion once Agents Association hold their ln i937 the conmlele coverage nal meeting for the year with cost from $1450 up Now it cools luncheon at the community liousc from $5340 up The proposeddis on Wednesday noon with Ibontlcount to be offered to drivers thirty members and visxtors pres without accident claims may help cut to keep the average rates down The Special Speaker lfor them but may leave other dri been scheduled to be prezsxit 25 rs paymg addmonal prem tunable to come He was Alfred Eve Shows At 650 and run PLUS ATwo Reel Musical With lum 0in srmiovnsnow Connie Boswell Arnold THE BENEDET Also Color Cdttoon STARTS ClllllSlllllS lint 515 pm PLUS CARTOON AND OTHER SCREEN TREATS PATRONS PLEASE NOTE SO THAT OUR STAFF PERSONNEL CAN ENJOY THEIR CHRISTMAS DINNERS OUR SHOWS AT THE by TECHNICOLOR AI MINEMID PlClUllf ROXY SI GRANADA THEATRES WILL COMMENCE AT 515 pm THEMANAGEMENT or THE ROXY AND GRANADA THEATRE WISH IIIII MERRY CHRISTMAS In III QKWRKKKWKKMKIMMlllKKKWmililalllwtllllll Killllillliil Last Minute ii Aurora THE MONDAY EVE snows 650 and PLUS TH ESE ADDED TREATS Color Colloop wooor WooorECKERV POLKA gown GENERALS AIsolhei fiiconimc om Roxv ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY DaysOnly colostrum no WILLSTARTAT 3515 piog sirosswvxw RAW It Suggestion AND GRANADA Tijiloln jAttorlloon ct pm lobsters tionwide appnl for do end to the criticism bod beenireports that the virus disease emotqsis had spread infringe beep cattle kangaroos Wouicoisoodu Virus Some of these reports we know have bcenstarted by people who are anti myxoniatosisifor some reason or other and would like use of the virus dis fBut the great diatom are feel eurosinere their anxiety They have been Ill 01 tosis came creatcdunjustliled escaryanxiety virus is incapable in infecting and causing disease in man stock or native albumin Tenerriyrnoth EngW strange in the idea of disease being Specic Myxomzi fromSoutli America where during the past mails and it has still contained iCowling MPP one of the leading lagents of the Toronto district and 3had been detained in Toronto on business Provinclol Directors Report Past president Robert Sarjeatitg director of the Ontario Associai including an area from Kitchener to Orillia spent two days in Tori onto last week when some cone tentious matters pertaining to the new automobile rates were under discussion and he gave the agents very concise report of the prom gross and told of the part taken by the Agents Association in en dcavoring to get the best possibleg arrangements for both agents and the insuring public He reported that the whole matg to was recalled by the Board of Underwritch for further considerl some ation following the meeting One interesting point brought out was all agents becoming members of their tion and chairman of the district NEW for He emphasized the importance of Association as only by united stand could it be expected to advance their interests 10615 To Axan The firm of Bell and Saunders the district were hosts to the agents for the lunch con and their generosity was much appreciated William Bell gave some very interestingcxamples of Claim losses in connection with ino new type of automobile pollcyi which has been in use for the past year He stressed the importance of drivers of other cars being sure they were covered according to lonly for days driving other ve hiclcs He also gave an instance of borrowed trailer which caused ctlic terms of their policy which is difficulty in settling claim Those present wcre Cal comparison of rates In Ontariolhzim Ross Saunders Thaian and adjoining New York State In Niagara Falls Out the rates for private passenger car for stand ard limits and collision with $100 deductable are $4680 whereas across the river in Niagara Falls NY the same rules are $113 He pointed out that although the value of cars had doubled in the past years the rates of car insurance son Hawkins Charles Rogers Clifford Elrick Roy Allen Mer win Corbett Slcssor Kelsey Bert Dutclicr William Mal comson Fred Miles Fred Sarjcunt Harry Michic Elwood Dunn Mrs Mailwcll Allan Simpson Ross Hand Lorne Arnold Robert Sar jcant William Bird John Steven son and Simpkin RECEIVES INSURANCE AWARD Runner smmnr provincial director and chairman of district two of the Insurance Agents Association seen being presented with the cup for membership in the provincial con test Fred Eagle provincial president is making the pres entatlon This district takes in Kitchener Waterloo Oshawa Owen SoundOrillia Midland Halton counties and Barrie York County Guelph Peel and Beailyf Bios Will More Central Midland Free Press Herald North Simcoe received most welcome Christmas present with the announcement by Fitz gerald that the Really Bros central foundry will be established on trialbasis in the mini of Penetang This will mean gradual addi tionaflerFebiuary 1953 of up to 30 men in the moulding shop and the assurance that at least for the time being production of household appliances will be carried on in the towns largest factory rathFtbon being transferred to other Beatty Bros pla Beatty ros London factory em poying per nswiii6oiosed early next year according to press statement cretedhtoJNFA Farnell its managerrf1h em ployees will beflaid off and the plant offered forsale he stated ations for various Beatty plants should not prove financially sound Mr Fitzgerald stated It had been decided some time ago he added that the Penetang and Woodstock Beatty foundries would assist the London foundry in building up reserve bank of cast ings which wouldkeep the assem it The biggest story In the STARTS TODAY Owing to the length of this pro gram 14 Hours will be shown once only each night starting at 840 pm Complete show after 840 Matinee Wednesday At 215 pm COME EARLY TO SEE COMPLETE snow NIGHT PRICES ADULTS lac CHILDREN 15c INCLJ TAX MATINEE PRICES 300 do 150 Foundry Iron to Paneling bly lines operating while the cen tral foundry was being established In line with this policy the Pene tangl plant has been bringing in extra supplies of foundry materials Reeve Alf Cage and Dputy Reeve Archie Verrlere conferred with County Assessor Eric Simp son regarding progress on the low ering of the assessmenton Beatty Bros Penetang p1ant ll isondeisood maitio recent deciSionof the Penetang Court of Revisionto seek to bring Beatty Bros Penetang tax levy in line with the taxes paid by competitive plants and desire toeliminate duplication of overhead Were fac torsin thecompanys decision 10 maStiltitltr1ondonfoundry Opera time qr triallbasis to Peiietang no jmojorstructulal changes or additions to blildigs are planned for Ttlie Penetang factory which currently employs 120mm and five women The new mechanical iequipmeni to be added to the foundry will beef or portable type whichcan be readily shifted if the centralization here of casting oper courr dimension inspect Some BuildihgsWhere Owners Mode Protest Thursday afternoon after the Court of Revision Thad reconvened at CliuicbilL members decided tolook over some of the buildings which the owners claimed were assessed out of proportion1hey am yet st or so it has coexistedwltlt white man and his domestic ani grown up of attributing any qua omelisionndtben building up major or minor scare This more diagnosed ailment in stock to We and meet meet again Friday when ibis ex 9mmth are to be willtake their ndings into consid erationwhen the nal summing up has Vbeen made The Court was yonder the chairmanship of Spmule at this session They will peeled County Assessor Erie Snoo will be conduct Aynurnbnr of dealt with that been received by mail prop lot which golfsioiirse will be divided into lots for select not lessthan $1500 each They will be restrictdxio RICARD GENE MICHAEL BASEHART EVANS OSHEA RICHARD HYLTON CRAIG HILL SKIP HOMEIER OHM HIGH will Aw BARRIE FLORIST RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE FOR WORK Charles Mac Fendley well known ownermanager of Fendleys Flower Blake St was one of four lopflight Ontario orists chosen to demonstrate floral artistry at the annual meeting of the Ontario Unit Florist Telegraph Delivery As sociation held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto recently Mr Fendley received warm and enthusiastic ovation from fellow florists after he finished his demon stration Altogether during an af ternooriE he made up Over dozen creations In some of thegmmgc merits Mr Fendley used styfafoam solid snowlike substance for base on which the owers were ar ranged Other designs included dainty brides bouquet of gairdenias and holly flora1 muff made with gardenias and white Chrysanthe mums onlred velvet For novelty arrangement Mr Fendley made the FTD emblem GEORGEIISHEPIERD who has been given an acclamation for his ninth term asReeveof the Village of Creemore ReeveShep herd served as Warden of the County ofSimcoe in 1951 splendid memory but does not read much as his eyesight is not anggood as formerly He asked to be remembered to his many friends of the county =We once had the pleasure of hiscompany on trip through Northern Qntario when members of County Council vmade tour of the mining area guesto of the Departmentof Northern Development Lote General Hogarth Property Suhdivided Will Sell Restricted Lots Toronto real estate Iagent pre sentcd Innisl Council with with the figuig of Speedyt11e floral messenger carved styrafoam and surrounded low roses Healsomade up num her of childrens birthday party nov elties Mrs Fendley assisted her husbandot the design table In addition to the plaudits of the several hundred spectators all flor ists and ETD members including many Americans the Feudleys ire ceived the personal congratulations if James bawcie Toronto interim tionai prebident of the Florist Tele graph Delivery Assetriatipn which Buys Scottish cows For Alberta Eom CALGARY Nov 24 cmTwen tytiiree head of heifetsand cows were purchased by Emile JuCam maert of Rockyford A113 lutitlte famous Crugglefon Perth Scotland recently model the dispersal of other tinnitus Old Country herds It was the largest fpurrilhpeof Scottish Shorthorns by 31 single breeder from Canada in the history of Scottish Sherthorn auctions didpersalsleln The animals will be caredfm on farm in Scotland until the on the importation of cattle from Great Britain is lifted by the gOVernment Twentyone of the cattle will go into Mr Cammaerts own select herd while two heifers werepurs chased for Howard Hymas of Rose bud Alta Mr Cammaert literally from his cotnbiuet0 the plane which flew him to Scotland for the aucitons He had just bah vesting 900 acres ofgram on his oclsxfordyslcls and grain Two years ago hefiriiporteda of number of ScottiSlt Shortliorn heif ersndpdcows in calf to famous ngo backformdre adianqimranline on tie has membersin 55 countries of the wprld gen Levulose honey is the plan for their approval of the Corn oral Hogarth property on the south shore of Kempgnfelt Bay cludes private building that will cost in It believed that the abnosphece of Mars contains virtually no oxy