Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1952, p. 8

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SpeciaI Programs Christmas Eve 88 PROGRAMS 011107230 tens comm loud both 815 830 Songs of hristmu 9304000 Carol Concert In Futures CM for Too Es iiil no Canning startled atrevelations of Currie Report on irregul arities and laxity in Defence Department Charge of Rt tempted sabotage laid against Russian in UN secretariat All quiet in French Morocco following outbreaks of violence ChTISImaS Day Mme Sun Yatsen tells Congress of the People for Peace ow no MORNING that America is responsible for cold war and conflicts in Korea The heavy plow used on early 53001000 The Queens Inheritance and lndoChlna Former 08 High Commissioner to Ger 10004030 Night Before Cbrlztmal Watt Dislnet 11001200 Candlelight Service from Trinity Anglican Cbmtmu Wooden and Institute Church 1200 Midnight Mass Marys 2203 whats legume locked him in the cellar from St if Clan Borden Public 12 You uu It comm Spotllxtit of Chris Non Centuries mu more Christin 30C GIG Club 06 Ch 8888 um Orion interlude 1100 Poult Penthouse runny MA also or New illnotion 3nd 85888 case 22 New Button Wheeler Dollars for Cnrtrtmu Non Cbmtmu election 00 Club 1230 Bentlmenul Gertrude Canadian farms required the labor 10001015 Addrtie by Male lmany says little danger of Nazi renadcence Communists rm me and ll Que iopposc Indian resolution at meeting of Red Cross Societies film 10801045 CGE Choir CANADA 11301145 The Littlest Angel AFTERNOON 110 115 Stayncr Greetings 115130 Rudolph the Re New The country was rocked to its 130 145 Christmas Souvenirs foundations during the past week 145200 Bing Crosby hover the revelations contained in the Currie Report on irregularities and laxity in the Defence Depart ment and Army Works Services 00 50 that 15 Sum Clnuo 30 Nut 33 Movie Maurieround settlement should be on term of ccaseilre repatriation of all war prisoners withdrawal of all for eign troops and allowing the Kor can people to settle their own problems USA Nun landlines Chimes cl Chrlttmu Tim twpF Prelude to Dlniur 55 rum Hum ROM 28 Lute shipments of lovely end tables coffee tables and step this lave just been received Ind on now on display We Invite you to come and make your choice 00 News Headline 602 County Hour until WIDWAY 1200 Luncheon monument Until 100 2313 Hum mm 215 230 Small Ono 230 300 Robert Show Choral mm 300 330 Dickens Christmas 700 Hair wunum 882 3322 enrol for Tod Bl Merv Bennti School Choir oodlit Turkey Drnw Btronemml Position Show New chlers Choir Trulinx Post News Zellert Bhobnlnl Centre Hello Christmu Non Hf Neizhbor News llcudlincs SChlmes of Christmas Time WuDIV 1200 Luncheon Rants 00 New 90 838 lOJO New 38 IO 88 1115 Sports gt 30 Sign on 31 Music1 45 Newt ment until WEDNESDAY DEC 17 Magistrate Foster and Crown Attorney Thompson presided Holloween Case in reserved judgment His Worship dismissed the charge against Thomas Louden in connec tion with damage to street sign at Angus He classed it as very unusual example of conflicting evidence by the prosecution and insufficient for conviction Face Serious Charges Mr and Mrs Gordon Moir faced nine charges jointer and individ ually and like Crown Attorney stated frankly that he was asking weeks remand but investiga tions are being continued and will take time and the nearest possible date for trial is Jan Meantime both are remanded in custody for one week on all char On HE To make Mother really hap py at Christmas and for all time just have new Filter Queen with her name on it round the Cbrlstmes Tree Its got all the good points shes dreamed about and none of the bad points shes dreaded Fast easy to use No dirty bag to empty and good to look It CAlL Intranet At 3482 and emure delivery in time for Christine NEWS 805 Television Drew 10 Kin Edurd Home School Chair 830 lelllll Btrlins 900 New lludllnrn 900 Plotter llrty 11040 Oran Interlude l100 Pnuls Pontoon 1200 New Heldllnu Woti that Temp WE DH ESDAY 30 Non Hamlin um Farm Market Report 15 CO Choir 130 CKBB Rnnch Boys H5 hvoritet Forever Voice of the Former mutant Wootber Christina Wonderimd New In You Like it Christina Bootllrht Centuries of Christ mu Crccmore Christmas Tree bentlmental Berenlde Nun 33 Button Wheeler nm 00 Dollars for Chrlslmls 30 New Hamlin 30 Christina Blockan 00 Club 1230 lil 8min Clous New Movie Merrrloround Pludl to Dinner 65 um Report Clock gcs which are linked in with those laid against William Young of Oro who was tried on Dec 10 on the breaking and entry at thc cottage of Lloyd Gilroy in Oro with theft of furnishings valued at $778 by PC Kellogg who laid most of the charges The Main are charged with the some breakdn at the Gilroy Cot tage and also with Young in similar offence at the collage of Walters at Parkside Beach Oro between Nov 15 and Nov 30 with thcft of furnishings including rcfrigerator vacuum cleaner elec illlc heater clock and ornameniI lfishing rods clothing etc to it value of over $700 Between Nov 30 and Dcc3 came another breakin at the cot tage of Mrs Ethel Gott at Park side Beach by similar methods of removing liasp from storm door breaking pane of glass in the main door and reaching the lock Gonds taken here included woollen blankets Royal Doulion dinnerware silverware bath robes toasters and other things also totalling about $750 About one third of this had been recovered the officer slated Some articles were recovered in Owen Sound some had been sold to second hand store part was in cache at Bass Lake and some in an Elizabeth Street house The Walters articles were kept toge ther but the Golf and Gilroy loot was mixed police stated Some shing tackle waffle iron cloc and shing rods were found at the home of Young who has other Similar convictions dating back to 1945 in addition to serving term for car theft in 1947 He pleaded guilty to all charges and was remanded for sentence on Dec 24 The IMoirs have also charge of possession of stolen goods and prior charge of theft of deep well bits and cylinders together With other metal between Nov 24 and Dec in Vespra the property of Jack Coupland Illegal Possession James Gallaugher pleaded guilty to having liquorin place other than the residence of the pur chaser on Dec 14 at Camp Borden followmg charge laid by Li Williams and was convicted and fined $15 with costs of $5 Assaults Pin Boy On Friday evening Dec 12 be tween gameaai the Barrie Bowling Alley one of the team players Harry Reid became involved in dispute with Robert Mowat one of the club attendants who had llll $0003 9091 101 the We VlOUS game and wholiitr laid charge of assault against the team member His evidence was that it had been the cilstom for the boys to uselhe alleys themselves between games He set up the pins in two alleys and walked back to bowl Meantime Reid who claimed that it was past9 pm and wished to shot on the oneialiey iMGW cllmdr Ihalthis W35John AYBrennamfesprafar done twicand he had then step ped in frentot Reid and bowled from that position The latter went downstairs to see and on returning or red Mowat to set up the pins and in an alter cation Mowat claimed that he 335 345 Message from Corner Cupboard 400 Babes in Toylund 430 Christmas Bells 500 Christmas in Song 530 Christmas at the Con sole 545 600 Carol Time EVENING 700 715 Juggler of our Lady 815 ii Victor Herbert 900 Christmas Carol 9301000 Ceremony of Carols 10001030 Christmas Story 345 400 430 500 pcd the other around the waist and they wont to the oor but were finally separated Acting Manager McDonald gave evidence that he had come upstairs in time to see Reid strike Mowat and that the latter stag gered and then clinched with him and both went down Evidence was also given by Reid who denied striking ll blow and by team captain Frikc regarding the time and the aili tude of the attendant PC Mc Clure stated that he had been called to the home of Mowat about three hours later and was shown swelling on the left side of the young mans face On the evidence His Worship agreed with the Crown ihatwhilc the young man had been obstrep orous there was no excuse for as saulting him and imposed fine of $10 with costs of $1050 Guilty of Uttering John Robert Gallant young soldier was found guilty of utter ing in connection with cashing cheque payable to another person for an income tax refund which he claimed to have found The sum was $6315 and the cheque was cashed by the accused in Barrie on June 16 The charge was laid by Cpl Pavelich RCMP at Camp Borden Crash Brings Fme Following an accident on High way 11 in Oro on Nov 30 Mrs Olive Carter Toronto was charged with careless driving by PC Crozier Evidence of PC Swartz who accompanied him was that the accident involved three cars One was lowing another and it 100 became stalled on the high way All lights were kept on and one man had used ashlight at the rear in warning Mrs Carter approaching trav elling in the same direction had crashed into the vehicles and drove them ahead for 45 feet the officer stated He also said that there was skid mark of 51 feet be hind the Carter car to the point of impact Her counsel cited this proof that she had tried tostop Dam age of $250 was done to the rear car and $600 to the Carter vehicle She was convicted and ned $25 with costs of $1450 Waisnt Loaded charge laid against Cpl James Lanigan of having loaded rie in motor vehicle in locality where deer are found on Nov 22 was dismissed when both the ac cused and friend with him swore that the rie in Smelly 303 was not loaded as the clip was not in the magazine but was found on the oor of the car The weapon was also rolled in banket on the car seat when requested by the officerA shotgun wasialso cased Gome Conservation number of cases under the game lawsbrought bit of color into court through display of rearms ammunition and even an antiquated specimen of venison Although not taking part in the hearings CO Randy Haines of bailifafcw practice Shoisiwmade0roMatchedashandnorth of Sev ern was present er faced four charges On Nov 12 and 13 while driving through it locality did have loaded re manager arm in motor vehicle of having in closed seson devices capcible of casting raysupon an object and alsoaa rie was struckontbaieldeof the 1808 deer of haping Venison in closed 1mg atom in larrll um thumb IIIUWWI It to mm Inuit minute wounds of aim to circadilrm in tomato fur you byReid and he had himself gripI season and fourth charge of ob structing an officer in the dis palpable of killing While the storm raged at Ottawa the Hon Brooke Claxton Minister of National Defence was attendv ing the North Atlantic Treaty meet ing in Paris He was expected home Saturday but he will have to wait until after parliament rcconvcnes on Jan 12 before he can make any statement on the rcport Meanwhile the country heard rumor of all types some of which Exquisite workmanship is eviI ienced in this short evening dress designed by Galanos for Rosalind Russell to wear in Never Wave at WAC In dependent Artists illm for RKO distribution The gown is of offwhite Chantilly lace over layers of nude tulle The lace has been ireembroidered with tiny iridescent stones and the scalloped edges of flow ers filled in with embroidery gas halfton truck was near and spotlight was held outside the door directly upon the officers It was then driven away and they followed for about two miles east and then stopped it In the truck was Brennan an another per son In the vehicle was 3240 rie in case with the fin open and with ve cartridges in the magazinewiih soft nosed bullets high power On the oor vias spotlight with trigger switch The light was not hooked up when the car was stop ped battery was found under the car Spence claimed that deer were plentiful all around that area They had gone to Brennans home at 230 pm the next day and search revealed several small pie ccs of venison up on rafter It was very dry and shrivelled Brennans evidence was that on the night in question he had been making survey of part of his farm which is 100 acres He keeps chickens has six cattle and 43 sheep and claimed to have trouble with both dogs and wolves He had kept the sheep in the barn yard Iately He had sold part of the ock and had lost three by dogs or wolves and had been reimbursed by the township This was veri ed by Township Clerk Barker of Sunnidale who gave information from his records that Brennan had been paid for one sheep in Sep tember and two more in October The question of wolves or dogs was not made an important factor Brennan claimed that they had been helping the stranded motor ists that night by getting gas for them and had used the ashlight there For the defence Charles Wil son claimed that the gun was not loaded actually as nocartridge was in the barrel ancrthat it was also encaoed He also contended that there was no obstruction of an officer and there there was plenty of opportunity for the officers to secure the name if the second man in Brennans truck at the time Bothbad assisted in check ing everything lncrdss examination by Crown Attorney Thompson the accused was quite open and readily told of areas where deer abounded and told of roads leading through the district Judgment WRSTcservezfuntil Jan on three charges and the case regarding venison was ad journed until the same date CO WSFddWlfedTmsedthe matterwofidelaying ianrrofficerwat the timebut the Crown wasre luctant to give an opinion in the debatable question upon which he stated there is no denite ruling find unlesssome authority is found In the meantime he would favor charge of his duty by refusing to give theh name of party With him Hepleaded not guilty except on the venison possession Conservation Officer Chester Spence who cpvers Sunnldole and Nottawasagalald the charges He was accdmpanied on the night of Nov 12 by Conservation Officer Victor 11 seddon whose territory is Elisa Innisll 8nd Vespia About 830 pm the were neor the Angus reforestation south oi Highway00 whentlley sawi car parkednacrpss the road out or The Commanding Officer staff and Cadets of 102 Moose vwest the Nouawsa Ever Squadron Barrlen extend to one and all HeartieStChrist mas Greetings withdrawal of that charge went so far cs to say that Prime Minister St Laurent had gone to Government House to see Governor General Vincth Massey about dis solution of parliament Many people are favoring immi gration Minister Walter Harris be ing nominated as the countrys next defence minister It is almost in evitable that cabinet shakeup is in the offing and speculation is strong that Brooke Claxton will be retired from his present position UNITED NATIONS charge of attempted sabotage has been laid by the United States against Nikolai Skvortsov Soviet citizen on the United Nations secre tariat and has barred his recntry into the country The UN has notified Skvortsov the personal assistant to the highest ranking Soviet national on the staff that he has been dismissed At the present time the Russian official and his chief ASsistant Secretary General Constantin Zinchenko are both inthe USSR it is thought possiblethat the General although no charges have been brought against him may also not return gt Mr Skvortsovi left for home in July and later in the summer the StateDepartment notified the Em bassy in Moscow to deny visa to him if he should ask for one In September the United States notified the UN of its complaint against the Russian It has been hinted that for con siderable time before his departure Mr Skvorisov had been under sus picion and that United Stntes Gov ernment agents had kept close watch on him Reports are thatthe charges con cerned activities outside the United Nations FRENCH MOROCCO Following some of the worst out breaks of violence since the war peace again seems here temporarily at least thh the Nationalist movement reduced in numbers through arrests and wrth 45000 French troops and policemen on duty throughout the country It is doubtful if the totalnumber of Moroccan dead will ever be known due to the fact that retract ing rioters carried their casualties away with them French officrals at Rabat the Capital of the protec torate now believe that the death toll of one pitched bottle in Casa blanca was probably nearer 100 than the 40 or 60 announced originally French residenCy officials are now encouraged in the belief that the 1stiq1al Nationalist party With 30 of its principal leaders removed to exile in southern French Morocco could not regroup to carry out fur ther nationalist agitation AUSTRIA Speakingot the Congress of the Peoples for Peace in Vienno Mme Sun Yetsen widow of Chinas first President the cold war and the war in Korea and InchChina onUS re Vi lerring to that countrys govern ment as manopollst perpetrators of the Korean agony ISheepp people to half Presidentelect Eisen hower to his pro ise to end the Korean war on which he was elected President Thcspeakcr aid she was speak ing to the ma orltyof Americans who demandedfpeace but who had not filled finger to get it You have elected generalWho said Asians should ibeused to fight Asians presumably because he thinks Asian lives are cheaper than Amerclan lives she stated Referring K0 she said to have settled placed responsibility for caletLlo lhejAmericanj he vctrength of According to John McCloy former United States High Com missioner for Germany there is little danger that the Nazis will take over Germany again since about 90 per cent of the people sup port democmlic representative gov crnmcili Mr McCloy who to become chairman of the Chase National Bank made his remarks at the am nual dinner of the Pennsylvania So ciety in New York Warning that one must always be cautious not to underestimate the danger of rcnasccnce of Nazism he stated that the government to day was composed of people who resisted Hitler and of those cle mcnts remaining from tho preHit icr Weimar Republic Mr McCioy said he saw no sign of immediate war in Europe 11 though be adst preparing mor ally well as physically to meet the threat of aggression by the Kremlin SWITZERLAND At meeting in Geneva the Rod kt with case thats Curve CAPTAIN I0 III uoldlled Cross Societies adopted an Indian resolution asking both sides in the Korean war to repatriate all sick and wounded prisoners The vote was 15 to two with opposition com ing from the Soviet and Chinese Communist Societies Soviet resolution asked that belligerents in Korea immediately cease military operations and re patrlnlc all prisoners of war in ac cordoneewith international conven tions This was rejected by 11 votes to two BRIEFS ll HAPPENED RECENTLY in London England Walter Ham brook 75 retired detectivesuper intendent who was the first man to head Scotland Yards squad car or ganization was fined $15 for driving car without proper care and attention For the 10th year in succession the Duchess of Windsor has been acclaimed the worlds best dressed CAPIICI IO kt gold llod rose $6950 omen scum MODELS mcm As low As $3375 Diamond Merchants ammonium hnmnnnma If hes Mr Fixlt around the house we have tile kind of giftsthat will make round 111m happiest at Christmas and year Electric Drill Smell handy allfpurpose trove CIRCULAR SAW At right Portable elece lEverytbmgfor Worksho ll It 113DunlopSt 31 machinery cuuunWmWWumu will rill Rev We WWFivshes thjI

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