are season 26 THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 24 1952 very enjoyable evening for the sdiene then Santa arrived to pro lsent the gifts from nicely decor lated tree flank ya me new To the readers of this column dance in the Parish Hall was heartiest cuts were there The hall looked Elanale mt School News very attractive decorated with red Hello again folks Hope you green and white streamers and have not been sick as so many various colored balloons McNa vided the music and Herb Morca called off for the square dances The first spot dance was won Marion Drysdale and Murray Jam ieson while Maureen Fallon and Jack Fleming were the lucky cou ple in the second Review has started for the much dreaded examinations At the literary meeting on Thurs day Mr McCullough lvoiced the opinion that he was very much in favor and he hoped we would be able to have more meetings in the future Saurln School Concert On Wednesday evening Dec 17 the pupils of Saurin School pre senth their Christmas concert in the Parish Hall Elmvale which was filled to capacity The well balanced program was varied and interestingi The pupils showed ex pert training in the drills various plays solos duets also in the sing ing of Christmas carols Saurin Old Timers provided some new and old time music on the violin mouth organ and piano accordion Sing lln terms they on understand the on Internationhlcmldrcns Emergency Fund makes world coopentlon reality to children everywhere The youngsters in this Gmtonulnn school shown du in hlunoh recess know the UN agency to reliable friend In nutrition experiment at the school UNICEF ls milk and tool to supplement the pupils diet This is but one ample of its lookrange programs to improve motherchlldhealth and nutrition In lthe underdeveloped countries in many parts of the world the Three Kings Bayard sparhmj We take this opportunity to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR WKWWIIWWWlmlgl lspending some time at the home 01 wishes for the holiday success as practically all the studlpearson all Wallace were Mrs Hender people have had colds etc Theimms Orchestra from 3mm Pmlson of Boissevain Manitoba Mrs ing the National Anthem closed We EXTEND OUR BEST WlSHES TO YOU AND YOURS FOR CHRiSTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR Mr Mrs Kendrick Harry Bell Niagara Falls spent ents Mr and Mrs Colonel Bell Miss Doreen Pearson Toronto is her parents Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mrs Ellis spent few days with friends in Barrie and Baxter Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Scott of Hawkestone Mr and Mrs William Kirkpatrick and boys Barrie Mr and Mrs Colonel Bell and Harry spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs Bell Dunnnon Mrs Len nox and Mrs Gilchrist of Tororrto renewed friendship here on Tuesday Mrs John Kerr visiting with Mr and Mrs Ross Miller Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry Rowley and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ross Millar Toronto Sorry to report that Willis Tum cr is ill at yris home His many friends wish him speedy recov cry AllonllolozPoSl Office Proud Parents Mr and Mrs Ewart Thurlow are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Dec 17 1952 in St Andrews Hospital Midland Mr and Mrs James Davis are the proud parents of baby girl born Dec 18 1952 in St Andrews Hos pital Midland Trinity Church Young People Present Play Trinity Anglican Church parish hall was crowded with young and old members of the congregation and interested visitors for 11 Christ mas carol service and Nativity play presented by the young people on Sunday evening The program opened with the Singing of carols the service under the direction of the rector Rev dePencier Wright Members of the audience were joined in the singing of old and familiar Christmas hymns by the church choir under the dir ecttion of Mrs MRoberts organ is As part of the concert program Miss Molley Brown head of the chlldrenis section at the Barrie pub lic library told an inspiring Christ KELLY CHICK HATCHERY 65 Clapperlon mas folktale The Nativity play presented by the Free and Easy Club of the church portrayed the story of the Birth of Christ in the manger in eight scenes each scene introduced by the singing of carolin fitt with that part of the story Directed by Robert Hood cap John Spence and James Laking th play had as its cast Den Parry as Joseph Norma Grinhum as Mary Lois Stephenson and Marion Jones as angels John Warnica Janet Fras4 er and Mary Martin as shepherds and shepherdesses Morris Fraser Donald Hersey and Frank Cleare as footings Vas Herod and Bill Coles Ken OConnor and Brian Weatherhead as three courtiers Makeup was by Mr and Mrs Send to you ith every 5Gowon SI good wishful Joyous Holiday Season 3Bert Jennett The play was presented in cos tume and with special scenery showing first the Nativity scene in the manger the shepherds in the fields the coming of the Wise Men to Herodsourt and the proclaim ing of the death decree by Herod ending again in the manger at Bethlehem Special lighting effects were uh fder the direction of Wallace Frase Carol service tonight at Tri Church is from 11 oclock midnight followed by commu ion service by parishioners At eight oclock on Christmas moi ing therewill be another common ion service and at 1030 oclock MANAGEMENT AND STAFF family service will be held when seawater if for the COMING YEAr joying trip to South Carolina sponsored byrthe John Deere Imple Mdgs Betty Gaston is home from phomeiduringtheweeleendn all the Childrenare urged to come out with their parents to participate in the church observance of Christ mas days with Mr and Arth Snider We are glad to see he looking so much better MrsKirton and OlareBell spent last weekend at GolderiValley VTheir father returned withwthem Thomas Dunn orthetCPR is born on two weeks holidays American Visit Stanley Simon and Floyd mentCo St Johns Church was beautifully decorated for Christmas service on Sunday and there was good con gregation The choir sangso well and looked so well in their new vestments Next Sunday will be choral service Toronto forth Qhristm holi erigsr Cagltbmy rid sundaeVtumagruu to miniatursmsum