wmg DIM rm twistmm him curricul ummroMkcepi in Charlene only from his path nu Charlene was ve and pest to Hnrloy because ho was nine and grown up Helping mother with the dishes but night wu nl most fun Harley thought she was so triendly and nice Then it hap pelted iewdm 0W Did you know that the 0mm snce or Christmas was once on Jhddden in Englandthe home of IlST YEAR festival in De moth paid tribute to one of the tbe Yule Log the Carolsinger and the wassaiiers During the Reformation many bolieved themndue jollity of Christ mns day was sacrileglous Parlia jmcul9n llecember 24 1652 or mad that no observance shall be hold of the five and twentieth day December commonly called Christmas day nor any soiemnity used or exercised in churches upon that day in respect tbcrcot This edict proved to be very um popular with the masses of the people It was notuntil many years liter however that Christmas was once again regarded as holiday any armor help but think of our many friends who hove made the past year so wonhyhile To oil of them we wish Merry Christan 3nd Happy New Year illllllililllll man DAVIS was um wanting something He new Christmas was only two weeks 011 but he just itchcd to buy gondolo car for his electric trnin One day he ditched hlslitlle sister Charz lane and hurried down town Hm spent his entire monthly oliownnco and all his savings for blue son doln car Harley hopd his mother wouldnt be angry becauso he had been gone All afternoon He hoped Contrary to his expectations Mrs vomitinA Druggist Phone 353 Harley his mother told ten dcrly Dont tell me what you bought unless you want to but what did you get tor Charlene Harley was stunned He wished she wouldnt smile at Wenoldnt who see he was trying to think Nothing momfl he stnmmcrod bought gondoln car 0h she wiped plate slowly thought you had beenChristin greatestlnlpers Santa Claus ever had He was Hans Christian Ander son fairy tale writer and composer of many Christmas stories His works have sold more copies than any other book except th Bible 3nd hove been translated into 35 languages including Arabic Hebrew Chinese Japanese and Greenlanch Since 1815 the year that he parsed away visitors from all parts the world have come yearly to the town of Odense to see the home of the writer such tales as The Little blotch Girl nd The Ugly Duck lingr Andersons fairy tales released just betore Christmas each year brought him money tome and the attention of princes well as the adoration of children Once he received United States dollar bill enclosed in letter written by young American girl It read Papa rays thatthe dollar Ls my own that he does not support you are in particular need of money but owe you this and great deal more he thinks it proper that shoulde ltto you CAN COUNTIES The island of Jamaica has three counties named Surrey Middlescx and Cornwall way but people didnt seem to mind Then the apartment lady with her little girls stopped to ad mire it How old are you Harley she asked Hurley wss stunned no wished she wouldnt smile at him guess spent all my money guess sort lorgot about Christ maspresepts Harley hung his head Yesl guess you did she an swered and that was all she sold about it but he felt terrible He didnt ewen unwrap his new car Gee hed really pulled dumb trick this time Harley thought miserably Hed always bought them presents but hed completely forgotten it Well hed have to earn some money even his piggy bank was empty He earned quarter the next morning shoveling snow but he had to take care of Charlene most of the time TRIED to get job the next day with no luck and when he lound dime in the snow Charlene grabbed it yelling Finders keep on He was so iurioushe teitlike choking her lnsteadhe made her big snow house on the sidewalk ngmm everybodys Nine he said proudly wonder she smiled won der you could take care or my little girl this allernoon Harley started to tell her gosh no but she interrupted saying shed pay him 25c an hour Harley was so surprised leaned agcinst the snow house knocking part of it down Wby sung ld he glad to he said Hurley worked hard that after noon doing everything three little girls could think of and he could build Once in while the lady would Wave to him trom the apart ment window but he was usually too busy to look up She paid him whole dollar and asked if he would take care of the children again the next day Harley tired as he was managed to say Yes His mother teased him about being baby sitter and was be going to charge her for taking care of Charlene Harley didnt mind nit er all he had cash capitalol $125 Although it rained the followhlg day Harley earned another dollar taking care or the little girls in the apartment That afternoon with his mothers blessing he went Christmas shop ping He felt proud to pay tor the presents with money he had earned He had the packages giro wrapped and put themunder the tree without telling his mother what he had gotten Christmas morning theme was littered with gay papers childrens toys and Harleys electric train Ho opened the box and pul the iondola on the track It looked een Then mothcr handed him another package bought you gori doia car long time ago she ex plalned Bul of cows had to return il think youVe earned Good health good fortune and good clrcerthese om our Cllrislmas Wishes for you And may you chilly eachofllieminincroas iugmcasure evlcryillly of the Nchcar this though Harley grinned at his mother is be peeled the paper off He knew he meant tank curl ed Gee mum lust whaig Mens Wear Dry goods AT THlSJOYOUSSEASON mgWeextehdroourmonyfriends ow sincere good wishesvfor MERRY CHRle AND 15c92uscChristmagtimmodffor ivory special grcctingswe wont to4akthis opportunity tothankjoux patrons reltuitionmending sm mespifogma goodwill and logo is gluingougou scasohmdyremama ofpastyears mind