Cains Corners MEADOWBltOOK mm mm WSW The town of Alliston was as 3m gloom 133 week the mg and Evergreen Schools during thug mud in Toranto mar lhq week and all were huge success end Wmhmg The Bafe hummer of one beloved by all In the yeas Mr and Mrs Salisbury Spam very Merry Christin Dickinson conducted ristmas concert and the Misses ChnSfmas Meeting and slaw and our many readers he served 35 pobtmhmr Guam Sunday with friends in Toronto llappy New Year to The Mrs Gillan converter of his torical research was in charge at the Christmas meeting of the Cains Corners Womens Institute last Thursday Hostess tor the by was Mrs Nevils Carols were sung in keeping with the festive season and Mrs Dickinson read paper Christ mas in Florida based on aperi ences of Mrs Patterson who spends her winters in the south ris and Norma Nevils sang few numbers which were enjoyed by the gathering box of cookies and candy was packed to be sent to the children at Gowanfs home in Collingwood Four gift boxes were prepared for the shutins of the community Mrs Legato lat vicepreSid ent was in the chair and opened the meeting with the institute Ode and creed large number of members and visitors answered the roll call Christmas Verse 09 The motto was Christmas Carols presented by Mrs Duncan The members passed motion to sell the quilt made for and dis played at the district annual meet ing the Simcoe County Quilt and Merry Christmas Happy New Year Peace and Prosperity Enjoy Fine Winter With the exceptionally mild wza ther we are enjoying the finest winter the oldest resident can re call We are surely in the banana belt The Alliston Herald reports resident called at the ofce with bunch of pansiea Dandelions were in evidence in town as well as scat now show marked improvement in the girls health as compared to at her condition three years ago The lsigns of malnutrition and hardship are gone and she now appears healthy and happy In addition to nancial aid twhlch provides necessary require ments Mrs Field sends occasional parcels of clothing simple toys land games and fancy goods Salted lpeenuts are particular treat Therese is studying mLEic and tn one parcel Mrs Field sent book music and words for WrenchCanadian songs Later Mrs Field said the girl wrote that she had attended con icert in Paris and got the thrill of ther life when she recognized the tune being played It was Alou Whiteside had endeared himself He was of reserved and dignified manner fitting the position en trusted to him lie was revered as gentleman in his courteous unassuming manner The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community School Concert Meadow Brook school concert on Iiprsday night drew large crowd Kind Words We find that 311th all the farm ers of this community now take The Barrie Examiner and say they would not be without it WYEBRIDGE Stewart Vasey spent few days with his daughter Mrs Rawri and family Ernest Hounsome motored home irom Port Dalhousie Saturday Church Service Members the Presbyterian choir and young people Pcnetang presented the Christmas pageant in the Presbyterian Church Wye bridge Sunday Dr Barr being in charge Christmas Concerts Christmas concerts were held in Mr and Mrs Feltham visual xamincr and all the staff Fair and the at convention Etta MacDonalds School2l Wyebridgc was sold to member of the wr anch The meeting closed with Save the Queen Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs McQuay Mrsr Patton Mrs Duncan and Mrs Le gate Aids Fatherless French Youngstr EDMONTON DEC 22 CP Being foster parent to 16year old French girl she has never seen has been source of muchsatis faction to Mrs Field of Ed monton Mrs Field became acquainted with her foster child Therese Poinsignbn of the Ardennes dis trict in France about three years ago She made the contact through the Foster Parents Plan for War Children on international organ ization that arranges for the aid of European children by persons in Canada nd the United States Like many other foster parents participating in the plan Mrs Flieldhgstggversgen Therese but sai ey exc ange letters and photographs regularly Christmasth it Mrsif Fieldrgasf also received let ers rom ereSes mother and linger brother Bgrliather was gt has on the heats and mag led1 while gixting with the one tarmy ingthe eary yes $3113 secgnd World War 1118119150 man is Splrltpl rs ysai hoto to 11$ mg abeautyandxoymtoourhves goo we may carry cheer and good Will wherever we to ring spirit cf deepdown giadnegs we wish in on very Merry Christinacand toppingYear mango Martino