uau WAN NURSE or practical nurse for Count Home Good living accom moda on supplied Good salary and pleasant surroundings York County Home BOX 830 nswuaaxsr PRONE 34 lwlll WW HANDY MAN Wanted to repair house for free rent winter months Phone suns Barrie 1147 MAN TO Contract cutting cord Wood Good bush at village of Shanty Buy No logs WII son WW HOUSEKEIZPEII for country home With conveniences no OlllSldt Work while mother teaches to start Jami Phone 11121 Stroud l147 44444444 EXPERIENCED Comptometcr op erator wanted smgle girl prefer red Full employee benttits Apply Personnel Office Hydro Electric Power Commission Ill Collier St lIilldii SECRETARY typing cssontial shorthand an asset excellent op portunity for advancement good working conditions salary accord ing to qualications and experi nce Phone 4473 between and Bits Alford 1147148 BEFINED LADY wanted to man age small modern home with two children Applicants should state age and other particulars when rc plying No objection to one small child $70 per month to right per son Apply Box 60 Barrie Ex aminer 11463 WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Barrie Experience not access ary fine opportunity to step into old protable business where Bawlcigh Products have been sold for years Big profits Products furnished on credit Wlitc Raw leigbs Dept MLLl28163 Mon treal 1147 AFTER HOURS Turn your spare time to profit in interesting sales work Many leads supplied If you are ambitious and like sales work this can quickly develop into full time district represen tatives job Reply giving age education and marital status to Box til Barrie Examiner Replies con dential 1140148 Prosmous WANTED WIDOW DESIRES Housekeeping Box 62 and district Phone 1104r2l 2147 or gentleman at once me Examiner WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage Dealers in scrap tron row ides feathers live poultry pcctal price aid de trucks will or 9313 MAX PUSHKOFF CO Yard and odfice 156 Tiffin 8t 344330 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For 13811381 CAST METAL BATTERIES Industriol Iron C1 Metal Yard and Office St TV Phone 811ml ham Hit Special High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING SLCOllier St Collect rnozo hangars WANTED phone calls accepted AN cntfin this dis ills which Can Chicks Dayold 1447 anywhere within the county on request Phone 2983 820131 residence 5306 Stayner Phone 2301 mscrtunrous RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own noon Its our Our new fifthSpeed oor Sande doe excelhnt wort Low rota Complete line of floor unicorn materials paints vietubes shelt ncs llers crashes etc We all everything needed to more new door from old BOYDS PAINT and warme 19 Ctapperton St Phone 5206 H1111 SKATE SHARPENING newest methods prompt service CANADIAN TIRE CORP 911 Elizabeth St Phone 3502 51186 HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing carpentry cabinet work Anything 1n build ing BUDGET TERMS No down payment on most jobs Fast efficient guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47r13 51197 COUTIS INSURANCE AGENCY If Its Insurance We Have It Owen St Barrio Phones OFFICE 2377 RES 2311 sIzis ADDING MACHINES TYPEWRITERS CASH REGISTERS 100 New and Used Machines In Stock YEAR GUARANTEE SERVICE ON ALL MAKES Easy terms arranged Telephone 5234 Barrie Write Box 147 Barrie 5143143 WOOD SAWING done in Barrie 51443W and Public Busrncss Dulfle 513011 semitrailer for MIMEOGBAPBING Stenography Barrie College on Toronto St Phone 4824 TRUCKING to etc bacco All loads insured Dump Ivered 0m trucks McDonald Haulage phone 448W Alliston 5139150 VDBESSMAKING and Alterations of all kin Buttonholes made re styling ladies and childrens wear Phone 2021 56 Maple Ave 51301fF ITS NEARING Christmas Be the talk of the town with newly rcupholstered Chesterfield or chair Contact Mayer Reup olstertng 56 Maple Ave Phone 20 513011F THE AMAZINGNew Elna Sew ing Machine Have you seen it Sews the heaviest or sheerest mat erials monograms and dams in Ferndale jiffy Why not pay visit to Roy Tracy 87 Maple Ave and see for yourself this amazing machine Easy payment Inn The onegift mother would Ike for Christmas 5133147 mun VEGETABLES 20 BAGS EATINGPotatoes for rate 751b bags price $275 per bag Apply Peter Gysel Angus RR Phone Barrie 835rl4 20147I4 APPLES FOR Christmas Court land King Delicious Spy Sweets Belle Fleur Greening $1 up Roasting chickens Baled hay and straw Will deliver Phone Otta war 3738 201114157W Johnson Son Machinists and Welders Barrio Phone 3994 96 Ross St Our Portable Welding Equipment is now mounted on truck chassis capable of servicing work any where in the country FOR SALE used phase hp electric with stakes 7136tf MANS DRESS Suit size 3840 excdlcnt condition PhoneYZIlifi USED SKATING Outfits large stock of siics Urrys Sports Store 36 Baylicld St Barrie 7139149 USED VACUUMS cheap $15 and up Try them out in your own home No obligation Phone 3482 7133447 CRESS CORN Solve for sure re lief Your lruggist sells Cress Wart Remover leaves no 7scrir4s7 GIRLS TUBE Skates with white boots size will sell or trade for boys black size or Phone 4321 7146 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 43124 71361 PIGSWe will supply your Hog Feeds till market time NO interest No red tape Phone 53r5 Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 713913 RUGS Broadloom Save up 50 New rugs from old 10 woollens and discarded clothin Newest shades Phone Barrie 27 74511 COMMERCIAL Filter Queen Vac uum Cleaner only used months like new $100 Call Corner Cup board Bakery 45 Dunlop SL Phone 3944 71474 RADIO Walnut cabinet Console DcForcst Crossley standard and short wave bands jack for record player 2533 Barrie REMEMBER Craig Hunter for ser vice Master Feeds Oil Cake Farm Supplies Order and tbke delivery of your fertilizer now and save Phone 5310 Stroud 713913 FURNACE BOILER for oil burner suitable for medium to large size house in excellent cohdition Priced cheap for quick sale Apply Lakcvicw Dairy phone 3723 71461318 TYPEWRITERS office machine portables adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona 78011bF TYPEWRITERS and Adding Mn chines new and factory recondi tioned service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Lim ited 70 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 2750 lZtth LARGE COAL and Wood Cook Stove cream enamel complete with reservoir and hot water front in perfect shape Cost around $150 three years ago will sell for $70 for quick sale Can be deliv ered Phone Cookstown 44r5 7147148 THE BEETON Community Memor ial Centre Board Beeton Ontario has pneld mm Sound Motion Pic ture PrOjector Machine and screen for same Both good as new for sale cheap Applyeither to Galbraith or to Dr McKel vey Beeton Chairman of Board 714541 representative Easiness Opportunities Bl ACRES BUSH Sawmill planer new tractor and trailer large quantity oflogs cut price $6000 Alsoltl acres of cedar bush bar gain$1000 Walter Hare RR Lisle Phone 30r2 Creemore 29147148 eaoPERTY WANTS Williams CLIENT with cash for aom BRANDONalt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 23 1952 to Mr and Mrs Douglas Bram don 220 Duckworth 81 son CAVANAUGliAt the Bo at Vic toria Hos ital Barrie 22 1952 to and Mrs Leo Cav anaugb Anton Mills son DiCKEYmAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 23 1052 to Mr and Mrs James Dickey 32 Welling St East son meters 12 truck platform EMRICKA1 the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 23 1953 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Emrick RR N054 Barrie daughter HOENSBLAARA1 the R0 31 Vic toria Hospital Barrie ec 23 1952 to Mr and Mrs Martin lfoenselaar RR No Barrie son MORRISAt the Royai Victoria 1105 ital Barrie Dec 22 4952 to Ir and Mrs Philip Morris 37 Alfred $1 son STEWARTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 22 1952 toMr and Mrs Robert Stewart 84 Drury Lane daughter fullIEO GUESTSuddenly on Saturday evening Dec 20 1952 at his home 23 Hewitt Avc Toronto Raymond Douglas Guest belov ed husband of Alice tng in his 39111 yearpdcar fath of Anne Glenn and Brian son of Mrs Mary Guest brother of Mrs Ross Brewster Hazel and Mrs liodgson Lots all of Barrie Misti Lewis Muriel Will tom and Bertram Guest all of Toronto and the late Ellwood Guest Interment Park Lawn Cemetery Dec 23 HORTONAt her late residence 18 Florence St Barrie on Tues do Dec 23 1952 Alice Barrand be oved wl of Percy Horton in her 40m year dear mother of Shirley Mrs Gordon Murdock Eleanor and Lorna Resting at Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home lBarrie for service on FridayDcc 26 at3 pm In terment Barrie Union Cemetery AUTOMOBILES 1947 MONARCH Coupe radio heater best condition $650 Apply 14614 Peel St 13146147 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM very central Phone 4719 15446 R0 MED FLAT running water telep ne Phone 22 Everett 15146147 NEW MODERN 5roomed house with attached garage Phones3453 15147 rf BEAUTIFUL Modern unfurnished duplex heated large bright rooms $100 monthly Phone 2190 151137tf MIDDLEAGED Woman or Penn stoned couple to live in 2house rent free in exchange for care of invalid Abstainers Apply Vera Burns Thornton 154472 FURNISHED AND Heated Bed room and kitchen sitting room Suitable for married couple or busmess couple Central Available today Phone 2675 between and psm 15447 DOGS Cr PET STOCK REGIS German Shepherd puppies ideal Christmas presents Phone 2146 creamyson SALE HARVEY CO LIMITED Seasons Greetings If we havent had chance to wish you Merry Christmas personally during the past few days may we now say to each and everyone of our friends andwpatrons orArVERmr 311146147 Next Issue of Examiner on Tuesday Next Therewlll bonoisoe ofThe Barrie Bunliner on Friday Dec 26 Boxing Day nor on Monay Doc 29 The next reg ulu edition and the final one for 1962 will Wed Dec 31 This all wt however vbo published day earlier on Tueodny Dec for afternoon delivery in town and rural on Wedneodoy morning All copy for advertising must be in Mon day afternoon and for new not later than 11 inn Tuesday The Summer office and phat will be cloud all day Christmas and Boxing Day The plant will remain closed on Saturday to reopcn MOMS morning but the office will be open all doy Satintiny Dec 27 for busi ness such on subscription re newnls and classified idiots NTOTIENHAM Mr and Mrs Vernon Wice and daughters VernaMnc and Lynn Marie Smitbvllle spent Sunday with their parents Murray Wray Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs William Wray Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bill Flemming nee Beryl Coul fer on the birth of son James Date brother for Billy Christmas Concert The annual Christmas tree and concert of the United Church Sun day School was held Friday even ing Dec 19 The church was lled with parents children and friends who listened to carols pantomimas 0th given by the members of the Sunday School directed by Mrs Tipping and Mrs Wice Afterwards Santa Claus ar rived and passed out treats to 110 children The pastor Rev James Dorrian and superintend ent Tipping had charge of the program Twentytwo members of the Jun ior Choir led in the service of song in the United Church Sunday morning for the Christmas service conducted by Rev James Dorrian The Sunday School of Fraser Presbyterian Church held very successful Christmas concert on Thursday evening Dec 18 The children took their parts well do lighting nll in attendance The pastor Rev Duke Superin tendent Mallion and teach ers had charge of thetraining and are to be greatly praised Evening Service The Young Peoples Choir of Fraser Presbyterian Church took charge of the service of song on Sunday evening Dec 21 Recovering Rapidly We are glad to report Fred Mc Lean who is patient in St dos ephs Hospital Toronto is recov ering rapidly His friends hope to see him around soon MOre Nominations In Cooniy Simeon Monday Dec 29 Several municipalities in the County of Simeon have not had their nomination meetings as yet but all those remaining are listed for next Monday Dec 39 In the afternoon77 they 0m meeting will be at the town ship hall Mitchell Square The Nottatwasaga meeting will be at Duntroon Tiny meeting will be at Lnfontaine and Fine ratepayers assemble at Elma vale Tumoroutta marking is at EverHt Intlte evenlnx the nominat ions will be held for thawin uxes of TottenhmHVroteriar Harbor and Benton and for Mr and Mrs Bay Miller and family Winnipeg are spending the holiday with Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson 155 Bradford 51 Barrie Christmas mu Cleaned Up The Christmas mail the heaviest by far that ever hit the local post offices was well under control by today Outgoing mails were heavy but all mail reaching the post offic es wason its way to the addresses by rural carriers and delivery at wickets Stroud postmaster Mrs BaniI ing stated that her sales of two cent stamps will amount to 15000 while she sold over $200 worth of regular postage This is an all time record and shows that the greetingcard business was not affected by the double postage required Mrs Donald MocKoy Dies At Home 2nd Line Flos Which Was Birthplace Mrs Donald MncKay whose death occurred on Thursday Nov 20 1952 at her late residence Lot 57 Con F103 was the former Margaret Isabella Jamicson young est daughter of Mr and Mrs David Jamieson They were pioneer sot tlers of the township and she had lived in that district all her life Her marriage to Donald MacKay took place on March 24 1897 and they had celebrated their golden wedding on March 24 1947 The late Mrs MacKay was mem berof St Andrews Presbyterian Church Elmvale and until ill health prevented her was faithful attendant and always eager to help out in its many activities There was short funeral service at tier home on Monday Nov 24 when Rev Burgess Elmvalo and Rev Currie Stay who was lifelongfriend both ffered prayer The service at St Andrews Church was taken by Rev Charles Carter Goldwater with the funeral sermon delivered by former past or Rev William Henderson Walk erton Burial was in Elmvale Ceme tery and pallbearers were two nephews Lorne MacKay of Coulson and George MacKay of Jarratt three grandsons Eldon Atkinson Robert Sinclair and AllanRix Crown Hill and family friend Charles Brixey Elmvale JAMIESONTHOMwOn Honda Dec 22 1952 at oclock Christ Church Deer Parkman onto by Rev Northcote Ike Janie Dunlap daughter Mr and Mrs Jamcszlraser Thom of Toronto to Edward Jamleson Oshawa son of Mrs Jomieson of Barrie and the late John James Jamlcson iv CARD THANKS GRANTHAMmTo all the friends in Hillsdale and vicinity who sent flowers loaned cars and sent mes sages of sympathy In our recent bereavement we so heartfelt Thank you and Mrs Walter Grantham and family 147 HERMONMrs Mary Hermon and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the kindness shown during their re ccnt bereavement 147 McDONALDWorda are inade quate to express my gratitude to each and everyone who helpud to lighten my burden when suffered the loss of my dear husband Mrs George McDonald 147 IN ME ORIAM BAKERIn loving memory of dear dau hter and sister Muriel Baker passed away Dec 29 1944 Deep in the heart lies picture Of loved one laid to rest in memorys frame we shall keep it Because she was one of the best Always remembered by her Dad Mom brothers and sisters7 JOHNSTONIn loving memory of dear father William Johnston who passed away Dec 22 1939 While you dear father rest and sleep Your loving memory well always keep Sadly missed and ever remem bered by daughter Mayme and granddaughter Betty 147 MacDONALDIn loving memory of James MacDonald who passed away Dec 26 1948 Oh happyhours we once enoyed How sweet their memory sti But death has left aloneliness The world can never till Ever remembered by wife and family 147 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Jessi ALBERT MONKMAN All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died at the said Town of Barrie on the 14th day of September 1952 are re quired to le proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 3151 day of January 1953 After that date the Public Trus tee will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice DATED at Toronto this 12th day of December 1952 THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE Osgoode Hall Toronto 147148 ADMINISTRATOR 29 Lake Eyre in South Australia in some years is seven times as salty as the ocean Lovely flowers were from rota lives and friends and from neighl bars on the 2nd Line from StAn drews Church and WA The funeral was well attended with many presentboth from the municipality and from distance Some were Mr and Mrs Arch Mc Intyre Mrs McLean and MrsMc CuIIOUgh Oriltia Mrs MacKay and Miss MacKay of Toronto Mrs Jamieson Winnipeg Rev and Mrs Henderson Walkerton Mr and Mrs Fletcher Reid and Mt and Mrs Earl Reid allof Ore Mrhand Mrs Clark Jarratt Mr andMrs Jamiesonand Mix and Mrs Jamieson Collingwood Storey Mitchell Square and it her of friends from Crown Hill 11rviving elfithgwfamily are her husband Donald MabKEijtwo daughters Mrs James Rix Chris IIIISIIRANCE FIRE AIZIIO OTHER CASUALTY LINES 11181118325 Chppottoh or rnounjmr nus use GENERAL LmM SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE NOTICE is hereby givon that list of lands liable to be sold nrreara of taxes in the County Sirocco has been prepared and was ubltshed in an advertisement ctober 1952 in The Ontario Gazette Copies of said list 81 land or advertisement can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon making application for same to default of payment of taxes as shown on said list on or before TUESDAY JANUARY 13 1953 at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon shall at that time in the Council Chamber Court House Barrie Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said land to pay such arrears together with chur ges thereon If land not all sold on January 13 in adjourned sale writ be held on Tuesday January 27 at two oclock County of Simcoc Treasurers Office Court House Barrie Ontario 10th day of October 1952 Treasurers Solo of Land for Taxes The Township of lnnlsl County of Simeon T0 WIT By virtue of warrant Issued by the Reeve of the Township of Innisl under his hand and the Seal of the said Corporation bear ing date the lst day of September sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Inntsfil will be held at Churchill in the Commun ity Hall at the hour of oclock in afternoon on the Third day of Jan uary 1953 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice ishercby given that the list of lands for sale for arrebrs of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of October 1952 and that copies of the said list may be had at my office Treasurers Office Churchill this 41h day of October 1952 113th Allan Treasurer lE imam power Heres futi horsepower sow heres ohe third gain as much poured inaligbtdependable chain saw Only 21pounds1igbt casyro carry cosy to maneuver Sector yourself try it yourself Come in today for full demom smiion Straight Bled or Bow Sow Illllll lllIIIII SALES salmon Hillsdale Pb Moonstone Parts for these saws also available COLEMAN Treasurer lliwiiieheevibiii WOOD FOR SALE Gilli limit Ellispriiiiibyniil MERRYCHRISTNIAS 35years and tour Hatch DRY HARDWOGB four feet Broker Owen 81 Phone 2377 isTvvell and favorably known 33147 Stove length dEIWBTed P110118 Bill LARGEST KNOWN ACORNS jembn may become Muir 50117 gt tl145148 Mexicos westernmost possession Make extra money this the townwof Collipgwgod FABRICATED IRON gie Escapes GalesgaaanosEta tine of Crown Hill and Miss Kate NiacKay at borne one sister Mrs James Elriclc Elmvale and one brother David Jamigson Of Hills dale She was fedeceased by titer be Ont NG Apply Rob Ia147 bill ptwne tiling years old loo ue lm 9147 Cawir Ch rles Local adVertising with our own name Good commission inside Poultry Form New Dun gt 4117 HARDWOOD Mixed Hardwood Hardwood and Softwood Slabs Sawed any length and delivered Accommodation Wanted BEDROOMED house for couple and3 children urgently required Phone office hourser 571 Camp Borden evenings 430 Camp Bor en 11145147 URGENTLY Wanted Or room ed unfurnished apartment or house by respectable AlrForcc couple with one child References tfncc pessary Write Box 117 Belle Ewart 11145147 Dennis Moran phone 2907 61474 Farm Strand DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgehill Drive Barrio Merry Christmas 30nd HeolthyNew Your Body Conditioning arid Arthrittc ITreathnt am till 10131001 Appotntmcnt Phone 81411 8078 t1 SINCERE THANKS to Our Lord His Mother St Elitabeth and St Rose for favor received with pro inlse to publish HJI 110147 CHICKS BUY HUNTERS Chicks 10 53 Bred for egg production so ected for meat quality R0 aired fart feathering Barred Rocks Canadian ap raved Ramp It Rock Cromwell an 8wayVCross Hunters Pouttr Zia140713 GILMOREIS Qualtt hatch each week at agile ch Camerlrstft loo breeds ah prlceslll probPoul Bread on Form enetang St cute 55 Somo startedt ticks Chick atelier lot nvail lial New YEAR FRANK BANTING Office Manager the Guadalupe Islands contains oaks which bear the largest known acorns fully two inches in diame ter AHARVEYa co LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 9r Dunlap 81 Barrte Thorium Evenings Phon 3990 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 16147 30 ACRES BUSH N10 Lot 10 Con1ilownshtp of mono Ap ply treddudor Cookstown 1631 Bartte on ooziAans SOUTH 31 Highway No 11 in good locatiim for immediate dovelo ment for subdivision Ap 1y A= Coutts Real Estate Bro er Owen St Phone 2377 10497 COTTAGE LITTLE LAKE can be used as year round dwelling Can be had at reasonable price Ap plyrl Marshalllteprosentattvg 15 Owen StcPhono 2377 1041417 61 CREE hUSHsnwmlll planer new tractoramnd trailer mighty of logs on wprlce Lucien cce arbusht 1000 Walter Hath libretto aura an rt rates for winter class This is Government Where you arcthoroushly in albbranchehdf Beauty Phone 0963 Darwin Hairdressing SchoolriobtaplogAve 1442147 Coutta71teal Ertat more ally atar evil memo will law Learn Hatldremingfneduced three brethers and anevsisterz Wal ter Robert and Thomas and Mrs James Goddard Helen Every cent countsrromd you willsave money by giving the ignitiori System of your car=a regular checkup Dont Twat tilt tomorrowsee us ty registered Seliol any hummus mirror mama line so are sTEEIPorous BAltltl sterner MACHINE co 0181 3705 new thinking no springssedinhiit also some limportant moneyltyordering ertillaerforgralnpotatoesuntouchednowf warm at terrorism patents legitimately cream sI so no wf 9x ism4umm