Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1952, p. 2

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mm to run son cumsr XhSuttdoysleft do get right down to Stephens and select my one of these ms for that special mlnwuodmlnmcrod Inquest In filth Healing Case Continued from poet thaglrl bed been given 11mm to bow karmic be taken rte was Damn at Pine More tricky and Submit night lotto by the Jonas end his Heptones Admission so 13 mocha WM mm and 31m 11m It Club 10 million ladle 582 Million 13c Progressive croklnole and box social Utopia schoolhouse Mon day Dec 22 am pm Auspices Twixtecn Club Lucky draw also lunch counter 146 Old time dance at Allandale Orange flail Wednesday Dec 2t Excellent music Admission 50c 146 Festive Season Dancing at Pine Crest Christmas Dance Thurs day Dec 25 admission 75c Dane ing Friday and Saturday Dec 26 and 27 admimion 50c Gala New Years Eve Dance Wednesday Dec 31 admission $150 per per son 148 New Years Dance at Orange Hall Allandale Wednesday Dec Ill Lunch counter Admission 50c 144146WM The First Column Continued from page oncl Why dont he rend Pogo Whats he got against the little fellah realized only too late that had messed the whole thing up just when thought was getting it all ironed out Now dont go on so Freddy Maybe he does read Pogo Then whyd you say he didnt was just bit mixed up thats all explained gt Seems to me you guys that write for livin is all mixedup he re tored Amen to that boy okay Scotty 111 report him to our cxcculative anyway Gotta keep tabs on some of these doubt ful doubters Bye now the phone went dead went back into my trance and thought for moment how funny it was that that Pogoass way of talking had caught on with some people slipping sehseless syllables into words They dont really have to talk that way By the way readers Merri ful Christmalas to you all STOP PRESS Conghtula lions to Miss Gerry McConnell of The Examiner composing room staff who became engag ed yesterday to Doug Duff of New Lowell Ballet Group is Formed in Elmvale Give Performance new ballet group organized in the community by Mrs Nan Rob erts of Greensward was seen by the Elmvale Home and School As sociation in performance at the Community Hall whenthe public school pupils under the direction of the teachers and the dancers pre sented an entire program for at ca pacrty audience Mrs Roberts had prepared very attractive setting for The Night Before Christmas with the poem set to music sung byIMervynJCor bett and accompanied by Mrs Shaw To recorded music little sugar plums reindeer Ma and Pa and Santa and cute little mouse danced the familiar Yuletide tale Excitement reached its height when old Santa came through the fire place and filled the stocking hung by the chimney with care The little mouse was cleverly por frayed by Fay Burnett The ballet group provided the first number on the Christmas pro gram The rest of the entertainment was taken over by the school pupils under the direction of Principal French and the variouLtgocheIs Organizedonly two months ago the ballet groups lively dances were clone by younger children from four to nine years of age in tlIeJNigbtBe tasy The gig fgtiny reindeer did minuet and rondo and Ma and Pa performeda waltz The sugar plum dance Wasperformed by two other children and Santa did polka with the littlarmouse at his heels imitating himone ofmthe best moments of the bulletpro gram The poem itsel was sung to the tune of Chopsticks iv cw Mrs Roberts has formed her bal let group with at leastfive hopes in mindjsherwlshesrto fill the need for organized activityfor prettchool childrengesElnwale has neither nursery school nor kindergarten for group she hopes will alsoserve tostart anywoman dancers an their long road oftechnlcal trains on The bullet mining will also help futurefigurc shelters in thacom mutiny separator whom belongto MrnWhytea Barrie Figure Skating sure that Miss Taylor was quite copulate of giving it to cruel When she won in howital had done I0 Questioned by Mr as to whether the taking of insulin was omry for combatllng the girls disease the Wilma amoral yes He went on to point out can where such patient removed the insulin treatment coma mually followed The doctor went on to say that the last time he saw Mary Taylor was in October of this year At that time there was no change in the treatment she was taking at that time Asked by the Crown Attorney who referred to the girls death on Dec what was the first he had heard of the situation Dr Postni koff replied that the first intimation he received of anything being wrong was when he received telephone call from his nurse around 1030 am that morning saying that difficulty was being experienced in arousing the girl at her borne He advised the nurse to have the girl removed to hospital immediately and be him self communicated with the super intendent regarding her admission No intimation had been made at that time that the insulin treat ments had been stopped All he had been told was that they had had trouble Vurousing the girl The witness went on to say that he and Dr Shannon had been about to begin an operation around 11 am when he received another call from his nurse saying that they the girls parents did not Want to bring her in to hospital because they could not rouse her That had not made sense to him and he again EtiVe instructions that the girl had to be brought in immediately Dr Postnlkoff said he was wait ing around for her and about 12 oclock two nurses wheeled her in to the hospital on stretcher came up and looked at her said the doctor She was dead when saw her at 12 oclock The witness said he later talked with the girls mother and was then that he found out that sh had not had insulin for about three mornings Some tests were carried Out and thesewere indicative that the girl had not died because of tak ingtoo much insulin He realized she was not getting insulin and that couldhavc been one cause of death Pathologistsneport Dr Fielding the pathologist who had been called in to carry out an autopsy on the girl then entered the witness box The autopsy had been performed at 1115 pm 13 hours or more after death The body was that of girl of about 19 about four feet 11 inches and weighing about 98 pounds There were no external marks of violence medical outline of what had been discovered as result of the autopsy was then given The pan creas of the girl was only about half the size it should have been not sufficient to keep her alive Ex amination proved conclusively that the girl died oi diabetic coma Tho pancreas only contained one and 10th per cent of insulin thatthal of normal girl of about 20 would contain She had been absolutely depending oninsulin for her life The Crown Attorney remarking that they had been told the girl had been taking insulin since she was qdite young asked if from his findings the witness could offer an opinion as to what would have hap pened if she had taken insulin Dr ridding replied If she had continued to take insulin she would be alive to ay Deceased Girls Father David Taylor thefather of the girl Was the next witness and told the court how his daughter had suffered from diabetes since she was about five years ofage In reply to the Crown Attorneys question as to whathad happened to make his daughter stop taking insulin the witness said that their Cut flowvem will glvoyour home that extra snoolal Christmas look MN no 50 and Hart and premium who it day log with them Putt Kuhn ooded the family to go up to gate to coco tho Were being 06M gone up clothe Saturday night and on the renown Sunday afternoon and evening Mr ThompsonWhat happened as result Mr TaylorwThey unlined they could cure her diabetes if sh had the faith In reply to further question to whether onybocb had discussed her stopping the tr tment of in sulin Mr Taylor at he was not aware Mary had stopped it at the beginning Describing Meryl as perfectly normal girl spam from her diabetic condition the witness said she peared to be just as well on Sunday night asshe ever had been The first sign of change he had no ticed in her condition was on the Monday night She had not been feeling too good He had asked her how she felt and she said that she was not feeling so well er she seemed to get 11 little be er Mr Taylor then explained how in the early hours of the Wednesday morning Mary Had awakened in pain She said she wanted MLHart and her father went acres to get his neighbor who returned to the house with his wife They were with her for quite time Later they sent for Mrs Leece Stroud who returned and joined the Harts in prayer over the girl Mother is Witness The girls mother who later be came very distressed and criedloud Iy when the jury wits olIt consider Ing its verdict was the next witness called seat was placed in front of the coroners desk for her con venlence and Crown Attorney Thompson asked her to advise him at any stage of his questioning if she felt she was finding it difficult to continue The witness however did not interrupfu the proceedings although periodic lyf she showed visible signs of emo Mrs Taylor told court that Mary had been taking insulin from one week before she reached the age of four At times she had tsko en the insulin herself and at others she had been treated by her mother The witness went on to say that the first she knew of Mr Holmes staying with the Hurt family was on the Thursday evening when they had asked her if she would like to go in to the meeting whichwasto be held that night in Barrie She had gone with them When she came home she told them she thought Mary would like to go to one of the meetings Pastor Holmes told her that he would be able to take them both up in his caron the Saturday night Mr and Mrs Hort said they would like Mary to go because if she was prayed for there she wOuld be healed Pastor Holmes said he would like to talk to Mary and when home them he talked about the Scriptures andreferred to different people who had been healedby his praying for them The girl and her mother went into Barrie and attended the meeting on the Saturday night and it wasaround 1130 pm when they returned home Mrs1aylor said that nothing was done ml the meeting but tenths Sunday nightthry Went up to frontal the hall and they prayed for bar There were lot of people oing up home they talked wi Pastor Holmes for some time and the ques tion of Marys insulin wits discussed but the pastor said that he ivould leave any decision about that to Mary herself You to Decide The witness said that she herself felt that Maryshould keep on tak ing herinsulin when Mary asked Pastor Holmes aboutlt he said will leave that for you tpdeclde Mr and Mrs Tart hovtever sat that Mary could stop her insulin treatments Mrs Tayloralleged she got the Mating Mrs Ha allegedly Statedthat it Mary were healed she would be abletoglve up her insulin Pastor Holmes knew she was tak ing insulin the witness adoredbut he never said that she would get better if lshe prayed and guvoup lusul 5th Mary gobhbme she told her mother thatfshe felt so well thntsbe the morhlbg gt willrixiut The witness ecu she did not think can sh cut of the treatmentj lhef lewing Inc It Mary and said she waste or ood said You know that er different yetSon ft lb She did not take nor in morntui Mrs Taylor said that Mirwa just be Well It vbr had been liltingth him Mild but Mary an in out ioov bosom bloomsk her bedroom on submit Subclasses to acquiregrates llni potoepndbalance letratnlng camourhwlc appreciation course and iv meson normal 811 amuntofimitm to necessary ori do this as she Was convinced she would be all right iiett wueuMsry we Rel When they eturned was hot goingto tulr her insulin in over andthcy Matter quite would be Ill right Ind the prayer continuod until about 630 cm Then Mr that wanted to Testy Hutchinson Otlia memo her of the limited Apolkttc Church 1nd he arrived at the house around tlon is to advertise milk especially 936 am Hr Hutchinson asked who was their doctor and said he thought they should send for him Jack Taylor brother of the de ceased girl who had been listed as witness was then called but he explained that he had not been subpoenaed and all he know of his slam5 death was what he had heard He was then dismissed as witnca Rev it Borges Burt mwmwmmmr Cootinued from page one with school children We figure we have the best drink in drag world and the most poorly adverz that stated the speaker In tar3 ger cities milk foundation em plays nutrition nurse to teachz in the schools Rev Robert Burgess of the Full Gospel labernacle Barrie was then called as witness and told the court how Pastor Holmes had been Invited to Barrie by the United Apostolic Church in conjunction with his church The witness said he understood that Pastor ltolmes was an ordained minister and was member of the Amemblim of God in America The financial arrange ments in connection with the meet ings consisted only of freewill offering which was taken up on the Sunday night He pointed out that on theevenlng in question Pastor Holmes was preaching on the signs of the times in which we were liv ing Heonly laidbis handson people who wished to be prayed for Mr Burgess went on to say that so far as they were concerned his church they believed in dootors They did not run doctors down and they did not recommend that their people should give up doctors They had strong belief in medical science When Mr Burgess said that the intimation had been given that people who believed in divine heal ing did not like other people going to doctors or taking the advantages of medicalscience the Crown At torney said that that impression had not been giveu during the court hearing Nelghhor ls Witness George Hart the Taylors neigh bor was the next witness called and he said that Mary had been told the same as everyone else when she at tendedthe meeting that unlexs she had the faith there was no use in prayers being offered on her be half Questioned by the Crown At torney thowitness said he did not know what had prompted Mary to give up her insulin treatment There had been no discussion of this in his presence He had notknown that the had discontinued thetreatment until Tuesday mernlng When one of rthe Taylor family told him about it When asked why he had wanted to call Mr Hutchinson the witness said he did not know how the girl was on the Wednesday morning and he felt that he gshould call somer others He did not want the respona Slblllty on his shoulders He said hehad heard nothing being said from the fame calling doctor git Md beenbreathing when last saw her somewhere between Grand am and by that time he had become alarmed about her con dition He said that when he was with Mary he laid his hands on her and she admitted that she felt better immediately Mr Hart stated did not figure she was dead when we took her in to the hospital nycdfor Girl Mrs Her wlfe of the previous witness then told the court of how she had accompanied her husband to the Taylor home on the Wednes day morning The glr1complaiued fabout being Sick and they prayed rt Ifor her Every thne they prayed for therlshe seemed to becasier Mrs Laces the next witness said ishe had heard nothingahout doc tor being called during the time she was at the Taylor home It was latter amwheh Mr Hart said obeyshould can the doctor Mm had been quite normal when she arrived Thegul was conscious and gum been drintrtgzjgices smugm Before leaving the witness box The language is called on LARRY WHITBY who was elect ed president of Barrie Garrison Badminton Chi for the 196263 sea son Emerson Parnsworth of thei Huntsville market member of the executive of the Ontario Whole Milk League gave short address at the meeting on the work of the provincial organization He wax introduced to the producers by Mr Hickling Also present were James Harv cock associate agricultural repre sentatlve for North Simcoe who addressed the meeting briefly and Dr David Garrick veterinariani with the Simcoe County Healthl Unit who spoke on the care andi general good practices of handling milk Dwight Nelson of Stroud gave brief outline of the quota commit tee work of the Barrie Milk Pro ducers and answered several ques Mr and Mrs Luke Spearn Essa Road Barrie celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary Satur day 30 Manyrlendsv and relatives called to congratulate them The members of the Webster family held their second annual proChristmas reunion on Saturday evening starting with five oclock turkey adinner at Robindale lnn Present were Mrs Roxy Moore of Brampton Mrs Edna Horn and Mrs Mary Lacey of Barrie Mrs lda Vollett of Hamilton Fred DWebster of Elmvale and Elmer Webster Roy Webster and Arthur Webster of Barrie with their wives and husbands Lat er they gathered at Mrs Horns home 46 Clapperton St for social evening of cards and refreshments Hinds of New York spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Hinds Drury Lane Miss Mar garet Hinds of0ltawa is spending Christmas week in Barrie Mr and Mrs Ralph Dunn and children Helen and Robert of 0g ema Sask are spending Christmas with Mrs Morrison Hayfield St Mr Hutchinson who said he was an elder of the United Apostolic Church Orillia He said he had been called to the Taylor home by Mr Hart because of the girls con dition Mary Was lyingin bed when he arrived and she seemed to be suffering little bit They prayed for her for some time and then Mr Hart suggested that they should get doctor Mr Hart went nwayto call him on the phone and when he returned he said he had spoken to the nurse and she told him to put the girl in car and bring her to the hospital Mrs Taylor however didnot think that the girl Should be moved out of her bed They called the doctor later and again spoke to the nurse who again told them to bring the girl to hospital They put her in the car and did so mounmvnuron Alexander Graham Bell took out his first telephone patents Ma um retainer STOKELYSHONEY Poosweets and my psychiatrist says that my clausuophobla is completely cured too tions from the floor Mr Hancock took over the meett ing to appoint the new executives for 1953 TENDER FANCY PEAS KERNEI CORNOFF THE COBFANCY NIBLETS CORN 2ar37 cotsFANCY cl FRUIT COCKTAIL r3l CHRISTMAS JUICE HORSEYSWEETENED ORANGE lUICE CLARKSFANCY TOMATO JUICE ea292 guardnfeal Winds FOR YOUR SELECTION CHOICE VARIETY0F DUCKS GEEsE CHICKENS CAPON FOWL ATTRACTIVELY PRICED CHRISTMAS HAMS CHRISTMAS MIXTURE HARD MIX CANDY CRYSTALLIZEDBELL SIIAPED CREAMS GUM BELLS CALIFORNIAIN sneuAJItt DIAMOND WALN QUALITYMIlCTURESVARIETIEsl BEAVER MIXED NUTS greed ORANoEs CAPE con no CRANBERRIES unmannm swear EATING EMPEROR GRAPES fifiteil9c92m ROSE Witt MIXED truss III SHELL Us cello lag 35 all 35 53 49 Illa Cello log nannounnrnns FOR CHRISTMAS SIZES AVAILABLE 35c 26 53533 yr 8r Saturday Danlo

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