some team managersthat the ref and already record has bcen ggygguausa fhmlshNHlIhlsSeasonSime lostlntmetutestouit WGIZED has sat ware With national Hockcy League referred wider order this sensor cult to the limit it wan he almost as many fireworks of the iceas lhcscltcdule is only few weeks for thomost penalties in smgle game25 It occurred at Detroit early thisi month when the Redwmgs and Toronto Maple Leafs slugger to 44 stalemate Following instruc tions to the letter referee Bill Chadwick was idircctlng players to the penalty box almost every time he took stride Many of the offences were minor infractions usually ignored in pre vious seasons But during tho off season the club managements dc cidctl to crack down on all manner of rough stuff and league president Clarence Campbell passed the work along to his officiating staff 166 Sirlofwt lt seems4mm the mow ces have leaned over too for tho other way Detroit manager Jack Adams sounded off at Chudwicks whistler tooling and claimed many of the pennltlcswerc undescrved or could easily have been overlooked in th heat of action They slowed the game too much and lessened the fans enjoyment Adams didnt conne his rel marks to the Detroit offenders alt though captain Ted Lindsay of thci Wings set the penalty pace with WasaQaBach Retorns Reeve And Council All civic offices of Wasaga Beach were filled by acclamation when the nomination meeting of the vil lage was held on Dec in the Town Hall Rnnvu ANTuoilvnEcx Reelctedg Reeve was Anthony Beck who has headed the council since its incorporation Also re elected was the 1952 Councilucon sisting of Arthur Hutchinson Wil two mayor sentences for lighting and match muconducr for argu ing with Chadwick over one of them Detroit manager said one of the minor Qualities called on Tor onto playcr was the cheapest It had seen in Ulllt 33 your in me lcaguc as player and cum ufft ca Adams barery nod thou to cool out before Coon hmythc general manager of the Maple Lents offl cnlly protested the mirroring by George Gravel in 21 toss to Boston Bruins ills protest cun cemed Gravels ntcrprctution of the rules rather Elton too many penalties Govel handed Ith Lnbtne of the Brutus and Leafs Tod Sloan mutth penalties under an Nlll rule cun ccrnmg attempt to injure for their stickswinging hunt lxtbinc was unhurt but Slouu suffered twostitch cut Smythe claimed that Labmc should have been waved off under lhedelibcrale injury of opponent role since Sloan was actually hurt Sloans sentence should hztvc 0le under the fattempt to injure clause the Leaf official contended There is big difference in the penalties Under the deliberate T018 mum it com tho out day are goon the days when Dad made his suns layS out of piece of ash and good whittliri knife and flow cover up her loose ends of out trial to make patchwork quilts for the doll cradle In the waiter of thtse memories are todays ockct ships and colorful toys Children of today wzth lot of moneyt play CANDIDATES NEEDED Paying taxes and obeying the laws are not the sole criterions ul good citizen Those wzth the rtcccrary qualications and ability must be willing to step forward and offer their services to the community as reward for the op uortunitics the community has prolt mm for them Prlnce George BC Citizen wldic boy in the lunches was gnawing time trying to dodge the fcncmy bullets CalvininvSnldior thereisnt any use ll you dodging those bullets if lotto has your name on it you will gct ll anyway SoldicrYts sir but its flit ones that are addressed to whom it may Concern that bothcr me iulc one of the stipulations says the offending loam must play shortl handed for 10 minutes Under the attempt clause the player may return uftcr five minutes mon on sun Minnesota provides ore mostly from openpit mines livery litesenl Has floppy Future in Sonic Mans Life Compliment his good taste and yours with gift chosen from our wide assortment of the things men wear with pride and pleasure Satisfaction bur Nash James Myers andMilly ton Davie The three vacancies in the wcsm ga Beach school board were filled by acclamation Elected astrtisteejs for twoyear term were Austin Lyons Ken Tracey and Arthur Gordon The three trustees will complete their second yea office are Rev PannabEckcr Goldsmith and Mrs How Curle 09 um too Iluipa no on uqu Ni sanuis7epp=3qvruw obfrISOv Dig It uaranteed or Your Money Refunded plastic nearly 705 pcr cent of the United States tron CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS Old Santa Claus is on ois way And All the girls and boys Are writmg Santa out their listsh Of games and books and toys Cecilia wants mandolin And Douglas wants drum While Tommy wants some spinning 1093 He loves to hear them hum Kathy wants sleeping doll That she can take to bed While little Johnny up and says Gtvc me train instead The hearts desire of Jimmy is real Roy Rogers Stilt Whilc Donnie says The id like Ls just gun to shooL Leona wants sewing kit Some story books to read And thats enough for me this young Theres nothing else need Carolc Anne and Rosalie Would like some pears and dollszl IAnd please dear Santa dont forg get Some painted rubber balls 5A little nearer Christmas Eve The youngsters jump with glee Io see their Mum and Pop Drcss up the Christmas tree iWith colored lights and tinsel bright And ribbons rod and green Its going to bcthc grandest sight Their eyes have ever seen thing lrhu little visit girls and boys ln dreams made to you iBut when you wake on Christmas morn MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE muncwmovus rm HtM no is THE TBS SHAMWMS hf Emu Boa ts Co n5 MNE AND nwrlt5 To TALK ro v01 HE Sakai HE K5016 W5 NUtSMCE 51Ath TO ANSWER PHONE CAN LEAD U5 Tb OL FOEKI IN THI6 MBTY F05 DIAL 2433 2434 2222 onlyURsm cons AND TRUCKS VALLEY OF MUGGS AND SKEET ER cook enigma DELAY IS FATAL TO THOSE WHO ARE PREPARED lT EHKE l9 ConIlli VALLEY TAXI AND TRUCKING SERVICE Homo gonad5 gt AND MILK qug YOU 75 HLNCQV udl Comm WE int COCO NGHT DEAF COLLINS BEVERAGES LIMYIED Foam now on 1th LEADJoli JUST so 652le 0245AM ADD ems orgasm moons 352055 ix 5mm AiNT me Mr Tb atom msmmrsarmw 24 nounsmmcc HEATED OVERNIGHT sronoon BARBIE our By Wally onward youve set SANTA CLAUS IN YOUR CORNER MOWm BUT DARE YOU TO SHOW UP HERE WITH THAT Gilli CN VOUR SHOULDER THE AFIEIZ CHRISTMAS out was zoom WAGE your sobo rm