Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1952, p. 11

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immmmmnim Aim SH 336 Tweniies Club Donates to Communiiy Clothing Depot NOS bcfn abmal of new frond In the world of Chilelltuml were startled to have one yum fatbcr admit at noon today that be got his 111 la girl dog for Christmas Just as we are about to embark on several cummiatxu Converts into tic Emmi We jus will uoEI we lot of tbcee lawn on dizcrimuiutlng after Christmas HIJZLS For outstanding service Mrs ll Guilti awarded an honorary We Will Bea CLOSED JIWAISJIMURLLWT rcompanieciiahe zpienwby MrsVA remarks about the wonderful child dog relatiomlup that would corm from such gift from If fund por cnt we learned that of Courts was no real 10 Intchunicll clog But it will ILll all are Lilo floor Ami lhlnking of 501111 dogs 1w have known mechanich put that could be W011le up or loft lifeless as prcfcrrcd at the mom cnt did not seem like such biltl idea This new world of nicciianicul1 animals seems somehow to illillcillt future troubles Having pet that can be controlled by its small musv for may start off new gtncmliutir with new disease for psyciiia rials Wecan sec coming up on Ethe horizona race of littleflip lers used to Shoullllg Alrighti doggie MARCHi Tim little diLuj tator complex may not work well when these amazing irifunl start coming in contact with LlLLlE tions of flesh and blood which cani not be stopped and SIarch at will Our little friend with her im perisbable pet will probaly be meek and mild member of hurt generation however Shell be coming up against oven younger citizens who have been using toy atomic weapons from the cradle The ovvner of the first kiddic car probably was surrounded with outmoded predictions loo Fearful adults thinking that the new 1101 oration starting on wheels at ago one and half would have to bci driving car in their teens and flying through the Iiir before the age of 20 To Move that were not 110 bind the time were going to turnl that barking greedy hairy sinclly dirty noisy old spaniel in tiiLs year Hell just have to realize that hes thing of the post iwcaring fingertip veil of tulle ii For Ihe mam that has everything It is reported that the last thing in mens Christmas gifts has been founda ftydollar tic little velvet number it is patterned in coral gold Parisian import and comes in leather case peri sonalized with the owners initials The cose is an upright affair that Kxnmuuxxmmmmmmmk HussANIisoII DAD SWEHHEART All lite men in your life love shoes CHRISTMAS DINNER 100 801 how many of the dear boys him do get around to buying that SPECIAL PAIR theyve always wanted loylie 11s for sports Maybe foI fouling And what about After Six Oclock lines he have II real nice pair of busy blatk shoes to thongs into llimemller size is no prolilcm when you give 111M shoes for bristling lSimply purchase hrislmus Gift fertilitnle for any amount you visit illelI use it Inter to make his own MIBCIIOIL from our stock of fine ilooivm It miniatqu sharia nuniofm box villi Wm gitenitnit IIIIHCAIES Inn IIIIIIIiIIo Vigiulkwcl Slices SLEADINGSBOESTORE Opp Post Officov Plume 2397 lurfaIl work siic llili accomplished llcrbcrl timinbcrzlitp ill the Womcns ill Adxllllly of the Royal lluvpltnl on Tuesday utterg conferred lul outstandingi ill the quIIiary Thirty Iltllcf5 vlflc gittscm Lu lllu rec ft liuzi room of the new nurses cszlicricu for the work session Lintl ton and to see the post probident stuntircti for tile trcmcnduus amount of lime Site has given so freely to lilo limpilnl maxillary and the wun 71m Stlwtt beautifully liuritiiliuiriinatctl scroll was lllr3t1lltfd to Mrs Gable by Mrs Walter Perkins and Mrs 11 OBrienSaint Allision Chumh ls Selling For Tiw nuirriugzz of MISS Dorozliy Elmore Torry Rog daughter of Mr and Mm ll Terry of Allis loll to Georg Bartlett of Doctor son of Mr and Mrs John Bartlett of Alliston took place on Saturday DH 193111 three oclock in the lflCLfJlflll in St Andrews Anglican Church Allislon The doublering ccttrizcny vI performed by Rev Mrs Harric played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist Jamcs llzitiiiltnn in the singing of Tll Lords Prayer and Ill Walk BC sidc You Givcn in marriage by bur fallich the bridc was wcziring gown of shadow white French lace styled with Li rcdiiigolc with fitted basque buttoned to the neckline and offset by Quccn Anne collar The sleeves were long and slim and the skirt wits cu away from the waist line curving to It back sweep The gown beneath was very bouffanl fashioned of tulle and she was lusiou held by an orange blossom vrtnilz Irc brides flowers were of red rosts and slephanolis in cascade The maid of honor Miss Lauvernc Palmer Rog of Toilenham was wearing ballerinalonglhgown of claret vcivct with matching hat and tho bridesmaids Mm Shirley Iodd Reg and Miss Jean Terry of Barrio were wearing similar gowm in emerald velvet The at tendants were carrying cascade bouquets of vllite carnations Harold Bartlett of Weston was groomsman and the ushers were Raymond Battlelt of Toronto and Rdbcrt Nisbctt of Sault Ste Mario reception followed at Walker Hall in Alliston where the mother of the bride received wearing blue faillc with blue accessories and corsage of pink roses Assisting the grooms mother was in grey faille and was wearing black accessories and corsage of red roses Later the brid and groom left on if wedding trip to New York the bride travelling in green dress with muskrat coatandbrown ac ccssorics On their return Mr and Mrs Bartlettf will be making their nomc in Beelon Hospiial Auxiliary Holds Christmas Dinner Party The Womens Hospital Auxiliary its annual Christmas party on Dec of the Royal Victoria Hospital held in theform of dinner attcnded by about 40 members Held In the basement of Burton Avenue Um ted Church theiauxiliary had as caterers the 39 Club of the church most delightfullurkey dinner with all the trimmings was served The diningroom and tables were very attractively decorated with Christmas tieeond Christmaul col 03s everywhere Guests of the president Mrs Sentlo Ball were Miss Helen Shan ahan hospital superintendent and Miss Olive Clute of the staff and MrsJ Montagu Leeds After dinn the auxiliary mem bers enjoyed program of enter tainmentwith solos by Mrs Lloyd Cook and Miss Norma Bayliss ac WaltorwBayliss generalsingsong of Christmas carolsgand games brought the even mg too close PRESIDENT MARJORIE LONGHURST of the Gut Twenties Club presents 21 cheque for $100 to Mrs Laurie chairman of the community clothing depot committee of the Barrie and District Welfare Council The moncy raised by means of Christmas turkey draw will be used to purchases of underwear shoes etc supple muke necessary menting the depots stock of used Clothing It was the first large money donation yet made to the project At right Mrs Montogu Leeds honor ary member of the Gite Twenties who help ed organize the club several years ago looks on while the presentation is made at the llll nual Christmas dinner in Community House Oddiellows and Rebekahs Hold Christmas Party lfitrc vI lurcc Illendoncc 13 the kiddiw Ixrislmzts hold fill lmstlity OddfolanS lcritplc by No 03 and Beaver Rebekah lodges The ball woo dccomtcd in festive color and huge Christmas tree short with luEgli ornaments and tree lights for the occasion two party ccrcmonics was Carl Grccnougii l1 welcomed every one cspccioily the children He called on Colo to lead in Singsong of Ciiistmus carols with Field Smith and Roberts accompanying on the piano accord ion and violin le ylvr of Thc entertainment program was prcscnlcd by Butty Lou Hodgson who performed 11 kip dance and Elam Bishop and John Dougliorty heard in song and recitation Dances included were performed by Doreen and Norma Roberts and Joan Douglicrly was vocal soloist Readings were given by Miss Rhoda Young and Miss Isabel Laking and Mrs Laking were heard in duet Joan Ircw was ballet performer Mrs Robtrts was pianist for the evening During the program messages were ICCCIVZLl from Santa Claus and relayed over the loud speaker to the kiddies to add to the excite merit Around ll1pIu the noise and bells of San could be heard arriv ing ill Barrio and at 850 pm he made his grand entrance to loud applause and cheers from the chil dren Santa took time out to hear the children sing of his famous Rudolph before emptying his sack of gifts Helpers assisted in giving out the gills candy and or zmges to the cliildrcii off and left Merry Christ Santa had to rusu wishing everyone been evening at thug the 1005 iBeginners and Primary SS gPreseni Concert very cnjoyublc Christmas con ccrt was held in Central United hurcb Sunday School on Wednes Iy evening under the supervision 10f Mrs Russell Jory when 130 be ginner and primary children took ipart in program of music and re lcitutiorts Most of the numbers were accom ipuuird by Mrs lugh Hutchinson Sunday School pianist Dr Doidge the senior sup crintcndent of the Sunday School lacled as chairman for the evening and thanked the teachers very grac iously for the excellent work they havc been doing Anne Kigbtlcy welomed the par ents and friends with little speech at the beginning of the evening fol lowed by the classes singingin chorus Oh Where Are You Now Santa Claus Miss Donna Kaigb ins ard Mrs Vera Waltons nursery classes were heard in Me and My Teddy Bear on action Song Dorcen Coulis told how to be pearl in her recitation and sacred piano 5010 was played by Beatrice Chappell Palsy Jackson amused the audience with Christ mas recitation The boys in Buster Waltons class presented El humorous play chang ing the subjch but ending with The Golden Rule trio Three Little Sisters lovc purity and truth directed by Mrs Hutchinson was well sung by trio of Wanda Hutchinson Gloria Thompson and Johanna Fadden skit decorating the Christmas Tree was presented by Miss Rulby Givens class and humorous re citation was given by Robert How ey Piano solos were played by Joan Robinson Arlene Jackson Judy Slessor andm John Robinson and recitations were given by John Pelletier Jeannette Pratt Donna Jory 1nd Brian Harris nursery rhyme novelty was slrom annunl ANCES Mrs Shear Heads Executive Mcs Mildred Shear has boon elected to head the executive of lllt Evening AIIXIIIury of 1951 Road Presbyterian Church for the yczirl 1953 Shc was installed in office at tho election meeting in tho church basement on Dcc when about 25 members enjoyed loi Iicious polluck turkey supper Other officers of the auxiliary for the coming year are Mrs Janicsg Webb lst vinopresident Mrs Aus tin Aycrst 2nd vicepresident Miss Baillie recording secretary Mrs Scruton treasurer Mrs Dickey and Mrs Couch social converters Mrs White flower fund treasurer and Mrs Cum ming who will be in charge of dis tributing flowers to shutins In charge of purchasing materials for the annual bazaar will be Mrs Graham and Mrs Webb fancy work Mrs Hooper and Mrs Church aprons and Mrs Cumming wool feature of the evening performed by Mrs Bishops class and Mrs Donald McLeans class and Mrs John Parfridges cla$ present ed sacred number in candlelight Mary Doidge was excellent in solo The NightBefore Christmas and the song Frosty the Snow man was sung by Mrs Hutchin sons class and Mrs Steven Hincs class Elaitc Bishops 5010 was Rudolph the RedNosed Rein Elecr One chorus presentation was Away in ii Manger and the con cert closed with chorus sung by all the children While Shepherds With Their Flocks by Night Dressed in flower costumes Mrs Robert Parkers class were much enjoyed in their performance Sim bonnet Sue and Mary Dotdge and Heather McLean played piano duet soloist of the evening was Mary Lou Bishop 01108 TOASTERS iRONS TKETTtES uAuiuiRADIos Alcoholic drinks made from hon ey were common in ancigpjllunes we still have few clues unbound it you wish Will mori ROBINIlllIfEI 5i omuiisruum ml to mathreservatlonsi for wonderful ChristmasDoy Wm zlrkEE EIECIRI December 25 26 27 PHONE 2517 lurk411 Manda lt mliln he tonic when ILLI noun Ebb lltcz 56 Ellen Street Kat75 CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS NilSERVICE T11 DRAW OVER CKBB WITH Barbara Wheeler MAKING THE DRAW KNOWN FOR GOOD CLEANING Every order means free chance in this wonderful draw TUESDAY RusERVIcE Dec 23 14 HIGH 51 PHONE 805 PJII FOR THE FINEST CHRISTMAS EVERGIVE mum ELECTRICJElEVISI TRAIN ACCESSORIES LIGHTED SANTA CLAUS SNOW MAN9 IREE LIGHTS TESTED FREE ToysforEverysaov VIFOOTBALLS BOXING GLOVES+BLOCKS+A1R GUNS INDOOR PITCH ING HORSESHOE SETS ERECIOR SETS HOCKEY STICKS oLovgsLRIICKEICL rESlfATINGOUTFITSgtFOR51A3L BLEAsuIIE and monitorist Hocxav SETS

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