mndaah it With every Marine job we check danger spots to save you trouble later If exhaust pipe is rust ing through if tie rods are worn or tires cut you hear about it Get this thorough service today Drive in for Iiiarfak lubrication llnrris llulo Electric Lthrro B3 ELIZABETK 81 Pro rtioncci lenktils Nonislipping panel tail ore heel Extremeiyne dark seams for effective you our company an pass by they will mean years of happiness and promerlty Super Mutet The now Inow 809d which opened under Wt Lak ingr monument on Junev 1961 at 25 Hayeld St employ full time mi of at last 30 persons with about 20 extra Summit and of course more during the rum mer months Most ht Mr Laklngs 25 yeprs with lebiows have been spent in Barrie Ht came here 23 yea ego in April 3928 as assistantmanager allowing the opening at the Dunlap St store in Barrie on July 19 am in November 1928 he was appointt ed manager native of Simone County Witt Letting was born in Torsotontio Township in Lisle son baking and the late Arthur halting After attending school at Lisle he worked for live years in the ii Little general store in his home community In December 1926 he joined the stall oi one oi the rst mlw stores on Dantorlh Avenue in Tor onto eight years after the omin tion 01 the company When he first come to Barrie the Ldblaw store had it stall at three plus the manager On Saturday there were three extras When Ml PHONE 5937 Laking left the Dunlop St store to manage the new Supe Market there was stall at about 35 with Dancing at Pine Crest every Friday and Saturdayvnlzht Music by Mac Jones and his Heptones Admission 50c use Dancing Walnut hide all Saturday nights at Club 79 Ad mission ladies gentlemen lle Old tyme and modesagrianeinc in Allendale Oranye Relievers Friday night starting at pun Admission 50 cents Refreslirue1 sewed Dancing every Friday nigh Beeton Arenaiiallerto music the rgetown Modern vocal aH Dance at Baxter Friday Dec Barrie Collegiate Bend One son Bill died very Saddam ly in 19 The outstanding ethldt of hi time at the col rte hie death in result clapped ills was great shock to the entire com munity The Bill Latina mortal Trophy for the outstanding boy athlete at thereilegiate has been in competition ever since member of Trinity mutton Church where he was rectors war den or three years Mr Letting has been member of the Barrie Ki wanis Club for many years and far the past five years has been dir ector His hobbies are hunting and fishing and he goes north tor the deer hunting season each year mm SQUARE Mrs MHNESS and Douglas Hess Stroud visited Mr nndMrs McArthur Mr and Mrs Jack Scott and iam ily Mount Forest visited Mr and Mrs Earl Scott Mrs Arthur Woodmen Lyndon spent last week visitinghcr sister Mrs Cooper Mr and Mrs Traynor and Lynn Burks Fells visited her par ents Mr and Mrs McArihur The fine picture will into the throughou he year Seelowfrigide se lection paintingwtioy We have the for in cluding the tom Artists my OAT ouutorvsr Vt lllol loam thisClwdstmas mlmwllhm than mm ennuiImmateth mumheripowaimm own one in And that Wholde ulna mu Such longitudinal airouxt Mm ulhtylnqooodmi announcer who hm mm to Dominion new will mm at txlpiotbttilol Dominion Turkey this Cirrhosis lertlle tint time Why not then Dominion Turkey right cumrend evotdlutmlnute disappointment FRESH YOUNG GRADE slenderizing Cradle sole and reinforcing at all points of wear do not show with lowesticut shoes 31118 pale beige HDNBYSUN an alluring suntinted shade ULTRA BEIGE fashionable medium beige TOWNHAZE gentle misty taupe 19 lbs onoiddiidohom terse LONG ISLAND omens ospocionvted tor flavour lb ron innuendo 1blt=35c 26 to the music of Paxtons C353 HeylnttPaity mourning to use tli Christmas Dance Thornton ange HalLisridayDec 19 and spotdance prizes Auspices L01 No16 Beattystrchestlrz disease 30 denier Afternoon Sheer 511103 $3 rm 19 300 51 sauce 30 denier Dress Sheer old tyme andniodern dancing 930 rz 130 Paxton Orchetra Lucky 51 gauge 15 denier Evening Sheer 8pm danm unchwwmer Ad gouwHANCYmes 54 gauge 15 denier Evening Sheer 50 mission 143144 an 60 gauge 15 denierluxury Sheer Nativityrplny will be Presmt f22mm29r ed in St Johns AnglicanTChurch Aiiiaslilucnduiim CookstdwnLon Thandtiyand Eri day Dec 18 and 191at 85pm 511 11 mm 59c not Inenptrwzo Lady Foresters are av my Av cuchre attheLImgail 29 High Iiin Clth WI so Thulsday keyenlng Dec 18 Admission35egt 144 31 Lunch counter Admissionsoc uiirsrtuortixmeLuitomtn New Yeerl Donnespt Orange Hall AllendaleWednesday Dec CHRISTMAS minaret it up ru es35 QRYSTALngbehLL sneumtmymuus MIG sir935 drummer ennui FRENCH Rims tlliilltiliiscsiilimv on commieint titties interlicxtrsaugn iuigtit newsl sheer sheer nylohsfihdilhi fov 13 itll MT3M5 ouriie stylesher proper on th blousesiriowide ta selection ofestyles moterio sand colors lovely gift skirts in styles suitable for everyfoccosioh gyifradgeotsltlrld in allithe MltlffSwagondshddeeudo xvetc apostles and so very nice ftorfecelve illitlilromantimiwitr tgmrlgymei art form