launder utopme students at enrolled tom yeerhigh school it if by lumpiece second bind and that in turn by wpiecc luolor full 70plece orchestra Wishes lwith full time string expert in lemme The feeder groups for the orchestra parallel those of the hand All members lo both these groups are developed boler by the directors in charge Rehearsals are held during the regular school no member of new Band Clinic in Chicago last zigzag gags 0353ve 3913 Con la Band bad bad noucck And they must have been wmmoa in lnxtru still more amazed to hear of other emi 5112 maxim 3910 music moved mmlogdltfercnccs in our school musica 93 Km lent receive one lesson to at he illW8 Nanmzligfwke Wisconsin Rapids Wis on school time either individual 0mm whose high or ln small groups school band iperformed at the 1952 clinic An Anymmer 315 appm imdustrial city 0f Approximaielil printed annually by the board of $14000 Wisconsin Rapids comparcswucauon or umamen music very well to the Town of Barrie em Rmm fees of mode in with five grade schools of varyl ling size plus one high school of 3000 students making up the school system Housman runnrrun SVO 25 Direct from Factory to you Chrome Sets Bedroom Chos urc are charged the student using in school instrument and these funds are used forupkecp of the school equipment All enthusias terfields etc Write for tic group of mothers of the stud The public schools of WlSconsln cm provide extra funds the FREE catalogue and compare pica iglggrgmriifgclgrbaxoditgragk mm 350041900 99 Year and perform such essential tasks as Mull Order So Com vocal music instructorsall full Mt Box 81 pm me More efcient program repairing and mamtenance of uni forms Bradford Ontario VI of the needs of the grade musicg program await the addition of mica Wm Barrie Conesme iliand one young district student Jlm Muir now holds certicate got membership in Don McNeills iuGabber ClUbn junior leader at BCl football games Jim was the only member of the radio aud To New apes shp covers icncc at the Breakfast Club broad Window Shades Venetian Blinds least on Friday morning who could octopus ciezzsflt Borne Tent wnlng Bo 34 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 43 min and more complete coveragcg As result of travelling to Chl Cenlre Veepra Wlllog arrr in Christmas Spirit The regular monthly meeting of Centre Vesprn Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Wellwin on Thursday nee ll Roll call was answered with verse from the Bible suiting the Christmas season Following the reading of the minute arrangements were made for Chrlxtmas cheer parcels and treats for the children of the eeth Mrs Dawson talked on the Quilt and Rug Fair to be held in Barrie again this year She hoped the brooch would have on exhibib Mrs Thompsonwill help with the County Quilt The party at the school for the community given by the branch was success and much enjoyed Special credit goes to Miss Louise Culley county recreation director it her leadership in games with Gordon Todd of Churchill supplying the music On Dec members were guests of Painswick branch at the home of Mrs Young The attractive program in the Christmas spirit lnionl Baptism Service Held at Central Church The service at Control United Church on Sunday were conducted minister and the BA RD Mr Wis two inspiring and en lightening proChristmas sermons during the day At the morning service the minister the Rev Beweil conducted baptism service The following children were bane tiled Edith Irene Coles daughter of Mr and Mrs Horace Color 24 llenry St Robert Graydon Brown ing son of Mr and Mrs Donald Browning 24 Perry Sl Sharon Ann Timmons daughter of Mr and the Christmaslirit Mrs Dobson gave an appmpriate reading foll owed by several contests which were unusual and amusing Mrs Newton led in carolsing ing Attendance was not quite as good as usual with illnes in sev eral families and the arrival of two welcome new citizens The meeting closed with the Na tional Anthem The January meet ing is to be held at Mrs Ren nicks home was very much enjoyed as were the dainty refreshments provided Mrs Dawson and Mrs Dobson were in charge of the rec reation period which also was in which by Andfeys Alllslon dies 31 Bonnie Lynn Won 1mm of Mr and Min Peter Deejudlns it 51mm snow zliubcul Couiter callable Mr and Mrs Fred Comer 66 letter Stlllortb Joseph Robert Lewis Hadley son of Mr endura Albert Rooney 122 Bayiield Sb Randy Wayne Sproule non of Mr my Mrs Ronald Sproule 112 Welling ton 5L West and Michael Eugene Laden can of Corporaland Mrs Larlan 45 Sanford St WMWm over b3 iced Certainly get her what she herself wants for Christmas MR AND MRS GEORGE BARTLETT whose early Decem ber wedding took place in St Andrews Anglican Church Al liston The bride is the former Dorothy Perry daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Perry of Alliston and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs John Bartlett of Beeton Softens while you sleep ches of these resolutions previous Re laces lost no mm to the conventlon so that the vot sllln oils CHRISTMAS band members as part of seeing on coasttocoast ABC broadcast the Breakfast Club Friday Doc i952datclincd Chicago Ill Jim has the autographs of some of Peter Donald made the request of the audience Jim was an early performer on the program which 15 rr Chicago He now holds certicate which status This is to certify that Jim Inois and signed by Don McNeill chief gabber and with Charter Member Seal the famous Breakfast Club person nelPeter Donald Peggy Taylor Sam Aunt Fanny and an uni llc attended along with the other Muir gabbcd with Peter Donald 0n the back of his certificate dcntifled scrawl Tones soothes and re vlves even slob One of the most outstanding performances for the Barrie peo ple attending the Chicago clinic with the band was the singsong at the grand nale banquet at noon Saturday The banquet guests were mainly men and the chorus made up almost totally of musicians sang all the table songs in harmony At the Barrie bands evening por mlmance the audience all stood up on the playing of The Queen but when the band played the Star Spangled Banner reports Dir ector Allen Fisher they were al most drowned out by the voices of the musicminded audience To mark the opening of the new Crown Life Insurance Company offices in Barrie Royal Brad lcy districtmanager and Mrs Bradley entertained on Friday at supper andreception at The Studio on Codrington Street The home office in Toronto wasirep resented by Cunningham vicepresident of the company Gilbert superintendent of agen cies George Marshall Ontario agency supervisor Jolley assutant secretary Cyril Bragg administrative assistant and lourgis agency secretary Also among the guestil were several 10 cal and district agents from Cree morc Newmarket and Barrie Miss Mary Dyment entertained at her home 12ligh Street on Sunday afternoon at an informal party in honor of the departing commanding officer of RCAF 13X Depot Flight Lieutenant Fever and Mrs Fever and the new commanding officer Flight Lieutenant Murphy About 8ftguestswere present including station personnel and other friends from Barrie and Camp Borden Afterwards supper party was held in the 13X mess Guests included Group Captain Syme MBE of Camp Borden and Wing Commander Vinni combe and Mrs Vinnicombe of Edgar RCVAF Station Witlfwvery Christmas purchase of $100 or more you have an Opportunity towln 44 Poe set of White 0r chld Communitys newest pattern in silverware value $7395 Draw to be made ChristmasiEve WEBBS lrwrllrllr 380 Read Phone 2161 lug delegates may vote as their Disiricl Officer Attends Siroud Christmas Meeting Stroud Correspondence very enjoyable Christmas meeting Christmas Treeand ex change of gifts and White Gifts of theWomens Institute were held in Stroud Community Hall on Thursday Dec 11 under the con venorship of the resolutions com mittee Mrs Campbell and Mrs Bruce Cowan The meeting opened inthe usual manner ilviththe president wely coming the members and visl ors With special word of Wlcome to Mrs Dunn district pres ident The opening ode the Mary motto Resolved that brunch would desire Mrs Bruce Cowan spoke on the we keep Christmas in the proper spirit She spoke of how we like to keep birthdays and as Christmas is the birthday of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we should keep it as holy happy day in the true spirit of Christmas Mrs Campbell introduced Mrs Dunn who brought greetings from the district and told how pleased she was to be present at the meeting She out lined number of important things to be observed in meetings and stressed the use of the handbook valuable piece of literature which should be read and referred to by members Rules keep us on our toes That which proves good merits our attention Any girl sixteen or over may join paying the regular foe Mrs Dunn mentioned many in teresting items in the handbook including forms of resolutions and in business She wished all merry MUMS ROSES CARNATIONS 0R POTTED PLANTS 32 CYCLAMEN BEGONIAS 15 AZALLAS POINSETFIAS 5551 MIXED DISHES Stewart Collect and The Lords and happy Yuletide 568301 your HOME also deserves The Ideal Christmas Gift Electrqu CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER Your nearesi branch is EIEOIIOIUX Itonodol limited PHONE 3392 3iVESPItKST1 ixfir Please also enquire from your Fleclrolux representative regarding the Electrolux Floor Polishers and Prayer were said in unison Roll Mrs Bruce Cowan thanked Mrs call was well responded to by Dunn for her enlightening talk on variety of answers some humor IEISlliUte work OHSI iWhat would Iikfelo Twovery enjoyable duets were in my Christmas Stockingt sung by Gorddn and Ronald Cow splendid and full report an Little Town of Bethlehem the Novembermeeting vvhen andAWay in Manger 8000111 Adamsorl of Midhurst was named by MTS JOhnCowan speaker was given by the secre very interesting original and tary The treasurersl report 85 amusing mock radio quiz program received and arransments for from stationXMAs was held with the New Years Eveparty were Mrs Campbell as inter completed viewing commentator slate of Mrs Slmpkin told of the about eight subjects from which to Quilt and Rug Fair to be held choose included Christmas songs in Barrie from July 22 to July 25 carols Christmas symbols old Eng on the theme Simcoe County sh songs things found on Past and Present special 89 Christmas tree and others with pool was made for used blankets the odd Easy Cook commercial and quills for tildKoreauS Any thrown in Each contestant an one haVngany to spare IS asked swering questioifs correctly got 16 to leave them with Mrs Simpkin hon bons With one two fbur and she will seethat they are for eight or 16 number of the wardfid 310118 With second hand Christmas songs and carols were Clothing sung being led by contestants at AcknOWIGdgment was made of the microphone with Mrs Jack cards receivedfrom Mrs Rey Webster at thepiano nolds Mrs Sprihg and Mrs James God Save the Quewbrmght th Capbegl is meeting to close Then with Emu 99 jingle of bells in came Santa Claus the annual brthday dinner when and distributed the gifts from the hquands are entertained This welllladen baskets to all present year it is to beheld at Thornton Tickets should be obtained before mgy fldggewgg 33323 Dec 31 and may be procured from lhcpresidentMrs RUSS1LOAL3LL fiery interesw All members and all nonmem bers interested in thworksh0p to thercraft and lettering were asked to con tact Mrs Campbell can vener Mrs Roy Goodiellow sec be held in the Community Hall on Jan 12 to 23 which includes lea weaving needlepoint rotary or the president Classes are held in the morning unclutter BCIQIII motion was passed glo send for ticket reservation for Canada Day ofthe ACWWConventlon in DALSTON Congratulations to Walter Forbes who was elected to vespraCouncil for 1953 Remember the Christmas concert on Thursday evening Dont for get church service at 130 gnd Sun day School at 230 Sunday vlsitors were Mn and Mrs Bristowat JoryiS Mr and Mrs Drury and sons at Mrs Toronto in 1953 resolutionwns accepted re garding resolutionsat district or one conventions to ldformbrap Randys Sn Mound Mrs Eldon Thoinpson at George Thompsonsj Ivan Pike Torontoat the parson the Danielle Refrigerate ugalilikthu fveolw yoivantcd hosiuroiof perfth outdoor pictures if one how mum dull the dayBy37j ensyoucanovcusshootiutothe ysim for specloibff lshndhudLtoigechou 3a On sale cverywholze thereunder professional photographersboouseieiof9tllel2r abillty preferrcd minimums because theyild sojeasy to use Next timeyoure buying General Electric PhotoFlash Longs PRICElESS MORIES cough by momma