Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1952, p. 11

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Slim known spent IN day will Mrs John Edwards Kr and Mrs Hail mliia were meat visitors with Mr and Mrs Seam Ellis and firmly There will be special music by the choir and Christmas manual by Rev Mr Shannon at the Uni ted Church Sunday Dec 21 at 30 pm Mr and Mrs Cromh and son Tomato are visiting Mr and Mrs Prank McDonnell for few rhys Mrs Manon Parry und visit od Kr and Mrs Irwin McMahon fut few days last week Mrs irwin and daughter Gril lia vmicd her sister Mrs phie Leigh recently Sympathy of the community goes to Mr and Mrs Archie Leigh and family Owen Sound in the death of their infant son last week Mrs Lclgh was formerly Jean Tudhope On carol and candlelight service will be held in the Anglican Church Sunday Dec 21 at 730 gun at which service Rev Dr Lighthourn will give hrbtmaa message The Sunday School service Dec 21 at impart will take the form of White Gift service which will be wisely distributed among the needy The CGIT Group entertained the smaller girls of the district to Christmas meeting on Monday evening Dec 15 The annual Christmas tree will be held in the Sunday School room in the United Church on Monday evening Dec 22 hot supper will be served from 630 to pm lm will also be shown Mr and MmLbrne Sutton Tor onto visited Mr and Mrs Fred Davis over the weekend Mrs Gertrude Spears from Am erica is visiting her brotherin law and sister Rev and Mrs Hugh Shannon Dont forget the School concert in the hall Monday evening by Mrs Leigh and her students Don Crawford and Miss Eleanor Leigh Toronto were visiting at their homes here over the week en There will not be card party in the hall untliVFriday Dec 26 HOlLY Womans Association The Holly Womans Association met at Mrs Charles Campbells Dec 10 with 15 members present The president Mrs Dyer open ed the meeting with Hymn 125 chums mums JAMES RIX Phone sum an Burn mi lbe palm by wonm new in After considerable was dim it Beech conduct odthehimdokmasfolil Dyer vi cachml secretary 31 LEWll Monday to mrnpictc lhtii business Visiting friends at llcsberton Council Meeting lnuisfii council me at Stroud uni Srigley assistant secretary Mrs for 1951 The reports of the finame trauma Mr Sies committee roads sot pianists In Kclciry andireilef were department and The chairmen Mn Cochran Bower commitl bcth finance Gibmns andi tee M11 Dyer His Kell visiting committee Mrs Camp completing Lhcir service with th leli Mrs Hunter Mr Srig courjcll with this rst lost in election icy missionary coovcner William Newton church oweri committee Mrs Campbell Mrs Bulmer auditors Mrs Collum and Mrs Kelcey Next place of meet ing Mrs Dyers home Lunch cornmittec Kn Pryde and Mrs Beech Thc meeting cm wimimunicipality M31981 benediction Lunchl ayed by all Mrs Bulmer Joan and Mr andl Mrs Campbell called on Mrs Neil at Infroy recently supported by members and organl roads Charics Sproulc were meeting havmg Dbcusn new of xes to mu For the first time Since its open ing over 25 ycurs ago the Strand Community Hall paid tax to the Thu hall built and nations of the community has never been part of the municipalg property The land including theg large playgrounds which are used for the ball games are part of all we emnd our mmmy welcommunity project started many bereaved families of McDonald Thomton and Wicc Palnswick in their loss mom Mr and Mrs Higginson were in Toronto for days shOpl ping on Mr and Mrs Ray Mills and Jane have secured living accommodation in Madame and settled in over the weekend mm For Concert St Georges Anglican Church Junior Choir and members of Twixteen Club are busy practising for the annual Sunday School con cert to be held Dec 26 Weekly Euchre Kay ONeil was away in front for the lone hand prize this week With eight Mrs Harry Prosser JNew Lowell had ht ladies high score and rum Wordley Angus the gents high score with fifterm tables competing Owing to the school concert next Thursday night and other Christmas festivities the next euchre and special prizes will be held during the holiday week Tuesday Dec 30 Fowl Dinar The congregation of Utopia Unit ed Church enjoyed bountiful fowl dinner at Mr and Mrs Arth ur Dobsons Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Garnet McMaster of Grenfel were on hand to entertain with showing of lovely colored film taken while on trip through Florida last winter Mr and Mrs Dempsth andi Mrs Neil Dempster were in Toron to Thursday Mr and Mrs Fred Reader Gra venhurst attended the weekLy eu chre Thursday evening Clilllll BE Fm OR MORE APPRECIATE Filter Queen please her more Dirt disappears better cleaning action of this world its the housewifes choice Phonetitoy Tracy details like most lbaglassvacnum cleaner now forcounplete sunon reads it assum iiieiuen Sales of Baffle cor fucroisrauiuronl Minnie Avenue years ago by citizens of the com mumty available to any group desiring to have meeting place at very small cost The hall has been made Assessed End New Plan The surprise of the management board to get tax bill this year amounting to Silt was not only dis heartening bu embarrassing as in suffiment cover it and other expenses The rentals received barely covered the costs of operations Chairman Sproule brought the matter to the attention of council by motion that the full amount of the taxes be reverted in the form of grant Also included in the motion was unds were on hand to portion of the taxes on the Orange Hall in Thornton which although used as public hall belongs to the society The discussion become hot and pointed at times as the deputy reevc endeavored to convince the reeve and Council of the justifica tion of his motion It was pointed out that the community through their board could ask to have the hall made municipal than under the act and by making certain con struction changes become tax free institution with two members of the township council on the board The final decision on vote of three to two was that the grapt equal half the tax on the Suud boll andan amount equal to any granted by Essa at Thornton but not exceeding total of half their tax Cattle Claim The claim of Mrs Copeland which has been under consideration for Some time for compensation for cattle which she claimed died as result of being sprayed during the warble fly spraying was finally de clded The township inspector for the spraying Kenneth McDonald was before council and told of his part in the spraying He claimed that the two cows which the owner clzrimed to be sick at the time the work was being done Were scrub bed by hand with pail and brush and were not sub to the high pressure hose he cut He stat ed that the water Was not excessive ly cold and that nothing was done by his help that might cause the cattle harm The veterinary Dr Black Alliston advised the recve that hewould not come to council as he was too busy but as far as he knew tbecows died from pneu monia Council decided that as some 7000 cattle had been treated with the spray with no similar claims the death of the cows was not attribut able to the spraying They dectded that no compensation would be paid Council Adjourn Following the conclusion of the businESs motion that council and journ was passed The usual com ments on the years work were con fined to few remarks by the reeve aboutthe early elections instead of at the first of January It caused the outgoing courted lprogram was credit to the cactij Hr Latin Brutuiuy visited and Mrs Vacate iasbwcck Walter Miriam Simbvillc agent few days with Rcv and Mrs W13 limo Newman Best makes to Mrs Sophia Hart Probably tilts mil been the stamp $1 we varied on wt celebrafi he 91 birthday rumvtct ill lit Story of WILEY but bunt mt Cari Warp whug has been unportantly cormrctccig on Dec ll Kim Graves lrft with his uncle Wilfred Owes lmd work for Lit in Winnipeg Hrs Vause Sr has returned fromi 15th Wedding Armlch Mr and Mrs lhomm Dunn cciel bratcd their 351 Wedding arrow versary on Saturday Dec l3 mdi they spent the day nub their fan lly Midhurs and at their bomci summon li here School onccrt Very Good The school concert held Friday evening was well altcndrd and 150 era and pupils Mrs Bert Custom was 11 lorcnzu last weekend Mr and Mrs Burt Elismcro Outt awa span lhl Weekend with 3112 and Mrs Ern Ellsmcrc WA Elect Officers The WA annual meeting izici election of officers was lltltl Duh it at Mrs Em Ellsmcrcs Hm President Mrs George Snidcr President Mrs Simon VicePr idem Mrs George hcfficld Train urer Mrs Jonson Sccruluzv Mrs Kiutou Mitt Boxes Tattun and Miss Dora Simpson Sick Visitors Mrs George Snider and Mrs Bidwcll Dorcas lira Arthur Snider and Mrs Ellsmcrc litismlidry van Mr Malone neon William Malone conic into Port McNicoll on his boat last weekend nut always in of butt flitfore them rcfcrrcd to urn diirying countries lilih century Butler Had Rmiaiiilc Moments loo Nov Hwk the bisl fury of the discovery or the magnetic ha of woe clam foods it is said there his been an citmen of romancerm linor for emcplc or re creams will pow more romances than ithcr dairy food Twy the as of butler l5 coruiimi lo cookery mid ry and as sprch This wail Th history of the in income that it crlglxnges present day belief Some i900 years ago butter occur pod high plane among the weak people of lxzdia hold an ex rd place 11 the wedding casts ofi high txrsmona The LAXJS of the updating charloLs were ground not with cheap fallow but nth expensrzc butler because at ilicimi no other substance make the wedding chariot run so smoothly Thus it dyed its part in countless rum The llzndus mod it in their gt1zcrl morificizil rites No one knows when butter was but made however records indi mic that butter made before 2000 BC 121 the first book of the Bu ltGcnrszs llllii it is noted but he Abraham look but lcl milk and the calf and set it Builtr LS again in numerous parts of ihc Biblc Tltcrc is an oddity in the fact that of 1h present day south histu1rs can find no curly recordi of buzzer bczrgz used by the early dwellers or indeed of dairying Among the varied uses of butter were those for therapeutic purposes Early Macedonians used butter as and Mrs Malone and children mct medicine to be taken internally andi him therefor short visxt He av pECls to make two more trips to the lakchead 1ch of pain as an ointmcnt The Romans used it as massaging ugcnt for the re lhrly athletes anoint OANS $50 Io $1200 Cash promptly to out of En dorsers bunhble security not re quired Loans your way and fast Phone for lvisit loan write coma in Adam yoyurl com anything faynix for imhamm muiapw CaJ 2nd Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD 51 BARRlE Phone 5931 Domld Fish YES MANam OPEN DAllV T0 SSATURDAY TO l2 lust and lg midvnts of all surrounding inn hmmd Flaunt Company of to continue after they were chang ed by the electbrs he said crown mu At Dr annex Funeral William Edgerton and sons Frank Monet and Leonard also Harold Drury attended the funeral of Dr Tannin at Clarkson on Wednesday Dr Lennox was the hudband of Margarette Edgerton formerly of Crown Hill By doing Christmas shoppingearlyyou get and nvoid lash utecxowds waitsmorwocu feel Didi gastritis convict uuuso Fx Tlizllzii cl licinl those curiy luckier the sponsorship ed our on with honor in incl ltd um Cari Worth gave them addedlkangoou deploy strength Built even used 213qu the Burma Railway Kym fuel for the mks of lamps 02 fir sands our consistently mm mtg 531 Ni 611M of lions Railways and Byron Ho gym The Chin 41 Pusan director of mgm by an up much damnation for South Korean the beam Government report startling aunti backs by their railways The Burma line is operating alll but 453 miles of maritime traclcmme1g ismm continuous Communist as mom used bullrr ul whom We have red cord wiped as food and ms sonic instincts above all other 04m coursc the butter of than do 31 have been some what dgffcrwl than the delightful 02591 creamy both that is served today Gui on my property and eml Th laying within thousand of itsl and of sum rarly people favcuingr New amber of emplove sour but rancid butler fact in mm countries butler was buried ildtfll keys aometlrncs peat bogx to cure The Korea line is again operat ing most of its mainline mileage soup of the 33m parallel despitel the fact United Nations and Com One cannot hrlp wondering who mums armies have surged up and law W091 hawdown the small republic for 1112 thought of or present fzrst gmdc mist two ycm buttw With its 80 of buttersfut and no more than idl of momma made from ircsh cream producch undltr top Qllllr conditions from our modern furry farms Asian Roll Officials Study CNR Methods Tlnee Asian railroaders whose work South Korea and Burmug is hairipcrcd by terrorist bombs and cutmy attacks are inspcctirigg CNR faczilties throughout Canada ml fm gathering technical information designed to improve the smalll embattled railways of their annual Four new PORTABLE TYPEWRIIERS HAVE JUST ARRVED FOR CHRISTMAS Underwood SAVE MONEY ON THESE YEAR END SPECIALS ReConditioncd Adding The ideal family gift See them now while our stock complete lnstalment plan available on all makes Tradbins acceptable Several used standard machines at Bargain prices SIMCOE BUSINESS MllCiiES Eli Toronto Si 13 OYour savings begin the minute you buy Chcvrolet truck For most Chevrolet trucks list for less than any other make Withcom parable specications capable of handling the same payloads But thats only the beginning You save on the job day in and day out Iiifoolimainrenancex and repairs For Chevrolet trucks are the only trucks with all the 19 great features that add mor rugged performancelxand more reliable operation Cost And whh the ammonia10 trade the record shows that over the years Chevrolet trucksvtra dirionallyybring higher para up to at less contagc ofxthir prfginalr cost than any other make For your every trucking beesureto YourChevrolel dealer save word any other make Hereslongmm leadershipbuilt on solidlvalue and quality at man nun lower Overtile your For INPle trucks have been rho em of warm snowman rk for ico inch or as mumm wwmommiaendmm bushogbnmberaqucucsanudhblem sum Arturoms connection mdmdyuichvhcclhubsoam ty models No naturalizatioer uuommrmuglune Wmmmrmctrmmmm 9931345 Meters alum as iVllNACDON mum fuel comer omen not oe loud andspced chauffeur amigo TpnfluSWmmfa mummcm vomit comma wise ngu mum with yw Cwam mumduudiuneummfocm arm mammalianw has 332 with an nus monomers mdwmdnmbu hlmmkmmwu comm functionalka 651cana Street Photo

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